Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 265: The aftermath of Death Eaters

After Dudley returned to Hogwarts, he was indeed interviewed by a staff member of the Ministry of Magic and needed to take a transcript. Fortunately, the person who interviewed him was Auror Kingsley of the Ministry of Magic, who had already discussed it with Dumbledore in advance. Dudley easily solved the problem when Lido devised the rhetoric.

Afterwards, both Dumbledore and Snape seemed to be summoned by the Ministry of Magic to the Ministry of Magic headquarters in London for questioning. Dudley decided to take this opportunity to summon the Death Eaters to solve the subsequent finishing problems.

Although Dudley no longer needed the help of Delphine's Dark Mark to summon the Death Eaters, in order to improve his credibility and deter the Death Eaters, Dudley decided to use the Dark Mark to summon the Death Eaters.

After arriving at the Malfoys' house through the Vanishing Cabinet in the Room of Requirement, Dudley put on Varok's mask and a cloak to hide his identity, and came to the living room of the Malfoys' house.

"It's time to begin, Delphine."

At Dudley's signal, Delphine rolled up her sleeves and showed the Dark Mark on her hand. As she pressed it lightly, the Dark Mark immediately turned red.

Bang, bang, bang!

Slight explosions were heard one after another, and Death Eaters appeared in the living room of the Malfoy family one after another. Most of them had expressions of surprise and uncertainty on their faces. They must have heard about the accident at the Gower family. He was afraid of becoming the target of the Dark Lord's anger.

Finally, after Bellatrix appeared in the living room with a cruel smile, all the Death Eaters had arrived, and Dudley decided to start the meeting.

"Everyone should have heard about it... Our rare prisoner, Nymphadora Tonks, was actually taken away by the enemy in broad daylight... .What a shame, what an incompetence.”

The Death Eaters all lowered their heads in worry and fear, no one dared to bear the Dark Lord's wrath.


At this moment, another explosion was heard, and Severus Snape apparated in front of everyone with a panicked expression.

"Bold! Snape! The Dark Lord has summoned you, but you only come now. You really don't know how to live or die!"

Bellatrix Lestrange raised her eyebrows and angrily scolded Severus Snape.

Snape took a deep breath and whispered to Dudley: "I'm sorry... Lord Dark Lord, when you summoned me, I happened to be at the Ministry of Magic... It's really not convenient for me to come over right away."

"What you're doing at the Ministry of Magic...can't be testifying to get Goyle sent to Azkaban."

Crabbe said sadly, looking at Snape with a look of gloating.

"I heard that you had just been to the Gower's house before the incident happened, and the Gower's house was cast under the Loyalty Charm. Intruders generally have no way to enter his house, unless we have a traitor among us -"

"Crabbe, what do you mean? Are you doubting my loyalty to the Dark Lord?"

Snape said coldly, but Dudley could see a slight sweat forming on his forehead.

"That's enough. I will naturally judge whether there is any problem with Snape's loyalty. You don't need to remind me."

Dudley looked at Crabbe coldly, who trembled all over, lowered his head and said yes repeatedly.

"Explain to me, Snape, why the invasion happened after you went to Goyle's house...and resulted in my Nymphadora Tonks being killed by Dumbledore. rescued by people.”

Bellatrix Lestrange had a visibly jealous look in her eyes when she heard Dudley refer to her as "my Nymphadora Tonks".

Snape lowered his head so that Dudley wouldn't see his eyes, and then slowly said what he had already prepared.

Valley</span>According to Snape's description, he was on his way to transport valuables for Dumbledore when he stopped by to inspect the detention of Nymphadora Tonks. Unexpectedly, he left Dumbledore's suitcase empty. Carefully fell inside Gower's house.Moreover, Goyle opened it without hesitation, and Dumbledore's people were actually hidden inside, which led to the attack.

After finishing speaking, Snape lowered his head and waited for Dudley's reaction, while others did not dare to express their anger. There was silence in the living room for a moment.

Dudley found it funny in his heart. If Snape really met the Dark Lord Voldemort, even if he wasn't executed on the spot, he would at least have to endure the Cruciatus Curse for several days.

However, Dudley had already thought of a way to deal with it, so naturally he had no intention of actually punishing him.

After clearing his throat, Dudley said loudly in a hoarse and sinister voice:

"You mean, the fault in this matter is entirely due to Goyle opening the box without authorization, and it has nothing to do with you, right?"

Snape fell to his knees with a plop and said in a deep voice:

"I don't dare. I know that my carelessness is the reason why this happened. I am willing to bear the consequences!"


Dudley snorted and continued after a moment.

"Well, since you take the initiative to take responsibility for your mistakes, your punishment can be put aside for now."

Snape raised his head and looked at Dudley in surprise, obviously not believing that the Dark Lord could be so easy to talk to.

"Don't be surprised, since what happened has happened, even punishing you will not help - and maybe it was a blessing in disguise. Although you messed up the imprisonment of Nymphadora Tonks, you got Dumbledore's Trust – this may be of greater benefit to our future work.”

The Death Eaters all whispered to each other, and Bellatrix Lestrange said to Dudley irritably: "Lord Dark Lord, I understand your kindness and greatness, but you forgive someone who has made a mistake like this. Are you a little too lenient? This is not conducive to warning other Death Eaters."

The Death Eaters nodded. When Dudley saw this scene, he couldn't help but sigh in his heart. Sure enough, the Death Eaters were not that easy to fool. If he continued like this, he would easily lose their trust.

However, Dudley had already prepared a response.

"Don't worry, I'm not not holding Snape accountable at all - I plan to have another job for him!"

"Snape, I order you to go to Nurmengard in Austria and find a way to help the escaped Grindelwald make a comeback!"


The Death Eaters were all shocked. This news was undoubtedly a huge bomb, which frightened them all.

Especially Snape, who looked at Dudley blankly with his mouth wide open, as if he thought he heard wrongly.

"What do you think I was on a business trip for the past few days - I have rescued Mr. Grindelwald. He will reorganize and accumulate strength in Europe and wait for one day to respond to us and take action together!"

The Death Eaters looked at Dudley in shock and confusion, not believing their ears.

Dudley's goal was achieved, and Snape would probably tell Dumbledore the news soon. In this case, the Order of the Phoenix would have no time to deal with itself.

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