Dragon World: Monster Tamers

Chapter 19 – Bonds


Shamura wasn’t being gentle with me. I hadn’t realized how sensitive this new appendage was. I could control its movements to a degree, like a short, thick version of my Shadow Limb. While she was touching it, though, I could barely do anything. I couldn’t think. I was twitching like crazy but in a good way.


Shamura pressed her hips into me and I was momentarily lost in a warm bliss. Once she started moving back and forth I could barely contain myself. It was almost too much. 

There was pressure building up inside me. An urge to impregnate this beautiful Elven woman and her perfect body. Shamura was my entire focus. Every curve, hip thrust, the bounce of her breast. It only made my urges grow. 

“Fuuuuck!” I pulled Shamura down hard and released the growing pressure inside her. My hips twitched and bucked of their own accord.

Shamura grabbed the railing for support and rode the wave. “That was fast,” she said after I stopped moving so much.

I was breathing heavily and rapidly, with both arms crossed over my eyes. I held up my finger, “I… need a moment,” I breathed out.


One from All trait activated!

You have gained the Magic Guard trait! You take 25% reduced damage from magic skills!


The notification came and went, and I had caught my breath and was ready for round two. I didn’t need a round two, but I wanted a round two. 

I pulled the remnants of my armor up and over my head and tossed it aside in a crumpled heap. Shamura helped me out of the rest and we shared our first kiss. To say it breathed new life into my urges was an understatement.

Her lips were soft, and her breath was hot against mine. I pressed her firmly back against the deck and mounted her, the bright golden appendage squirming between her soft, warm thighs. 


Thup! Thup! Thup! Drip. Drip.


The sound of pounding Shamura against the deck and Chadius’s footsteps grew louder in unison until he appeared at the climax of our embrace. I was, for lack of a better term, balls deep in Shamura, unloading another egg, and a burst of white creamy goo.

“Save some for me, yeah?” Chadius said. He was naked at the top of the stairs with a few leaves and twigs sticking from his dark hair. His chisled purple form was brimming with muscle and confidence. The notification nearly ruined the mood.


You have resisted Demonic Lust!


“Really? Both of you?” Chadius shook his head and strode toward us. 

Shamura and I exchanged a glance. Hers was a devious look. It asked me if I wanted this. I hesitated, giving a doubtful look toward the swinging club between Chadius’s legs. Every encounter I’d had in this world flashed through my mind in an instant. But this was different. I accepted, with a nod and a mischievous look of my own


One from All trait activated!

You have gained the Devilmight Genome trait! You can take on a devilish transformation, increasing your power for a time!


Plap! Plap! Plap! Plap!

I was face-to-face with Shamura on a long bench, surrounded by Deviknight clones. Ten in total, each with identical physique to the original. 

There were two on me and three on Shamura, with one between us. The other four were waiting for their turns. When the first one finished, he vanished in a puff of purple smoke and an audible pop, and another immediately took his place without missing a beat. 

The second Deviknight plunged straight into me with ease and each thrust sent a wave of pleasure through me. I was leaning on the bench with one hand, the other firmly gripping a Deviknight next to me. His shaft was so big I could barely get my fingers around the entire base. 

Chadius was the one between both of us. Our mouths were pressed on either side of his dick while he moved his hips back and forth, the clones behind us continually nudging us together. He was directing us up and down his pulsing shaft, enjoying every second. He had a big dumb grin on his face all the while.

Fuuuck!” I fell to the bench with both hands to stabalize myself. The clone behind me was going double time.

Chadius took the opportunity to shove his thing into my mouth. One moment I was lip to lip with Shamura, then balls deep gagging on Chadius’s cock. Chadius and his clone took me from either side like I was skewered on one long pole between them. 

Felt like it. All the other clones surrounded Shamura and I lost sight of her among the dangling trunks.

I was lifted off the ground, the bench just out of reach. Chadius held me by my shoulders and the other by my hips. 

Shluck! Glug! Schluck! Glug!

I couldn’t say it was the most pleasurable experience for me, but they were loving it. It was all I could do to hold my balance and my breath, and not accidentally crush Chadius with my grip.


The clone dropped me against the bench suddenly and Chadius was quick to follow.

Poof! Poof! Poof! 

All the clones vanished as Chadius throbbed and pulsed his warm load down my throat. For once I was glad for the Size Queen trait.

With a pop! I pulled away to catch my breath and leaned back to lie on the bench. My entire body was thrumming and my skin was hot and sticky all over.

