Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 157: Fleur Delacour and Cho Zhang

Although they were protected by Hagrid and Norbert, it was still not safe for two first-grade girls to wander near the Forbidden Forest when the Acromantula's range of activities was somewhat uncontrollable.So Dudley accepted Hagrid's request and took both girls back to Hogwarts Castle.

On the way, Dudley asked Ginny if she had encountered any difficulties since entering the school.

"The Gryffindor classmates actually take good care of me." Ginny sighed softly, "But sometimes they take too much care of me. Almost all the senior students greeted me when they saw me and asked me to persuade them. It would be outrageous to advise Fred and George not to play a prank..."

"Fred and George have indeed become notorious." Dudley also somewhat understood Ginny's idea of ​​not wanting people to bind her to the two troublemakers, "but you can talk to Ron about this. Ron should also be very experienced."

"Ron seems to be fascinated by the Ravenclaw transfer student. He only talks about random things all day long." Ginny wrinkled her nose cutely, "And he is always with Harry. I often Will disturbing them make Harry think I'm a troublesome girl..."

"Is the Harry you're talking about the Harry Potter?" Luna interjected coldly from the side, "My dad has always wanted to do an exclusive interview with the Boy-Who-Lived to talk about how he set up The trap defeated the mysterious man, and of course Dudley is also on the list of people we want to interview."

"I won't talk about it for now, but Harry may not like doing this kind of thing." Dudley smiled bitterly, "And Harry was just a baby when Voldemort fell. He may not remember or want to recall that experience."

"Oh, is that so?" Luna looked indifferent and pointed to the front and said briskly, "I saw him signing autographs for others, and I thought he was the kind of person who likes to be famous."

Following the direction of Luna's slender fingers, Dudley saw Harry, Ron and Hermione, and the thin boy he had seen at the Sorting Ceremony - Colin Creevey was holding a camera and excitedly chatting with Harry. Lee said something.

Seeing the embarrassed look on Harry's face and the watching eyes of the students around him, Dudley probably guessed what was going on. It was probably that this loyal fan of Harry was pestering his idol for photos and autographs.

Originally it was Gilderoy Lockhart who should have appeared in this situation, but he was probably still cleaning up the mess in the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom.

So Dudley walked over to help Harry out: "Harry, just now Professor Lockhart wanted to see you for something, please come with me - I'm sorry, your name is Colin Creevey, right? Harry is a little confused right now." I’m busy, can you find him later?”

After Harry and Dudley exchanged glances, he understood what Dudley meant and immediately agreed with Dudley's words.Colin had no choice but to walk away regretfully, and the surrounding students also dispersed without interest.

"Don't worry, Lockhart released the Cornish elf and made a mess in the classroom." Dudley patted Harry on the shoulder and said, "I'm still cleaning up the classroom, so I don't have time to come see you. .”

"It would be best if we haven't finished cleaning up by the time we have Gryffindor class in the afternoon," Harry said with a sigh of relief, "To be honest, Professor Lockhart is also someone I can't handle very well. Just now Before the herbal medicine class started, he was inexplicably caught out and talked about everything..."

"That's not good, Harry!" Hermione said with some worry, "Maybe we should go to the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom to help clean up later so as not to delay the afternoon class."

"Leave her alone. I saw on Hermione's class schedule this morning that all Lockhart's classes were marked with heart symbols." Seeing Hermione pretending to hit him with the thick book in her hand, Ron quickly changed the subject. : "Ginny? How did you come back outside the courtyard with Dudley?"

"We just went to visit Norberta..." Dudley told the Harry trio about what he saw Ginny and Luna in Hagrid's cabin.

"Are you a Ravenclaw student?" Ron's eyes suddenly lit up, and he walked to Luna and whispered: "Do you know when the new exchange student Fleur's birthday is, and what does she like? The boys..."

"Ron, it's so embarrassing for you to do this." Ginny's face was bulging with anger, and she whispered to Ron: "How can anyone like you get information about other girls when you meet your sister's friend for the first time?"

"Obviously you asked me about Harry's information like this..." Ron muttered in a low voice. Ginny's face immediately turned red, almost as red as her hair, and she looked at Harry nervously. , and Harry cleverly pretended to be talking to Dudley and didn't hear him.

"If you want to know something, just ask me." A crisp and sweet voice said, "Of course, you can ask Dudley, but he probably doesn't know my birthday, after all, he has never asked me about it."

Ron gasped and froze as if under a petrification spell.Dudley turned his head and saw Fleur walking towards him with a smile on her face, and walking side by side with her was the Asian girl he had seen in the morning.

Ron was not the only one with a dull expression. Harry also looked at the two girls walking towards him with straight eyes, but he seemed to be looking at the Asian girl next to Fleur.Hermione and Ginny both frowned in displeasure almost at the same time, but Luna remained as dazed as ever.

"She is my classmate in Ravenclaw, Qiu Zhang. She gave me a lot of help when I just transferred here." Fleur introduced generously, "Qiu, you should know them all, after all, they They all seem to be famous people in Hogwarts."

Qiu Zhang, or Qiu Zhang according to Chinese custom, smiled and nodded to Dudley and the others.Dudley looked at the girl who had a lot of roles in the original work. Unlike the actress in the movie, this girl had an oval face, long black hair, and was a typical oriental beauty.

"It's time for me to leave. I have to go find the legendary Ice Knight and the disappearing staircase that my dad told me later." Luna didn't seem to be interested in the two girls who appeared. She didn't care about anyone else. He said to Dudley: "Remember, keep the magazine well and return it to me after reading it."

Ginny didn't seem to have any intention of leaving with Luna. She stood next to Hermione and looked at Ron and Harry who were a little unhappy.There were seven of them standing in the corridor, and they were mostly celebrities from Hogwarts, which aroused the curious eyes of the surrounding students.

"Let's talk somewhere else. It's not appropriate to stand here all the time." Dudley sighed and greeted, "Besides, everyone should really get to know each other."

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