Dragonoid: A Fantasy Harem

Chapter 8: Witch’s disciples

He was in a fantasy world, although the being had told him where he was being sent and he has already spent a few hours in this world, the revelation that he was now no longer on earth hadn’t hit him not at least until he went to test out his powers.

After that realization came there was the question of what he wanted to do, what goal would he strive for and the answer came to him almost immediately, what he wanted was the top, gain enough strength to proclaim himself as the strongest in the world.

This goal of his came from his own understanding of mediocrity and the mundane life he was forced to endure in his old life and what he understood about being weak in a world of monsters and demons, but it also came from curiosity and his own sense of adventure, is he truly Overpowered in this world or is he another big fish in a small pond, he’ll find that out eventually.

Of course being the world’s greatest meant nothing if you have no allies or friends as such his plan was to have a life where when he reaches the pinnacle of strength but he has friends and family that will congratulate him and pat him on his back for his efforts, he was greedy.

Wanting to be the strongest also didn’t mean he had to battle all the time and fight monsters. He wanted to enjoy this life and live a slow but otherwise exciting life.

“So that’s your plan?”

“Yes, I know nothing about farming, but I believe burying dead bodies should help the land”

He explained, he had planned to leave this village quite early, however he needed to control his powers a bit more, so it will be safer to use around people, his tests revealed that he can’t transform properly without affecting his surroundings, like burning everything when he uses his fire form or freezing everything in his ice form so a bit of training is needed to control them, a few weeks should help.

“I thought you said you weren’t obligated to help these people. Why the change of heart? Also, why did your aura become so massive? Are you a disciple?”

Jericho who seemed to be a bit shaken, there was a slight tremble on his hands as he asked.

The amount of presence Eon was exhibiting made his back sweat. It was like standing right before an S-rank monster, and he was confused as he barely felt anything from the man before.

“What’s a disciple?”

Both Reniris and Eon asked him with a bit of curiosity, with Eon ignoring the other questions altogether. It was an odd term given the fact that neither of them were students to anyone.

“Huh? What do you mean what’s a disciple?”

“We’re asking what you’re referring to when you say disciple. Are you asking if I’m being taught by a teacher or...?

“You don’t know what’s a disciple?!!!”

He was quite surprised to hear that from them, the knowledge of what a disciple was practically common knowledge, though it was a myth, it was something that even the common man knew. in fact, the only reason he thought they were disciples was because of the things they did when they arrived in the village.

“Disciple is not the full term, it’s Disciple of the Eternal witch, basically the Disciples are people who were former students of the Eternal Witch before she was vanquished by the Gods”

“If you thought we were disciples of a witch wouldn’t that make us evil then”

Eon asked. As far as he was concerned, witches weren’t exactly known for being good guys, and he doesn’t imagine that disciples of one would be good guys either.

“Not necessarily, the Eternal witch had various different people as disciples, as such the stories about her said disciples vary, some good some bad, and since you helped these people I imagined you weren’t evil.”

Jericho clarified and managed to pique Reniris’ curiosity as she imagined a person that is referred to as the Eternal witch might help her but since the Witch herself was vanquished she figured finding one of her disciples should work.

“Well we aren’t related to the Witch in any way, so how about you call some people to help us with this?”

Eon said and pointed at the dead animal beneath his feet, like he said he isn’t well versed in farming, he only knows that if you bury an organic substance on the on barren soil it should get rejuvenated. The thing about the Eternal witch was certain interesting, but he’ll ask more about it later.

“Oh sorry, also could you rein in your aura, you’ll attract monsters if you broadcast it like that?” 


He had thought he was properly reigning it in, during his test he found out that for while now he has been broadcasting his aura in every direction so he did his best to reign it in although he has to keep in mind that he’s doing it. 

Heeding Jericho’s request he closed his eyes he took a deep breath and then exhaled, he imagined a second layer that contained his aura, this time he imagined it as if it was a second layer of his skin.

“is that better?”


He finally was able to relax. However, now he felt inadequate, as he realized that if his suspicions were true, then there was nothing he could have done to stop them.

“I’ll go call some able bodied men to help” 

Jericho went to look for the necessary men to help dug, leaving the two by themselves. An awkward silence descended upon the couple. 

“So how was your sleep?”

“Aside from the weird dream, it was fine” 

“Was it a dream, or was it memories disguised as a dream?”

He asked, normally in such situations people with amnesia tend have strange dreams that turn out to be memories, he just watched plenty of series were something like that happened, sometimes its a headache, like what happened to him.

“I don’t think it was memories because I was in a dark space with no light, so I don’t know”

“Maybe it was a memory of you inside a seal, I was joking when I said you may have been a sealed Devil, but that might be closer to the truth than we thought”

“You think so?”

“I mean it’s not impossible, I’m sure you’ll probably get your memories bit by bit, so for the time being don’t stress about it”

“I guess, but where did you go this morning?”

She felt an odd sense of comfort as she asked that, she didn’t understand why though, perhaps it was the fact there’s someone to talk to about her problem, it was comforting to have someone to help you navigate a troublesome situation.

“I needed to test out a few things and train a bit, plus I was kind of worried all the food I made may have attracted some monsters, but my worries were unfounded”

“Oh I guess that makes sense. On that note, would you help me train? earlier, I killed a human because I couldn’t control my strength properly”

“Yeah sure no problem, I was actually planning to ask you to help me train eventually”

It didn’t take long for Jericho to come back with 12 thin men who seemed more than eager to help out.

“Sir Eon I’ve brought all the men that are able bodied, a few other others said they would be joining us in a bit.”

“Alright gentlemen let’s get to work." 

He spoke, however looking at the scrawny malnourished men he thought maybe it would be a good a idea to have them build some muscle, after all a village that is supposedly far from the nearest city needs atleast decent protectors.


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