Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 168: The eight-eyed giant spider that cannot be captured

"Click click click click click"

The two giant Acromantulas made a shuddering sound and attacked Dudley and Fleur from both sides almost at the same time.

"Furong, squat down!"

Under Dudley's command, the two of them squatted down at the same time.

"GolHalDov!" (Forced Will)

The two spiders were supposed to attack them at the same time, but after Dudley used the Forced Will Dragon Roar, one of the spiders suddenly sped up. With eight thick jointed limbs, it kicked hard and jumped over the two squatting people. One's own kind.

"Fu Rong, save people now!"

The two giant eight-clawed spiders bite into each other. The spider controlled by Dudley is constantly spraying silk, blocking the movements of itself and its kind.

Fleur immediately understood what Dudley meant, and the two ran towards Administrator Filch who was tied up.

But those smaller Acromantula larvae had already surrounded Filch and his cat, denying them a chance to save them.

"The spider silk is flying!"

Fleur pointed her wand at Filch, and the spider silk that tied him flew towards Fleur together with the administrator, and Mrs. Norris also caught a ride on its owner.

"Shen Feng has no shadow!"

Seeing that several Acromantula larvae were about to jump onto Filch, Dudley immediately used the Divine Blade to cut them into two pieces. Then, Dudley caught the unconscious Filch. Fleur caught Mrs. Norris, and the two immediately ran towards the stairs.


Dudley suddenly felt as if his feet were being pulled by something, and almost fell to the ground. When he looked carefully, he found that the Acromantula larvae behind him was spraying milky white spider silk towards his feet, sticking them to his feet. live.

After just a brief pause, the dark Acromantula larvae behind them caught up with them, and were about to drown them in a sea of ​​countless spiders.

"Burning flames!"

A deep and steady voice sounded from the stairs, and then a wall of fire appeared behind Dudley, and the Acromantulas were too afraid to take another step forward.

"Minerva, Filius!"

The grave-faced Head of Gryffindor and Head of Ravenclaw walked past Dudley and Fleur, and then as the two raised their wands, the floor tiles in the corridor quickly transformed into clips, trapping the Acromantula larvae. They are all clamped and unable to move.The remaining Acromantula larvae fled towards the other side of the corridor in terror.

"There are two large Acromantulas behind. They can speak human language, be careful not to kill them!" Dudley shouted towards Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, "We will return later. There’s so much to ask them!”

Valley</span>Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick nodded, and then chased deeper into the corridor.At this time, Dumbledore and other faculty members also rushed to Dudley and Fleur.

"It looks like we need to take Administrator Filch to Madam Pomfrey as soon as possible." Dumbledore looked at Filch with a sullen face as he was put on the ground by Dudley. The shriveled old man was now pale. , lips turned purple, eyes closed tightly, no reaction at all.

"I'll take him there. I'm very experienced in dealing with injuries caused by Acromantula attacks -" Lockhart volunteered to stand up, but immediately flinched back when he saw Fleur's frosty expression.

"No need, he was poisoned by the venom of the Acromantula, and I'm afraid he won't be able to survive the school hospital." Snape squatted on the ground, carefully inspected Filch's condition, and then turned to Dudley: "But luckily Yes, the venom of the Acromantula will be suppressed to some extent by the more powerful snake venom..."

Dudley immediately understood what Snape meant. He took out a bottle of potion made from Nagini snake venom from his arms and handed it to Snape.

Snape slowly poured the potion into Filch's mouth. After a while, Filch's face seemed to regain some color and his breathing calmed down, but he still showed no intention of waking up.

"The poison has spread for too long. I'm afraid it will take a long time to fully recover." Snape shook his head, stood up and whispered something in Dumbledore's ear.

"Severus, you are responsible for bringing Administrator Filch to Ms. Pomfrey." Dumbledore said solemnly, "And Professor Lockhart, please help me clean up the spiders and corpses in the corridor later. , just go to the cafeteria to inform the students to return to the lounges of their colleges."

Then, Dumbledore turned to Dudley and Fleur, and said kindly: "Thank you very much for your heroic behavior tonight. Slytherin and Ravenclaw each receive 50 points. Come to my office later and tell me the specific situation." .”

A moment later, Dudley and Fleur followed Dumbledore to the principal's office. The two roughly recounted the discovery of the Acromantula after attending the death anniversary party and the battle that took place later.

"It... they said Aragog was old, and then the new master ordered them to attack humans?" Dumbledore's face became more solemn, "Dudley, Fleur, about this matter, Don’t tell anyone yet.”

Dudley understood Dumbledore's concerns. Hagrid was expelled from school for secretly raising the Acromantula Aragog. Now the Acromantula attack has occurred, and if it is related to Aragog's descendants, Hagrid will Ge definitely cannot escape suspicion.

"Professor!" The door to the principal's office was pushed open forcefully, and a burly figure rushed in. It was Hagrid who looked panicked: "I heard that Aragog's descendants invaded the castle. No students were injured, right? ?”

"Calm down, Hagrid, no students were injured." Dumbledore said solemnly, "But the administrator Filch was poisoned by the venom of the Acromantula and is currently receiving treatment."

"No - it's all my fault. I should have talked to Aragog a long time ago -" Hagrid buried his face in his hands as huge as cattail leaf fans in pain, his tone very self-blame.

At this time, the two deans who had just gone to chase the Acromantula had returned, but judging from their gloomy faces, the situation was not optimistic.

"The spiders suddenly started killing each other, and they seemed to rather die than be captured by us." Professor McGonagall looked serious, "When we arrived, the two Acromantulas Dursley mentioned had already been bitten by the same kind. died."

"Acromantulas are very proud creatures, so they will not be captured easily." Hagrid murmured in a low voice, dejectedly: "And they have a habit of eating the bodies of their own kind..."

Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick both looked at Hagrid with very cold eyes. It seems that the relationship between Hagrid and the Acromantula in the Forbidden Forest has long been an open secret among the faculty, and they were just Turning a blind eye because of Dumbledore's trust.

"Okay, we still have a lot to discuss tonight, and it's useless to dwell on the past." Dumbledore stood up and said gently to Dudley and Fleur: "You can go back first, and the next thing is Just leave it to us.”

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