Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 68: All story spoilers to Dumbledore

After hearing Dudley's words, Dumbledore took back the bottle containing Voldemort and looked at Dudley kindly:

"As I said, I have already guessed that you are a traveler from the future. Time travel is not a surprising thing to us wizards."

"I have also used a time turner. Naturally, I know that there are some things that time travelers cannot say to others casually. Once they are said out, it will completely disrupt the development of time, so I don't plan to ask you proactively. When the time comes, you will naturally tell me."

Dudley lowered his head in shame. He knew how much he had disturbed the development of the plot. If he had followed the laws of the Ministry of Magic, he should have been thrown into Azkaban long ago.

Seemingly reading Dudley's thoughts, Dumbledore laughed heartily: "Don't worry, kid, I'm not blaming you. The crime of disrupting time and space is usually based on the use of a time turner. But obviously, your situation is quite special. Although it changed the development of events, it did not cause the collapse of time and space."

"And you have also seen that you are not the only time traveler. Even if you do nothing, they will change what should have happened, and the consequences may be more serious."

When the Three Prophets Witches were mentioned, Dudley hesitated again and again, but finally made up his mind.Now that the plot had been completely changed, there was no need for him to hide it. He decided to tell Dumbledore everything he knew.

Although knowing the information in the original work before others was once Dudley's biggest reliance, this is no longer exclusive to Dudley.On the contrary, Dumbledore, the most important core figure of our side, knew nothing about this information, which was very detrimental to future battles.

"Professor Dumbledore." Dudley took a deep breath and said slowly: "If I tell you the original timeline - the development of the world without me and the Three Prophets witches disrupting it, will you believe what I say? ?”

"I will only use what you said as an important reference, child." Dumbledore showed a pleased expression on his face, as if he had been waiting for Dudley's words for a long time: "As you said, this world is because of your arrival. So much has changed that all you know is a false prediction that it won't happen again."

"However, even in the future that is impossible to come, some of the information is still very valuable. If you are willing to share it with me, I will naturally be grateful." At this point, Dumbledore's face showed a smile Sly smile "But if you want to hide some information and profit from it - for example, if you use to know a girl's personality in advance to please her, I don't think it is a big problem."

Dudley laughed dumbly, and the tension in his heart eased a lot. He cleared his throat and began to tell everything he knew.

"Where to start...Forget it, let's start from the very beginning, about the day when Harry, the boy-who-lived, was sent to the Dursleys..."

It was naturally impossible for Dudley to memorize the entire book from cover to cover. He only picked out important information and important plots and told them to Dumbledore, who then asked for details about the areas that interested him.Soon, he told the story of the second year, when Tom Riddle's diary used Ginny to open the Chamber of Secrets again.

"Tom Riddle's diary is Voldemort's Horcrux." After hearing this information, Dumbledore's expression became solemn. "Although I could have guessed that he would get involved in such evil magic, I didn't expect that he would actually do it." put into action...and, is the custodian Lucius Malfoy..."

Dudley secretly mourned for Draco's father. It was estimated that someone would come to his house in the next few days to rummage through boxes and cabinets. He didn't know whether it was an Auror from the Ministry of Magic or a member of the Order of the Phoenix, or maybe both. Mad-Eye Moody.

Dudley continued to tell. There was nothing to say in the third year. Now that Peter Pettigrew's body had been confirmed by Dumbledore, the misunderstanding of Sirius among the Order of the Phoenix could be resolved.

Then in the fourth year, which was also a very important year, the most profound event in the original work happened - Voldemort's resurrection.

Dumbledore had no particular reaction to Voldemort's resurrection, but when he heard that Cedric had been brutally murdered in the cemetery, Dudley clearly saw a flash of anger in Dumbledore's eyes.

"Although I have expected it, there are still so many Death Eaters hiding." Dumbledore's face darkened. "Sure enough, as long as the root cause is not solved, no matter how many times Voldemort is defeated, as long as he comes back or is replaced by someone else, If he stands up, that force will be revived."

The hatred of pureblood wizards towards Muggles and Muggle-born wizards is so deep-rooted that even Dudley, who traveled through time, could not think of a better solution and had no choice but to continue telling the story.

The story after Voldemort's resurrection is the heavier part. First, there is the tense relationship between the Ministry of Magic and Dumbledore, Hogwarts is controlled by Umbridge, and then there is the heartbreaking battle of the Department of Mysteries, Sirius Black sacrifice.

Dumbledore looked serious and motioned for Dudley to continue.

Next is the most important part. Dumbledore officially launched the search for Horcruxes. However, just after he obtained Marvolo Gaunt's ring, which is the Resurrection Stone, he suffered an important curse due to his carelessness. Only one year left to live.

"That's all I know about this part," Dudley shrugged and said helplessly: "The details about Ariana's resurrection seem to be just like what she described herself."

Dumbledore shook his head gently: "Then we just need to believe the part we know. What Ariana says may not be true, and even the 'facts' she knows may not be completely credible. "

Finally, the end of the whole story is reached. Dumbledore sacrifices and then entrusts Harry and the trio to embark on a journey to find the Horcruxes.Then, in the fierce and tragic Battle of Hogwarts, Harry, who was willing to die without mercy, successfully defeated Voldemort, bringing the story to a complete conclusion.

Even after Dumbledore heard about his own death, his expression remained calm and he had no special reaction.But when he heard about the brave sacrifices in the decisive battle at Hogwarts and Harry who was not afraid of death, a look of sadness and pride appeared on his face.

"Thank you, Dudley." Dumbledore wiped the corners of his eyes gently and said softly, "I learned a lot of important information from it... But more importantly, what you know about the timeline I was very inspired by the ending.”

Sharing all the things that were hidden in his heart with Dumbledore made Dudley feel a lot more relaxed.But at the same time, Dudley still had a knot in his heart that was bothering him.

"But Professor," Dudley asked in a low voice, "You should have discovered that I did not exist in the original story. Harry and the others would have naturally become heroes, but my appearance may have hindered their growth. , will my appearance be redundant to them?"

Dumbledore narrowed his eyes and showed a meaningful smile: "Of course your existence will have an impact on them. But, is this change necessarily negative? Compared with the original world, is it because of you that we are on a better path?" Do people of the right path exist?”

Dudley's mind immediately flashed back to the beautiful, tearful eyes that had awakened him when he almost lost himself.Then Dudley's knot untied and he smiled with relief.

(To be continued)

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