Drama Training Camp

Chapter 41

Chapter 42: Honest Man (11)

Tianliang Wangpo.

If this is a modern society, Ye Xijin would understand that this is a business war, making the opponent go bankrupt overnight. But this ancient society is faced with all the powerful, and human life is like a mustard, and Ye Xijin has read a lot of male articles on “If you touch a hair of my woman, I will destroy your whole family”, so he is a little hesitant. Afraid that the condition of “Tianliang Wangpo” is to let others destroy the family and the family, he likes to be fully prepared, and once the name is changed, it can be regarded as a reluctance to achieve the condition.

Know what these people are doing wrong.

After sentenced Ni Taoqiu, he was asked to be executed, and the people of Guidehoufu were exiled to the northwest salt mine as coolies, and all their family property was confiscated.

The courtiers were all silent, shocked by this thunderous method, Ding Teng muttered in his heart the words Ye Xijin said, “It’s cold, it’s time to break the family and raid the house”.

And these people have all put green hats on Ye Xijin, even if they were killed by thousands of swords, it would not be an exaggeration, but Ye Xijin was kind, and most of them saved their lives.

The matter between Ye Xijin and Liu Pianran, although it has not been brought to light these days, it has already spread in private. At the end of the day, these adulterers were dealt with, those who didn’t give Ye Xijin a cuckold would be safe, and looking at the new emperor’s methods, it wasn’t cruel, and they were more at ease when they surrendered.

But they were too happy too early. A few days later, Ye Xijin asked to investigate the corruption of the previous dynasty, but the ministers hadn’t reacted. It was a group of people who were dealt with, but they still only ransacked their homes and exiled them.

So many times, Ye Xijin used various names to investigate and punish a large number of people with thunder, and only then did the courtiers understand the meaning of “Tianliang Wangpo”.

Corrupt officials and cruel officials were investigated and punished, and the people naturally shouted long live.

In the first year of Ye Xijin’s reign, he established a new law, revising it on the basis of the original law, and adding several detailed clauses in the vernacular mode. Increase the magistrates and spread the law everywhere. Reduce taxes, build canals and roads in various places with work-in-progress, establish universities in major provinces, and teach mainly engineering subjects. In the same year, Ye Xijin ordered the palace not to have any new eunuchs, and the maids should enter the palace at the age of 15. After five years, they should leave the palace and return home. The number of maids in the palace should be reduced and the monthly rate of maids should be increased. , those who pass the selection can join the Mingyue Division, which is specially established for female officials.

In the second year of his reign, the Enke was added, but the scientific examination items were greatly changed. Even if the blood of the students was splashed on the spot, Ye Xijin still insisted. In order to carry out the decree openly and transparently, Ye Xijin stipulated that whenever a new decree is issued by the imperial court, it must be disclosed to the common people unless the terms of confidentiality are to be disclosed.

In the third year, open the market with grasslands, open the sea market, and send fleets to sea with goods. Ye Xijin promulgated a law that women can get married when they are 18 and men when they are 19, on the grounds that premature childbirth will damage the newborn and the mother. Those who get married will be rewarded for reporting, and the folk customs of young marriages will be changed.

In the fourth year, the fleet that went to sea returned, bringing a lot of goods and wealth, and the nobles in Beijing flocked to each other to form a fleet to go to sea, and the era of great sailing came. Ye Xijin accidentally discovered opium brought from overseas, promulgated the “Twelve Orders on Drug Control”, and erected a monument to show his determination to control drugs.

In the fifth year, abolished the low status, and changed the servant’s original contract of private sale and purchase to a contract of employment. Gambling was vigorously banned. Because most of the casinos were opened by the powerful and involved the interests of many nobles, Ye Xijin dealt with a group of the most turbulent nobles of the previous dynasty. Vigorously cracking down on pornography, private private kiln brothels and official prostitute restaurants were all closed down. Because of what happened to the previous casino, no one dared to question this matter.

In the sixth year, the title of title was abolished. Since then, there are still noble families, but there are no nobles. There is no longer any distinction between the noble and the lowly, and the merchants are no longer the lowest. It is just that Ye Xijin knew the characteristics of capital well, strengthened the supervision of business, levied heavy taxes, and formulated various clauses to rectify business.

