Dragon Gods Reign

Chapter 98: Irsyr

[Irsyr's lair]

Hearing Irsyr's words, Darganth gave him a small nod.

“It's also good to see the both of you again, though I would have preferred better circumstances.” He said.

“We all do, but things are like they are. At least you've managed to nonetheless enjoy your time as I can see.” Yldra's mother said, glancing at Yldra at the last part.

Smiling lightly at her words, Darganth noticed Yldra growing bright red.

“You know me well enough that it shouldn't surprise you.” Darganth answered her with a laugh.

Nodding at his words, her form soon started shrinking amidst a silvery glow. With Irsyr also polymorphing with a moment of delay, they both soon stood before them in their humanoid forms.

Irsyr's appearance was rather simple, presenting the stereotypical image of a warlord. A muscular build that was bulkier than Darganth's comparatively lean build, a sleeveless shirt with a chest plate above it, as well as further armor on his lower arms and legs.

In contrast to his style, his wife was more similar to Yldra in terms of her figure. In addition to this, she wore highly decorated clothing that look like those of royalty, with a finely woven, highly decorated mix of tunic and a military officer's uniform. Her trousers and the sword on her waist also followed this style, giving her the appearance of a leader that complimented Irsyr's style.

“As not all of you seem to know me, let me introduce myself. I'm Edylia, Irsyr's wife and co-ruler of the Locis clan. And, as you've probably already noticed, I'm Yldra's mother." The woman said.

"Nice to finally meet you, I've heard many good things from your daughter." Neandra said to her.

"The pleasure is all mine, my daughter had been raving about ever since your first meeting."

Edylia's words caused Neandra to smile faintly and glance over at Yldra. Seeing her glaring back at her, Neandra couldn't help but chuckle slightly.

"Can we please skip this for now, you have all the time to embarrass me to each other later." Yldra said to the two of them.

Seeing both of them still slightly reluctant, Irsyr spoke up on Yldra's side. Turning to his wife, he said, “Honey, I know you can't wait to learn everything about her but she is right.”

“Haa, fine.” Hearing her mother's answer, Yldra gave her father a thankful look.

“Great, then we can turn to the other matters at hand.” Irsyr said.

Nodding, Darganth thought for a moment before giving a quick rundown of his plans for the universe of Ikrus. Listening attentively, Irsyr smiled slightly by the end of it.

“I should have guessed something like that when I saw Batoim being here. So, I take it you need my help to realize them?” He said afterward.

“Yes, though I would like to hear your thoughts on it first.”

Following these words, Irsyr fell into thought for a few seconds. Slowly nodding as if confirming his ideas to himself, he took a moment before coming to a definitive conclusion.

“I doubt that you ask about the idea itself, after all, I've been advocating it for quite a while. And as for if I deem it possible, I would say yes. But as you just said yourself, conquering this universe would be the easier part, I could do so before the day ends. Even though you already have quite a good force with most of the beasts, the elves, and all of dragon kind, at the end of the day ruling like that wouldn't serve the intended purpose.

With that in mind, I think that your current plan is more or less the best. Using the next meeting between the emperors to reveal the change will cause chaos, especially if you've already brought the beast continent under your rule. The rest will depend on how well you can adapt the method of ruling to the humanoid populations.” Irsyr said.

Sighing in disappointment, Darganth just nodded in response to his conclusion. Spending the next minutes concretizing the imminent plans and giving Batoim a few tasks and things to prepare, they considered the matter only for a rather short time.

“Don't you think this is a bit harsh, dragging him all the way here just for this short discussion and to give him a few orders?” Allarie asked as Batoim returned to the solar dragon area.

“It is, but I thought it to be necessary. He is probably the one who has the best mix of knowledge and involvement concerning the planet's affairs so I wanted him present when during the planning. And as for sending him back, well, the next topic isn't something that should be spread carelessly, even to him.”

“And just so you know, I would have even asked Sarkia to leave for this.” Yldra added.

Seeing Allaire's look that asked which topic they meant, Darganth simply pointed up. Taking just a moment for the realization to dawn on her, Allaire nodded somewhat understandingly.

Taking a deep breath, Irsyr needed some time to find the best way to phrase his explanation.

“The short version of what caused the damage to the void is quite simple, your killers.”

Irsyr's words instantly drew the attention of the others, with only Edylia not being surprised by it. And while all of them became livid at their mention, Darganth's expression completely fell and he looked at Irsyr with a mix of shock and pure rage as his eyes showed his utter disbelieve over the possibility that came to his mind.

“Sorry, but it's just as you are thinking. Though the reason behind it was rather hard to find but it only makes it worse.” With these words, Irsyr started recounting what he pieced together.

