Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 146: A brief conversation in the Hogwarts Express box

"The Quibbler?" Lockhart looked at the magazine in Luna's hand and seemed to see something funny: "I haven't heard of this magazine...I'm really sorry, I only accept the Daily Prophet. This kind of big media interview.”

"In this case, you will definitely ignore many truths about the magical world." Luna said coldly, then put down the magazine in her hand and reached for the pile of snacks Dudley had just bought on the table: "I'll take one You don’t mind Bao Bibi’s multi-flavored beans.”

But Luna did not open it for herself to eat. Instead, she opened the package and fed the beans to the big box of slugs. She said in a daze: "For example, when it comes to the Rotten Tooth conspiracy, the Daily Prophet will not tell you that it is a vampire." Rufus Scrimgeour uses gum disease and dark magic to try to bring down part of the Ministry of Magic from within—"

"And Sirius Black is actually the lead singer of Naughty Goblins, so he is actually innocent -"

"And the Minister of Magic, Cornelius Fudge, has an army of Black Leopards to keep him in office—"

Ginny and Lockhart both seemed a little confused when they heard Luna talking endlessly about the "facts" she firmly believed in. Only Dudley listened with interest.

"Is there something wrong with this child..." Lockhart whispered to Dudley, "Isn't she unaware that these are all gossip made up by her father?"

Perhaps after hearing Lockhart's words, Luna closed her mouth and continued to observe the slugs in the box with a blank expression.

"I don't think so - I think what Luna said is very interesting." Dudley instead took "The Quibbler" that Luna had placed on the table and looked at it with interest.

"If you just want to comfort me, this is not necessary." Luna mechanically threw the beans into the box one by one. One of the slugs turned into water instantly, perhaps because it had eaten the salty multi-flavor beans. , "I'm used to other people's opinions, whether it's me or my dad's magazine."

But Dudley not only wanted to comfort Luna, he really felt that Luna's father's vision was indeed somewhat unique.

The few things Luna said seemed to accurately hit the truth of the matter in terms of results. The Ministry of Magic was indeed infiltrated by Death Eaters, Scrimgeour did have the ambition to become the Minister of Magic, and Sirius was indeed Innocent, Fudge really wants to do everything possible to ensure his re-election...

Although a lot of outrageous false news was added in order to attract attention, if these were made up only by imagination, it also shows that Luna's father has a unique perspective on things and can vaguely grasp the essence of the facts.

"There are indeed areas where the evidence is insufficient and unreliable, but I think the Daily Prophet and some people's books also have some fabrications. If everyone is talking nonsense, then there is no distinction between who is superior and who is inferior."

Dudley looked at the catalog of the magazine in his hand and felt that every article could be the title of an online article.

"To be honest, I think something that is [-]% true and [-]% false is much scarier than something that is [-]% false and [-]% true." Dudley glanced at Lockhart pointedly, "After all, if you have doubts from the beginning If you look at it from a different perspective, you may be able to break through the shackles of thinking and make new discoveries; but if you are believed to be true by inertial thinking from the beginning, you may be misled to the opposite direction."

Lockhart seemed to hear the implication of Dudley's words and smiled coquettishly without saying anything.Luna, on the other hand, turned her head and stared straight at Dudley, with the corners of her mouth raised slightly, not even noticing the slug in the box crawling onto her finger.

Ginny didn't seem to understand Dudley's words, but just looked at Dudley and Lockhart curiously: "Dudley, have you known Professor Lockhart before? I feel like you have known each other for a long time in your tone of voice. It looks like I saw the professor chatting with you privately when I was at Flourish and Blotts Bookstore."

"Uh, well, Dudley and I have indeed known each other for a long time." Perhaps because he was afraid that Dudley would spill the beans, Lockhart took the lead and said, "When I was traveling in France, I happened to meet Dudley. We hit it off and became friends all of a sudden."

"France? Ah, could it be..." Ginny exclaimed in a low voice, and then took out a copy of "Dealing with the Cannibals of the Alps" from the small bag beside her - it looked like it had been turned over a lot times.

"About this, uh, Dudley also participated in my adventure at that time." Lockhart winked at Dudley, not giving Dudley a chance to speak: "But in order to prevent Dudley from becoming famous too early and being burdened by fame, so I’ve just hidden the stuff about Dudley for now—maybe I’ll add it in the next edition.”

Luna's eyes shone with a strange light, and she almost stood up and leaned closer to Dudley: "So were you also a participant in the series of missing cases in France? If possible, I would like my father to give you an exclusive interview for publication. On The Quibbler – the French edition of the Daily Prophet must be hiding a lot of truth!”

"Ahem, if you want to do an exclusive interview, leave it to me, or find the answer from my new book..." Lockhart panicked and tried to stop Dudley from accepting the interview, "After all, Dudley is just a student. We still have to put learning first.”

Then, Lockhart began to talk to himself about the experience of defeating the cannibal maniac in the Alps. Of course, Dudley felt that except for the time and place, it was completely different from what actually happened.

Ginny still looked at Lockhart with admiration, and even exclaimed softly when she heard the climax of the story.But Luna seemed hesitant to believe Lockhart's words, and instead kept looking at Dudley with interest.

Storytelling is obviously Lockhart's forte, and Lockhart kept talking eloquently about his "experiences" until the train began to slow down and gradually stopped.

"Okay, Professor Lockhart, we're leaving." After getting off the train, Dudley planned to part ways with Ginny and Luna. After all, the way they entered the school was different from the first-year students. According to tradition, first-year students New students will arrive at Hogwarts by boat under the guidance of Hagrid.

Dudley looked at Ginny. After Lockhart's lively atmosphere along the way, Ginny was no longer nervous and reserved at the beginning - Dudley began to feel that Lockhart's story-telling talent also had a use.

"Thank you, Dudley." Ginny took a deep breath and smiled, "I'll be fine alone from now on... I should..."

"Don't worry, you are not alone, I will take good care of you." Luna's airy tone was confident, regardless of the fact that she was also a freshman like Ginny.

Dudley and Lockhart walked in the opposite direction from the first years.Outside the station, a hundred carriages pulled by Thestrals were waiting for them.

"I've always wondered what kind of magic they put on the carriage... I've been thinking so since I was studying here." Lockhart looked at the carriage curiously and sighed.

"Professor Lockhart must not have paid attention to the Care of Magical Creatures class when he was studying." Dudley sighed. He couldn't see the Thestral last year, but this year, perhaps because he saw Bernard's death with his own eyes, the thin, bat-winged creature The equid is clearly visible.

"You'd better pretend to be able to see the Thestrals in the future, otherwise Professor, many of the stories you made up before will be ruined."

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