Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

Arriving at the Kingdom Of Diacis.

“Lady Velkra. We’ve arrived. We are approaching The Kingdom Of Diacis.”

We’re here?

I thought we had a long way to go…

“We got there quite early, huh…”

“I think our calculation could’ve been a bit off…” Says Felia.

She looks better now as I see a beaming smile on her face.

She must be happy to return home.

Home, huh?

Maybe I can also make a home here…

“Hey, Carmine. What is your country like?”

I ask her.

“Hmm… it is a agricultural monster. That I would like to state first. The adventurers are upto A rank her since the monsters around the city are relatively strong. The Kingdom thrives as it has the upper end of the food supplies. It basically provides about 40% of the food around the world. That’s why most of the nobles in Diacis have their domains for agriculture. That goes for Weskins too. They are on the second place of the crops race. That means they are number 2 in the society of nobles.”

That sounds reassuring.

The country seems to be thriving.

“What about Magical Races? Are they discriminated here?” I ask her.

“If you’re thinking how you will be treated… you should keep the mask on for precautions. But Magical Races aren’t treated that bad in Diacis, The most Discriminating Kingdom is the Kingdom of Brinis. It is the biggest and the most powerful Kingdom and a huge trade center…” she tells me.

So Magical Races aren’t treated that bad…

But… the Most powerful Kingdom is the Most Discriminating?

I get up from the seat I was lying on and look out the broken door.

I see Lucius taking lead, guarding in front. Each guard on one side and the fourth one, driving the Carriage.

I look in the front. I see huge walls erected symmetrically, naturally, for the protection of this Kingdom from the monsters.

I see a big gate, that allows for carriages to go through…

I see two guards, guarding the outside of the gate , but I can sense about a fifty of them in the checkpost, probably on standby.

I’m seeing all of this through Farsight. The subskill in my [Divine Sight]. It turns out that normal skills can have subskills too. That makes them powerful than any other individual basic skills.

I then use clairvoyance to see through the walls, into the check post. And I was right, they are on standby, in case of an emergency.

We are approaching the gate.

“Lady Velkra, I suggest you put your mask on.” Says Carmine.

“Oh. Right” I say and put my mask back on.

Twixie is still dwelling in the dark abyss of my hood. Better not to bother her. I don’t know how the guard would react if they saw a ball of light floating around.

“Travellers! Identify Yourselves!” Says the guard.

“This is Lucius! The head Guard of the personal Knight Order that protects Lady Carmine De Weskins!”

“Oh! It’s you Lucius!” says the guard.

I guess the guard knows him.

“I thought you wouldn’t return for a few more days…” says another guard.

“Why’s that? We arrives before the schedule didn’t we?” says Lucius.

“You see… there was a report that there was a Mana Storm on the way here. So we thought that you might take a way around… did you take the way around?” says the guard.

“Y-Yeah! We took the way around!” Says Lucius in hesitation.

If he stutters like that, they are gonna sense somethings weird.

“I see! I see! But you arrived pretty early regardless!” says the guard.

I guess not…

"By the way... who are those lot? the ones floating behind the carriage." says the guard.

"Them? they attacked us in our travels." Says Lucius.

"Attacked you? Then leave them at this Check post. We'll take them to the Prison. They will be interrogated there thoroughly. That i can Promise." Says a man that came out of the check post.

"Oh. Yes. Then we will do that." says Lucius.

After that Lucius comes to the carriage and askes me to dispel the magic.

Then Several knights come out of the check post and cuff them to take them to the holding cells.

Afetr that,

“I shouldn’t keep the lady waiting, will you allow us to pass through?” Says Lucius.

“Oh Of course you can go through but… what happened to the carriage? I looks beat up…” says the guard.

“Oh it’s just that we ran into some monsters on the way and the gate accidently torn off. And we have a guest too, She's the person who saved Lady Carmine. She’s going to be staying in Diacis For the time being.” He says.

