Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 134: Hogwarts Book List

"Good morning, Dudley." Arthur greeted Dudley in a friendly manner in the narrow kitchen, "How's it going? Did you sleep well last night?"

"Uh... not bad, thank you, Mr. Weasley." Although he said this, Dudley seemed a little distracted and sat down at the dining table with deep thoughts.

Dudley was still thinking about the results of Varok's mask test last night. To be honest, Varok's mask ability was a bit beyond his expectation.

Originally, Dudley thought that Varok's mask would have the same effect as the dragon priest mask in the game, which would simply increase magic power or recovery ability.However, after putting on the Varok mask, he could completely change his appearance, from his voice to his body shape and even his temperament, to become a different person. Dudley immediately realized the value of this ability.

The wizarding world is not without the ability to change identities, such as Polyjuice Potion, but these methods generally require a lot of complicated preliminary preparations and are time-limited, making them inconvenient to use in practice.

But Varok's mask can give Dudley a new identity, and it can be switched at any time, which is very useful.

For example, if Dudley knew how to use Varok's mask in Malfoy's house, he could have attacked Lucius in the utility room and snatched Tom Riddle's diary, and then had the hooded woman fool around in the drawing room. While waiting, he swaggered out of the Malfoy house - even if Lucius knew the appearance of the intruder from the wizard paintings on the wall, he could not track Dudley.

Moreover, the effect of Varok's mask was not just that. Dudley could feel that when he put on the mask, he was completely different from the other two in terms of magical power and sustaining ability.

As an experiment, Dudley just used "Wingardim Leviosa" casually. As a result, he just thought about it and didn't even say the spell. All the items in the room floated according to his orders - this The effect is exactly the same as the floating stones when Dumbledore subdued Castag.

Dudley even thought a little arrogantly that if he was given another chance to fight Karstagg head-on, maybe he would be able to fight.

Judging from the principle of equivalent exchange mentioned in alchemy, Varok's mask has such a powerful power, so there must be a corresponding price.

But Dudley experimented until midnight last night and found no side effects at all - not even a time limit.

This made Dudley feel a little uneasy. Is this Varok really a kind man who gave him such a big treasure just because he let him watch a good show?

In any case, it was good to have a trump card at the bottom of the box, and Dudley decided to wear the mask close to his body from now on.Of course, it cannot be used indiscriminately. After all, the more opportunities for this second identity are used, the easier it is to be exposed.


A sound interrupted Dudley's thinking, and a little red-haired head emerged from under the dining table opposite Dudley, holding an overturned soup basin in his hand. His freckle-covered face was red to the base of his ears. Glancing at Harry next to Dudley.

Others at the table seemed to have become accustomed to this situation, and they pretended not to see it.Mr. Weasley was happily asking Harry about the phone and television.

"This is so clever." Mr. Weasley exclaimed. "Although there is no magic, Muggles have also found many ways to make life more convenient."

Technology that has advanced to a certain level is very close to magic, Dudley thought to himself.

It is now 1992, and Dudley was born at this time in his previous life. At the turn of the century, the Muggle world is undergoing further development of information technology.In fact, in some areas, Muggle technology can even be more convenient than magic, such as communication and entertainment.

Dudley looked at Mr. Weasley who had a sigh on his face. If in a world where Muggles and wizards exchanged technology and culture with each other, maybe Arthur Weasley could become a great inventor, but unfortunately there is no such thing as "International Wizards" The restriction of the Federation Confidentiality Act...

(Does the International Statute of Wizarding Secrecy really serve the interests of wizards in this era?)

Although he had doubts in his heart, Dudley still suppressed this idea in his heart.In any case, in today's wizarding world, opposing the International Statute of Secrecy is almost synonymous with dark wizards, and may even be considered followers of Grindelwald.



A strange cry came from the window, followed by a loud bang as something hit the glass.Percy immediately stood up and ran to the window, and Dudley saw that it was a sickly owl, lying on the windowsill like an old broom head.

"Erol!" Ron exclaimed, and then explained to Dudley and Harry: "He is my owl...but he is too old, and I thought I couldn't receive your letter before. He died heroically on the way."

Percy helped poor Errol to his feet, but he could not stand, and he had to lie down on a plate by the windowsill.Then he took a large pile of letters from under Errol's wing and walked back to the table.

"It's the Hogwarts book list for this semester...Harry and Dudley's are here too." Percy went around the dining table to distribute letters to the children, but Ginny didn't pay attention because she kept staring at Harry secretly. Percy handed the letter to her and almost dropped it into the soup basin. Fortunately, Mrs. Weasley caught it quickly with quick eyes and hands.

"Are you also going to Hogwarts this year?" Harry spoke to Ginny in a friendly manner. Ginny quickly lowered her head and responded in a whisper, and Dudley saw her ears turning red. The hair is a different color.

Mrs. Weasley helped Ginny open the book list, but Dudley obviously noticed that her expression was gradually becoming worried.

Dudley also tore open his own envelope. In addition to informing him that he was going to King's Cross Station to take the Hogwarts Express on September [-]st, there was also a long list of books.

Standard Spells, Level [-], by Miranda Goshawk;

"Break with the Ghost", by Gilderoy Lockhart;

Walking with Ghouls by Gilderoy Lockhart;

Holidays with Hags, by Gilderoy Lockhart;

Walking with Trolls, by Gilderoy Lockhart;

Sailing With the Vampire, by Gilderoy Lockhart;

Wandering with Werewolves by Gilderoy Lockhart;

"A Year with XZ Snowman" by Gilderoy Lockhart;

"Confronting the Cannibals of the Alps" by Gilderoy Lockhart;


When Dudley saw Lockhart siding with Dumbledore during his trial at the Ministry of Magic, he guessed that Lockhart and Dumbledore must have had a series of trading agreements - which seemed to allow him to serve as a Dark Magician like the original The defense teacher is one of them.

Harry has his parents' inheritance, and Dudley, in addition to the British pounds given by the Dursleys to exchange, had already received a sum of money from Newt before leaving the Alps - as a reward for assisting in the investigation and the Norbert research report .

"This book is too expensive... The new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher must be a fan of Lockhart."

"Ginny may have to use second-hand supplies again...just buying the textbooks may cost a lot of money."

The twin brothers murmured in a low voice, and then Mrs. Weasley put down her book list and clapped her hands in a cheerful manner:

"Okay, don't think so much, mom will find a way - okay, now that we have the book list, let's go to Diagon Alley tomorrow to buy everything!"

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