Dragon Tales: Reincarnation.

The Weskins. (Part 2)

We enter the Weskins mansion.

It’s very noble-like. You get into a very big hall when you go through the entrance. That’s probably for the parties they might have here. It could be used as a ballroom I think. From the hall in the front, you see a stairway stretching up to the next floor.

The hall has two doors on each side, left and right. They probably lead to the dining room and sort of like a lounge where people sit and have a talk or something of the sort. I’m not an expert at these things because I’m not a noble and I never was a top-class citizen in my previous world. So it’s pretty obvious that I wouldn’t understand the importance of a mansion this big.

We walked towards the gate on the right. It led to the lounge I was talking about. There were about three of them, each meant for different capacities. You can’t have a huge lounge and make a single person sit there, can you? At least that’s what I think.

We went into the lounge with medium capacity. The lounge was lined with three luxury and big wooden sofas. Albart probably chose this lounge because there is his whole family and me including the servants that would need to be there too.

Once we enter the lounge, Albart offers me a seat.

“Then please Lady Velkra, Let’s have a seat.” He says.

Hmm… this lounge is so… how should I say this…

Its walls a lined with intricate designs and even the wood on the sofa is carved with designs. The carpet on the floor is red colored, with golden embroidery.

To think that an agricultural center like this would have nobles like these. Their sense of luxury is so spot on. I guess Carmine wasn’t lying when she said that this country thrives on agricultural trade.

“I’ll sit down then…” I say that and take sit down.

Caryl sits down beside Albart while both sisters sit down on the sofa next to me.

“It could be a bit rude Lady Velkra but… Can we hear how you saved our daughter? If this is rude then we deeply apologize for our insolence. We have never served an Elder Dragon before…” says Albart.

Carryl sits quietly as Albart speaks. It is etiquette to let the head of the house speak.

Hmm… where should I start then?

When I sensed them I guess? Would it be alright to tell them about my skill?

Let’s see if they understand…

“You see, I can sense anything from far away…” I say.

“Oooh! Truly splendid that is!” Says Caryl, finally breaking her silence.

“Yes. How fascinating.” Says Albart.

Are they going to rain praise on everything I say?

“I want to tell you guys first, don’t be that stiff around me, I already told you to be casual, I don’t like to be treated high and mighty by someone. Got it?” I say.

“Okay … Lady Velkra…” Both of them say in sync.

It seriously feels like I’m disciplining two children right now. Caryl looks like she might jump with excitement like a little girl ever since she saw me. and Albart looks like he is excited but I can sense him suppressing it. Both of them are struggling to be composed in front of me.

“Then let’s get on the topic. As I told you, I can sense anything from far away. Just that day, I was flying around here and there to find something interesting.” I say.

“I see…” says Albert.

Caryl and the sisters keep looking at me with sparkly eyes.

It’s hard being the center of attention when you aren’t used to it.

Where’s Felia by the way?

Oh. There she is. She’s standing behind the sofa, Carmine and Lucy are sitting on.

Hmm? Something is waving behind Felia….

Wait! That’s her tail! When did she get that out?! I wanna touch it!

Felia spots me looking at her tail intensely and she blushes.

“Lady Velkra…? What’s wrong? You stopped all of a sudden. Are you not feeling well? Your face looks flushed too…”

Ah! My excitement got outside!

“N-No it’s nothing…” I say.

Felia caught me too! No!

“So I was flying around when I sensed them being chased by some bandits. When I investigated more, getting closer I saw them being held and Carmine’s guards were all knocked out. That’s when a bandit just pushed his sword through Felia. I got furious and killed some of them by accident by the way…” I say as I thought back on the incident.

“Felia? How did you get attacked? You’re Carmine’s personal bodyguard, aren’t you? You are even more proficient in combat than Lucius and his friends.” Albart says as he looks at Felia intensely.

“I am deeply ashamed of my incompetence, Master. To be truthful, I found myself numb to think. I think it could be the effect of some magic. The bandits weren’t that dangerous that they could take us out. I even sensed some foreign mana there.” Says Felia.

Wait wait wait! What’s going on here! Felia? Combat? How?

There was magic being used there?

I honestly thought how it could be possible that five guards that were trusted for their services would be bested by some chumps out of nowhere.

“Then I presume Lady Velkra took them out? Where are they now?” Albart asks in a switched professional tone.

“Lady Velkra saved us from dying and defeated all the bandits. She then bound them by magic and brought them to the check post at the Kingdom’s entrance. Lucius already made arrangements for them to be investigated.” Says Felia.

"I'll look into it then."

“Wait a second before that. What did you mean when you said that Felia is proficient in combat?” I ask Albart.