“Oh! That’s some good news! They haven’t had a visitor in a while! Come on, come on! Go through already!” the guard says.

“Then, I will. Come on! Let’s go Valim!” says Lucius to The guard driving the carriage.

His name is apparently Valim.

Once Lucius gives the go, the Carriage starts moving toward the gate.

“Carmine… can anyone enter The Kingdom?” I ask Carmine.

“Yes. As long as they pay the toll…but you won’t need one. You’re my guest after all.”

I see.

Just as we are passing through the gate, I sense someone looking at me.

It was the man that said to leave the Bandits at the check post.

Huh? Did he just try to appraise me?

The man in his 30’s stands at the entrance of the Check post and stares at me. He’s wearing a shiny and expensive armor. Honestly, his presence was the only one strong here. Although my scale of ‘strong’ isn’t considered normal in common sense.

He doesn’t know that he can’t appraise me…

You’re trying to invade my privacy, Idiot!

I look at him so I can let him know that I get what he’s trying to do.

As I look at him, he looks at me wide eyed, probably surprised that I knew he was trying to appraise me.

Well, he isn’t going to attack. That much I can say.


This is completely different from this situation but…

Something clicks in my mind about the previous conversation.

Even if there is no discrimination in this Kingdom… How come Carmine doesn’t feel weird talking to me? I mean I wouldn’t be considered human. Is she not bothered by Magic Races?

“I wanted to ask you something. Are you against Magical Races?” I ask Carmine.

“You see… This lady is one of the Cat people. So that should answer your question.” She says as she points to the woman sitting beside her.


“… She hides her ears because we don’t want any trouble outside our Kingdom. Even if our Kingdom has little to no discrimination, you can’t say the same for other places, can you?” she says.

She just dropped another big bomb!

This girl? Felia here is a Cat Person?!

“That really is surprising…” I say looking wide eyed at Felia.

Just as I say that, Felia takes of off the accessory she was wearing on her head to hide two black cat ears. The cat ears pop out and wiggle as they feel free.


AH~ I wanna touch them!

No! Stay Dignified me! I’m An Elder Dragon!

A moment goes by in silence as I stare at her cute ears.


I can’t!

As I say this in my mind, I give her a gesture to come close.

Felia looks at me confused and comes close.

I leap and grab her head to touch her ears.

“Kya!” she makes a sound as she gets tickled.

“Oi! This wasn’t anything lewd okay!” I clearly tell her…

“I just couldn’t hold my self back because they look too cute!” I say.

“I understand…” she says that as she blushes hard.

Hnnn… I think I just reawakened something again.

We pass through the gate and find ourselves In a field of golden and bright wheat.

The scenery is so heavenly that one might mistake it as a view of Eden.

I see farmers working in the field. The field keeps stretching from left to right, as far as the normal eye could see.

I can sense the terrain so I can tell that there are other field of crops here.

“Hmm… this Kingdom sure is big…” I mutter to myself.

Even my 20 km world perception can’t cover it all…

“The kingdom of Diacis is one of he biggest Kingdoms in the world.” Says Carmine to my mutter.

I see…

The scale of kingdoms is pretty big then…

We stay silent as we enjoy the sunset that we watch from the fields.

Everything goes orange. Then the orange slowly fades into a dark night.

That’s how long the way from the gate to the main city is.

It’s been three hours already.

I mean we are moving pretty slow as the horses are getting tired.

Another fifteen minutes pass by and we see the city from far.

“Oooh~ it looks good!”  I say as I look out of the broken door.

“I’m glad that you are excited Lady Velkra…” Says Lucius still looking nervous when talking to me.

I see a bunch of lights from far.

They are all lamps, lighting up the paved roads of the city.

“Up ahead is the Commoner’s ring. The commoner ring is literally a ring for commoner accommodations. Residence, The market, The Industry block, the inn block are the four parts of this ring. Farther in is the Noble’s Ring, that’s where the nobles live. And in the very center Is the King’s Castle. You can see it from here can you?” Says Carmine.

