Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 149: Pansy has a bad attitude towards Malfoy

Thunderous applause erupted around Ravenclaw's table, especially from the boys.And Dudley could clearly hear that the boys in other colleges seemed to be sighing with regret.

"Tsk, all the boys look like this." Pansy said briskly, with a victorious smile on her face, "But it's a pity Dudley, it seems that some of the girls you know were not sorted by chance. To Slytherin."

Professor Dumbledore clapped his hands vigorously, attracting everyone's attention to himself.

"Okay, everyone, please pay attention. In addition, I have a few things to announce."

"The first thing you should have noticed is that our school has a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher this year, Professor Gilderoy Lockhart."

Gilderoy Lockhart stood up, with his trademark smile on his face, waving to greet everyone, but Dudley could clearly see that his smile was slightly stiffer than usual, and he seemed to be deliberately avoiding it. Ravenclaw's gaze.

The girls in the banquet hall applauded enthusiastically. Suddenly, Fleur at the Ravenclaw table and Lockhart at the guest of honor seat attracted the attention of boys and girls respectively.

"Ahem." Dumbledore cleared his throat, raised his hand and made a pressing motion, and the applause gradually subsided.

"The second thing, first-year students, please note that entering the school's woods is prohibited, and old classmates should also pay attention." Dumbledore looked at Dudley when he said this, "And there are some places where you should try not to get close, such as The Keykeeper’s Cottage, and the Whomping Willow, which is growing particularly vigorously this year.”

"The third thing," Dumbledore's tone became serious, "I would like to remind students that if you find any items related to dark magic, please notify me or the dean of each school in time - please note that any items with any Items that are inflammatory or have independent thoughts are very dangerous and must be watched out for."

Dudley knew that Dumbledore's words were referring to Tom Riddle's diary. Since this Horcrux had fallen into the hands of the Hooded Woman, the possibility of her using a certain student to open the Chamber of Secrets could not be ruled out.

Then with Dumbledore's order, the banquet officially began, and all kinds of exquisite food appeared continuously on the empty plate in front of Dudley.

Dudley began to feast. Although Mrs. Weasley's cooking skills at the Burrow were also excellent, due to objective reasons, it was difficult for a clever woman to cook without rice, so she could not compare with the feast of delicious food in front of her.After Dudley lifted the curse of the unicorn potion, he seemed to be trying to replenish the nutrition he had during the curse period, so his appetite was much greater than that of ordinary children.

"Really, look at how embarrassed you are when you eat." Pansy's voice sounded softly in her ears, and then she picked up a tissue and gently wiped the food residue around Dudley's mouth.

Both Dudley and the surrounding Slytherin students looked at Pansy in surprise, who was obviously acting too affectionately.

"Ha, Slytherin's great hero, Dudley Dursley, has found a new girlfriend?" Draco Malfoy's voice sounded, and said with a hint of sarcasm: "But you have to be careful, She was still pestering me at this time last year, and she might soon dump you and find someone else who is more in the limelight."

Dudley frowned. Although Pansy's behavior was indeed a bit strange, Draco's words were too disgusting.Just when Dudley was about to fight back, Pansy next to him unexpectedly took the lead.

"Everyone will grow up - but Master Malfoy seems to be an exception. And I have grown up a lot compared to last year, and I have learned to identify who is more suitable to be a friend." Pansy stared back at Draco without fear, "And I You and Dudley are just ordinary friends, oh, by the way, Master Malfoy must not know how ordinary friends interact with each other."

Valley</span>Hearing Pansy's merciless response, Draco Malfoy was stunned and opened his mouth without speaking for a long time.The surrounding Slytherin students looked at Pansy in shock. After all, Pansy had given people the impression that she was Malfoy's follower. No one expected that Pansy would scold Malfoy with such an attitude.

"Pansy, are you okay?" Dudley looked at the girl next to him with some worry. To be honest, Pansy's feeling about him has changed a lot from the whole year. He was even opposite to the one he had just met a few weeks ago. Things were a little different when we met in Xiang.

"I'm fine. This is what I really look like... Dudley, as you know, I was like this before I met you." Pansy approached Dudley and stared closely at Dudley's face. He could even feel the girl's breath from his eyes, "It's mean and annoying. Do you hate me like this?"

Dudley thought for a while. Although Pansy's change was a bit abrupt, since she dared to confront Malfoy directly, it proved that she was beginning to resist the pressure her father had put on her, and that she was no longer afraid of the so-called pure-blood family.Isn't this what I've always wanted Pansy to do?

"No, I think you are very good now." Dudley looked into Pansy's eyes sincerely and said softly, "And you are telling the truth. No one will blame you for this."

Pansy's cheeks turned slightly red, and she lowered her head and began to deal with the food on her plate.But Dudley felt that she seemed to move slightly, closer to him.

"She... how dare she, do you know what her father looks like in front of my father?" Draco Malfoy was losing his temper loudly, but because Dudley also had a good reputation in Slytherin, So except for Goyle and Crabbe, almost no one responded to his words.

At this time, Dudley felt the sharp gaze from behind.

Looking back, I saw Fleur elegantly slicing the steaks on the plate at the Ravenclaw table. Although she seemed to be chatting with an Asian girl next to her, her big blue eyes looked towards her from time to time. Dudley's side.

"Eat well and don't look around." Pansy pulled Dudley's sleeve and said with a look of dissatisfaction: "Really, now is the time for students to communicate within the college. It's too rude to stare at students from other colleges. ”

Pansy's words didn't seem to be just for Dudley, because she also turned back and glared at Fleur. The two girls' eyes met, and Dudley seemed to hallucinate the crackling sound of electricity.

Sensing the hostility between Pansy and Fleur, Dudley felt trapped in the middle. Even the turkey legs on the plate no longer tasted good.

At this moment, suddenly a big hand like an eagle's claw pressed on Dudley's shoulder.

"Dudley Dursley, I just heard a quarrel here. Nothing happened." A soft voice sounded. Snape, who was wearing a black robe and his hair was as smooth as ever, didn't know when Standing behind Dudley.

Severus Snape looked at Pansy's hand holding Dudley's sleeve. An imperceptible smile seemed to appear on his lips, but it was quickly covered up by his indifferent expression.

"You should have almost eaten. Come out with me. I have something to tell you."

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