Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 112: Leaving the ruins and the dragon roar in the clear sky

The journey out of the ruins was surprisingly easy and simple compared to the journey into the ruins.

Under the leadership of Ms. Maxim, the group did not need to consider the issue of concealment at all. They walked openly through the cave filled with Charus and Charus hunters. A dazzling light source above their heads illuminated the entire cave.

At first, some Charus hunters would occasionally fly close to them, but with a wave of the magic wand in Ms. Maxim's hand, a fire storm surrounded them, and all the Charus hunters who approached were instantly burned and turned into ashes.

Although insects all have phototaxis, they also have the instinct to fear flames and powerful creatures. After realizing that they are not easy to mess with, they all hide away from them.

When they arrived at the group of ghoul tombs near the exit, Dudley further lamented the strength of Ms. Maxime - the ghouls that had previously caused him and Fleur a headache, and narrowly escaped death, were now in pieces, and there were corpses of ghouls everywhere. Broken arm remains.

The only thing that slowed down their departure was Norbert.Since the suitcase had been used to seal Kastagg, Norbert had no choice but to follow them and squeeze through the narrow passage of the ruins.

"Ms. Maxim, be careful of the trap ahead -" As he approached the exit, Dudley couldn't help but warned loudly when he saw Ms. Maxim stepping onto the mechanism in front of the iron gate.

"Huh? Is there any problem?" Ms. Maxim stopped. Countless arrows shot out from the walls on both sides, but she just raised her wand lightly, and the arrows fell several meters away from her.

"No...nothing." Dudley sighed in his heart. He was worthy of being the principal of Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, and his strength was also a first-rate powerhouse.

Finally, Dudley, Fleur, and Ms. Maxim successfully left the ruins. When Dudley breathed in the cold fresh air of the Alps, he felt comfortable all over.

After passing through the magic door, Dudley arrived at the cave outside the entrance of the ruins. Only then did he realize that someone was already waiting for them in the cave.

The first person I saw was Albus Dumbledore. His expression looked very serious, but when he saw Dudley, he smiled kindly.Then beside him were Remus Lupin, who looked a little embarrassed, and Auror Able, who was lost.

"Thank you for your hard work, kid." Dumbledore nodded to Dudley, and then looked at Nagini, whose mobility was blocked. "Miss Nagini, I have many things to ask you later - and many people. You need to take responsibility for your death."

Abel saw Bernard's body floating next to Ms. Maxim, his eyes were splitting, and he shouted loudly: "Bernard! Who did it? You bastards, how dare you kill my companions!"

"Calm down, Mr. Abel." Just when Abel, who was losing his mind, was about to get angry at Fleur next to Bernard, Dumbledore stopped him with a stern shout: "This is a tragedy, I understand you mood, but no matter what you want to do, you should make a decision after careful consideration after understanding what happened!"

"I am responsible. If I could have stopped them all at that time..." Lu Ping's haggard face looked very remorseful.

"Let's not mention this for now, Remus, you have done a great job." Dumbledore and Maxim looked at each other and nodded solemnly, "Let's go back to Delacour's house first. , and there is also the whereabouts of Miss Gabrielle——"

"About this, Professor Dumbledore." Dudley touched the bottle containing Nagini's venom in his arms and said to everyone, "I think I have some clues about where Gabrielle is. You can go back later. I You and Norberta will meet you at Delacour's house after receiving Gabrielle."

"Do you know where Gabrielle is?" Fleur grabbed Dudley's arm excitedly, "Where are you going? I want to go with you too!"

Dudley looked at Dumbledore. After a brief exchange of looks, Dumbledore said: "Fleur, leave the matter of Gabrielle to Dudley. You go back with us first, otherwise there will be no news from our two daughters." If so, it would be easy for Mrs. Delacour to get too excited and worsen her injuries."

Ms. Maxim also put her hand gently on Fleur's shoulder, and Fleur reluctantly let go of Dudley's hand and said softly: "Then Gabri will be left to you...be sure to pay attention to safety. , what I want to see is that both of you come back safely."

Dudley and Norbert walked towards the entrance of the cave. The cold wind was howling outside. The Muggles from the witch hunting organization had disappeared. It was not known whether they went down the mountain on their own or were taken to other places by Dumbledore and the others.

"Is the place you want to go far away?" Professor Dumbledore whispered behind Dudley, "It is already early in the morning. You should know that your health will be more dangerous at dawn."

"Don't worry, Professor Dumbledore." Dudley raised his head and looked at the top of Mount Lambert, the highest point of the Alps, "I probably know where it is - it's very close to here."

Dudley turned over and sat on Norbeta's back, caressing the baby dragon's wounds from the battle just now: "Norbeta, thank you for your hard work, can you stay with me for a little longer?"

Norberta proudly raised her head in response, then fluttered her flesh wings, carrying Dudley up from the ground and flying into the sky.

Dudley drove Norberta towards the top of the mountain. As the height continued to rise, even Dudley's cursed body felt a little breathless.

While in the rotunda, Dudley had calculated the location where the mysterious voice would come from.Since the ruins of the Dragon Worship Cult are built in the mountain of Mount Lambert, it is obvious where it is directly above.

Through the clouds, Dudley looked towards the top of Mount Lambert.Under the bright moonlight, you can see the peak of Mount Lambert shrouded in clouds and shrouded in thick fog.

Due to poor visibility in the thick fog of the dark night, Dudley had no choice but to let Norbert land down and walk towards the summit on foot, one person and one dragon.

But not long after leaving, Dudley discovered that the thick fog did not seem to be a product of nature. As he and Norbert got closer to the peak, the wind and snow in the thick fog became more and more severe. This season was not the Alps. This seems very abnormal during the snow season.

"Wait a moment, young Duwakein..." The mysterious voice that had helped Dudley sounded again, but this time it was closer than what he heard in the ruins. "This is what I am trying to drive away." I will teach you how to pass the obstacles set by mortals."

Suddenly there was a loud noise, and Dudley felt something hit the ground in front of him.

Dudley took a closer look and saw that these were several dragon-language incantations with magical light, carved in the snow in front of him. When he got closer, these words emitted a dazzling light and turned into a torrent of golden light. Rushing towards Dudley's body.

Sensing the new dragon roar spell appearing in his mind, Dudley took a deep breath and shouted at the blizzard in front of him:


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