DRAGONS REBORN: The Era After SI (GOT story)

Chapter 7

Chapter 7

Rhaella Targaryen was married to Aerys Targaryen when she was young. Rumors that were supported by some excavated texts tell us that she wasn't keen on the match with her brother, whom she called boisterous, cruel, and uncaring. Aerys Targaryen himself was rumored to be infatuated with Joanna Lannister in his youth.

Yet the marriage became the biggest lynchpin for the Targaryen dynasty and became the turning point in History for them. While not based on love, the two came to a mutual understanding and came to care for each other. King Aerys Targaryen would invite The Queen to the council meetings and value her advice when given.

They would be blessed with four children. However, much to their grief, the last child would die a year after his birth. Their relationship would provide their children with a solid foundation and is mentioned in quite exemplary words in the writings and letters discovered.


Night had descended now as her conversation with her daughter went on as she told Daenys of things she had not mentioned to anyone else. Even now, with the darkness taking over the sky, the city was bustling with the sounds of the Army assembling and people moving and shouting. She had seen a similar bustle twice before this. Once, she had been crowned the Queen after Summer Hall, and then when her husband had decided to bring the Stepstones to heel.

She watched, swept her hand through the silvery locks of her daughter as Daenys slumbered in her lap, her tiredness getting the better of her and making her doze off. She smiled, seeing her like this, seeing her all grown up. Daenys was everything she wasn't. She was fearless, assertive, and smarter than her. Aerys had always been proud of her, and her heart quivered as she thought of her better half. No one knew how hard his death had hit her, how losing him had shaken her completely. Yet she had known that she needed to be strong for her children.

She looked up at the ceiling, wiped away the tears welling up in her eyes, and whispered lightly.

"Why did you have to leave me so early? Why?" she questioned though she knew it was futile. He was gone, hopefully to a better place.

Truthfully Rhaella Targaryen had never been fond of marrying Aerys. He had always seemed so pretentious and cruel. And she was aware of his infatuation with her friend Joanna, yet their parents had not given them a choice for the match. She had feared his reaction to this, yet it was as if the marriage had transformed him. And then Summer Hall had happened, and they were left all alone.

She could feel the vultures circling, the court murmuring, yet Aerys had stood tall in the face of that tragedy and had led their family out of the crises almost single-handedly. He had known that she did not love him, yet he had only ever demanded one thing of her.

'I know this match was made without our input, dear Rhaella. But the times are tough, and I would hope that we could come to an accord to make this easier for both of us.'

A young Rhaella Targaryen nodded along, their child Rhaegar sleeping in her arms as both of them lay in their chambers.

At that time, the war had been called. She had been nervous about what he would ask of her. Yet his words would surprise her.

'Trust and loyalty. That is all I ask of you. We cannot make any mistake at such a time. We must not give anyone anything to exploit. So, we must band together if not in love, then in respect, for if we don't, our family will lose everything. Everything!'

She had nodded along at that time. And he had been proved right with the war getting called mere months later. Over the years, she also saw the plots and games in the court to try and turn them against each other, yet she remembered her promise to him. And slowly, Aerys would overcome them all.

And now House of the Dragon stood stronger than it had since the days of the Old King. Her hand went to her neck, and she saw the last object he had given her when he had gone to war for the first time.

'Keep this safe. If I am to die, show this to the Lord Commander of the Kingsguard, who would show you to a secret safe. In it lie some guides about my plans and how to implement them. Use them!'

She had been taken aback by his words and had refused to take such a responsibility, yet he had thrust it in her hands forcefully.

'There is no one else, Rhaella. If I am to die, you shall lead the House of the Dragon and carry on this legacy!'

The memory seemed so distant now, for she had been young then, and Daenys and Aemon hadn't even been born then. Even after the war, he refused to take it back.

Her hands shook slightly as she looked at the ornately forged key before sighing as she picked up the bell beside her table and shook it lightly. The bell rang, and the door to her chambers opened, and Ser Gerold Hightower stepped inside. She saw his features soften upon seeing the sleeping form of her daughter before he knelt down.

"You called for me, your grace," and she nodded as she showed him the key. She saw his eyes widen as she spoke up.

"I believe you know what this means," and he gave her a nod.

"Of course, your grace," and she saw his eyes land on Daenys before he spoke.

"Do you wish to see it right now? You will need to go to the King's chambers for this, your grace," and she nodded after thinking for a second.

"Yes, take me there," she said as she gently placed Daenys head on the pillow before she got off the bed. The Kingsguard moved forward and helped her stand as they began to leave the room. She readied her heart as she entered the King's chambers, Rhaegar hadn't moved in yet, and everything was still as Aerys had left it. Ser Gerold walked towards the large bed and motioned her to come forward as well.

She frowned a bit but joined him, and soon she saw an indentation behind the bed wall.

"The King had the other key, which can be passed onto Prince Rhaegar after your consent. King Aerys was adamant that the protocol be followed and be maintained in case of his death," the Lord Commander told her, and she nodded. As she spotted the small keyhole between the ornate design.

Ser Gerold stepped back and began to leave the room, and she looked towards him.

"Where are you going, Ser Gerold?" she asked, and the man replied with a bow.

