DRAGONS REBORN: The Era After SI (GOT story)

Chapter 10

Chapter 10

The Kraken's folly was the name given to the Greyjoy rebellion, for it was just that a folly. The Targaryen dynasty was at the height of its power with the Royal Army and the trading fleet fielding over forty thousand men. The agricultural and system reforms had caused the population to boom so much so that Kings Landing was said to have doubled its population in his reign, this was also one of the biggest reasons for the expansion done by King Aerys.

Moreover, the King had been generous with House Greyjoy, investing capital into the islands to have them form ports so they could earn their way to wealth through trade rather than plunder and piracy.

Yet House Greyjoy rebelled. It joined a greater conspiracy against the crown, and it would see reckoning for its folly.



The council chamber in the garrison of Lannisport was filled with men. The tension in the room was sharp as everyone waited for the arrival of the King. He sat to the head of the right could, with Jamie seated to his left.

Opposite him sat the crown's general, loosely called the Fist of the King, Lord Randall Tarly. The man had been Aerys's choice, and just like most of his departed friend's choices had been a very well-made appointment. His lips thinned as he saw, Vaemon Velaryon seated to the man's die, his presence a reminder of his dispute with Aerys over the rebellion of House Reyne.

Yet that was in the past, the King had been able to establish some communication with Pyke and had offered terms, yet the details hadn't been shared with anyone yet. Tywin had been assured that all such terms would ensure the safety of his sister Genna. No one knew what the status of these negotiations was.

As he thought that, the door to the council chambers opened and Rhaegar's most loyal companion and sword came in. Arthur Dayne walked in, the famous sword Dawn strapped to his side, followed by Lord Barristan Selmy, one of the realm's most gifted swordsmen in the entire realm.

Rhaeagr followed soon, dressed in full armor, yet unlike regular steel armor, it did not shine. The metal was all black, such that it was the color of soot. Dragons were fashioned into its design but non at the cost of protection or movement.

Rhaegar walked to the head of the table as they all stood up, and the tightness in his posture made it evident that there would be no more talk. Rhaegar took his position at the head of the table and motioned for them to sit, as he stood there and cut an imposing figure.

His armor and demeanor reminded Tywin of a much younger Aerys, who had stood tall similarly when the Blackyre rebellion had occurred. Yet times were different. Rhaegar had a whole army at his back, while Aerys had only a bunch of untrained levies.

RHaeagr looked around the Hall before he finally began.

"My father ruled over these lands for more than thirty years. Over the thirty years, these lands flourished, trade boomed, innovation happened, and prosperity graced all of Westeros. He wished to share that prosperity with House Greyjoy as well. He gave them an opportunity to trade, he invested capital into their lands to help them grow. He was magnanimous with them, does anyone here question that?" he asked and the Lords shook their heads.

"Nay," they chorused at the King's question. And this all showed that his earlier guess had been right. Rhaegar leaned forward.

"As most of you know, House Greyjoy stood accused of crimes of treason. They have joined forces with our enemies across the Sea and have rebelled against House Targaryen. They attacked Kingslanding and Lannisport killing hundreds and causing losses of thousands of gold dragons. Yet despite all that, I offered them a chance to repent," said Rhaegar as he took out a letter from his pocket. The room bristled at that.

"Like my father, I offered them more than they deserved. Death for Baelon and all the lords who were part of the plot to kill my father and those who gave the names of their instigators from across the sea could be allowed to take the Balck. Their children could rule after them for that price, shamed, yet I would spare their sons and daughters their lives."

Said Rhaeagr surprising many of the Lords with his generous terms. However, Rhargar's face snarled as he continued.

"Yet they spit on my generosity. They spit on the grace and generosity my father showed them! They spit on the Seven Kingdoms as they sell out to foreign conspirators!" snarled the King angrily as he brought down his fist, making the whole table shake. The King then took a deep breath to calm himself down.

"They have not just betrayed House Targaryen, they have betrayed every Hosue every man of the Seven Kingdoms who wished for prosperity," continued Rhaegar and Tywin's eyes narrowed at that. It seems Rhaegar planned to offer them no mercy.

"The Iron Islands have long seen House Targryen's generosity," began Rhaegar as the whole chambers hung at his every word.

"That ends today! No surrender will be accepted now. No hostages will be taken. I will turn those desolate islands into the ruin they wish to be!" finished Rhaegar, and the Lords in the Hall roared in approval.




The whole chamber was filled with shouts and approval at the King's speech. And Tywin was impressed by Rhaegar's tactic. He wasn't sure that the terms he had mentioned were real, yet the man had set the stage for the complete annihilation of a Great House, a rather unliked one, yet a Great House nonetheless.

"The men are assembled and the ships ready. I shall lead the attack myself," said Rhaegar everyone became quieter as Rhaegar raised his hand.

