DRAGONS REBORN: The Era After SI (GOT story)

Chapter 1


Many historians often have somewhat of a romantic obsession with the reign of King Rhaegar Targaryen. They are not wrong because King Rhaegar Targaryen faced many trials and tribulations during his reign. He would be the King who would cement the Targaryen dynasty's rule over Westeros for the next several centuries.

Yet I believe that one can not ignore the rule of his father, King Aerys II, in history. I, along with many other like-minded individuals, think that the recently uncovered texts and artifacts confirm the long-speculated theory that the true beginning of the Targaryen dynasty begins with the rule of King Aerys.


Rhaegar Targaryen sat in his solar in the castle of Aeryndell. An apt name for a castle that looked over the vast town of Duskendale. After his father's command to build it into a seat befitting of a Prince, the castle was still undergoing renovations.

And as the Prince to whom this castle would soon belong was not in the continent, it was up to him to look over the construction and make sure it was up to the royal standards.

He stopped reading the report on the sheer cost that the crown was bearing for all this and looked at the open window. The day had not been the sunniest of days, and with a cooling breeze, he was feeling a bit of the chill. Instead of calling the servant he got up from his seat and made his way to the window, leaning into it as he felt another tremendous burst of wind strike his face. He looked out the window and saw the expansive city below.

A plethora of houses were being demolished, with more being built. A hoard of laborers worked in the cloudy weather to transform the city to his father's standards. And wasn't that a surprise? Many would have expected that Kingslanding would represent his father's vision.

Yet the sheer size and population of King's landing had forced him to compromise and choose efficiency over his own ideas for the capital of their rule. But fate had given him another chance to implement his ideals.

"Not that he needed to do this," he muttered as he closed the window. And wasn't that the truth? For it would take another long night for people to forget his father's rule: Aerys Targaryen, The Reformer. Many chose to call him the second coming of the conciliator himself. The man had come into power in his twenties. The Targaryen family was the weakest they had been since perhaps the end of the Dance itself.

Attacked by the Blackyres across the narrow sea, struck by tragedy at home. His father had not faltered. He had risen above all such challenges and rebuilt the Targaryen dynasty back to its greatest strength in recent memory. Everyone sang praises of King Aerys, the reformer. Yet few knew or understood that this had all come at a cost.


He was broken out of his thoughts by the knock on the door.

"Come in," he said as he walked back to his chair. The door opened and revealed the form of one of his Kingsguard.

He was clad in white armor with an ornamental white cloak on his back. A sword, unlike any other in the whole realm, strapped to his belt. Arthur Dayne, The Sword of the Morning. Wielder of Dawn. The finest knight in all of Westeros entered the room with a smile.

"My prince, the reports have arrived from the town." He said with a bow. Rhaegar smiled at his friend.

"Come in, and take a seat, Arthur. I was just about to take a break," and the Kingsguard nodded as he took the seat in front of him.

"Thank you, my prince," and Rhaegar shook his head.

"How many times have I asked you to stop with all this formality when it is just us," that had been discussed a minimum of six times, just in the last couple of moons.

And Arthur just silent at him, making him shake his head.

"So, is there anything interesting in those reports," Rhaegar asked as he leaned back into the chair.

"Nothing interesting, my prince. Though I did receive a report about your brother, prince Aemon, earlier."

Now, Rhaegar was paying attention to his words.

"What did it say? Aemon has been gone for quite some time now. It was supposed to be a routine trip to meet with our trading partners across the narrow sea, but he has been gone for more than half a year now."

And he had asked his father about this as well, but the man had been cryptic in his response.

"My Prince, it seems that he is finally on his way back. The reports say that he left the port of Pentos some time ago and is now on his way back."

That was good news. With the return of Aemon, he could return to the capital. It had been quite a while since he had seen his wife. And didn't that make a smile appear on his face as he remembered the joyous news he had received when he had left the capital?

"And you are sure you can not tell me what he was doing there."

And Arthur shook his head.

"I am afraid I can not share that secret with you, my prince. The King wants it to remain a surprise for everyone. And we are bound by the King's words," the wielder of dawn said with a smirk.

Rhaegar's eyes narrowed at his friend.

"Even if I were to command you as your prince."

"The King's word precedes your orders, my prince."

And Rhaegar stared straight into Arthur's eyes. Iliac met the light purple of his friend. His father had been very secretive about Aemon's endeavors. Only a few people were aware of the truth. And that included the Kingsguard and his mother. Queen Rhaella had also refused his request, saying that she would not reveal her husband's plans without his blessing. The Kingsguard had denied it as well, citing orders from his father.

"Keep your secrets, then. I will know soon enough with Aemon's return. But do remember that you are refusing your future King right now," he added with a smirk.

"Then I shall pray for the health of King Aerys. May the Seven bless him."

And Rhaegar broke into a smile at such a response.

"I pray for that too. May the seven bless him with a long life," and that was true. His father was still less than half a century old. And he was pretty healthy and fit. And if he did indeed live a life similar to the conciliator, he could live for a whole century.

"I don't understand why father is being so secretive about this. And more so with me, what is he even trying to do here."

