DRAGONS REBORN: The Era After SI (GOT story)

Chapter 16

Chapter 16

The reasons for the absence of the North and the Vale from the initial stages of the war are often debated by Historians while discussing the Rebellion faced by King Rhaegar I. At that time, there was no obvious reason for preserving the strength of these kingdoms, especially when the Kingdom was fighting for survival. Yet the incidents of the next decade proved to be right.

Decisions like this and others like the establishment of communication with the Free Folk king give credence to the rumors of King Aerys's mythical abilities to be a dreamer and are considered as proof by many that the man had been blessed much like Daenys dreamer himself.

The joys from the victory against the Greyjoys were short-lived with the death of Queen Elia's brother. Oberyn Martell, younger brother to Doran and Elia Martell, was a man of adventure and made fast friends wherever he went. The man was appointed as the governor of the Stepstones by the King, and the letters recovered by the historians show that that man's ability to make fats friends was one of the reasons the King appointed the man to such an important post.

Given the title of the "Red Viper," the man was one of the kingdom's deadliest fighters and was later honored by the Royal family and named a regiment in the army after the man. 'The Vipers' regiment remains part of the military to this day and is considered one of the most elite forces in the world, and each Viper is trained to wield a spear to this day, for the Red Viper was said to wield one himself.



Daenys Targaryen sat in the gardens with her good sister and Queen, Elia. There was in common between her and Elia Martell, but the woman was cordial and easy to get along with, and hence Daenys had become fast friends with her over the years. And that was exactly why she knew just how much she cared for her little brother, Oberyn. And just how badly she would be affected by his death. And they couldn't afford that.

And her eyes went to her swollen belly. Her brother and Elia had lost a child a couple of years ago, and her health had suffered greatly with, and rumors of her inability to have any more children, and it was speculated that the King wished to have the marriage between her and Prince Rhaegar annulled.

She scoffed as she thought of that. Like her father would ever do such a thing. The man had put an end to all such rumors quickly and had even asked her brother to give Elia time to recover properly before they tried for another child.

"Are you fine, Daenys?" the question from Elia broker her out of her trance and Daenys nodded at the Queen.

"Of course, I was just thinking about Father and how happy he would have been at the thought of having another grandchild," she said a little wistfully, and Elia's lips thinned as well, and she nodded.

"Indeed, he would have been delighted," said Elia. And silence came over them once more. And then Elia broke it once again.

"Have you given any thought to what we discussed about your marriage," questioned Elia, and Daenys groaned internally but nodded nonetheless. The Queen squeezed her hand in reassurance.

"I just want you to keep an open mind. No one here will ever force you into a match against your will but you have to get married one day," said Elia with a smile, and Daenys lips thinned as she replied.

"I just don't want to lose my freedoms. I don't want to become a broodmare for some entitled brat," Daenys complained, and Elia smiled as she said scandalously.

"So, you are calling me a broodmare," Daenys's shoulder slumped, and she shook her head.

"You know what I meant by that," she groaned, and Elia nodded.

"I was just making a joke. And I know what you mean. Father's relationship with mother was quite exemplary, if I say so myself, and me and Rhaegar try and replicate it as well. But you must consider that it was also your father who thought of pursuing a match between you and Jamie Lannister. He must have seen something in him to consider him even worthy of his princess," Elia assured her, and Daenys nodded.

"I know, but I am still afraid," she said, and Elia smiled forlornly.

"Did you know I felt the same way when I married your brother? I believe it is quite natural to be afraid. But we cannot let our fear rule over us," Elia spoke slowly before wincing in pain. Daenys immediately reached for her hand.

"Are you fine?" she questioned, and Elia nodded, her brows still scrunched in pain.

"It will be fine," yet the relief never came, and suddenly Elia began to scream in pain, making Daenys heart thump with worry. At the Queen's cry, the Castle guards rushed towards them, led by Ser Gerold.

"AGH!" Elia screamed in pain, and Daenys could only hold her hand before her eyes widened as she saw her dress becoming wet, and realization dawned on her, and she immediately screamed.




Aemon Targaryen sat in his solar, dreading the conversation he was about to have with the man sitting opposite him. The Quiet Wolf of the North, Eddard Stark, was nearly as imposing as his father Rickard Stark.

The man had the symbolic brown Stark hair along with those striking grey eyes. The man had traversed the lands across the Wall on the orders of his brother, though one could say it had actually been his father's orders.

"So, Lord Eddard, I believe there is no time to waste, so why don't we skip straight to the topic" began Aemon, and the man nodded.

"So, was my father right," said Aemon, and Eddard Stark nodded slowly.

"He was, my prince. The Freefolks confirmed everything he told us," said the man, and then he reached into his pocket and took out a scroll.

"And regarding that, my brother has written this missive to the Crown asking for permission regarding various matters," and Aemon nodded as he took the missive and opened it. And though he had the authority to deal with it, with his brother barely hours from the capital, it would be better to leave it all up to him.

"The King is set to return today, and he will deal with this. Moving on, I believe you have something of my family in your possession," said Aemon, and Eddard Stark nodded. The man slowly reached down and placed a clothed object on his desk.