“She is one of the rarest Cat people clans in the entire world. There are probably dozen left of her kind. Her clan is called the Damirus Clan. They excel in body enhancement and combat skills. So it would be very unusual to fall victim to those nothings that tried to attack my daughter.” Says Albert.

 I look at Felia and she looks away blushing.

She is a maiden in love. I can tell that just by looking. I thought we resolved that matter already.

“Then let me inform you something as well. The bandits said that this was a mission given to them, they had to make it ‘look’ like a bandit attack. It could also be possible that they are not bandits.” I say.

“I see. That’s some useful information Lady Velkra. If they were given that this is a mission given to them, then they could be mercenaries hired for an assassination…” says Albart thinking.

“Anyway Lady Velkra. It’s splendid and fortunate that you were there to save my daughter. If you would not have been there my daughter wouldn’t be here either. I thank you from the bottom of my heart, thank you for saving my precious daughter.”

Says Albart as he stands up and bows down along with his wife.

A moment later every single person in the room is bowing to me.

I guess it’s better to behave as a superior to them even if they are casual. It’ll be easier to go by like this. I don’t want them to be uncomfortable when I get awfully close to them.

“You’re Welcome. Now lift your heads.” I say that in a dignified manner as I keep sitting in my place.

“As you wish Lady Velkra.” They all say in unison.

It’s not that bad that people respect me. But anyone would find it weird to be respected this much out of the blue.

I guess I have to develop the pride suiting of an Elder Dragon in front of them.

“Then Lady Velkra. Do tell us about yourselves.” Says Albart.

At those words, every single face in the room lit up.

That much? You’re looking forward to listening about it this much?


“Hmm… I have nothing that much in particular. I just got out of a cave a while ago. I was just born this week you know?”

They look at each other for a second. I guess I didn’t even tell Felia and Carmine about this.

“Then are you saying that you were born as an Elder Dragon? That is impossible… I think…” says Carmine.

“No no. Just, a lot happened and I became one.” I say.

“Is that so? Then… you have nothing to tell us?” says Lucy looking disappointed.

They are like a bunch of kids waiting for a bedtime story…

“Saving Carmine was one of the first encounters I’ve had with humans. Before that… oh! I fought two strong monsters before when I wasn’t an elder dragon. A big Lizard-like monster and a big acid frog…” I say.

“They could be a Dizarus and a… Fragit… if I would guess…. Maybe something else? They are B ranked and they are huge…” Says Felia.

She could be the one with the knowledge. She looks like she would know….

It’s an intuition.

“but they weren’t that strong either way. I just blasted them with my breath. And ate them because I was hungry.” I say.

“Truly Splendid! To think a monster couldn’t even faze you before you were an Elder Dragon!” Says Caryl.

She’s the Praise-Chain Initiator.

Everyone in the room looks bright as she says that. The maids are whispering to each other even.

“Mother, Father, I suggest we let her rest now. It’s getting very late since we arrived at night. She must be tired.”

How thoughtful of you Carmine!

Not that I get tires anyway. I got sleepy because of that mana saturation. Was that a status effect? There are things like that too? Debuffs?


“Then let the maids and Felia direct you to your room.” Says Albart.

“Felia accompany her to the main rooms in the mansion. We can’t have her staying in the guest rooms.” Says Albart to Felia.

“As you wish, Master.” Says Felia.

She is like the perfect maid. I thought that only butlers were supposed to be the cool ones. Her attitude takes a turn when she’s doing her job. Then there is the personality switch when she’s with me. The maiden in love.

We get up from our places and exit the lounge and then wall towards the main hall. The main hall leads to the stairs which then lead to the main rooms where the Weskin family is.

Once we get in the hall, Albart says.

“Then Lady Velkra, do excuse us now. We need to discuss some matters about your arrival. We need to prepare some things for your commodities.”

I see. So this was his way of saying that I shouldn’t worry that they are upset about me coming over huh? He told me honestly about what they were going to do. It’s obvious to them that I would suspect that they might be anxious and that’s why they are having a meeting without involving me.

Truly honest folks they are.

I walk through the stairs to the upper floor.

The upper floor is also lined with intricate designs. You get into a small hall once again, lined with a sofa set. The hall then leads to two sections. One that leads to the bedrooms for guests and one, to the section for the residents of the mansion. The servant's quarters are somewhere on the premises too.

Felia is walking beside me with three maids tailing her.

Her tail waves with excitement.

Why though? She’s that excited to put me to sleep?

“What is the stuff about the rare clan?” i ask Felia.

“I am of Damirus Clan. They are skilled In Body Enhancement magic and Combat. I was being chased by hunters, they were probably trying to sell me. Since I was a rare race. That’s when Master found me injured and took me in. He got me trained and hired a teacher to teach me magic. I then pledged to be a maid for Lady Carmine Once she was born. I am truly Grateful to Master for saving my life.” She says.

She looks so content.

