Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 77: A gathering of dangerous and fanatical witch hunting organizations

Although he wanted to get results before the French Ministry of Magic, unfortunately, after nearly a week of investigation in the small town of Selemuni, not much progress was made.

The only result is that Dudley and Newt have become familiar with the shopkeepers in the commercial street. As the only tourists in this once-tourist town, Dudley and Newt are well received by the local residents. A warm welcome.

"Good evening, Mr. Scamander, and little Dudley." The newspaper stall owner greeted Dudley and Newt warmly, and then handed them a newspaper, "I left this for you specially. , you guys are really weird, you always come out to play at night."

"There's nothing you can do about it. As you get older, you'll get dizzy easily if you stay in the sun for too long." Newt opened the newspaper and read while chatting, "How are you doing? Is there any news here recently?"

"Alas, there is no good news, and there is a lot of bad news." The newsstand owner looked helpless. "I heard that there was another disappearance case yesterday. It seems that the relatives of the previously missing climbers invited someone to find someone. The government has ordered Climbing Mount Lambert without a permit is completely prohibited, and if this continues, the ski season at the end of the year may be affected.”

Dudley thought of the two Aurors from the French Ministry of Magic. It seemed that their fishing law enforcement plan had not been effective, and the murderer was still at large.

"Sir, do you have time to learn about our witch-hunting organization?" A young man handed Newt a leaflet. "We are going to hold a meeting at the bar later on how to defeat the evil witch and save our Sailor. Mooney!”

"More and more young people have joined that group recently, but there is nothing we can do." Looking at the young people leaving, the newsstand owner sighed, "Because there are no customers, many shops in the tourism industry here are closed. , they don’t have a job, so they have to find something to distract themselves.”

"Come on, Dudley, let's go to the bar and have a look." Newt's face was solemn and he whispered in Dudley's ear, "Sooner or later something will go wrong if this continues... I saw him in New York when I was young. This situation may have very horrific consequences in the long run.”

Dudley and Newt walked into William's bar. The place was much noisier than when they first came, and many tables were full.But the atmosphere was extremely strange, with complex emotions of anger, fanaticism, and hatred on the faces of the guests.

"Brother Newt, and little Dudley, come here." William saw Newt and Dudley and said hello to them to come to the bar, "The other tables are fully booked tonight... .Or are you also here to participate in their activities?”

"Oh no, I'm a tourist who doesn't care much about this." Newt shook his head and observed the situation in the bar, "What about you, William? They gathered in your bar, have you joined their witch-hunting organization? "

"No, no, I'm no longer old enough to believe these nonsense." William looked around and saw that no one was eavesdropping, so he came over and whispered: "But I'm still very grateful to them. What if it weren't for this? My store almost couldn’t open due to the organized business.”

"Comrades, be quiet, be quiet." A tall and fat man stood up and said in a loud voice: "Thank you all for coming to attend the rally of our witch hunting organization. I see that so many comrades understand and agree with us. I was very pleased and moved by our take on the evil wizard..."

"He is the president of that witch-hunting organization," William said to Dudley and Newt in a low voice. "He used to run a large mountaineering supplies store, and this year he borrowed money to expand and renovate the store. The disappearance had the greatest impact on him."

"...There is no doubt that the source of all terrible incidents is the work of wizards! Our hometown is being ravaged and destroyed by evil wizards! If we don't take action, I'm afraid when they kill all the tourists, They will take action against us aborigines!" The president of the witch hunting organization turned red in the face and spat at the words.

"But what action can we take?" A skinny old man raised his hand, his eyes bulging in horror: "Wizards are all capable of terrible magic...and even if we can kill one, his kind will come over and do it for him. What should he do to take revenge?"

The old man's words resonated with other participants, and the bar suddenly became noisy again.

"Silence, silence!" The president slapped the table hard with his fat hand, and the bar quickly became quiet. "I understand your concerns, but after discussing it with various knowledgeable people, I am happy to tell you some news. ——I have found a way to combat the evil witchcraft of wizards!"

"The answer is to catch the wizards and eat them directly! Literally eat their flesh and drink their blood!"

Hearing these words, Dudley was shocked and whispered: "Even if this is a joke, is it a bit too much? Can you say such dangerous things in public?"

William shook his head and said disdainfully: "There's no need to be so nervous. He's just bragging about how good he is... to vent the dissatisfaction accumulated during this period. How could they really catch a wizard or something, and other People just join in the fun and don’t take it seriously.”

As William said, due to the president's shocking speech, the attendees were whispering, and many people had doubts and disgust written on their faces.

"I know that many comrades don't understand the method I'm talking about." The fat president's eyes were full of fanaticism and bloodthirsty, "But the method I proposed is not unfounded. As we all know, missing climbers have never No bodies have been found, so it’s very possible that their bodies have been eaten by evil wizards!”

"Since wizards gain their power by devouring human flesh, we should do the opposite, eat the flesh and blood of wizards, and take back the power they took away from kind people!"

"Some comrades may feel disgusted for physical reasons, which is normal, but we should clearly understand that wizards are not the same creature as us. They are demons in human form! They are our natural enemies! We cannot be soft on them, Don’t even have the wrong idea that we are the same kind..."

Dudley noticed that following the fat president's nonsense speech, people in the bar gradually began to nod in agreement.

Just when Dudley began to think about whether he should take measures to curb the continued fermentation of this crazy idea, a noise suddenly came from outside the store, interrupting the speech of the president of the witch hunting organization.

"Everyone, come out quickly, something big happened outside!" The young man handing out leaflets that Dudley had seen just now hurried into the bar.

"We just captured two witches! They are real witches!"

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