“Done already?” Chadius stood over me. 

It didn’t seem to me that he had anything else. He proved me wrong.

“Partial Expansion technique,” Chadius made a motion with his hands and his cock doubled in size. 

It was still only at half-attention at best.

A purple aura engulfed him as he activated a skill. A demonic transformation. Muscles bulged, and his obsidian horns grew in length and sharpness. And they weren’t the only things that got longer and harder. 

Chadius flipped me onto my stomach and I went with it. I was a sticky mess from the clones but it didn’t deter him. 

I gasped. The sensation of being stretched open, even with my Size Queen trait, was a lot. Nothing I can’t handle, right? I moved in rhythm with him and it doesn’t take long before I was gliding up and down with little resistance. 

Fuck! Fuck! “Fuck!” I clutched the bench for support against his steady thrashing. I stole a glance at Shamura, who hadn't moved an inch since the clones dropped her in her own personal pool. She has all of her hit points, so I’m not worried. I have something bigger to worry about at the moment.

“No, wai-” I didn’t get to finish my sentence. I had been so close.

But everything changed when he went into the other hole.

Ecstasy turned to surprise, turned to sudden pain, and I felt like my insides were about to be on my outsides. The pain subsided quickly, and I was left with the indescribable feeling of my stomach filling and emptying over and over again.

My toes curled and my eyes crossed. I might even have drooled a little bit. Chadius went faster and harder, threatening to destroy the bench. 

“Partial expan-”

“FUUUUCK!” I interrupted, right before everything went blank.

Chadius left me the same as Shamura, in a pool of jizz on the floor. 

I didn’t know what to think of that. I couldn’t really think. My entire body was shaking and my muscles ached. I didn’t know if chairs would ever be an option again. When I could form words properly, I finally did what I came here to do.



“They want me to escort you to the city, then come back and teleport everyone there.”

“Just us?”

“I think so, yeah."

She grinned a mischievous grin. "Oh yeah, I'm down."



Flying through the air with a passenger was a lot different than by myself. Turns were harder, and I couldn’t angle through narrow openings between branches as well. Shamura had nearly lost her head when I tried. 

Shamura held on to my neck with one arm, with her legs around my waist for further support and balance. Her other hand was doing some exploring, but I tried my best to focus on the flying part. I left behind the chest plate of my shambled armor in exchange for a plain tunic and my battle skirt. 

The trees and landscape were the same for a long time. Trees upon trees with the occasional clearing or water feature. A creek here, a lake or pond there. Once we were away from the forest, the cover was sparse. Fields, hills, and rivers as far as the eye could see. 

On the map there were two possibilities for a field this size, and both ultimately led us along a similar path. If we were lucky, we’d be on the northern path and see the crescent-shaped mountain and retrieve the contents of the silver briefcase. It would also save us a day's worth of travel.

We stopped along a peacefully flowing river before nightfall to find a suitable place to make camp in the hollow of a tree overlooking the steepest bank of the river. There were remnants of a long unused bird’s nest inside. Sleep was choppy at best, but cuddling up to Shamura put my mind at ease.

We had crab legs that morning, courtesy of the one that attacked us while cleaning off on the bank of the river. We both had Deviknight eggs to carry now, which had to be kept warm at all times or they lost health. I wasn’t quite sure how I felt about that. My egg was half swirling purple and half gold, whereas Shamura’s had a solid purple egg. She also had two smaller Elf Eggs thanks to me. 

 A few more landmarks passed us by and I realized we wouldn’t be seeing the right mountain, but we were on the right track. We made a few adjustments to the trip to account for the crescent-shaped mountain, with Shamura taking the stance that anything we could use against the Dragons was worth stopping for and that she could always teleport us out of danger.

When we weren’t flying, we were doing one of three things: talking, cuddling, or fooling around. 

According to Shamura, Elves aged differently than most species. They took longer to mature and could live to be up to two thousand or more. She was definitely the hottest three hundred and something year old I’d ever met. Their politics were all based on bloodlines and steeped in tradition. It sounded dreadful to me, and she agreed.

The second and third days passed quietly. We easily found shelter and continued our advance. The map didn't do the size of the continent true justice. An inch on the map was almost four hours of steady flight.

On the fourth day, I thought the terrain around me familiar, and my suspicion was confirmed when my fluttering heart led me to the very village I’d escaped from my captivity.

“This place,” I said, venom dripping from my voice, “is where it all began.”

The fluttering feeling wasn’t coming from Draconis’s old residence. It was coming from a hole in the ground, surrounded by a half-dome of scorched brick. 

