Dragonoid: A Fantasy Harem

Chapter 11: some info

Jericho dropped to his knees, as he breathed heavily, his armour covered in deep dents and a few smudges of his own blood, sweat poured from his forehead, he found it extremely difficult to stand back up.

His physical well-being was fine he only had a few scraps and nothing major. However, the gap between him and Eon was laid out clearly and with no room for dispute.

“Oh! Come on, Jerry, done already? I’m nowhere near satisfied”

Eon spoke as he stood a few metres away from the man, he had a look of disappointment in his face, the sparring was barely an hour and he had yet to begin to even truly to find his vibe just yet.

In terms of fighting styles Eon was fond of brute force types, the ones that rely heavily on strength and force as such he was aiming to be that type of fighter, however he also likes the type that focused on agility and speed so he was looking to combine those two-fighting style but unfortunately Jerry gave out before he could find a way to properly do that.

“Well, it’s not about you being satisfied. Look at him. You nearly destroyed his armour, I’m pretty sure he can’t continue anymore”

Reniris informed while still seated on a tree stump, the fairy tale book she had was now closed, it was a thin book barely 10 pages, so she finished it quickly, it was the only book she could find in this entire village and was about a fairy tale regarding something about a dragon queen it was mildly interesting and a bit too short.

“Plus, his armor is kind of ruined. It’ll need an expert blacksmith to fix”.

She pointed out, Jericho’s armour had suffered significant damage, with some parts of it showing imprints of Eon’s fists that had collided with it, she could swear that during their sparring match Eon was aiming to shatter the armour, hopefully Jericho was fine and did not break any bones.

“Oh! sorry, I got a bit carried away there”

Eon apologised and then proceeded to walk towards Jericho and help him get up, taking a closer look at the man’s armour he could see that it was very badly damaged, while he certainly was holding back a bit it seemed That he had underestimated his own strength.

“You alright, that armor wasn’t expensive, was it, I could try and replace it”

He offered, while Jericho stood on shaky legs, his knees were having trouble stabilising; however, he eventually stood upright and responded to Eon’s statement.

“No, it's fine, I didn’t even buy this, but more importantly, how are you so strong and fast? You only got a single scratch from my sword”

“What can I say, I guess I'm built differently”

He jokingly said as he flexed his muscles, causing Reniris to roll her eyes at him.

“Is it really that impressive, though?”

“Of course, only BB or A rank adventurers can exhibit that amount of strength, and that takes years of training”

Jericho explained with a bit of admiration, but Eon could only quirk a brow at his words. He was certain adventurers existed, like they do in many fantasy worlds, but the ranking system seemed a bit odd.

“How many adventurer ranks are there, please name them in ascending order”

“Oh! you did say you wanted us to join the adventurer’s guild after we’re done, I guess I got a bit comfortable here”

Reniris exclaimed as she walked up to their position. They had stayed at this village for about a month, and they helped the villagers dig some holes to bury dead animals and fix up some of the houses. She had nearly forgotten that this was merely a just a temporary resting for them.

“Well ranking system for adventurers is pretty straightforward, it starts at D rank and then goes all the way up to S rank however all the ranks below S rank have stages, you go from D rank to DD to DDD and then to C rank, this applies to all ranks except for S, there is no SSS or anything of the sort”.

“Why is that?”

“Well for the most part, anything beyond S rank is considered to be godly or demi-god level and no one in the past two Hundred years has ever reached that, the only known people at that level are the Dragon Queen and the ruler of demons and those two are said to have existed since the era of the gods”

Jericho explained and fully gained Eon’s attention, The mention of the Dragon Queen and ruler of Demons made him picture the typical demon king that usually appears in isekai and for the Dragon queen he imagined Irene from that one wizard anime.

“Ruler of Demons? Do devils not exist?”

Reniris curiously asked. As a devil, she wondered if her race existed in this world, and the fact that Jericho said demons instead of devils caused her to feel a sense of anxiety that gripped her heart.

“I don’t know, I don’t know what that would look like, I've never even heard anyone refer to demons as devils before either” 

Eon cast a glance at her and saw her disappointed look. Seeing that she was distressed by the information Jericho gave, he simply gave her a pat on the back to reassure her.

She seemed to be very concerned about the idea of having a family, unfortunately he could do nothing to help he didn’t really have much family in his past life and the prince’s family in this world was hardly something you’d call a family. Jericho thought their exchange was a bit odd, but he carried on.

“All adventurers are required to start from the bottom. However, if you’re already strong, you’d be an A or BB rank, but just because you have the strength of an adventurer between BB rank or A rank doesn’t mean those are the ranks you’ll get, they will probably give you a test and if you pass, you get be a Temp adventurer and they’ll settle you with an observer for two weeks to see if you’re actually as capable as a BB or A rank”

“Oh, that’s interesting, so just because you have the strength of an A or B rank doesn’t mean you possess the necessary experience to be one as such a temp adventurer, you have to prove that you are capable”

Reniris figured and Jericho nodded to her statement, she figured it worked like that in order to prevent adventurers from dying too quickly or to make sure that the wrong people aren’t given a ranks above what they can manage.

