Dragon Wizard of the Heavens

Chapter 23 Transactions

There has also been research on the elimination of radiation in the wizarding world, but this radiation will not cause serious consequences as long as it is not excessive, but it is a disaster for ordinary people, and it will take a while for the radiation source to pass through natural decay.

The wizards here will use radiation to speed up their meditation, but this method is very dangerous. Allen often sees in the books in the library that wizards have successfully advanced but their bodies have mutated and their bodies have collapsed. So it is important to reduce radiation to safe values. The most common method is to strengthen the physical body, stop taking the potion, and the radiation value will drop after a period of time.

During this time, there have been more and more blind date meetings organized by the wizarding family. Allen has met several times. Although Allen did not show a particularly outstanding talent in the academy, the teaching of other basic apprenticeship courses in the past also attracted many people. focus on.

This kind of apprentice with outstanding memory and hard work will have a good future in the academy. As for the qualifications, the third-level qualifications are already good.

As for apprentices with better qualifications, how could the academy give them to these wizard families? This is not the first time Alan has received an invitation from others. There was no magic stone before. This idea.

However, there are also many talents in these families, which ensures the continuation of these families.

On the training ground, Allen successfully cast a spell again. A stun spell made the knight next to him dizzy and fell to the ground.

Alan, you can now cast spells in knights' melee combat. You should have passed this battle spell. The Taoist priest Connor said with a look of relief.

It's the mentor who gave me good advice. Allen breathed and said with a smile.

Don't be humble, if you are unqualified, I will not pass the test for you. Connor said with emotion: You are the one who has improved the fastest in the past ten years. In just two months, you have been in a hurry. The rookie has become a veteran who can deal with the three knights calmly.

Ellen, with your talent, you should join the battle wizard, not the academic school. Connor said with a look of regret.

Teacher, I'm fine like this. Allen smiled and showed a row of teeth.

Okay, it's up to you. If you have any questions in the future, you can come here and ask me for advice.

Teacher, I will come often.

Although you have already passed the combat spells, but you have no actual combat experience, you are still a rookie. It will be good for you to join the patrol team to exercise. Connor thought for a while and said.

This is my secret seal, take it to Clyde, he will take care of you.

Thank you, mentor, I will go. Allen took the badge with a look of surprise and put it away carefully.

Okay, hurry up, don't get in the way here. Connor waved his hand away from him with an impatient look on his face.

Teacher, goodbye! Allen left with a wizard salute.

Take out the badge and check it. This is a secondary magic item. On the badge is the symbol of a sharp sword. There is a book next to it. There is a circle of blood thorns around the periphery. The badge has no other effect and is an identity proof.

During this period of training, Allen suffered a lot. As a sparring knight, he has undergone special training and is very familiar with the wizard's spellcasting methods. When only one person is close, Allen can barely win, and the three of them are hanged and beaten. .

After two months of training, Allen was finally able to successfully cast spells in the fight. He successfully passed the assessment, and the other apprentices of the same batch are still being educated by the knights.

As for the actual combat, Allen was going to go to the patrol team to exercise according to Connor's wishes. There are many polluted beasts and demonized beasts on the periphery of the Five Rings Tower. The powerful ones have been cleared or driven away by the official wizards, and the rest are left for the apprentices to practice their skills.

These demonized beasts multiply very quickly,

Every once in a while, it needs to be cleaned up. These demonized beasts are also a resource, and many wizards will use them in transformation experiments. This place is like a breeding farm.

The day passed quickly.

After class, Allen began to use chips to collect data. There are fixed bases for patrols near the Fifth Ring Tower. The route of each patrol is not fixed, but these strongholds must be checked again. There is a swamp around the academy, and the farther place is Kang Dal Mountains. That is the site of a higher level of magical beasts, and it is said that the official wizard-level magical beasts are often found in the inner circle of the mountain range.

It is rarely encountered on the periphery. There are many magical plants and other rare minerals in it. Many apprentices in the academy will team up to collect them. But every year, many apprentices die inside.

In the trading area, Allen looked at various booths with great interest. Around the stalls, gray-robed apprentices stood or sat in various stalls, and there were countless strange things, including some common materials and some strange things.

Allen observed casually, preparing to buy a weapon. Most of the stalls here are first- and second-level apprentices, and senior apprentices are rare. Many of the stalls are defective products or raw materials. There may be good things among them, but the chances of fakes are higher. Wanting to come here to pick up leaks is a test of character.

Suddenly, Alan's face showed a hint of surprise and saw an item in a booth.

It was a first-level apprentice, and on the apprentice's booth, there were some reddish-brown metals that looked dirty as if they had just been dug out of the ground.

Hello, do you need anything? Seeing Alan parked in front of the booth, the gray-robed apprentice cheered up and said.

Hello. Allen nodded: What kind of ore is this, and what is it for?

These are red flame iron, which is barely a low-level magical material, with fire properties.

The apprentice in front of him explained: This kind of red flaming iron generally appears in areas with strong fire elements, and it is more common in crater magma areas. It is a variation of iron ore. Because it has been in contact with fire elements for a long time, some changes have occurred. , can make magical items.

Making a weapon for a knight will cause a little elemental damage. The effect depends on the craftsmanship. However, this ore is more resistant to high temperature, and the mana transmission is much stronger than ordinary metals.

Need a weapon? These pieces should be enough. The man said with a smile.

Allen squatted down to check: Chip! Scan these pieces of ore!

Di, the mission has been established... The scan is completed. After comparison, the similarity rate of the target is 85% with the red crystal iron, the similarity with the red flame iron is 50%, and the similarity with the lava iron is 100%. twenty-fifths.

After getting the chip, Allen knew what he knew, and said calmly: It's just right to build a knight's sword for my followers. The incidental elemental damage can also cause damage to ghosts. How many magic stones?

Five magic stones will do. The stall owner said with a smile.

It's a bit more expensive. If it has been made into a weapon, 5 magic stones will do. If you buy it, you have to go to a workshop to process it. I will take the 3 magic stones, or you can keep it yourself. Ai Lun put down the ore, stood up and patted the dust on his hands lightly.

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