Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 14 Meditation

The next morning, everyone came to the classroom, and at eight o'clock, a wizard in his thirties came to the classroom.

You are all newcomers. If you want to become a wizard, you need to complete the first step - meditation. Today I will teach you how to meditate...

Chip! Record images and texts, create files.

Dip! The mission has been established.

The wizard described all the issues that need to be paid attention to in meditation, and then began to talk about the process of meditation. Allen listened very carefully. When you don't understand this subject, don't question it's unscientific.

He himself is the most unscientific, so Allen carefully recorded the method of meditation.

This class soon passed, and there was only this basic course today, so after studying, Allen went back to the dormitory to try to meditate.

The first volume of this elementary meditation method is not complicated. There are a total of sixteen runes. Use mental power to outline the runes in your mind. If you can meditate on four runes at a time, you are a first-level wizard apprentice.

After all the twelve runes have been meditated, they will reach the third-level wizard apprentice. All sixteen of them reached the peak of the third-level apprenticeship after they had all meditated.

The speed of Rune Meditation depends on each person's qualifications. The fifth-level qualification has a huge advantage in the apprenticeship stage. It takes a few days to enter and become an apprentice. It takes a month for a third-level apprentice to enter a first-level apprentice. . The gap between the second and third levels will continue to widen.

Chip! Scan the primary meditation method and perform optimization deductions at the same time.

Dip! The mission has been established, and the primary meditation method has begun to analyze... The time required for analysis is 137 minutes, optimization: unknown, deduction: unknown.

Looking at the time shown above, Allen felt that he should go to the library to check the materials first. After all, there is so much in this world that he doesn't know.

First went to the restaurant to eat, then packed a copy to take away, went directly to the library, registered with the nameplate, and entered the inside. The library on the first floor was four meters high and filled with bookshelves. It is 3.5 meters high, there are dozens of bookshelves in a row, and there are many books.

Allen began to look through the books little by little, but no one organized the books, and all kinds of books were in a mess. Allen took out a book and began to read it. The books were all made of parchment paper. Although they looked very thick, the contents were not not much.

Soon one book was read. A large part of these books had nothing to do with wizards. Books such as Continental History, World Geography, Dynasty Evolution were the most numerous, and there were many other things. The poet's travel notes, but Allen did not give up. There are still many useful books on the first floor, Encyclopedia of Magical Creatures, Encyclopedia of Enchanted Plants, Model Construction and so on. As time passes quickly.

Seeing that the sky was getting dark, Allen returned to the dormitory with food. At this time, the primary meditation method had been analyzed. After dinner, Allen began to prepare for practice.

Chip! Start transmitting the first rune.

The three-dimensional picture of the rune began to appear in my mind, and the pattern on it was very complicated. If there is no chip assistance, it will take at least a few days to learn by yourself.

After the rune was transmitted, Alan fully understood the composition of the rune, Starting meditation, the first thing is to concentrate and empty your brain...

The dormitory was quiet at night. Allen sat quietly in the small room. Except for the ups and downs of his chest when he was breathing, he felt like a statue. The time passed by, and the little lights began to appear around the boy. , and then disappeared little by little on the boy.

The boy didn't show any expression, and after a long time, Allen couldn't maintain his figure any longer.

It's so tiring! Compared to this meditation method, it's too exhausting, and it's exhausted in such a short period of time.

Dip! Please note, host, there is slight radiation on the subject.

Chip! Scan my physical fitness.

Dip! The main body's brain cells are abnormally active, and the physique is slightly strengthened. The brain is tired and needs rest.

It seems that this meditation method will not only increase mental strength, but also strengthen physical fitness. This meditation practice should be the same as the knight's breathing method, which can transform the body of life and evolve to a higher life form, but the wizard's system is much more perfect than that of the knight. The upper limit is also far exceeded.

Phew...chip! Quantify the main body's mental power.

Drip! The quantification is successful, the main body's mental power is 2.1.

After doing all this, Allen felt sleepy for a while. This was the limit of his meditation practice. At this time, he needed a good sleep to recover.

No longer thinking about other things, after Alan set the time, he stopped resisting, and soon fell asleep in bed.

The chip woke Allen up early the next morning and stretched lazily.

Today we are talking about linguistics. Now the common language in the wizarding world is Byron, and the spells required for spellcasting are Neisser, and the language used by the rune magic circle is Elvish, so every qualified wizard is These three basic languages ​​are all to be proficient in, and the others include Sith, Naru...

Today's free course is linguistics, an important subject, but it's not easy to master. And only the basic three languages ​​are taught, the others need to be paid to learn.

As the lecture progressed, the apprentices present were shocked, their faces became serious, and they began to listen to the lecture attentively.

Just a few hours passed quickly. When the lecture was over, the lecturer left in a hurry, and there was no time for the surrounding apprentices to ask questions.

Hey, more than half of them didn't understand.

A few apprentices around sighed with disappointment. These are free courses. As long as you finish the course, you will complete the task. As for explaining the problem, it depends on the mood of the tutor. Many of these tutors are third-level apprentices part-time, and many of these people are busy. Accumulating resources to advance to a formal wizard will naturally not waste time.

Ellen, how much do you understand? Jason asked.

Seventy or eighty percent.

Allen put away his things expressionlessly, and asked in his heart, Chip! Is the course all videotaped?

Di! It has been completely recorded and can be viewed at any time.

Establish a linguistics archive for ready access at any time.

Dip! The file has been created.

Coming from the new library, this time Allen is not going to check it bit by bit here, but is going to scan it into the chip first, and after the chip is sorted, it will be transferred to the brain, which can greatly improve the efficiency. Then every night Alan practiced the primary meditation method, squeezing his spiritual power to the extreme every time, and then went to rest.

Many places in the academy need to spend money and magic stones. The money and magic stones that Allen brought have been exhausted. If you want to study in the academy, you need to spend time to find some part-time jobs to earn money. However, tasks in the academy require the strength of a first-level apprentice at a minimum.

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