"I can assure you, my prince. This will be a welcoming surprise for you."

Now, Rhaegar was even more curious. But it seems he will just have to wait for it.

"Anything else that I should know from those reports," he asked Arthur once more as he poured himself some Arbor gold.

Arthur looked through the papers as he spoke up.

"Nothing too urgent, I would say. These are just the reports from the workers building the new barracks and armories. Another one is from the workers on the docks about the repair of the port. And so on,"

"So, nothing urgent," and Rhaegar leaned back into his seat again. And silence permeated the whole room. As both of them just sat there quietly. Broken only when Rhaegar spoke up once more.

"What do you think of my father's plan for Duskendale? Do you think it was right of him to seize it for the crown rather than give it to someone else?" he asked Arthur.

"My prince, this was the King's decision. It is not my place to judge or think abo…" but he was cut off.

"I am not asking you to judge it. I am asking for your opinion." Rhaegar spoke up from his chair. His head bent to the side as he looked at Arthur. Arthur nodded his head slowly, speaking up after a moment.

"It was the King's prerogative to deal with the lands of the traitorous house Darklyn as his wishes, and he decided to have a garrison of the Royal Army built here along with giving the castle to Prince Aemon. These lands are close to Kings Landing and hence can be called upon to support Kings Landing hastily and make for a good defense for any attack on Kingslanding."

Rhaegar nodded at that, but this was not what he was asking about. The main concern had been the political one. Within his reign, his father had made repeated efforts to strengthen and centralize the control of Westeros in their hands.

And this had begun to worry many lords, high and low. With the formation of the Royal Army after the Blackfyre invasion. The building of the Imperial Citadel, then the start of their own trading fleet. The crown had taken numerous steps to strengthen its rule and remove its reliance on the lords.

But when he had decided to take Duskendale and gift it to Aemon, he effectively put it under the Crown's control. Rhaegar had begun to hear the grumbles of several Lords.

"The King could have raised another house and gifted them these lands. But it is the King's decision, and there shall be no questions regarding it from anyone. Anyone at all."

And Rhaegar smiled slightly at those words. Such devotion. His father had often called Arthur. The Truest of Knights. And Rhaegar tended to agree with the name.

Arthur Dayne was a true knight. If he chose to follow you, he would follow you to the world's edge. There was scarcely anyone more loyal and noble in the whole realm than him—the Knight among Knights. The King had dubbed him. The name now often screamed at the various tourneys across the land they participated in.

Suddenly there was a violent knock on the door. Rhaegar frowned as the noise disturbed them.

"Enter," and the door opened to reveal the form of another one of the white cloaks. It was none other than the man who had finished the Blackfyre rebellion with his sword. Famous throughout the lands as, Barristan the Bold.

However, the man seemed a bit anxious as he entered the room.

"What is it, Ser Barristan?" he asked, and beside him, Arthur was frowning as well. The venerable knight of the Kingsguard bowed his head as he replied.

"My prince, a raven, just arrived from Kingslanding," With that, the man took out a scroll and presented it to Rhaegar. Rhaegar's eyes widened as he saw the seal and coloring of the scroll.

Black paper, made by mixing the dye with the pulp, sealed with golden wax. Such a pattern was only reserved for an emergency, a system devised by his father on a whim to deliver secret messages in tricky situations like a siege or captivity.

But why is it being used now? And Rhaegar's felt dread bloom in his gut as he took the letter in his hand and broke the seal to read what had constituted its use.

Much like the rest of the Kingsguard, Arthur was aware of the code developed by the King. And was staring at the letter with some trepidation as Rhaegar read it.

Rhaegar's hands shook as he read the letter, his eyes not believing the words written in it. His mind refused to comprehend the words.

"This has to be a joke! Maybe Daenys is playing a joke!" he said as he looked toward Ser Barristan again. Though the man did not laugh, only shaking his head in a despondent way as he replied to the Prince.

"I am afraid not, my prince. The letter came directly from The Queen herself."

And the shred of hope vanished, and his eyes moistened as he handed the letter to his friend sitting in front of him. He was chewing his lips as he covered his face with his arm. Perhaps to hide the tears that fell down his cheeks.

Arthur's eyes widen as he reads and rereads the letter. By then, Rhaegar would speak up from his seat. His voice was slightly uneven as he gave further instructions.

"Make preparations to depart immediately. We leave for Kingslanding in ten minutes."

Arthur, who now stood right by his more experienced counterpart, nodded with him.

"Of course, your grace," and Rhaegar would shake his head.

"Not yet. Not yet. Not until I have confirmed this for myself."

There was sadness on the faces of the two Kingsguard as they nodded their heads.

"As you wish, my prince. We will make the necessary preparations to depart."

And they would leave the room after that. And sometime after that, Rhaegar would get up, and after reading over the letter once more. He would light it on fire with the candle on his desk.

And after throwing it into the fire, he would also rush out of the room. The fire caught unto the paper as it disintegrated into smithereens. Though, the first line was still legible as it avoided the fire that burned along the edges.

The King is dead.


The story begins with death. Death of the SI himself.

This is a unique idea I had gotten some time ago.

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