Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 10: A flying book about performing aerobatic flights without authorization

"Think of a solution quickly. It was you who opened the book!"

"What can I do? I don't even have a magic wand! Can't you just cast some spell to make it stop?"

The book flying like a bird in the air was the "Crazy Flying Book of Thousand Ways of Flying" that Dudley was holding just now.

Just now, Dudley noticed that the book in his hand was shaking crazily as if it was alive. He was so frightened that he threw the book away. Unexpectedly, the book fluttered in the air and stopped in mid-air.

"Clatter, clack, clack." The flying book in mid-air suddenly started turning pages automatically, and then stopped on a certain page. It seemed that there was only one line of words written on the whole page.

"Hey, you are highly educated, can you help me read what is written on it? Is it a spell to stop?" At this point, Dudley had no choice but to admit his illiterate status.

"You really don't know the words." The girl rolled her eyes at Dudley, and then looked at the text on the flying book carefully, "It seems to be a professional term...'Lesson [-]: Bell Flight' ?”

As soon as the girl finished speaking, Feishu suddenly started to move. First it flew horizontally for a while, then suddenly upward, and then slowed down again when it reached the top. The whole flight was smooth and elegant, and then it accelerated and dived towards Dudley!

"I got something..." Feishu hit Dudley's stomach hard, interrupting Dudley's swear words.Dudley was knocked away by the astonishing impact of the book and hit the bookshelf behind him heavily.

"Cough, cough, cough." Dudley was grateful for the fat on his belly for the first time. If it weren't for the fat as a buffer, he would have probably vomited out his breakfast if he was hit by this flying book.

"Clatter!" The flying book that had just hit Dudley stopped in mid-air and seemed to start turning pages automatically again.

"What I wrote this time seems to be 'Lesson [-]: Barrel Rolling Maneuver'." The brown-haired girl put her head to read the text on the page.

As soon as Dudley heard the girl's words, he immediately started running. Just as he expected, Feishu flew towards Dudley a moment later, but this time Feishu flew forward while making a 360-degree roll along its own axis. Turn, leaving a spiral trajectory in mid-air.

Although this flying action is very cool, it is a pity that Dudley, who is being chased, really has no time to appreciate it.

"Guests, why are you so noisy? What happened?" Dudley walked around the bookshelf and happened to meet the manager of Flourish and Blotts Bookstore. Just as he was about to say something to the manager, Dudley heard the roar coming from behind his head. The sound of breaking wind made him squat down immediately.

"Bang!" With a very heavy crash, the manager of Flourish and Blotts fell on his back in front of Dudley. His nose was dangerously crooked, and he was unconscious with nosebleeds all over his face.

"Now it's 'Lesson [-]: Immelmann Turn', ah, I understand." The brown-haired girl shouted excitedly as if she had discovered something, "It seems to be automatically demonstrating some flight movements, so its book The famous book is called "The Crazy Flying Book of Thousand Ways to Fly."

"What's the use of knowing this? You can't really let it demonstrate a thousand ways of flying. Then I'm afraid no number of lives will be enough." Dudley looked at the bookstore manager on the ground with tears in his eyes. The last one The hope of stopping this book is lying on the ground now, and I'm afraid I won't wake up for a while.

"Hey!" Dudley reluctantly made a quick side jump that was not commensurate with his fat body, and barely avoided the Immelman's turn with gorgeous flying skills. However, before Dudley could take a breath, the flying book had already begun to turn. The page is ready for the next move.

This can't go on. I can't hide in a narrow bookstore many times.Realizing this, Dudley ran towards the door as hard as he could while the flying book was still turning the pages.

"Oops!" Dudley rushed out of the door and bumped into a petite and fragile body. Dudley took a closer look and saw that it was a little girl with long reddish-brown hair and a light freckle on her clean and fair face.

"No, be careful." Hearing the sound of breaking wind coming from behind his head again, Dudley learned a lesson from the poor bookstore manager this time. Instead of squatting down directly, he jumped forward and hit the red-haired girl in front of him. Throw them down together.

"Whoops!" Dudley could almost feel flying books flying over his scalp, and then heard the sound of breaking glass from across the alley.

"Are you okay?" Dudley was just about to comfort the girl he was holding, when suddenly his vision went dark and a fist enlarged in front of him.

"You pervert, let go of my sister!"

Dudley felt a heavy blow on his face and flew backwards for the second time today.


It took five minutes for the matter to be brought under control.

"So what happened is that Mr. Dudley Dursley accidentally opened the "Crazy Flying Book of a Thousand Ways to Fly", but Mr. Dursley, who didn't have a wand yet, had no way to control the book."

"So after the magic book knocked out the poor bookstore manager Mr. Petrie, Mr. Dursley had to find a way to leave the bookstore, and ended up bumping into my daughter at the door of the bookstore."

"In order to prevent my daughter from being accidentally injured, Mr. Dursley had no choice but to knock her down, but then he was misunderstood and beaten by my son. And the magic book crashed through the window of the junk shop opposite. , stuck inside an old rusty cauldron and an old scale, until I came over and cast the stopping spell."

Sitting opposite Dudley was an amiable, tall man with red hair.Dudley was sitting at a small table in Flourish and Blotts Bookstore. The brown-haired girl with braids looked at the bruised Dudley, covering his mouth and unable to hide his smile.

"You heard me, Ron, this was a misunderstanding. Please apologize to Mr. Dursley." The tall man said seriously to the boy next to him.

The boy named Ron had the same fiery red hair and freckles on his face as his father and sister. He stood in front of Dudley with red ears: "I'm sorry...I thought there was something perverted just now. I was bullying my sister Ginny, and I took action when I was angry. I'm really sorry. But I was not the only one who took action just now. I punched her, followed by George and Fred."

Dudley was stunned, speechless for a moment as he looked at the boy in front of him, the tearful sister next to him, and the two tall twin brothers standing behind with playful smiles pretending that it had nothing to do with them.Not because of the beatings, but because of the names "Ron", "Ginny" and "George and Fred".

"Ron...Ron Weasley? Are you Ron Weasley?" Dudley shouted in surprise.

"Huh? Have you known Ron before?" The tall man looked at Ron, who shook his head in confusion.

"Could it be because our Weasley family is so famous? After all, with red hair and freckles, this family is the only one in the wizarding world in the UK." said one of the twin boys.

"There are too many children to raise." The other twin boy whispered, but was immediately shut up after the tall man glared at him.

"Ahem" the tall man cleared his throat and smiled kindly at Dudley: "I forgot to introduce myself to you, my name is Arthur Weasley, and I am the Director of the Office for the Prohibition of the Misuse of Muggle Items in the Ministry of Magic. They are my children, George, Fred, Ron, and Ginny."

Dudley's mouth was big enough to fit an egg in. He stared at the family speechlessly with his eyes wide open.

亚瑟见达力一副震惊的样子,以为他还没从刚刚飞行书和被揍的冲击中恢复过来,只好向着他旁边的棕发麻花辫女孩搭话:“这位可爱的女士请问怎么称呼呢, luckily you came out in time to stop Ron and the others, and helped us clear up the misunderstanding while we were treating Dudley."

"My name is Hermione Granger." The girl replied politely, puffing up her chest and proudly saying, "I am a first-year student at Hogwarts."

(To be continued)

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