"The contents of that box are only for your eyes. I will be standing outside, your grace. You can call me when you are done," and she frowned as she nodded. So much secrecy. What exactly was hidden in that safe?

The Lord Commander left the room, leaving her alone, and her heart thrummed in her chest as she pushed the key into the hole and twisted it.

CLACK! There was the sound of a door opening as she felt a piece of the wall rotate a bit. She opened it and found herself staring at a portrait of herself and Aerys inside. Besides that, there were a number of scrolls and a book placed there. With shaky hands, she took it out.

Nothing was mentioned on the book cover, so as she opened it and on the first page, the following words were written in her husband's handwriting.

"My dear Rhaella, if you are reading this, then I have died before I could finish my work. Work that is absolutely necessary for the survival of our family and mankind itself, for since the day of my coronation, I have been preparing for a war. A war against the greatest enemy. Death. Death of mankind itself."

And as she read the next lines, her hands began to shake, and her eyes widened. And she knew, even with all she knew, her husband had more secrets than she had ever thought.



Tywin Lannister watched from the roof of the Garrison at Lannisport as the Gold Cloaks got ready for the incoming battle. From the vantage point, one could still see the damage left by the Greyjoy ambush. The damage to the fleet had been massive, yet the Gold Cloaks had been able to react in time and had refused to let the invading force get a foothold.

He heard the sound of steps from behind and looked and glanced back to find his son coming up to join him. Jamie Lannister, his son. The one to carry his legacy stood tall and ready for battle as he wore the finest armor. Tywin was proud of his son for how he had grown up. Long gone was the boy who stood behind in his sisters' shadow and now stood in front of him one of the finest knights of the realm itself.

"King Rhaegar is a day away now. He will soon arrive with the Royal Army. The sailors have also spotted the navy ships and are preparing the docks for them," Jamie told him, and he nodded. As expected, the Royal Army had been swift in their action, something entirely due to the efforts of his friend and King Aerys.

King Rhaegar thought of Jamie's words. And a part of him still couldn't believe that Aerys was dead. The man who changed history, the man who rebuilt a whole legacy. Gone. Of the group of three, which included him, Aerys, and Steffon, only he remained.

"What about the news from Stormlands? Has Prince Aemon docked safely?" he questioned, and Jamie nodded.

"Yes, he did so yesterday. He has minor injuries, and his fleet has been decimated, yet he was able to make it back. Robert is also assembling a host to counter any invading force though I believe our enemies will not try that," and that was good news. Aemon Targaryen had been the target of Euron Greyjoy, and Tywin knew firsthand what that man was capable of.

If Euron had just kept his mouth shut about the Princess, the King would have given him quite a station, yet the Greyjoy had not been able to do that and hence had been exiled. And the Princess remained a maiden still. A maiden that would make the perfect future Lady of the Rock. Aerys and him were discussing the match, yet now following his demise, he would have to bring it up with Rhaegar.

"There was a letter from Cersei as well," and Tywin saw a smile appear on Jamie's face as he continued and gave him the good news.

"She has given birth to a healthy young girl. She has decided to name it Joane, similar to mother," and Tywin's heart trembled as he heard that name before a small smile appeared on his face. Joanna would be proud of Cersei. Robert Baratheon had not been his first choice for Cersei's hand, yet it had been Aerys who had made the match, and with Robert Baratheon having grown up under Aerys's careful gaze and being the heir to a Highlord, there wasn't much to object.

So, he had accepted the offer, and Cersei Lannister became Cersei Baratheon. It was a good match, and Jamie's would be even better with the Princess Daenys.

"That is indeed good news," he commented after a while as he watched the doors to the Garrison open, and his eyes narrowed slightly as he watched the Sigil on the flags of the arriving party. A red lion, with a forked tail on a silver background. House Reyne was here. The very house that had been the source of the biggest quarrel between him and Aerys.

Leading that party was a man with silver hair and amethyst eyes, yet he wasn't a Targaryen. No, it was Vaemond Velaryon, the second son of Lord Velaryon, the Hand of the King and husband to Elissa Reyne, the last living member of the House, that had risen in rebellion against House Lannister.

Aerys turned away from the balcony and began to walk toward his chambers,

"Make preparations for the arrival of the King and have the army ready for the offensive. Rhaegar Targaryen will not want to wait much longer after he is here," he ordered Jamie, who nodded.

"Yes, Father," and with that, he entered the room, remembering the quarrel that shook his friendship with the King of the Seven Kingdoms.


House Reynewere the most prominent house in the Westerlands after the famed House Lannister. Emboldened by the weakness of the late Lord Tytos House, Reyne would make several overtures that had gone unanswered. Lord Tywin Lannister hated his father for his weakness and, when he came to power, decided to make an example of the rebellious House.

He planned to end their line, and he would have succeeded if one of the Reyne daughters, lady Jeyne Rayne had been present in the castle like the rest of the House. He would flood their caves and have the whole house put to sword, yet when the King would hear of it, he would be enraged. This would cause strife between the otherwise fast friends.

In the end, the King would marry the only remaining Jeyne Reyne to House Velaryon's second son and have both houses sign a secret peace pact. Many speculate that this was one of the reasons why the King denied a match between the Jewel of the West, Cersei Lannister, and Prince Rhaegar, yet no documentation of such has yet been found.


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