She also imagined that ranking up was much more difficult as it measured more than just strength and magical ability, things like intelligence and strategizing were also accounted for and maybe even teamwork or how well one works under pressure.

“Wouldn’t it be better if all adventurers just started at the bottom regardless of their strength? They can prove they’re worthy of the rank they want without the complicated nonsense”.

Eon explained, From his perspective the whole ranking system seemed far too complicated and convoluted, it would be easy to settle everyone to a low rank and have them rise in rank overtime, it’s simple and ensures that only those that deserve higher ranks get them.

“Yes that would be easier and that used to be the case but most adventurers were impatient and didn’t like the fact they had to take low level quests when they were high level, low level quest don’t pay well and most people that try to become adventurers are either knights who got fired and fell into debt or commoners who were already in debt so taking low level requests did not help with paying off their debts”

“I do understand that way of doing things to help adventurers that are high level not get stuck with low level quests, I also understand the guild may not want to lose powerful adventurers or have them turn to crime because they can’t earn enough money”

Reniris spoke, she figured that there must have been a case where a skilled adventurer decided to turn to crime because the quests weren't rewarding enough, so to prevent this the guild tried to be as accommodating as possible.

“Yes, that’s right”

“I guess I can understand that, but why should the guild be expected to accommodate people when its main focus is to hunt monsters?”

Eon asked, while it was certainly nice of the guild to be accommodating, he however saw no reason on why they should be, after all if someone has debt then it’s their own fault for getting in debt, so they should get it sorted out by themselves and if they can’t then too bad it was their fault in the first place. Why should the guild be worried about people turning to crime after all that’s not its job.

“Well, your question is reasonable however the guild has no choice, as an organisation that is in all countries in the continent the adventurer’s guild is required to at least provide a secondary service to the country it’s in, which in this case aid the citizens escape debt or lower crime indirectly, I imagine the rules are different in each country”

“I see, so the adventurers guild is an organisation that helps with the extermination of monsters, however since each country already has its own military they can use to repel monsters.

The guild itself wasn’t necessarily needed but it is something that would lessen the load on resources spent on repelling monsters, at same time that wasn’t enough reason to just let a random organisation operate in the country, so it needed something else that would beneficial to the country is that right?”


Jericho concurred with her words, each country has its own problems and each probably assigned the guild to help with at least one of those problems as a secondary service, like for instance if a country has a problem with hunger, they may ask the adventurers to help with the problem by having adventurers hunt a certain amount of game to donate or have some volunteers to help in farming and so on.

“Well whatever, thanks for the info, Jerry. You should probably go change out of your armour, I imagine it’s uncomfortable with those dents.”

“Oh, you’re right, please excuse me”

Jericho spoke and left the training area. As the two watched his back, Reniris gave Eon a strange look, one with a mixture of curiosity and mild confusion.


“Are you going to make him new armor using your creation magic? I mean you’re the one who practically destroyed it.

“Yeah no, the best I can do is pay him back when I become an adventurer”

“You would rather spend money instead of giving him something free. You’re more philanthropic than I thought.”

She admitted that with his creation magic, creating some armor for Jericho would be something quite simple, yet for some reason, he chooses not to do that.

“I’m not that generous”.

“Then you can’t make it? I’m a bit surprised, you’ve been making food for everyone in the past month, I swear some of them think you’re a God or something, but I guess it’s a good thing to have a limit where all that power might go to your head.”

Reniris stated, now that she thinks about it, Eon has only ever made food and never anything like armour and clothing, he only made clothes for her and himself and no one else, so perhaps he can’t really make things like armour or swords and weapons or maybe his power has a cost she isn’t quite aware of.

“I can make it, but it will cost me far too much magic power, I’d rather not be weakened as much as I already am”.

He explained, despite his sparring match with Jericho and how he practically used him as a punching bag, Eon was actually feeling a bit of mana deficiency and was quite a bit tired.

This is due to the fact that he has been making food for everyone since it takes quite a bit for crops to grow, so there villagers have had to rely on him to provide food for the time being although he had began to do that less and less.

“Oh, how long does it take you to recover the magic lost after creating something?”

She asked. He was powerful, and she was getting very curious about who he was. From what she knows, he is a prince of a nation, yet for some reason, he had somehow never been able to escape the people he labeled as his captures. It was certainly odd.

“If it’s something like fruits, just about a day but things that are more complex, it could take 2-3 days.”

Things like fruits and vegetable are easy to make and are simple, but when it comes to more complex things like clothes, weapons, and armour it becomes very difficult and takes a lot of mana which can leave him powerless however it is less taxing to create fabrics than it is to create armour and weapons so he can manage creating clothes for himself and Reniris. It is also worth noting that even though it is easy to make fruits, doing it continuously can be taxing.

“Makes sense that you’ve been making less and less as the month went on”

“That and I don’t want these people to rely on me too much. We'll be leaving in a day or two.”


“You sound disappointed”


A/N: Thoughts on this chapter ? Help this author improve 

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