DRAGONS REBORN: The Era After SI (GOT story)

Chapter 28

Chapter 28

The whole religious uprising was being led by two men. The False Preacher and the High Sparrow. To dismantle this whole uprising, both of these individuals needed to be taken out quickly and concurrently. For the death of one could make the other go into hiding or inflame the whole situation, making the handling of this delicate issue even more difficult.

Their continuous string of victories over the Crown were troubling for the Royal family, who had been pushed to the backfoot while dealing with these two individuals. And just as doubt began to linger in the minds of the lords and ladies of the realm about the ability of the Crown to deal with these rogue elements, the Royal family struck its most lethal blow to these two individuals, ending their whole charade within the span of a single day.

It is believed that the plan was hatched by Princess Daenys, who wrote to her eldest brother, King Rhaegar, to gain his permission, something which he granted quickly. A letter was then dispatched to Prince Aemon, who would then rush back to the capitol alone after giving strict instructions to Stannis Baratheon, his second in command.

And then days later, Kingslanding would watch in awe and horror as the very ground of the city shook as two mighty beasts roared and flew out of the massive Dragon Pit, signaling to the whole of the world about the return of the beasts that allowed the Aegon Targaryen to forge the seven kingdoms into one realm.

The House of the Dragon had somehow revived its symbol of power. The Dragons were back.



Stannis Baratheon stood in his tent and watched as the army stood ready behind him. The Prince had left in a hurry after receiving a letter from Kingslanding. Stannis wasn't aware of the content of the letters, but whatever they were, the Prince had ordered him to get the army ready for an attack, and he had done exactly so.

And so, as per the Prince's instructions, the men stood ready, armed, with swords and lances, with the siege engines and trebuchet geared up as they waited for the signal from the Prince. Just as he was lost in thought, he heard a commotion from the outside of the tent and frowned as he heard his guards shouting and arguing with someone else.

"I need to talk to your second in command," came a feminine voice he immediately recognized.

"My lady, Lord Stannis was very clear that he didn't want to be disturbed. I will inform him of your visit, but you should return to your tent," came the voice of his guards, and he began to walk out as the Lady of the Riverrun refused to listen to the guard outside.

He walked out of the tent and saw the Lady arguing with guards as her maid stood by her side, holding her arm, keeping her steady. Her injuries were still new, and the healers had advised her not to get out of bed for some time.

"What is going on here?" he spoke sternly and saw everyone turn to face him.

"My lord,…" the guard was about to begin when suddenly the pale lady of Riverrun cut in a hurried tone.

"Where is the Prince? Why is the army preparing for an attack? I need to talk to the Prince!" the lady of Riverrun spoke up in a hurried tone, her panic visible as she frantically moved towards him. The guards tried to stop her, but he stopped them with a raised hand and turned to face the concerned lady.

"Come and sit inside. We can talk there," he said and motioned for her to enter the tent. Her injuries were still severe, and the Prince wouldn't like it if they were exacerbated in any way.

Lady Rosalin Frey became quiet and entered the tent, her maid behind him, and he looked towards the guards.

"No one comes inside," and with that, he went back to the tent and saw the Lady of Riverrun sitting there on a chair, and as soon as she watched him come in, she began once more.

"Where is the Prince?" she asked, and Stannis answered as he sat down opposite to her.

"The Prince is away on some business. I am in charge until he arrives," he answered. And she narrowed her eyes before she continued.

"Then, can I ask you why the army is getting ready for an attack? The Prince promised me that he would protect the lives of my children. If the army attacks, the sparrows will kill them. IS the Crown breaking their promise?" she asked, and he didn't like her accusatory tone.

The Prince had made a deal with her, and it was the only thing that had stopped him from dismantling the castle defenses. Though Stannis believed that House Tully deserved none of the consideration, the Royal family was showing them, especially after their disgraceful behavior. After all, they were the reason the Crown was in this mess.

"First of all, I would like to tell you that the Crown owes you and your family nothing, Lady Rosalin. Your family broke your oaths, and the only reason your children and lord husband are still alive is because of the magnanimity and generosity of Prince Aemon," he cut in sharply and saw the Lady grimace at his tone and words.

"Your lord husband broke his oaths and, despite clear instructions from the Crown, gave refuge to rogue elements, elements that the Crown had declared as enemies of the Crown. You are in no position to make any demand from us," he warned her, and saw her grit her teeth as she lowered her face. Knowing that he was right.

There were already calls in the army and among the lords to replace the Tully's as lord Paramounts for their disgression, especially after the discovery that they had been giving refuge to the Sparrows.

Though he could sympathize with her somewhat as well, she was a mother and had stepped up to save their futures, betraying even her lord husband for them. Yet she was helpless, for the whole castle was filled with rogue sparrows, who had even tried to kill her and were now keeping her three children as hostages.

"Though, you don't need to worry about your children. The Prince gave you his word, and he will keep it," he assured her and saw her look up as she gave him a small nod.

"Have they declared their terms?" she questioned, and he nodded. The demands from the Sparrows were quite bold. They wanted power over the crown, a reestablishment of the faith militant, and the ability to preach freely.

"Yes, they did. But the Crown will not capitulate to such demands. The Prince has a plan. That is why the army is ready. We will do everything to kee…." But before he could say anything, the tent flaps were opened as a guard rushed in.

"My lord! It's the signal!" said the guard, and he jumped to his feet immediately and turned to face the woman in the tent.

"Do not leave the tent under any circumstances!" he ordered as he picked up his sword, rushed out of the tent, and watched as red smoke rose into the air, at a distance. This was the signal the Prince had decided on, to get the army ready.