Aemon's heart shook as he saw the clothed object, and then with quivering fingers, he took off the cloth covering the object. He gasped as he saw the object lying there. It was a sword. It was their sword, one of the ancestral swords of House Targaryen.

"Dark Sister!' he gasped as he held up the legendary blade, and the very blade gleamed in joy as he picked it up.

"We found it stuck in the ground, near a giant weir wood tree just as the King instructed," spoke Eddard and Aemon nodded, his mind questioning just how did his father know about its location. And now, with his demise, he couldn't even question the man.

The sword was like a gift from him.

"The Crown thanks you for your service and will bestow an appropriate reward onto you, Lord Eddard," spoke Aemon, and Eddard Stark nodded.

"The Starks of Winterfell are at your service, my prince," said the man, and then just as Aemon was about to speak up there was a knock on the doors.

Aemon gently wrapped the sword in cloth once more, and placed it under the desk, before he spoke up.

"Come in," he said, and the doors swung open to reveal the form of Ser Gerold, and the man had a rather big smile on his face.

"My prince, your mother is summoning you to the Queen's chambers," and Aemon frowned, yet stood up nonetheless.

"What has happened?" he questioned as he rushed towards the commander of the Kingsguard and the man smiled and spoke up.

"The Gods have blessed your brother, with a son," came the reply, and relief ran through his body at those words. Eddard Stark had joined him as well. Aemon looked back toward the man and, with a sheepish smile, spoke up.

"I believe I must cut our meeting short, Lord Eddard," and the man shook his head and simply bowed.

"As you say, my prince," said the man, and then Aemon rushed out of his solar and rushed towards the Queen's chambers.



Rhaegar Targaryen raced past the streets of Kinglanding, the familiar streets of the City helped ease his heart from the perils of the war he had just fought. Under normal circumstances, there would have been a Victory march in the City, yet the circumstances were anything but normal.

The people parted ways and broke out in cheers, as soon as they saw his horse racing down the streets. The Castle gates were opened and the guards blew the horns indicating his arrival The Royal guards bustled and formed two lines around the gates.

He galloped past the gates and rushed towards the main gate of the Red Keep. He pulled the reins of his horse and came to a halt in front of a small retinue standing outside the gates to welcome him. Aemon led them as he stood there dressed in a black tunic, with a massive smile on his face.

Rhaegar jumped off his horse, rushed towards his brother, and crushed him in a hug, as the two brothers finally met after all this time. And suddenly, Aemon whispered quietly in his ears.

"I believe congratulations are in order, Rhaegar," and Rhaegar's heart skipped a beat as he separated and looked at Aemon, who nodded and confirmed his suspicion.

"The Queen has given birth to a healthy babe. The Gods have blessed you with another son," said Aemon, and Rhaegar's lips thinned, and he barely exchanged greetings with the Lords accompanying his brother before he rushed past them, his steps brisk and quick as he rushed towards the Queen's chambers.

There was a sense of joy and jubilation in the castle, and the servants congratulated him as he rushed past them. He finally reached the Queen's chambers and, after a deep breath, walked in slowly, and there in the bed lay his wife, her hair messy and sweaty. Yet there was a smile on her face as she leaned to the side and continued to coo at the small bundle resting in the hands of his mother.

To her other side sat Daenys, who was the first one to look up at him before she rushed forwards and lept at him.

"Brother, you are back!" she said, and Rhaegar nodded as he held his sister tightly, and he didn't miss how she had become taller over the time he had gone. The two of them hugged each other before he slowly walked toward Elia and his mother.

Elia smiled at him, and as he came closer, his mother gently passed his son to him.

"He takes after you," said his mother with a smile. And Rhaegar's heart thumped as he held his child, and felt his eyes wet. The babe had a small tuft of silvery blonde hair and the symbolic amethyst Targaryen eyes.

"Have you decided on a name?" he questioned slowly, his voice quivering, and Elia nodded before she looked toward his mother.

"I have, and with mother's permission, I would like to name him Aerys, in honor of father," said Elia and Rhaegar looked towards his mother, whose eyes had become red. Her lips quivered before she slowly nodded her head, and her eyes landed on the child in his arm once more.

"Prince Aerys Targaryen," she said with a smile, giving her permission, and Rhaegar smiled and gently kissed his son, Aerys.

"You should go and rest Rhaegar," his mother said gently from the side before turning to face Elia," and Elia, you as well. I will take care of the babe," she said as she gestured for him to hand her the babe. And just as he was about to protest her mother's eyes narrowed as she gently teased him.

"He will be fine with me Rhaegar, after all, I did raise three children myself," retorted his mother making Elia break out in a small laugh. Rhaegar handed her his son, reluctantly. And then with a nod towards Elia, his mother began to walk out of the room.

"All right, you should rest, and then we can finally have a talk afterward," and with those words, his mother left the room. Leaving him alone with Elia, Rhaegar sat down on the side of her bed and kissed his wife. Those lips felt like heaven after all these months of separation, and they both lost each other like that before they finally separated, both huffing for breath.

"It is good to have you back, Rhaegar," said Elia as she squeezed her hand. And Rhaegar nodded.

"It is good to be back as well."


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