“We shouldn’t,” I said as the voice of reason, maybe for the first time.

“You shouldn’t ignore tuggings of the heart,” she advised, “plus I’m curious. I don’t sense a Dragon down here.”

“You can sense Dragons?” 

“I have a trait that lets me do that, and other things, yes.”

“Fine, lets do it.” I couldn’t deny my curiousity was strong. 

The twenty-meter drop came and went and we were floating in a large room of carved stone. Pictures, posters, and awards were pinned to the blank stone walls. I couldn’t read Dragon language, so none of that mattered. 

The feeling was tugging my to the right, through a set of wooden double doors. There were three other doors that gave me no feeling whatsoever. 

I moved hesitantly, eyes moving side-to-side, waiting for a trap. A guard. A dragon. Anything. But nothing came. 

I disabled the deadbolt by shaping the metal away and into a bracelet.

“That was awesome,” Shamura exclaimed. “You can bend metal? Is there anything you cant do? You’re amazing.” 

“Haha, funny,” I shook my head.

“Don’t laugh, I’m serious.”

“Oh... Well,  thanks.” I think I was blushing. Heat rushed to my face. Getting compliments wasn’t exactly a thing I was used to. 

I took a breath to steady myself and pushed through, not knowing what to expect. I knew immediately what was drawing me here. I locked eyes with the monster, but monstrous isn't how I would have described him.

Golden flowing locks. Pale glowing skin. Dressed in loose-fitting white linen robes with a crown of gold thorns. He was handsome, and I felt the undying need to protect him. When I saw the notification of the trait, I understood why.


You have gained the Maternal Instinct trait! All stats boosted while threatened in the presence of children. Bonus doubled if those children share your bloodline.


“Oh no,” Shamura said. “Dragon incoming. Fast.”

“Of course,” I mutter, pulling the door shut minus the deadbolt I stole. I shaped that into a sword and dropped Shamura on the table in front of the golden boy. 

Toby, Angelkin, level 19. 

My offspring? It was a little surreal, and a lot to process right now.

Memories of Draconis flooded back to me. I recognized the familiar scent that wafted through the air and I knew what to expect. It was the large male Dragon that Draconis had hung out with. The one who’d gotten me to level 50 in exchange for breeding. His prized monster was a Minotaurus at the time, the one that I got my Charger trait from.

I surveyed the room. Not as large as the room or as well lit as the room Draconis kept me in. On one side of the stone-carved room, there was a dome-shaped incubator flanked by a cabinet on either side. This incubator was fancier than the one Draconis had, with a glass lid where you could see the eggs and a temperature gauge.

The other side of the room featured wall-mounted glass enclosures in a setup similar to Tyrannus’s with 6 monsters, most of which I’d already encountered. Shadopus, a black shadowy octopus that could fire off poisonous spines like a machine gun out of its tentacles. Minotaurus, a bipedal hulk of a monster that was just a step down from Deviknight in how sculpted his figure was.  Tribearatops had the head of a three-horned dinosaur and the body of a bipedal bear. 

The Horned Woofacle was the most familiar of all. I remembered him from my first breeding encounter, before I had the One From All trait. I wondered, briefly, if breeding again would net me a trait. I quickly pushed that thought from my mind. I know I’d done it once, but I didn’t know if I could do it again. 

The first of the last two to round off the group of level fifty monsters was a Chimeroo, a large winged creature made up of multiple creatures. It had the horns of a goat, the head of a lion, the ass of kangaroo, dragon-like wings, and a snake for a tail. 

The second was just a larger than life bird monser. A Terrawk named Hawkie, with an impressive wingspan and razor sharp talons. It’s beak was hooked for tearing prey and it’s eyes watched me with an unnerving precision. 

I landed on the table in front of Toby the Angelkin. Toby pressed his palms to the glass and stared at me. I looked to him, then to Shamura.

“What’s the plan?” Shamura asked.

“I was thinking of killing him, It’s really all I got,” I admitted. “Surprise attack?”

“I can’t attack,” Shamura put her hands up with her palms out. “Not that I don’t want to, it’s just that most of my abilities are still blocked by the mark,” she explained quickly. 

“OK, got it. If things go south, teleport out. Take him if you can,” I gesture to Toby. 

“I was going to ask,” Shamura stared at Toby for a moment, “This is yours and Orions from when…”

“Yes,” I cut her off at the sound of the lock rattling at the door.

