Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 4: A peaceful month in the Dursley family

"28...29...three...thirty, that's it."

After struggling to do the last push-ups, Dudley got up panting.Dudley walked to the mirror and checked the results of his month of exercise.

Dudley in the mirror, although he was still obviously overweight compared to his peers, his bulging belly was already smaller than a month ago.

"It seems that the road to weight loss is long and arduous." Dudley sighed. "But there isn't much time left. The biggest problem now is the Hogwarts admission notice."

It has been almost a month since the day Dudley first traveled through time, that is, the "zoo incident" that changed the Dursley family forever.

When he returned home that day, Vernon Dursley was about to explode with anger. He looked scarier than the lion that escaped from the zoo, and shouted that he wanted to lock Harry in a closet for a year.

But Dudley tried his best to prevent Vernon from lynching Harry, and even threatened to go on a hunger strike.The doting Dursleys were fooled around by Dudley, and after a quarrel, Harry not only received no punishment, but received an unexpected reward of being moved from the closet to a small room on the second floor.

However, at midnight on the night they moved in, Harry did not fully enjoy his new room, but sneaked next door and knocked on Dudley's door.Yesterday, Harry would have paid any price to move out of the closet, but now Harry cared more about other things.

"So Dudley, how did you do it?" Harry looked at Dudley with eyes full of curiosity and envy, "Such a big lion flew away with a crash. Did you see that behind it? The lion lay on the ground and didn't dare to move, like a frightened kitten."

Although he said he wanted to treat the character sincerely, Dudley was not stupid enough to tell all about the fact that he had traveled through time and replaced Dudley. He did not want to be regarded by Harry as a monster who would take other people's bodies.

Facing Harry's question, Dudley had already made up an excuse.

"Cousin Harry, let me tell you a secret." Dudley said to Harry mysteriously, "One day, I overheard my parents chatting in private and heard that my little aunt, that is, Your mother seems to be no ordinary person, but a witch!"

"What?" Harry was frightened by this secret and looked in disbelief. "But Uncle Vernon and Aunt Petunia clearly told me that they were ordinary people and died in a car accident."

"Keep it down, keep it down, do you want to wake them both up?" Dudley calmed down the excited Harry and continued to make up nonsense. "I didn't believe it before, but if I think about it carefully, a lot of things make sense." ”

"I discovered my magical ability not long ago. Think about it carefully. Cousin Harry, have you encountered many incredible things before? Maybe this is proof that our family is born with hidden magical talents!"

The ultimate state of lies is that every sentence is true, but it is woven into a lie through the reversal of cause and effect.The wizard identity of Lily Potter that Dudley revealed to Harry in advance was of course true, but it was just a cover to hide the source of his abilities.

"My mother is a witch?" Harry didn't seem to have digested this big news.

But at the same time, Harry remembered that he often met some strange strangers on the street. Some of them saluted Harry inexplicably, and some weirdos in robes suddenly came over to shake Harry's hand.

Since they always disappeared before Harry had time to take a closer look at them, Harry always suspected that these were just hallucinations caused by his eagerness to escape from the Dursleys.

But if Dudley's statement is true, then it all connects together, the stranger from the magical world, the strange things that would happen when he was emotional when he was a child, and Dudley's magical ability to drink flying lions with one move. .

"Then can I use magic like you in the future?" Harry obviously believed Dudley's words and looked at Dudley excitedly.

"Well, I don't know about this, because I have just discovered my magical talent, and I can only use it in emergencies." Dudley patted Harry on the shoulder, "But what is certain is that cousin Harry Your magic talent showed up earlier than mine, and you might be able to make great achievements in magic in the future!"

The next month was uneventful, as Vernon and Petunia seemed to have accepted Dudley as a completely different person, blaming Dudley's personality changes on the mood swings common among adolescent children.

Fortunately, thanks to the strange way Dudley was educated by the Dursleys, Dudley had almost no friends in school, only a few equally simple-minded followers.As a result, although Dudley was replaced by another person, no one thought there was any problem from the beginning to the end.

The relationship between Dudley and Harry gradually improved. Harry seemed to have temporarily forgotten Dudley's bad behavior in the past, and regarded Dudley as his first close friend since his birth. He often sneaked into Dudley's room in the middle of the night and met Dudley. Play video games together, or share his thoughts about the wizarding world, or complain about the Dursleys' rude behavior.

Although the days are calm and calm, there are no waves.But as time passed, Dudley became more or less anxious.For him, the biggest question now is how he can enter Hogwarts with Harry.

Dudley, who was familiar with the setting of the original work, knew that the list of students at Hogwarts was recorded when children with magical talents were born, and Dudley, who had been a Muggle for 11 years, obviously did not belong to this list.

Originally, Dudley had hoped that he would be admitted to Hogwarts after showing off his magical abilities at the zoo. However, Dudley had been waiting for a month, but he still could not wait for the owl that sent his admission notice.

But Dudley still did not give up his efforts. It was a rare opportunity to travel to the Harry Potter world full of magic and fantasy. He did not want to live a Muggle life in a place like Smelting Middle School.To put it bluntly, he planned to die in Hogwarts Castle, so that he would at least have a chance to become the lovely Myrtle teased by the castle ghost.

But Dudley had a final plan. For this plan, Dudley looked out the window every day after getting up, trying to find something.

Finally one day, Dudley found his target on the quiet and tidy street of Privet Drive - an owl that was supposed to lie dormant during the day and emerge at night.

"It's finally here," Dudley murmured to himself, "Harry's 11th birthday, Hogwarts' notice, and my final hope of entering Hogwarts, the keeper of the Hogwarts keys. Member Rubeus Hagrid.”

(To be continued)

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