"We shall bring them FIRE AND BLOOD!"

"FIRE AND BLOOD!" the whole chamber roared behind him as they cheered for their new King. Tywin looked at their new King and at the way he had riled up everyone.

It seems Aerys had raised him well.



Rhaeagr watched as Lord Twin Lannister sat on eh chair opposite to him. The man was the last of the Three Men that led the seven kingdoms in the War of the Ninepenny Kings. His father had a complicated relationship with the man, though their disputes were more political than personal. And from what Rhaegar understood some parts of them were more just for appearance's sake.

For why would his father arrange a marriage for the man's daughter and even offer him a royal match for his son? And wasn't that a headache for him right now? Rhaegar was very much aware of his sister's refusal to an arranged match and their father had indulged her for quite some years as he continued to reject matches for her. Though over the last year, there had been conversations between him and Lord Tywin for a match between Daenys and Jamie Lannister.

"I must say, your speech was impressive. Though I must ask, isn't it overly dangerous for you to lead the attack yourself?" questioned the man, and Rhaegar nodded.

"Thank you for the praise Lord Lannister, and I believe it is necessary for me to lead the attack myself. For the attack to succeed we must make them chase us into the Fair Isle Strait! Once we succeed there we can begin targeting Pyke!" he replied and the man nodded. It was a reasonable plan, one his father had devised in one of their many war games. And wasn't that eerie.

Though, there wasn't much time. So, he decided to move on to the main reason he had called for the man.

"I believe I have good news to share with you about your sister, Lord Lannister," began Rhaegar and the man straightened up. And Rhaegar smiled as the man the letter he had received from one of his informants. The Iron Islands had a trading fleet and part of that fleet were men that were loyal to the crown. They were part of every fleet, including the Northern and the Western fleet. These men were loyal to the Crown due to various reasons ranging from greed, and blackmail. Their whole purpose was to be used as espionage agents in case of war.

"We have located her. Benjen Stark is on his way to rescue her. She is safe and will be freed soon," he concluded, and the man nodded, and he noticed how the man's shoulders relaxed as if a huge weight had been lifted off of them.

"I must thank you for this, your grace," said the man, and Rhaegar shook his head.

"The Crown will always try to protect its own. We cannot let treason prosper. The Iron Islands have rebelled and have spat on my father's generosity. They need to answer for their crimes!" Rhaegar finished, and his hands balled into fists as he thought of his father. The recent report from Aemon had confirmed his suspicions that this was all a big conspiracy.

Now they just needed to find the one responsible for all this and make an example out of them. He needed to set an example for the realm, and the Iron Islands were the perfect place to do so.

"Indeed, an example needs to be set but your grace, have you considered the future of the Islands after your victory," and Rhaeagr knew the man would question him about that. And while he had several ideas. He did not want to reveal his hand just yet.

"I have, and everything will be shared in due time," answered Rhaegar, and he didn't miss how the man's eyes tightened though Tywin Lannister did not press.

"Will you be joining us for the attack Lord Lannister?" questioned Arthur from the side, and the man shook his head.

"I am afraid not. My son Jamie will lead House Lannister forces," and Rhaegar had seen the man's heir.

"Your grace," suddenly began Tywin Lannister, "I believe you are aware of the recent exchanges between your father and me about a probable match between Jamie and Princess Daenys," and Rhaegar sighed as he nodded. He had hoped that this topic wouldn't be brought up just yet.

"Indeed I am. Father mentioned it in passing, and just like my father, I can see the merits of such a match," began Rhaegar, and that was true. Jamie Lannister was the heir to the richest House of the Land, which was apart from the Crown. And from what he had seen was a good and honorable young man. But there was one big issue.

"But my father had yet to mention it to Daenys. I need to talk to her, and while I can endorse the match, I will not force Daenys to marry Jamie. I believe she would want to meet him herself," and the man nodded.

"That can be arranged," and Rhaegar nodded, still contemplating how to bring this up to Daenys.

"Then we can discuss it after the battle. I believe that will be all," and the man stood up as they shook hands and left his office, leaving him alone with Arthur.

"Jamie Lannister, huh. He is a good man. You knighted him yourself, didn't you," and Rhaegar nodded as he remembered. The boy had won a tourney at seventeen by unhorsing Ser Gerold, though he had lost in the final round; Rhaegar had been impressed by the lad and had knighted him.

"Yes, it's a reasonable match, and Daenys has to get married one day. Though I wish father had been here to talk to her about this," that would have been easier. Now, it all fell to him.

"Perhaps, you could ask Lady Elia to test the waters. So that the news doesn't take her by surprise," and Rhaegar nodded. That was good advice. Perhaps, he should write to her.

"That just might work. I will ask Mother and Elia to talk to her."


Jamie and Daenys, what are your thoughts?

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