Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 125: Dudley Dursley returns to No. 4 Privet Drive

Although Newt said that the feeling of apparating will gradually get used to the more times you use it.But when Dudley appeared in Little Whinging, Surrey, holding Dumbledore's arm, he still felt the discomfort of his internal organs being squeezed into a ball.

"I have other things to do later, so I will formally visit your parents another day." Dumbledore said softly, "By the way, help me tell your parents that your agapanthus is blooming very luxuriantly. .”

With a slight explosion, Dumbledore disappeared instantly in front of Dudley. Dudley then remembered that he had forgotten to ask Dumbledore to cast an invisibility spell or a confusion spell on himself. After all, theoretically now There are two "Dudley's" on Privet Drive in Little Whinging.

Dudley carefully inserted the wand into his waist. After all, from now on, he could no longer use magic casually without the company of an adult wizard.

Dudley's waist was already covered with many strange things, including Varok's mask, Dagon's razor, and the magic stone in a small bag - this priceless treasure was casually carried by Dudley. around.

dong dong.

After tidying up his appearance a little, Dudley gently knocked on the door of No. 4 Privet Drive. At the same time, he silently prayed that Harry was not in the living room, otherwise he would find a way to make up a lie like practicing shadow clone magic. .

"Wait... let me come, maybe the Masons are here..."

After a small noise, the door to the Dursley's house was opened, revealing Vernon's familiar big face.

"Dudley? Why are you out here dressed like this?" Vernon's eyes widened, and he was very surprised that Dudley appeared outside the door. "Didn't you go back to your room right after you finished eating?"

"Ahem, I just accidentally fell from the window upstairs. Fortunately, I fell on the flowers below." Dudley pretended to be calm and said hello to Vernon and Petunia, and then hurriedly went to Go up the stairs.

"Huh? Wait, Dudley, have you grown a lot taller?" Penny's voice came from behind, and Dudley rushed up the stairs in three steps at a time.

"Maybe it's because puberty grows so fast. Dudley always feels weird when he comes back from vacation."

"There's nothing you can do about it. If you stay with those weirdos for too long, you will still..."

Hearing the conversation between Vernon and Petunia downstairs, Dudley finally breathed a sigh of relief. He had successfully fooled himself into going home.

blah blah.

Dudley knocked gently on the door of his room, and then heard the noise of jingling and clanking in the room, mixed with the clinking of bottles.

"Wait, Harry, don't be nervous." Dudley quickly pressed against the door and said in a low voice, "It's me, Dudley!"

The room immediately fell silent. After a moment, the door was opened a tiny crack, and Harry heard a long breath of relief.

"Thank God, Dudley, you're finally back." The door was opened, but Dudley only heard Harry's voice and didn't see anyone. A moment later, Harry's little head appeared in the empty air. middle.

Harry's figure was soon revealed. He was wearing his own clothes, which looked baggy, and he was holding a shining silver invisibility cloak in one hand.

Dudley quickly entered the room and closed the door.The place was still filled with various toys and game consoles from Dudley's childhood, but Harry's suitcases and birdcages were piled in one corner of the room.

"I have to wear your loose clothes even in the room during this period to avoid your parents suddenly looking for me." Harry complained, "To be honest, sometimes I feel that they are neglecting me like before. I feel more comfortable."

"Thank you for your hard work, Harry." Dudley patted Harry on the shoulder and smiled, "But it feels good to feel the care of your family."

"But to be honest, their feelings are a bit too heavy - especially when I'm just pretending to be their child." Harry sighed, and then looked at Dudley in surprise: "Wait, Dudley, the curse on you Already cured?"

"Yes, this is one of the biggest gains from this trip to France."

"Tell me, did anything interesting happen when you went to France?" Harry looked at Dudley curiously, "I can only stay here during this time. No one talks to me, and no one gives me anything." When I write letters, it kills me to be honest.”

"There aren't many fun things, but there are a lot of unlucky things." Dudley scratched his head and thought carefully that he really didn't have much opportunity to travel in France, and spent most of his time in a semi-imprisonment state in his suitcase.

"Wait, you said no one wrote to you?" Dudley frowned and looked at Harry seriously, "What's going on? You haven't received any attention from Ron and Hermione, or Hagrid... ..Anyone’s letter?”

Hearing Dudley's words, Harry looked a little sad and whispered: "Yes...I didn't receive a letter for most of the summer vacation."

"At first I thought they had mistaken my address, so I asked Hathaway to send them a few letters." Harry looked at the owl in the cage and said lonely: "But the letters I sent Everything fell into silence... not a single reply. We had obviously made an appointment to go to Ron's house during the second half of the summer vacation. Was it because his family didn't want me to go there, so they didn't let him contact me... "

"Don't think too much Harry, Mrs. Weasley sent you a sweater last Christmas. They are as affectionate to you as their own children." Dudley put his hand on Harry's shoulder and comforted, "Besides, I didn't receive it. I’m afraid you’re not the only one who believed it, have you seen my letter?”

Harry shook his head in confusion: "Yes, not to mention Ron and Hermione, Parkinson will definitely write to you due to the relationship between him and you - but how come both of our cousins ​​didn't receive a letter?" Arrive?"

Dudley's expression became serious. He probably thought about who might have intercepted the letter, but in his expectation, he should have no reason to do so.

"Dudley, the Masons are here. Please come out later. They said they want to see you." Petunia's voice sounded outside the door.

"Okay mom, wait for me, I'll come down later." Dudley said casually.

"By the way, I forgot to remind you, there seems to be a very important guest here today." Harry whispered in Dudley's ear: "It seems to be related to your father's big business - me, no, you I will go down later to help flatter him..."

Dudley narrowed his eyes, remembering what day it was today: "Harry, I'm sorry, I almost forgot what day it is today - today is your 12th birthday, right? Happy birthday, Harry. "

"Thank you, Dudley." Harry sighed, "But it doesn't matter, it seems you are the only one who remembers this day..."

"That's not necessarily true, Harry. At least this uninvited guest should remember it." Dudley stood up slowly. After experiencing so many severe battles, his intuition had become much sharper.

"Come out, stop hiding, you have been observing this place, right!"

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