Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 42: Dudley’s return and unexpected hug

The Gryffindor table was a little lonely because there was one less Slytherin student than usual.

"It's all my fault. Charlie wrote back to me...it's the real Charlie." Ron said dejectedly, "Dudley is right. The previous letter was not written by Charlie. I dare not I believe I can’t recognize my brother’s handwriting.”

"You can't be blamed only, Ron." Hermione comforted him, but she was also in a low mood. "We are all responsible for this, and the question is who forged Charlie's letter to let the dragon attack us?"

Harry sighed heavily: "I don't know how to face the Dursleys. Dumbledore will definitely expel us today, but when Uncle Vernon knows that Dudley died because of me, he will still allow me to stay." At the Dursley's?"

Both Ron and Hermione fell silent. Although they both wanted to comfort Harry, they also needed to consider how to face questioning from their families if they were expelled.

"Sorry, kids, please take up everyone's lunch time." A loud voice sounded, and the entire restaurant fell silent instantly. Albus Dumbledore was seen slowly walking up to the guest of honor seat, and a group of teachers All stood beside him.

"I believe many students have heard about the unfortunate accident at the Halloween party last night. A troll and a dragon broke into the school and caused a lot of damage. Although after the heroic efforts of some students and some teachers, During the battle, the dangerous creatures that broke into the school were repelled. However, inappropriate behavior of some students was discovered during the incident, so we will announce the punishment here."

"First of all, Pansy Parkinson. Due to truancy and absence from the Halloween banquet without permission, so that he was not notified of evacuation and was in danger, Slytherin should have been deducted 50 points. But his subsequent behavior of notifying the summoned teachers in time is commendable. , the award is 100 points. After the merits and demerits are balanced, the final score is 50 points for Slytherin Academy."

"Oh!" There was a burst of cheers from the Slytherin students, but Pansy Parkinson lowered his head with a blank expression, unable to feel any happy emotions.

"Harry Potter, Ron Weasley, Hermione Granger."

In an instant, whispers filled the restaurant, and the Harry trio felt countless eyes focused on them.

"Because the three of them were absent from the Halloween banquet without permission and entered the Astronomy Tower without permission, 50 points will be deducted from each of them, and a total of 150 points will be deducted from Gryffindor House!"

Harry, Ron and Hermione looked at each other. They couldn't believe that they had only received such a slight punishment. Dumbledore didn't even mention that they secretly concealed the fact about the baby dragon Norberta.

"Professor! This is too..." Snape was dissatisfied and wanted to say something to Dumbledore, but Dumbledore raised his hand to stop him.

"Finally Dudley Dursley..."

Hearing Dudley's name, the little joy that Harry and the others felt at not being expelled was immediately extinguished. They knew that Dumbledore was preparing to announce Dudley's death, and there seemed to be faint sobs from the Slytherin table. .

"When Dudley Dursley faced the troll and dragon last night, he showed wisdom and courage far beyond that of a first-year student, and protected his classmates in time. Therefore, I decided to add 150 points to Slytherin House! Let us raise a toast to Mr. Dursley who has returned safely from a thrilling adventure!"

Dumbledore smiled happily and raised his goblet high towards the door of the restaurant.Everyone in the restaurant looked at the door in confusion. As if in response to Dumbledore's words, the door of the restaurant opened with a creak.

The old man and the young man who walked in from the opened door of the restaurant were Newt and Dudley. When they found themselves the center of attention as soon as they entered, they were stunned for a moment.

"Mr. Scamander, it seems that you are really famous." Dudley felt uncomfortable with the attention of the crowd. "This welcome parade is too big."

"I think they are all looking at you, kid." Newt showed a meaningful smile, "It would be better for me to leave for a while, so as not to prevent you two young lovers from meeting each other."

After saying that, Newt left quickly. Dudley was about to ask what he meant when his eyes flashed and a black figure jumped in front of him.

"You... have done something stupid... Wuwu, I thought you were dead..."

Dudley looked at Pansy Parkinson who was suddenly picked up, with a confused look on his face. He didn't know where to put his hands, so he could only stammer: "Pa... Miss Parkinson, I... .I'm glad you care, but can you first..."

Pansy looked up and saw that the chest of Dudley's old shirt was soaked with Pansy's tears.Only then did Pansy realize that all the students and teachers in the restaurant were looking at them. Her face instantly turned red like a ripe apple, and she immediately lowered her head and left quickly as if running away.

"Uh, Dudley, I didn't know before that she had such a good relationship with you." Ron came over stunned, Harry and Hermione were also together, and the three people's faces were full of disbelief and surprise.

"What a coincidence, I didn't know." Dudley scratched his head awkwardly, looked at the Harry trio, and opened his arms, "How about one of the three of you?"

The Harry trio immediately rushed over and hugged Dudley tightly. Although Dudley was much stronger than them, he was almost strangled by them.

The three excitedly escorted Dudley to the Gryffindor table, and students from other houses also gathered around him curiously.

"So how did you escape?" Ron looked frightened. "We saw you being swallowed by the dragon and thought you were dead."

The students who were watching let out bursts of exclamations, and they all started talking among themselves.

It was not convenient for Dudley to reveal everything, but when he saw the curious and enthusiastic eyes of the students, he had no choice but to briefly tell the story of how he was taken to a cave by a dragon and spit out, and then flew away on Norbert.

"Being swallowed by a giant dragon...I feel a little dizzy just listening to it." Neville Longbottom gasped.

"You said you were riding a baby dragon? How big is it? Wouldn't it bite you?" Parvati Patil, a girl from Ravenclaw, seemed to be more concerned about the Nobel part.

"I think he's bragging, or maybe he crawled out of dragon excrement." Draco Malfoy also came around at some point, a little dissatisfied with Dudley getting everyone's attention.

Just as the students were about to ask Dudley for more details, Professor McGonagall came over to help Dudley out and drive away the onlookers.

"Let's all spread out. The lunch break is almost over. Let's go back to our own colleges." Then Professor McGonagall looked at Dudley with a happy expression on his face, "I'm glad to see you are safe and well, Dursley. But reminiscing with friends may have to be put aside for a while. Professor Dumbledore wants you to go to his office to discuss the...friends you brought back."

(To be continued)

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