“I see…”

We walk silently and enter the Section for Residents. There are five rooms, Three on one side and two on the other. If I’m guessing right, then the three rooms here are for the family and these two are extras?

We head into the first of the two rooms.

The maids open the door for me while Felia walks with her eyes closed, behind me.

The room is so luxurious. The bed, that I never dreamt of having in my life, a jumbo bed! Four people can fit in it easily! The bed is lined with pillows! And even more, they are super soft!

I jump into the sea of pillows.

“Ah~ this is heaven!” I say.

Oh. I lost control.

As I come to my senses and look up.

I see Felia cutely looking at me while the three maids are working something out at the wardrobe in the corner of the room.

“What is it Felia?” I say.

“I didn’t know that you had a cute side Lady Velkra…” she says as she puts a hand over her mouth in excitement.

“You should call me Velkra. I’ll tell Carmine to do so too.” I say.

Honestly, they are the two people I feel most comfortable with.

“Is that really alright for you?! I will be scolded, very much, by Master…”

she says as she clenches her hands together in excitement.

“Then in private. Refer to me as Velkra.” I say.

It’s pretty sensible if the maid in the house just goes around saying my name. Carmine is one thing but Felia is another matter.

It might be difficult even for Carmine.

“Okay!” she says.

“Lady Felia, The Change of clothes is ready…” says the maid from behind.

Wait? Lady… Velkra?

Why do they keep dropping bombs one after another?!

And what does she mean by change of clothes?

“Then Lady Velkra. Let’s get you changed for the night.” Says Felia.

“I can change by myself!” I retort.

“This is the duty of the maids in the mansion. Please let us do our jobs.” Says Felia in a very professional tone.

In the end, I lost.

“Hey! Don’t touch me there!”

“I can take these off by myself!”


The moment goes by as I’m changed into my nightgown like a child.

“Then You guys can go.” Says Felia to the maids.

What is she planning to do now?!

“Let’s get you to bed… Velkra…” she says in a bashful manner.

Just look at that personality switch! Are you sure you don’t have double personalities or something?!

“O-Okay…”I hop in bed.

“Now, Let me excuse myself too.” Says Felia.

Oh? I thought it looked like she wanted to say something…


A voice comes from the wardrobe.

“Maaaaaaster~” it’s Twixie.

Did she get stuck in the wardrobe?

I run for the wardrobe and open it.

“Master!” Twixie flies out with tears in her eyes.

“That’s what you get for sleeping without a worry in my hood. Even I forgot that you were there.” I say.

“Horrible! It’s just that I’m sleeping this much as I am recovering from the seal!” she says.

See? I was right. I knew it had something to do with her seal. Could be her mana. It must’ve been depleted. And yet she just healed Felia back there. How reckless can she be?

“Come on. I’m going to bed now…” I say as I walk away.

She jumps in my hair and snuggles.

“This is the most comfortable place I’ve found in my entire life… Hmm~ “ she says.

“You mean the Abyss you keep dwelling in?” I ask.

“Yes!” she says.

“Watch yourself while I sleep. I don’t want to find you crushed in the morning.” I say.

“Okay~,” she says while she yawns.

More sleep? How much is she recovering from?

I jump into my bed once again.

“Oh~ this is the best~”

“Master. I wanted to ask you something…” Says Twixie.

“Hmm? What?”

“Why do you not accept Felia’s feelings?” she says.

“You were listening about that? I thought you were dead asleep.” I say.

“It’s just a question. You don’t have to answer…” she says.

Hmm… there is a reason for that.

“You know Twixie… I told you before… I was a male in my previous world… this gender change is pretty shocking too… but… the most important factor is that… I don’t understand love. I don’t understand why a person falls in love. I have a feeling that even before the accident, I didn’t know what love was.” I say.

“What accident?” she says.

“Oh right. I haven’t told you about that… when I was back in my previous world… I was in an accident with my parents. They died in the accident and I lost my memories in the process. That’s all there is to it…”

“I didn’t know…” she says.

“How were you supposed to? I just told you right now…” I say.

“do you get it now? I don’t understand what love is. I don’t what it feels like. I don’t know why Felia fell in love. It doesn’t have to be with me being a woman now. It is that I don’t get love. That’s it.” I say.

“I see. Goodnight then~!” she says.

She can switch gears fast…

“Okay. Goodnight Twixie.” I say and close my eyes.

I hope… my life stays this way… forever…

Author section:

So once I get writing I write. I mean I write and write until my head spins. It just comes as if  I'm the MC, going through everything. the matter just comes into mind from nowhere like an unknown world. It truly is an exploration of a world within my imagination. Who knows what I will discover here? I love my imagination! I just hope it gets conveyed how I want it to.

And i just finished Akudama Drive. I'm having Post-Anime depression now.

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