Dragon Gods Reign

Chapter 96: Arrival

[Dragon peaks]

Spending a large part of the next morning by simply lazing around in their room, Darganth and the rest only forced themselves to stand up when Enilla knocked at their door. Getting ready, they used water magic to create an improvised shower before changing clothes and making their way out of the room.

As soon as they did they were greeted by Enilla who was waiting on them. Seeing her knowing smile, Jennia hid in Darganth's embrace out of embarrassment while the rest chuckled at her expense.

Arriving outside like this and meeting up with Batoim and Sarkia, they noticed him looking somewhat apologetically at Enilla. Raising her eyebrow in confusion upon noticing this, she prompted him to explain.

“Vorthos seems to be busy somewhere, I've seen him leaving earlier after meeting with a Locis dragon.” He explained.

Noticing Jennia sighing, Darganth felt her nervousness sinking greatly.

“Take as much time as you want. Whenever you are ready for it you'll get your chance.” He said to her.

“I know. How about we go directly to meeting Irsyr and we'll think about it tomorrow, OK?” She asked.

Agreeing with her, Darganth wrapped his arm around her waist.

Making their way towards the stairs that were carved into the mountain with her in his arms, they started the journey towards the peaks. And while flying would have been faster, they weren't pressed for time and thus chose to just walk them.

Thanks to the space distortion trait these had, this journey also wasn't as long as one would expect. Because even though the mountain wasn't large enough to be capable of housing a being even remotely close to Irsyr's true form, Yldra would still not overshadow it completely.

On the other hand, this meant that their group who all were in humanoid forms practically vanished in the endless stone expanse that greeted them when they arrived at the top. Looking through the wedge-like valley they stood in, they became surprised by the sight of draconians in the distance.

“What, did you expect me to be the only Locis to create a draconian? Though most of them are born as one, if I remember correctly there are three who are first generations.” Yldra said with a light laugh when she saw this surprise.

As if on cue, the group also notices them though upon spotting Yldra they hesitate on whether or not to approach.

Noticing Sarkia looking at them somewhat conflicted, Yldra added, “If you want to you can go visit them, I'll tell you either when I leave or when I make my way to my home.”

“Thank you.” Sarkia answered her with a smile before walking ahead of the group.

Watching her walk over to the group of draconians for a short while, their group soon turned back to their original objective.

Making their way through the often unnatural-looking valley, they ignored the dragons flying overhead as they made their way to the central mountain. On their way, they noticed a total lack of living beings without dragon blood, meeting only more draconians and the occasional humanoid or beast with dragon blood.

But even among these, they met no half-dragon, only distant descendants of Locis dragons whose families lived here for generations. From time to time they even came across small towns and cities, each of which were simply groups of houses that didn't possess walls.

Not lingering long in any of these, they utilized regular usage of aura to make it to Irsyr's peak within two hours.

Standing before it, Darganth's eyes wandered upwards along the massive mountain. Noticing many irregularities with it, he turned to Yldra.

“Is this entire area artificially created?” He asked somewhat surprised.

“Yup, the entire mountain was created by my father. Well, most of it. These smaller mountains weren't, he just cut the valleys into it and let nature and the other dragons do the rest.”

Nodding in understanding, Darganth took a few steps back before returning to his true form. With no alternative, they would have to fly the others up to the mountain's peak. Lowering his wing to allow Jennia, Venrie, and Allaire on his back, he took flight with them on his back.

A minute later four dragons and a Wyvern soared through the skies, each beat of their wings bringing them higher. Circling the central mountain atop which Irsyr laird, they didn't hurry too much and instead took in the scenery.

With the clouds hanging below their height the mountain looked like it was a single bastion in an endless sea. Largely untouched by civilization, it was an idyllic place for most dragons where they could live without being bothered by others. And even those who enjoyed sowing destruction among humanoid races liked its presence, with the dragon peaks offering a perfect place to return to for safety.

Thus there was a dragon lair on practically every mountain, each very visible as most Locis chose to decorate their entrance in the style of a building's front. Most commonly these were simply large doors together with all styles of doors, though others include Greek style temples, complete buildings, and hundreds more.

In addition to these, there were also thousands of artificially created miniature realms, each likely belonging to a Locis dragon, or a group of them, that wanted more privacy, more space, or simply another scenery. And while most entrances weren't permanently open, and thus practically invisible to the naked eye, some also took the form of spherical portals that showed a completely different terrain on the other side.

At the center of all this stood the towering mountain they were currently circling around. Nearly twice as high as the next highest, it stood as the enormous centerpiece of the dragon peaks.

Its slope had multiple separate peaks protruding from the main one, with them being situated somewhere around the height of the surrounding mountains. Feeling presences he remembers from the lairs situated atop these, Darganth looked over to Yldra for confirmation.

