Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 100: The last victim before the entrance

The entrance to the Dragon Cult ruins is located in a secret cave in the middle of Mount Yulam.But I'm afraid it can't be considered a hiding place now, because Dudley can see the light of the high-power lighting used by climbers from far away on Norbert's back.

Dudley originally thought he would be blocked by members of the witch hunt organization or Bernard.But when he actually arrived at the entrance of the ruins, Dudley found that the members of the witch hunting organization wearing thick mountaineering equipment were lying on the ground in a mess, and Gabriel and Bernard were nowhere to be found.

"Sneeze!" Fleur's clothes seemed too thin in this place. Dudley planned to take off a set of hiking clothes from the witch hunting organization members on the ground and give it to her, but Fleur refused.

"In this weather, if you take off their clothes, they will definitely freeze to death." Fleur whispered a magic spell to herself, which seemed to have a certain effect in resisting the cold, "They are indeed scum and scum. It’s not a pity, but if we do this we will be no different from them and there is no need to dirty our hands.”

Dudley secretly sighed that in this situation Fleur did not blind him with hatred and stuck to his moral bottom line.Although Fleur is a Veela half-blood, she is more qualified to be called a human than the Muggles on the ground and the unknown Bernard.

"Dudley, look there!" Fleur pointed to the corner of the cave entrance in surprise. Dudley followed the direction she pointed and saw a snowdrift - no, Dudley found that the snowdrift seemed to have extremely slight undulations.

Dudley and Fleur hurried over and swept away the snow covering it with their hands.Under the thick layer of snow, he saw a fat middle-aged man. Dudley recognized his face as that of Bernard, the arrogant man from the French Ministry of Magic whom he had seen before.

But at this time, his face was already livid, his lips were purple and black, and his body was as cold as a corpse. Except for the weak rise and fall of his chest, there was no breath of life. It was obvious that he was already alive.

"Wake up, wake up!" Dudley patted his face hard, but Bernard still didn't react.Dudley thought for a moment, took out a bottle of unicorn potion from his arms, and poured it into his mouth.

Bernard suddenly convulsed rapidly, his face twisted in pain, and then he slowly opened his lifeless eyes.

"I...I'm dying...am I?" Bernard whispered weakly.

Dudley nodded solemnly. The unicorn potion prepared by Snape did contain a small amount of unicorn blood, so it could slightly prolong Bernard's life.

But after all, this is not real unicorn blood, and it is not a panacea. At most, it can only extend Bernard's life for a few minutes.

"I...chased...here, and saw...a big snake...wanted to take away the girl... The dragon is coming... the dragon... the snake... the girl is taken... alive... me... me. .....snake bite..."

Bernard's words were intermittent. Dudley and Fleur couldn't fully understand them, but they could barely hear the news that Gabrielle was still alive, which gave them some peace of mind.

"Be careful!" Bernard, who was already on the verge of death, suddenly widened his eyes, screamed hoarsely, and pushed Fleur away with one hand.Just as Dudley caught the fallen Fleur with one hand, a large snake as thick as a tree trunk passed through the place where Fleur had been standing and bit Bernard's arm.

"Nagini!" The moment he briefly made contact with the big snake's eyes, Dudley immediately realized that she was Nagini's snake form.But Nagini seemed to have no intention of getting entangled with Dudley and the others, dragging Bernard and disappearing into the cave at an extremely fast speed.

"He saved me just now!" Fleur said in disbelief, "He was obviously the one who brought Gabrielle here, but -"

"This is because when a person is about to die, his words are good...and he can never be said to be a bad person, he just always follows his own approach..."

Dudley wanted to chase after him for a moment, but his reason allowed him to stop himself.He knew that Bernard would die the moment he was bitten by Nagini, and no one could save him. If he rushed in recklessly, he might be attacked by Nagini.

"He seemed to have mentioned a dragon just now." Fleur leaned next to Dudley nervously and said doubtfully, "What does he mean? Is there a dragon in the ruins?"

Dudley remembered the previous information about the climbers' survivors seeing a giant dragon. It seemed that there was indeed a giant dragon near the Dragon Cult ruins, but he just didn't know whether it was an enemy or a friend.

"Anyway, let's enter the ruins quickly." Fleur said a little anxiously, "Listen to what Bernard said just now, Gabri has been taken away by Nagini, and she is very dangerous now!"

Dudley nodded, the first priority now was to rescue Gabrielle.Dudley and Fleur raised their wands and carefully stepped into the dark cave.

"Lumos flash!" x2

The tips of their wands lit up at the same time, illuminating the dark cave. Dudley and Fleur could see that there was an obvious blood stain on the ground caused by being dragged.

Dudley and Fleur walked forward cautiously step by step. The cave became increasingly narrow and could no longer accommodate Norberta, so Dudley put Norberta back into the suitcase for the time being.

After walking almost a few dozen meters, a metal door appeared at the end of the bloodstain, with primitive and incomplete reliefs carved on it.

"It seems to be talking about the ancient Dragon Worshipers establishing ruins here...and there are some incomprehensible words...or are they just simple patterns——"

"Only non-human beings and sacrifices may enter the sacrificial tomb."

Fleur looked at Dudley in confusion: "Can you understand the words above?"

Dudley's face was solemn. Of course he could understand it, because the seemingly patterned words on it were exactly the language that he, as a dragonborn, could naturally understand - dragon language.

He had always thought that the Dragon Cult ruins mentioned by Mrs. Delacour and the Dragon Cult in the Elder Scrolls were just the same names, but now it seems that the two may be inextricably related.

"Go in first, Fleur." Dudley said softly, "I'll tell you about other things later. It's more important to save Gabrielle now."

Fleur nodded, then carefully put her hand on the door. Suddenly, Fleur disappeared out of thin air in front of Dudley.

"Fleur?!" Dudley screamed, but he immediately understood that this might be the way the ruins used to screen non-human beings.

Dudley calmed down and slowly put his hand on the door. Just when he was worried about whether he would be rejected by the ruins, in the next moment, Dudley suddenly felt that he was being pulled forward by an invisible force, and when When he came back to his senses, the scenery around him had changed.

"Dudley, you scared me to death. I thought you couldn't get in." Fleur's voice sounded from the side.

Seeing Fleur next to him, Dudley felt certain and began to observe the surrounding scene.

This is a larger room. There are three huge pillars on one side of the room, with patterns of snakes, eagles, and fish carved on them.Directly opposite the room is an archway sealed by a metal fence.

"This looks like a puzzle... Dudley, why do you look so weird?"

Dudley looked at the layout of the room and felt a sense of dizziness in his head, as if he had returned to before time travel and was playing the Elder Scrolls game on the computer...

The style design of this ruins is obviously exactly the same as the dungeon in Skyrim Province in the Elder Scrolls world!

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