Shamura warped through the glass in a purple flash and into the enclosure. It was better than my old glass cage, with a single building and a packed dirt floor with micro plantlife growing in patches. Shamura retreated into the building and I could see her peeking through the window. 

I took a deep breath and steadied my nerves. What did I have to be worried about? I conquered the Giga Mecharex.

As soon as the doors opened, I launched from the table for a surprise strike.

The Dragon reacted faster than I expected. I slashed early, taking half the first door off. I spun to the side to avoid the second door closing and made eye contact with the Dragon. He was covered in soot and was dark-colored in the dim light. His eyes were wide with fear and fire threatened to escape his toothy maw, but he thought better of it. 

I slashed toward his throat but was too slow. He ducked past and I left a deep craterous gash in the wall. Dodge activated on the counter tail-swing as the Dragon dove into the room and lunged for the Chimeroo enclosure. I followed closely.

“Get him, Charlie!” 

Charlie? What a stupid name. 

Charlie the Chimeroo charged me.

I hadn’t intended to kill any monsters if I could help it.


The two of us collided head-first in mid air. Horn to skull. I was focusing hard on a knockout rather than a kill. 


Your headbutt, reduced to KO damage, deals 899 bludgeoning damage to Chimeroo!

You have knocked out Chimeroo!

You take 79 bludgeoning damage, reduced by Thick Skin, from Chimeroo’s Charge!


With the snake-head in control of the Chimeroo's body, the wings flopped awkwardly as it fell, but it landed safe enough on the floor.


284 damage from the Terrawk catching my left side. I was too busy watching the Chimeroo’s safe descent. He was faster than I could react. Hawkie dove into me in an attempt to grab me and take me to the floor, not realizing I had a trait to stop that. Stable Core. I was an immovable object.


You take 757 pierce damage from Terrawk’s Talon Dive!

You take 647 impact damage from Terrawk!

Terrawk takes 647 impact damage, reduced to 646 by Skyfall!


I could visibly see that he was one-shot. Barely a tick of health left. It didn’t matter. The blood from my wound activated my Bleeding Shadows trait. The mist that seeped from the talon wounds obscured the area in a large radius while also dealing damage. 

Hawkie was knocked out. I caught him before he hit the ground with my Shadow Limb and carefully tossed him to the nearest table.

The Dragon was scanning the darkness for me. I could see him, but he couldn’t see me. 

 No flying-type monsters left that I could see. His options were limited. I could tell he was thinking of running.

His eyes flickered from looking for me, to the door, then to Toby. 

No Chance. 

I took the moment to use Alkaline Armor and heal up a little before he made his move. The door it was. 

I tripped him up with a double Stun Web, pinning his first claw to the door and his foot to the floor. Then another. He tried to tear it away, leaving me free to double it again and again, webbing him to door. 

“It’s over,” I stated loudly. “Give up and I’ll spare your life and just take your captive monsters.”

“You bitch!” Flames danced at the corners of his mouth as he spoke, “My monsters are my life! I knew it was you who killed Draconis. It was no accident.”

“You’re right, just ask Tyrannus.”

The blood drained from his face at the mention of Tyrannus’s name. His face contorted in rage and it was suddenly warm. The fire was growing rapidly and I was a meter away.

I was immune, but Shamura and the other monsters weren’t. Probably. I didn’t want this to end like it did at Draconis’s. I didn’t want to burn everything and everyone and alert the entire village.


You have successfully grappled Dragon!


I shaped the huge metal blade into a clamp and slammed his jaw shut with it, holding it closed with all the force I could muster, which was a little overkill.

I held on against the violent shaking and clawing. His final attempt to escape. It was too late.


You take 433 slash damage from Dragon’s claw!

You take 514 slash damage from Dragon’s claw!

Dragon takes 4,467 damage from skill misfire!



Blood and brain matter hit me like a wave of warm sticky syrup. Most of the explosion and the fire had been contained, but the splatter covered every wall and door in the room. Much of the skull was disintegrated.


You have felled a Dragon! You gain 20,168 experience! Base 13445 plus 6723 from Exponential Growth!

Shape Metal increased from Rank 3 to Rank 4!

You have gained 2 levels! You are now level 68!

Notice: you have stored Dragonforce that must be used to fuse traits! If you don’t fuse them within twenty-four hours they will randomly fuse.


Vitality +31

Body +13

Mind +6

Magic +21

Spirit +24

Luck +10

You have learned the Chaos Infusion skill! Using this skill before another skill gives it an additional random property.


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