Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 23: Slytherin among Gryffindors

The next morning, Dudley, who had not slept well, got up early and found Harry, Hermione and Ron having breakfast in the dining room.

"I suggest you talk to Professor Snape." After hearing about Dudley's experience last night, Hermione looked very indignant. "This is a very bad bullying behavior. Professor Snape, as the dean, has the responsibility to Stop them."

"I don't think it's useful to find Snape." Harry seemed to have a bad first impression of Snape. "I think he is on Malfoy's side, and I talked to him at the guest of honor yesterday. The scar on my forehead hurts when I meet my eyes.”

"But Dudley is a Slytherin student now, and he must have a good relationship with his dean." Hermione was still stubborn. At this time, she noticed something strange about Ron next to her, "Ron, why are you doing this this morning?" Say nothing."

Ron's face turned red from suppressing it, and after a while he said in a low voice: "Dudley is now a Slytherin, and he might become a dark wizard in the future. Fred and George asked me to be careful."

"Nonsense, this is unreasonable discrimination! An extremely exaggerated stereotype!" Hermione was a little unhappy at Ron's words, her face bulging with anger, "You and Malfoy's group are discriminating against us Muggles. What’s the difference between wizards?”

Dudley shrugged helplessly, indicating that he didn't mind.But to be honest, Ron's words did represent the thoughts of many Gryffindor students. They looked at the table of Dudley and Harry and whispered with doubts and vigilance in their eyes. No one dared to come and talk to them.

"Don't worry about this, Dudley." Harry saw Dudley's restraint and comforted him, "To be honest, I prefer this situation. It's better than a group of people chasing me and asking me how I defeated Voldemort. .”

But the awkward atmosphere didn't last long, as the owls flew in with packages in their mouths, and this time Ron received a letter - a howling letter from his mother, Mrs. Weasley.

"How dare you fight on the Hogwarts Express! I thought Fred and George had caused enough trouble for us! I didn't expect to receive a letter of complaint from Professor McGonagall on the first day! I'm warning you Ron, if I receive another complaint about you causing such a big mess in school, your father and I will definitely come and take you home personally..."

Mrs. Weasley's ultra-high decibel voice echoed in the dining room, causing the plates and spoons on the table to vibrate slightly.The students in the entire cafeteria turned to look for the person who had received the yelling letter. Ron's face was red, he pressed his head down desperately, and almost got under the table.

"Okay, I want to apologize to you, Dudley." Ron was almost crying, "I now experience the feeling of being treated as an alien by everyone, and it's really uncomfortable."

Then Professor McGonagall passed out the course schedule along the Gryffindor table, and almost handed one to Dudley by mistake, causing him to be happy in vain, thinking that he and Harry had the same course schedule.

"Although we encourage friendly exchanges between students in the house, I still recommend that you go back to your Slytherin table first, Dursley." McGonagall was concerned about the fact that a Slytherin had sneaked into the Gryffindor students. Lin expressed surprise, "Otherwise, I might miss the class schedule issued by Professor Snape later."

Dudley could only regretfully say goodbye to the Harry trio and return to the Slytherin table.Snape slammed the curriculum in front of Dudley and said coldly: "Mr. Dursley seems to have not woken up yet. Let me remind you that you are now a student of Slytherin House. Your courses and partners , honors are all decided by Slytherin...of course, punishment is also included."

"Pfft." Seeing Dudley being scolded, the Malfoy trio not far away let out gloating laughter.Dudley, who noticed, immediately raised his hand: "I am reporting to Professor Snape that I did not sleep well last night because my bed was all wet for some reason. My roommate Draco Malfoy can testify. ."

Snape gave Malfoy a stern look with a sullen face, and Malfoy waved his hands in panic to indicate that it was not him.

"After class tonight, you all will come to my office for solitary confinement. I almost forgot that you were not punished for fighting on the train before." After speaking, Snape turned his head and strode away, wearing his cloak. Like bat wings.

Although in the movies and novels, it seems that Malfoy often takes classes with Harry, in fact, not all Slytherin and Gryffindor classes are together, such as first-year Herbology, Transfiguration, History of Magic, and Dark Arts. Magic Defense is separate from Gryffindor.

Dudley's excitement when he first entered Hogwarts and his enthusiasm for learning magic were quickly extinguished by the obscurity and boring nature of the basic courses for learning magic.

"The goblin rebellions in the 17th and 18th centuries were divided into three stages, two categories, and thirteen key time points..." The teacher of the history of magic is the ghost Cuthbert Binns. Dudley noticed that the history of the wizarding world was almost as boring and hypnotic as that of the Muggle world. Dudley fell asleep in the fifth minute of class.

Herbalism course is one of the subjects that Dudley is very bad at. There are a large number of classifications of herbal names that need to be memorized in advance.However, due to Dudley's poor vocabulary and the fact that almost all the textbooks contained proper nouns, herbalism seemed to Dudley like a bible.

Charms is one of the few subjects that Dudley is looking forward to, not only because you can learn to actually wave the wand and use magic in this course, but also because this course is between Slytherin and Gryffindor. Went to class together.

"Dudley, you really need to brush up on your vocabulary." Hermione had to personally guide Dudley's movements and spells, because Dudley couldn't understand almost anything in the book.

Although Slytherin and Gryffindor usually sit in separate places, the short Professor Flitwick is very talkative and did not stop Dudley from shamelessly sitting directly in the middle of Gryffindor.

Dudley's first day at Hogwarts passed quickly, and to his disappointment, learning magic was not as fun as he had imagined.He still has a long way to go before he can wave a magic wand and cast various magical spells like the characters in the movies.

After dinner, Dudley was forced to help Snape tidy up the messy Potions classroom as punishment for the brawl on the Hogwarts Express.Malfoy, on the other hand, received special care and only had to help Snape clean up the desk in his office before he could go back.

The work of tidying up the Potions classroom lasted until late at night, during which time Dudley almost lost all his efforts due to Peeves, a ghost who liked to cause mischief.

It wasn't until Dudley brought Slytherin ghost Barrow over that Peeves' pranks stopped. This was the first time Dudley felt the benefits of being a Slytherin student.

Moreover, Dudley also came up with a bad idea. He suggested that Peeves go to Snape's office to trouble Malfoy. If he was lucky, Malfoy might have to deal with it all night tonight.

When we returned to the Slytherin common room, it was late at night and the students had all gone back to their dormitories to sleep.Only then did Dudley remember that he had forgotten to ask Hermione if she had a magic spell to make the bed dry faster, so he had no choice but to give up and go back to the dormitory, and continued to sleep in the secret corner of the common room.

Perhaps because he had slept too much in the History of Magic class, Dudley was a light sleeper and was woken up by a small noise in the lounge.

"I'm sorry Draco, I really didn't mean to cause you any trouble..."

(To be continued)

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