It all started with Visuria's and Nemoress's reactions to learning of Darganth's relationship with the other one. Despite being justifiably furious with him, they chose to let it out on the closer target, each other.

But due to the swords he gifted them being designed to harmonize when both of them were in sync, something they were in their fury towards him, their clash ended with the two weapons combining into one, something Darganth had thought to be a good idea during their creation.

Further enraged by their gift being connected to the others, both decided to momentarily stop fighting and catapulted the sword through the astral realm and into the void. Thanks to the weapon being built from Darganth's scales and claws it managed to harmlessly enter it, with Visuria and Nemoress intending for it to be unreachable to all but Darganth.

Unbeknownst to them the water, earth, and air primordials had somehow learned of this, with Irsyr not finding out how. But whether they had been present the entire time, just felt the power of the sword, or something entirely different was hard to find out in retrospect.

It also didn't matter much as what Irsyr learned was what they did next. For reasons unknown to him they chose to retrieve the sword, using their might to slowly chip away at the void until they cut a path all the way to the sword. In the process they laid the groundwork for the current state of the void, their attacks weakening its stability enough that it slowly started breaking apart like a house of cards.

By that point of the story Darganth was fuming and his full dragon's authority was radiating out.

“These utter morons, what did they think?!” He shouted enraged, his presence exploding outward.

He was just about to continue fuming over their irresponsibility when he noticed the discomfort his actions brought Jennia and Allaire. Snapping back to the present and reigning his anger back in to at least not affect his surroundings, he kept on silently piling insults on the three primordials.

Before learning of this, he had already been furious at them for obvious reasons but learning that they endangered the entire multiverse of Vunreon just to get back at him made him doubly so.

Taking a few minutes to calm down, his eyes shone with a dangerous glint of determination as he regained his usual calmness. But considering the situation this only seemed more threatening, though none of those present had any spark of pity for the three primordials.

“Sorry for my outburst, I didn't expect these three to be responsible despite knowing the consequences this can lead to.” Darganth said another few moments later.

“Everything alright.” Allaire answered him, stepping to his side with a reassuring smile.

Feeling her fingers interlocking with his, Darganth fully calmed back down again.

Seeing this and giving him another minute, Irsyr again drew his attention when he started talking again.

“I'll consider that matter closed, but there is still another, unrelated, thing to discuss.”

“There is?” Darganth asked slightly surprised.

“Yes, though it might shock you just as much.”

This fully piqued Darganth's interest and he motioned for Irsyr to continue.

“Recently I felt another void lineage species emerge.”

At those words, nearly all eyes widened and snapped to him, with Edylia instead nodding in confirmation.

“My reaction was the same, but once I focused on it I could feel it too.” She said.

“How?” Darganth asked in a mix of shock and curiosity, “The only possibility I could imagine would be if it's a hybrid, but they've never happened, why would it now?”

“I don't definitively know and no, it can't be a child between a Locis and Tempust. Firstly, our assumption that such a child will always be born as either of the two still stands and I've yet to see anything to disprove it. But in addition, I would know if a Tempust came to this universe or if someone from my own clan left or entered.”

For a short moment, Darganth became even more confused at this argument but the realization quickly dawned on him and caused his eyes to widen.

“You want to tell me that dragon is in this universe?”

“More or less. Specifically, in one of the smaller pocked realms that are scattered around the area. And before you ask, yes, I've already closed it off to make sure nothing unexpected happens.”

Slightly relieved by that, Darganth took a few seconds to consider the possibilities. Suddenly his gaze hardened as he realized the most likely possibility.

“Please don't tell me it was just a couple of years before my rebirth?” He asked.

“Sadly that's exactly when it happened.”

Hearing Irsyr's confirmation, Darganth's expression dropped somewhat. Staring absentmindedly into the air for a few seconds, his gaze snapped back with determination.

“I think I know what happened, but I'll look into it myself.” He said.

“You may know? Because honestly, it's quite unsettling if Vunreon may be capable of perfectly creating our kind. Back when it first created new dragon species on its own it was already bad, but those were all low-tier ones.” Irsyr said with audible relief in his voice.

“I know, but it isn't that. Though now that you mention it, with perfectly, do you mean both space and time element?”

“Somewhat. Individually both affinities lose out to a Locis or Tempust clan member's main one, but together they are about equal to ours. Dragon heart and the rest I am not entirely sure, but should be the same.” He said, confirming Darganth's thought.

With Darganth quickly settling on making his way to this pocket realm in a week or two, their group was finally finished with all important discussions. For him, this meant finally having the time to sit down and simply talk with two of his oldest acquaintances, something their group promptly did.


I won't manage to complete another chapter this week so there won't be one on sunday. Hopefully I'll be back to regular next week. 

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