"Get the men ready!" he shouted as his squire brought him his horse, and he mounted it and rode it to the front of the army.

Atop the castle walls, their enemy stood ready. Archers and scorpions lined up and aimed at them, as the sparrows rushed to arm themselves. He scanned the surroundings for any sign of the Prince, yet his gaze found no trace of the man until suddenly, one of the men shouted.

"Look there! In the sky!" and he looked up and stilled as he saw something he would never have imagined seeing again. He had read about them in books. The beasts that had allowed Aegon Targaryen to forge the Seven Kingdoms, the beats who had won perhaps the greatest victory in the Fields of Fire.

The Symbol of Power, of House Targaryen, lost in the Dance. Yet as the beast in the sky got closer and closer, he was quite sure that times were about to change,

"ROARRRRR!" the ground shook as the beast roared. The men finally looked up and began to murmur as they saw the beast of legends descend toward the castle. Its massive wings cast a massive shadow, over them. And he felt the very air rustle in anticipation as the beast flew over the castle walls, opening its maw, as he heard someone shout.

"DRACARYS!" and then he was forced to close his eyes as a massive torrent of flames devoured all the men on the walls.



The men on the walls shouted as the dragon flapped its wings and took to the skies once more and began to lay rampage on the other side, lighting the towers on fire.

"And he knew this was the opportunity!"

"MEN! ATTACK!" he shouted, and the army roared at his command, shouting as they stormed the castle gates. He watched as the siege engines tore through the gates in a single push, as the Royal army broke into the castle of Riverrun in the span of minutes.

He looked up and found the Prince riding on top of the Dragon, burning the Castle walls, and he knew in his heart.

This changed everything.



Daenys's heart shook as she felt air rustle through her hair. Her whole body felt cold from the flight. Flying atop a dragon was something she might never ever get used to. The feeling of flying in the air, passing through the clouds, and looking down at the expanding landscapes was something out of this world.

Aerion, her dragon, flapped its wings. She felt a sense of power and control as she saw the men in front of her cower in fear as Aerion opened its mouth and growled at them.

"It's a dragon!" "DRAGON!" she heard them shout, pale-faced, as most of them began to tremble in fear of the beast that stood in front of them.

Her eyes landed on the cage tied to a carriage as Qyburn's men surrounded the entourage. That was the cage in which they held Eddard Stark; her gaze then skimmed through the crowd, and most of the men were simple sell swords, with a few zealous septons present as well.

However, her eyes finally found the person she was looking for. He stood there, wearing a Septon's clothing, a pin in the shape of a mockingbird strapped to the coat. It was the so-called leader, the one who had been one of the leaders of this whole religious uprising.

The infamous Preacher himself.

"In the name of Rhaegar Targaryen, First of his name, King of Andals, Rohnyar and the First Men, I Princess Daenys, give you all a choice!" she shouted, and Aerion growled at her words, making the men back down at her words. The men gasped at her words, realizing precisely who was riding the dragon.

"Drop your weapons and kneel, and I shall grant you a quick death!" she shouted to the men in front.

"Or you fight, and I shall feed you to my dragon!" she shouted, and the whole ground shook as Aerion roared at the men in front.

She saw the men look at each other with fear in their eyes, and then soon many began to drop their swords. Few tried to run away, but Wulfric and his men made quick work of them.

When they saw no hope, most of them kneeled down, and began to beg for mercy. While her eyes were focused on the man who had been the mind behind this whole uprising, and the way he continued to glance at the might beast standing in front of her.

"MERCY!" "MERCY!" the man shouted, before she saw his eyes narrow as he began to speak up.


"It seems you have made their choice," she said before she picked up the whip by her side and swung it as she shouted her order.

"AERION! DRACARYS!" Aerion was quick to react to her command, twisted his face, and looked up before it let out a massive screech as it spewed a massive torrent of flame, lighting all the men in front of her on fire!



The area was filled with sounds of men screaming as they whimpered and cried for mercy and help. Yet she remained impassive. These men had made their choices when they had gone against the Crown. Their fates had been sealed right then.

Aerion golden flames left the men as nothing but black husks. And as the last of the men fell down, and all that remained of the more than two dozen men were charred husks, she lept off her dragon as Wulfric and his men brought forward the wooden cage.

"Open it," she ordered, and the commander of the men stepped forward and began to pry away the hinges of the wooden cage. The wooden panel came off with a thud. And she found herself staring at the man they had been looking for months.

Eddard Stark, brother to Brandon Stark, lay there, his face covered with dirt and grime. His hair was messy and distorted, and she saw the man's eyes widen as he looked beyond her at the beast behind.

"Take him to the healer and clean him up!" she said as she took off her helmet, and the man gasped and whispered.

"Princess Daenys!" and she nodded and greeted the man as Wulfric's men moved forward to support the man.

"Is this real? Is that really a dragon?" she heard him utter in an amazed tone.

"Indeed, my lord," she replied with a small smile, "it is real. And that is indeed a dragon. My dragon. Aerion, named after my father."


In the Narrow Sea, atop a black ship named Silence, a very intriguing man read the missive he had received from his allies in Stepstones and smirked as he threw the missive into the open sea and closed his eyes, as a massive smile appeared on his face.

"So, this, why you had me go there, huh?" he said, as his eyes glew eerily, and the winds rustled, and the obscure contraption hung around his neck rattled as he mouthed.

"What is dead may never die. But rises again harder and stronger!"


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