Dragonoid: A Fantasy Harem

Chapter 1:Beauty in the woods

She found herself in a green luscious green forest with nothing but trees and green grass, the fresh yet cool air entered her nose and she looked up in the sky, she saw that the tree branches were thick enough to block the sunlight but there was still rays of sunlight passing through. 

The second thing she noticed was the prickly grass under her feet, it felt ticklish, this was followed by the feeling of cold air on her skin that was oddly uncomfortable, Looking at herself, she found that she was naked. 

“Well this is strange”

She commented, she doesn’t recall anything from before she found herself in this situation, she knows her name is Reniris Ars Goetia and she is a devil from the underworld but she doesn’t know anything aside from those facts.

She doesn’t recall her family nor know who her parents are but she’s aware that there’s no way she was just born right now, but if that’s the case why doesn’t she recall anything from before she found herself standing here. 

“I need some clothes first” 

Devilish bat-like wings sprouted from her back, and she floated off the ground. She made her way towards the direction that she felt was the right one.

As she moved, she quickly decided to search for some magical power rather than just blindly rely on intuition. Perhaps a person might be nearby.

Closing her eyes, she spread her senses thin and listened to the air, she felt the ambient mana within it and She was quickly able to sense some small magical targets about to the left-hand side of her current position.

She quickly switched directions and headed straight towards the targets, judging by their weak magical power, she concluded they must be weak creatures, perhaps a rabbit or wolf.

She could kill them and eat them and maybe fashion some form of clothing from their skin, though she would need to hold back her power another thing that was odd, she was keenly aware of her abilities at least aware of most of them.

After about ten minutes she was finally close enough, she heard voices, realizing that it wasn't small animals she decided to hide her wings and start to walk, hopefully they’ll lend her some clothes or something that'll work as clothes 

“Did we get anything valuable?”

“Yeah we got tons of gold, plus the knight’s armor should fetch a high price”

“Good, are you certain you killed the boy? I don’t want any loose ends”

“Yeah I did, I threw him in the river east from here.”

“Good we need to get out of here then, since our job is done we’ll leave the country for a while, also don’t sell the equipment we got until at least a year later we can’t have someone investigating us”

“Didn’t the client tell us what’s on the target is ours?”

“Yeah but they didn’t tell us to be stupid, We can’t have Royal merchandise sold willy nilly. Even if we’re going to another country, we need to wait until the heat dies down”

Reniris, hearing the conversation at first, she thought she should ignore it and leave them be, but she can’t walk around naked, so she decided to step forward and reveal herself.

“Uhm excuse me, can you lend me some clothes?”

The two men turned to her and were immediately awe struck by the stunning figure before them.

One of them was a tall blonde man with blue eyes, he was a handsome man that has bed plenty of beautiful women before, noble daughters and dissatisfied noble wives as well as such he is no stranger to beautiful women however the woman in front of him right now was beyond anything he had ever seen.

She had striking red hair that flowed down to her back, her eyes a ruby like crimson with a slight glow in them.

Her skin was creamy white, and he could tell it was smoother than anything he had ever seen, her figure was the perfect hourglass shape with adequately thick thighs and her breasts were massive.

His body reacted the moment he laid eyes on her, his junior that was hidden beneath in his trousers had long since pitched a tent and his friend that stood next to him was practically drooling at the sight of the woman in front of them.

“Excuse me, do you have any clothes I can borrow”

She asked, making sure to appear non-threatening but she could already feel their lust. 

Here’s a woman in the forest naked with no weapons. She is completely defenseless, and she has no way of fighting back. 

Once that thought came to his mind, his instincts took over. 

“Hello little lady, do you want to play the rape game?”

He asked as he started to make his way towards her. He walked in a way that would be unthreatening, doing his best to ensure she didn't run away.


“That’s the spirit”

The man then launched himself forward and stretched out his hands to grab those beautiful mounds of flesh.

His speed was impeccable any normal person wouldn’t know how to react, by human standards he was strong, he and his friend did take the entire Royal guard that was guarding the prince earlier today so he had considerable skills.

Reniris saw that this man was driven by lust, as a devil, she recognized the sin of lust without much thought, and she knew he was trying to attack her. she heaved a sigh before she put a little magical power to her hand and swatted the man to the side. 

She had wanted to simply slap him away and have him crash onto the trees but she had underestimated her strength and the man’s entire torso exploded into bloody pastes and his bones and guts were splattered across the area leaving only his bottom half intact.


She was aware that she was much stronger than your average human, but she hadn’t thought a simple swing of her hand would cause such damage. 

The other man wasted no time and sprinted like his life depended on it as he screamed at the top of his lungs, Reniris didn’t chase but instead tried to figure out how to find some clothes, she looked around and even considered taking the trousers of the man she just killed but decided against that. 

Before she considered her next step, a chill ran down her spine as she sensed massive amount of magical power, her instincts caused her to jump back multiple meters, and she put up a stance that indicated that she was ready for battle, her eyes stared towards the direction, east of her current location.

She calmed herself and relaxed once she realized that the danger wasn’t immediate. 

She debated whether to check it out or not, it’s possible it might be a monster and if its magical power is that strong it might be too much for her but if it’s a person she could negotiate with and get some clothes, she also considered the fact that powerful monster often has intelligence which she could reason with, but then again a monster is a monster.

She also realised that despite not knowing much she about herself and the world she was in, she seems to have some level of knowledge about things that she doesn't remember learning, it was odd.

As she was thinking about what to do, she suddenly found herself already walking towards the direction of the magic power she sensed. She immediately halted her steps, but for some reason, she had the urge to see what that monster was, almost as if she was drawn to it. 


Deep in the depths of the river within a forest lay the body of a young man. He had silver hair, and he wore clothing that told of his status as a noble. 

There was a deep gash on the side of his neck and the blood had been drained leaving only a deep a pinkish wound, one could tell that it was a knife wound, the boy had been killed and thrown into the river.

The wound started to slowly heal itself and the flesh melded together and closed, the body glowed a bright rainbow colour before it dimmed down, the clothes were evaporated by the glow leaving a naked dead body but the dead body slowly regained colour.

Blood began to be circulated and its closed eyes twitched before they opened wide, revealing silver coloured Irises that had a glow in them the pupils were slit much like that of a reptile but they quickly reverted back to their round shape.

The now alive body quickly realized that he was underwater, and he tried to swim up, but he noticed there was something tied to his leg, a Boulder.

*Gulp fuck glup glup*

Using one of his arms he struck the Boulder and shattered it to pieces and wasting no time he quickly swam up for some air.


With a splash his head popped out of the water and he inhaled deeply, sucking all the air he could to his lungs, once he was done getting the necessary oxygen to his body he swam to the shore of the river and got out and laid on his back.

“Fucking GOD”

He cursed the all omnipotent being that sent him here, suddenly transmigrating underwater was not ideal, he could’ve drowned. 

After getting the necessary frustration out he stood up and saw that he was naked, but before he could do anything about it, he sensed substantial magical power near him. However he wasn't alarmed.

“Alright come out!” 


A/N: The schedule for this will be weekly, a new chapter every Sunday.

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