Now that I look closer, I can definitely see the castle from here. It’s literally a fantasy castle you’ll see in a fantasy world.

The market and the residence area seems to have gone quiet. Probably, because it’s night time.

There are few people walking here and there.

Honestly if the commoner ring is this well maintained then what will the Noble’s ring be like?

We talk a bit on the way about how lively the city can be in the day and how the kids in the neighborhood can be trouble some.

Then something clicks my mind again.

“Hey Felia, I was just thinking… where’s your tail?” I say.

“Eh? Ah… U-Um… it’s tucked away…” she says bashfully.

“Where?” I say on queue.

“It’s… wrapped around my… leg…” she says.

“Um… you probably can’t show me can you?” I ask.

“That would be… a bit problematic to do here…” she says.

Ah I see…

“Okay. I’m not going to ask anything else…” I say.

Should I use clairvoyance?

To see how it’s tucked away?


No! definitely not! I’m not a boy with puberty desires!

Hu~ it’s hard to restrain oneself when an opportunity comes close and you have the resources to obtain it…

“But… Lady Velkra… you have a tail too don’t you?” says Felia…

“Hmm… yeah. I do have one when I turn into a dragon.” I answer.

She’s right. I do have a tail when I’m a dragon.

“No no… you do have a tail right now…” Say Felia, pointing at something.

I look down where she is pointing.

“Ah! What?!” I exclaim.

Why do I have a scaly tail!

“Where did this come from?!” I say in panic.

I try to shake it off but it just moves with me!

“You’ve had it since you transformed from a dragon back there…” says Felia.

“What! You should’ve told me earlier!” I say.

“I mean it… looked good on you so I didn’t say anything…” she says looking fulfilled.

This girl~!

Partial Transformation?

That’s possible too?

Then I should be able to partially transform my legs and arms too…

I’ll experiment that later.

First to make this tail vanish.

I focus hard and imagine myself without a tail while using the transformation skill and the tail vanishes.

Ah~ thank goodness. No wonder the guy at the checkpost tried to appraise me.

Did he get the idea that I’m an Elder Dragon?!

No no. Probably not.

“We’ve arrived Lady Carmine.”

During this talk, I forgot to look out to observe the noble’s ring and we arrived at the Weskin Mansion.

The mansion was big and noble like as you would expect. Three stories from what I can sense and it’s pretty big on the inside too.

We get oof the carriage and walk towards the gate.

The gate leads to a big garden that we walk through this time because the horses were too tired to go any further.

We arrive at the gate with Lucius and the two guards.

“Lady Carmine have arrived!” says Lucius in a loud voice.

Just as he said that, the main door opens and several servants along with a butler comes out.

“Welcome home, Mistress Carmine…” says the butler.

White hair, black suit. That’s the typical outfit you’d expect from a butler, yeah.

But… he isn’t just a butler…he looks formidable…

I can’t just look at butlers same after watching so many anime where butlers turn out to be kickass.

“AH~ Carmine! You’re back!”

I hear a womanly voice, possibly drowned in the worry for Carmine.

The woman comes out of the house, pacing and hugs Carmine.

“I’m so glad you’re okay!”

The woman seems to be in her 40’s, a strip of white hair in front and the rest are bright red. Carmine’s hair is more darker.

“I’m back, Mother.” Says Carmine.

“Sister! Welcome home!”

I hear another voice.

The voice of a little girl. The girl comes out of the house running and hugs Carmine too.

She seems to be about 12 years old. Same hair as Carmine. By what I heard, she must be her sister.

“I’m back, Lucy.” Says Carmine.


The Mother lets out a ‘oh’ when she sees me.

“Who might this be, Carmine?” she says.

“Hmm? Mother. This is Lady Velkra. She saved my life.”


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