Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 64: People who return from the future and the hands of death

After hearing what the fake Dumbledore said, Dudley keenly noticed a hint of hesitation in Dumbledore's eyes.The fake Dumbledore also clearly felt it. Taking advantage of this opportunity, he quickly waved his wand, and a spell was shot at Dumbledore like silver lightning.

"Professor!" Dudley quickly reminded Dumbledore, and Dumbledore reacted quickly. He raised his wand with an agility unmatched by an old man, and successfully deflected the enemy's spell at the critical moment.

"Protect Miss Parkinson and Professor Snape." Dumbledore left a message to Dudley, and then concentrated on fighting the fake Dumbledore.

It seems that the fake Dumbledore's statement about his strength just now was not exaggerated. He does not need to recite a spell, and can continuously emit powerful spells just by waving his wand.

But the real Dumbledore is worthy of being one of the greatest wizards in the world. He did not hesitate in the face of the curses that came like a rainstorm, and easily ejected the curses away from Dudley and others.

As the battle continued, the real Dumbledore was obviously superior in terms of strength. He reversed the situation of being a little slower after revealing his flaws at the beginning, and gradually began to switch from defense to offense.Instead, the fake Dumbledore could only resist slowly and had no time to fight back.

"Albus, your magic is indeed very powerful." The fake Dumbledore said through gritted teeth as he resisted the spell in a panic, "But can you protect others in battle?"

A blazing flame suddenly appeared from the top of the fake Dumbledore's wand. As soon as the flame fell to the ground, it began to spread rapidly, chasing towards Dudley and others as if it were alive.


Dudley immediately tried his best to blow out the flames, but the magical flames only retreated a few meters.Then the flames began to transform and turned into a large group of flame-formed creatures - fire dragons, three-headed dogs, chimeras, and fire snakes, rushing towards Dudley fiercely.

"This is a fierce fire that cannot be extinguished by ordinary means. You should stand back!" Dumbledore waved his wand, and a fire storm appeared in front of Dudley. The tornado formed by the flames moved towards the fierce fire, and the fire was blown away. All kinds of flame creatures formed by Li Huo were involved.

"Do you still have the skills to protect others now, Albus!" The fake Dumbledore showed a ferocious smile, and a green lightning shot out from the wand pointed directly at Dumbledore.

"Bang!" But the fatal curse did not successfully hit Dumbledore, but was blocked by a tall tree. To be precise, it was a tree man transformed from a tall tree.

At this time, Dudley discovered that at some point, the surrounding trees had "come alive" and turned into tall tree warriors, surrounding the fake Dumbledore.

"When is this - ah!" Fake Dumbledore panicked and fired magic spells around to block the tree man's footsteps, but suddenly, a thick vine emerged from under his feet, and before he could react, it had already been His hands and feet were tied tightly.

"I suggest you don't move around. The more you struggle, the tighter it will be." The victory was determined. The real Dumbledore waved his wand gracefully, and the fire storm wrapped in fierce fire rose into the air and disappeared instantly. .

The tree people returned to their original positions, dug their roots into the pit, and restored themselves to lush trees.

"Kill me, Albus!" The fake Dumbledore tried to break free from the vines, but instead a pained expression appeared on his face, "This couldn't be easier for you!"

"I won't kill you. Killing other people's lives is definitely not an easy thing for anyone." Dumbledore looked serious and slowly approached his disguise. "But now, I must reveal your identity." real identity."

"Come on if you can, but don't blame me for reminding you that a simple spell like prototype manifestation is useless to me." The fake Dumbledore grinned in pain, but his eyes were still filled with resentment.

Dumbledore took a small bottle from his arms and uncorked it.As he pointed his wand at the mouth of the bottle, water continued to gush out from the mouth of the bottle like a spring.But the clear water did not fall to the ground, but floated in mid-air to form a huge water ball.

"If you plan to use Veritaserum, you're making a big mistake -" Before the fake Dumbledore finished speaking, a huge water ball burst on his head, and a large amount of clear water poured into the fake Dumbledore like a waterfall. On Bledo.

"This is the water I borrowed from Gringotts that can wash away all traces of magic." Dumbledore explained to Dudley, "It would be better if you didn't tell anyone. Goblins don't like lending it. Wizard stuff.”

At this time, the fake Dumbledore, who was soaked in the rain, began to change.

First the long white beard began to shorten, then the gray hair began to turn bright golden.His tall body began to shrink and become shorter, making his robes appear extra wide.Finally, the wrinkled face gradually became smooth, but unusually pale.The chiseled face began to become softer and rounder - this was exactly the face of a 14-year-old girl.

Seeing the fake Dumbledore who had lost his disguise, Dumbledore was obviously greatly shocked. The bottle in his hand slipped weakly, and his old and wise eyes widened. For the first time, Dudley saw the usually steady and kind Dumbledore. Bullido looked so shaken.

"How could it be... this is impossible..." Dumbledore's voice was trembling, "Why would it be you... Ariana!"

When Dudley heard Dumbledore's words, he immediately realized that the pale girl in front of him was Albus Dumbledore's sister, Ariana Dumbledore.

But this is impossible. Dudley had guessed him, or her identity, thinking it might be Aberforth or Cresden, but he never thought it would be Ariana Dumbledore, because of an obvious reason--

"This is impossible!" Dumbledore yelled, unable to believe his eyes, "You can't be my sister. I saw Ariana dead with my own eyes, just..."

"Just when you and your beloved boyfriend were flirting with dangerous spells, right?" Ariana said in a clear and cold voice, "Of course, you can kill me again now, Let’s recall what it felt like back then.”

"But if you are not dead, why are you... wrong now?" Dumbledore's voice revealed great sorrow, "I buried you with my own hands at that time, and you still look the same as you did after so many years. It's exactly the same as before... This is impossible, Death has already taken you away from me!"

Ariana smiled sadly. Due to her reduced size, the vines could no longer restrain her. She jumped up and jumped away from Dumbledore.

Death has taken you from me.

You are not the only one going against the flow of time.

Dudley recalled what Ariana had just said to him, and combined with Dumbledore's words, he suddenly made a bold guess, but this guess made his hair stand on end.

"Ariana, I want to ask you a question." Dudley took a deep breath and decided to solve the biggest question in his heart first, "Is the person who summoned you Albus Dumbledore?"

Ariana didn't speak, but slowly raised her left hand. Dudley could see that on the thumb of her slender little hand, which was as white as jade, there was a ring set with a black stone.

(To be continued)

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