Dragon Roar Master at Hogwarts

Chapter 91: Plans can never keep up with changes

"Professor Dumbledore has agreed to your plan and has communicated it with Ms. Maxim. The day after tomorrow, the two of them will come here in person to participate in the capture of Nagini." Newt put down Dumbledore's Letter, said to Dudley.

"The reason why the two principals replied so late was because they had to convince the French Ministry of Magic. They seemed to want to cover up their incompetence and solve the case privately. However, the principals of the two world-renowned magic schools put pressure at the same time and finally allowed them to do so. They made concessions."

"Will the two principals arrive the day after tomorrow?" After receiving the exact answer, Dudley finally felt relieved, but he began to worry that the news would be leaked and Nagini could escape.

"There is no way, even if it is during the summer vacation, it will still take some time for both principals to put down their work and come here." Newt comforted Dudley and said.

"Although it's unclear what Nagini is planning in the ruins, since she continued to commit crimes after the confrontation with you, it means that she has a reason to continue taking risks here, and she probably won't leave in just these few days. .”

Dudley nodded, knowing that he might be thinking too much, but he always felt a little irritated after receiving Dumbledore's reply, and had a vague feeling that things would not go so smoothly.

Seemingly reading Dudley's thoughts, Newt added: "And Dumbledore has also anticipated this situation. He may send others over in the next two days to keep an eye on the periphery of the ruins. On the one hand, to prevent Nagini from escaping. , on the other hand, it is also to prevent people from the Ministry of Magic from taking advantage of the situation."

Then Newt leaned into Dudley's ear and whispered: "Don't worry too much about gains and losses, so as not to make Fleur nervous too."

Hearing Newt's words, Dudley looked to his side. Fleur sitting next to him was reading the reply from Madam Maxime to her.Fleur's eyes were red, and Dudley could hear the quiet sobs she was suppressing.

"Principal Maxim believed what I said... She asked me to protect myself and hide for a while, and wait for her to solve all the problems." Fleur put down the letter. Her tears were not because of sadness, but because of joy. fallen. "She also said that as long as she is in school for one day, she will not let anyone from the Ministry of Magic cancel my enrollment!"

Dudley sighed in his heart that Madam Maxime really cared for Fleur very much. After all, he knew that Madam Maxime had always wanted to hide her giant ancestry.But when he came to help Furong this time, he was already prepared for the secret of his bloodline to be exposed.

"Thank you both very much for your help. Whether it's my wife's injury or Fleur's matter, our family owes you both a lot." Mr. Delacour stood up and bowed deeply to Dudley and Newt. bow.

"You don't have to be so polite, Mr. Delacour." Newt waved his hand, "Besides, that's all Dudley and I can do. The next step is to leave it to Professor Dumbledore and the others."

"Fleur, you and Dudley can hide in Mr. Scamander's suitcase for a while in the next two days." Mrs. Delacour gently hugged the relieved Fleur, "In two days, everything will be fine." it's over."

Although they were still a little uneasy, Dudley and Fleur followed Mrs. Delacour's advice and returned to the bag dimension.The tears on Furong's face had been wiped away. As she let go of the heavy burden in her heart, Furong looked much cheerful and relaxed.

When Dudley entered the bag space, before he had time to turn on the light, he suddenly felt a fragrant breeze blowing into his nose in the darkness, and then felt a moist and soft touch on his forehead.

"Thank you, Dudley." In the darkness, he heard Fleur whispering softly, and then the sound of rustling into the bed.

Dudley touched the spot on his forehead where Fleur had kissed him. He felt that his brain was a little down. He didn't turn on the light and returned to his bed numbly - as expected, Fleur's Veela blood had a little too stimulating effect on him.

Due to the impact of this unexpected incident, Dudley lay in bed in a daze for a long time before falling asleep in confusion.But he didn't fall asleep for long when his vision turned white and he was woken up by the dazzling light.

Dudley wiped his eyes in confusion and sat up, but soon his heart tightened and he woke up.Because he saw Newt walking down the escalator, his brows furrowed and his expression more serious than he had ever seen him before.

Fleur also woke up because she suddenly turned on the light. She combed her platinum hair lazily with her hands and looked at Newt with a tense expression in confusion: "Mr. Scamander, what happened? "

Newt paused, as if he was organizing his words, and then said slowly: "Fleur, an unexpected incident just happened... I need you to be mentally prepared and not get excited, okay?"

Fleur's blue eyes widened, her slender hands tightly grasped the quilt, and she pursed her lips tightly, as if she had a premonition of something.

"Just now, your sister Gabrielle was taken away by people from the French Ministry of Magic."

When Dudley, Fleur and Newt returned to the living room, Dudley clearly felt that the atmosphere in the living room was very solemn. At the same time, he also noticed that there was an unknown man in the living room.

The man was tall, with light brown hair and a thin beard.He was wearing shabby clothes, patched in many places, but he looked clean and tidy.

"First meeting, I, Remus John Lupin, was sent by Professor Dumbledore to assist you first." Lupine first greeted Dudley, "You must be Dudley. Professor Dumbledore has already met you. I introduced you."

Then Lupine turned to Fleur and said with some guilt and remorse: "Hello, Miss Fleur Delacour. I feel very sorry about your sister... If I could have taken one step earlier, maybe It can stop this from happening."

Normally, Dudley would be happy to meet Lupin, an important character in the original work, but now Dudley is more concerned about what happened to Gabri.

"It's my fault, I was too careless." Mr. Delacour lowered his head, looking very remorseful, and Dudley could see the white knuckles on his clenched fists. "I thought he was the one sent by Dumbledore. After all, he is so famous and Gabrielle admires him so much..."

"It's not Mr. Delacour's fault, it's my fault that I came late." Lupine sighed and said regretfully, "As soon as I met Mr. Scamander, I saw another Dumbledore's envoy. ’, I immediately knew something was wrong.”

"Lupin and I both had the first instinct to stop him." Newt's face was very gloomy, "But it was obvious that he was well prepared. Those two bastards Abel and Bernard were outside to meet him. As soon as he left the protective barrier of Delacour's house, he apparated away."

"So who took Gabrielle away?" Dudley asked, "and made everyone relax their vigilance?"

"The name of this shameless liar is Gilderoy Lockhart." Mr. Delacour gritted his teeth and said, "An adventurer and writer who has a long-standing reputation in the wizarding world!"

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