“Yup, if it's what I believe then your right. These peaks are reserved for me and my siblings, though it's rare for more than five of us to be here simultaneously. Lyrleara for example created one of the public dimensions and spends all her time lazing around there. Though before you ask, no it's none of these, she made the entrance in the valley near one of the cities to allow the draconians and dragon blooded to enter it." Yldra told him.

"Definitely sounds like her, making her own place to rule right under Irsyr's nose." Darganth said with a chuckle.

"Well, apparently none of my siblings were really surprised when she did this but I can't comment, barely ever met her. And speaking of them, most either spend their time in other lairs they have somewhere or transformed among humanoids and beasts. From what little I cared to learn I know that they use these identities to amass all manner of artifacts and valuables, so the usual."

Shrugging slightly at this, Darganth thought for a moment whether he would utilize them or just ignore them. A moment later he chose to let them make their own decisions and not actively seek them out. If they met then so be it, otherwise they could enjoy their lives as they wished.

After talking for a while longer, they kept on flying towards the mountain's peak. When they came close, they started to see the first parts of the enormous door that served as the entrance to Irsyr's lair. Slowly seeing more of the top part of this door, its full scale quickly started to become apparent.

But only when they crossed the ledge to the flat platform before the door did this fully set in. Cast out of a silvery, steel-like metal that contained more mana than most of their group, it seemed practically impenetrable.

And with it towering at hundreds of meters tall, it was likely to be just as unmovable for all but Neandra and Batoim. Though considering the numerous enchantments placed on it, even they may not even be able to move it despite having the strength necessary to do so.

Carved on this door was the picture of three dragons, their identity easy to guess when considering whose lair this was.

Positioned highest of them and in the center was Darganth, his form taking up nearly half of the door. With his wings spread, he was depicted as standing in a regal pose.

Below him were both Irsyr and Azeal, the two dragons each taking up roughly a third of one of the wings of the door. Both were depicted with similar poses as Darganth, though their wings were folded far more.

Landing before these two massive doors, a part of their group stared at them in awe while they walked toward it. Aiming straight for the line where the two wings of the door met, they watched it opening as they neared it. Walking through the marble arch that held the door, they walked into Irsyr's lair.

As soon as they stepped past the point where the closed doors would have ended, they felt themselves walking through a distorted wall of space. And despite seeing only a few meters far due to the near total darkness inside, they all knew that they now stood in a place where space was expanded. So even though the mountain may only have limited space to carve out a lair, it may very well be far larger especially when considering who likely created this effect.

With these thoughts, they looked around in the enormous hall-like room they found themselves in. Casting some light spells to illuminate the place, they saw massive marble pillars standing next to the door at regular intervals. Not surprised by this as it was in line with the aesthetic on the outside, they looked around to notice the room to be practically empty, as well as finding that even with their spells they still couldn't see the walls to the sides of the hall.

At the same time, Darganth looked up as he had felt another familiar thing. Staring up at the ceiling, he finds it to be completely non-existent as expected. Instead, he sees an endless expanse of black with the familiar streams of silver and emerald green as he stared directly into the void. Though upon taking a closer look he notices small cracks at multiple spots.

Inhaling sharply as he saw the extent of the damage, his action drew the attention of the others to the ceiling.

"That bad?" Yldra said in shock and disbelief as she stared up.

"Yes, that bad." A thundering voice answered her.

Practically jumping in shock, she slowly looked back down toward the source of the voice. Rolling her eyes as she still stared into endless darkness, she was just about to use her dragon eyes when the room suddenly brightened.

Now under constant dim light, they could see the speaker. Lying there were two truly massive dragons, though one of the two still surpassed the other one by a good margin. Still, even the smaller of the two was large enough that she surpassed all logic.

Forget moons, even most planets would still fit into her claws. Apart from massive ones like Ikrus and other universal centers, she would hardly consider any as anything more than a human would a small stone. As for standing on them, for that only multiversal centers or planets of similar size could even be considered.

But even if she were to land on the planet of Vunreon in her true form she would cause damage of apocalyptic proportions. And considering that she wasn't even the largest being in the room, not to mention the multiverse, it wasn't hard to realize why most ascendants and gods prefer to fight in artificial quasi-planets that float around in the space between universes.

The dragon next to her on the other hand would find it difficult to land even on those planets, with his wingspan being more than capable to wrap around quite a few solar systems.

“Hello mum, dad.” Yldra said after a moment.

“Welcome back child.” The dragoness answered her in a warm tone.

“You've done well my daughter.” Irsyr answered a moment later.

“And I greet you, my lord.” He said to Darganth directly after, lowering his head slightly.

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