In the seventh year, the system of monogamy and polygamy that had prevailed for thousands of years was abolished, monogamy was advocated, a new marriage law was established, and detailed provisions were made on the division of children’s property. Reform the inheritance system and levy inheritance tax. In the absence of a will, women have the same right to inherit the family property as men. Even in the royal family, the princess and the prince have the same right to inherit the throne.

In the eighth year, a women’s school was established, and another women’s imperial examination was established, and a large number of official positions were arranged for women. Jin only said: “It is said that the Confucian sect is benevolent to all living beings. The Kong clan’s actions seem to be suspected of favoring sons over women. I don’t know whether the successor underestimated the words of the first sage, or whether the words of the sage really did.” No one wanted to take the blame of the holy words. As soon as Ye Xijin said these words, even the Kong clan, who took the lead in causing trouble, died.

In the eighth year, the agricultural tax and the per capita tax were exempted, abolishing these two taxation systems that have prevailed in China for thousands of years.

In the ninth year, the salt administration was reformed, the salt introduction was abolished, and then salt became a common necessities of life.

Ye Xijin has been in power for 30 years, and has always been good for the soldiers, so he has a great reputation in the army. Ye Xijin knows in his heart that a scholar will not rebel for three years, so he has always been very concerned about the army, which happens to be right It is because he is in control of the army that he has carried out drastic reforms over the years and invested a lot of money in the development of industrial technology. Even if he touched the interests of multiple classes during his reign, and was opposed by countless people, Ye Xijin is still alive and well. The reforms were successfully implemented.

Nishijin has been weakening the interests of the upper echelons, but these followers all have nothing else to say.

Ye Xijin never remarried in her life. Apart from dealing with political affairs, most of her time was used to teach Ye Nianzhu. Ye Nianzhu was not a fool at all, and Ye Xijin kept him with him. He was taught by words and deeds around him. Ye Xijin was the only child of him. The father and son had never been suspicious of power for decades. Ye Xijin abdicated after ruling for 30 years.

After Ye Nianzhu succeeded to the throne, he continued to implement the reform clauses formulated by Ye Xijin. The two monarchs spent sixty or seventy years together to complete a process that would take three hundred years to complete.

After Ye Xijin gained power, she did not deliberately target Liu Pianran, but only locked her in the cold palace and sent ten eunuchs from the former dynasty to stare at her, Ye Xijin did not torture her either She only stipulates that she must do everything herself, and rely on work in exchange for food. Liu Pianran has been pampered for many years, and her body desires are strong, but all she sees is a group of eunuchs, and all her abilities are useless.

in the cold palace.

Ye Xijin heard about this and just sighed, and ordered her to be buried as an ordinary palace servant.

The son became the emperor, Ye Mu was in a good mood every day, even though Ye Xijin didn’t want to marry again, which made her annoyed for a while, and then saw Ye Nianzhu’s success, Ye Mu also let go, the old man The wife ate, drank and had fun for the rest of her life, and lived comfortably until she was eighty-nine years old before she died.

After abdication, Ye Xijin lived for another 20 years. He only traveled around the mountains and waters and ate delicacies all over the country. When he passed away, Ye Nianzhu’s eldest daughter-in-law was pregnant with the third child. , children and grandchildren around the knees, Ye Xijin has nothing to feel uncomfortable in his life.

“Host, do you want to enter the holiday paradise?” 149’s voice sounded in his mind.

“Go directly to the next world.” Ye Xijin said.

“Di, after deducting 20 Jinjiang coins, the balance is 243 Jinjiang coins.”

Ye Xi’s eyes were dark now, and after about three seconds, he opened his eyes again, only to see a tent with intricate patterns above his head, he guessed that this was probably a rich family.

Ye Xijin moved her body, her body was sore, her limbs were weak, and it seemed that it would take a lot of effort to get up.

“Excuse me, host, are you going to start giving out rewards for the last world quest?” 149 asked.

Ye Xijin replied in his mind, he listened to the distribution, not the settlement, and knew that the task of Jomo earned Jinjiang coins.

“Task 1: Take good care of your family. If the task is successful, you will be rewarded with 50 Jinjiang coins. Task 2: Revenge the adulterer. If the task is successful, you will be rewarded with 50 Jinjiang coins.”

“The mission of the drama: King of Tianliang is broken. The mission is determined to get one hundred dramas, and the reward is 100 Jinjiang coins. The current host is about 443 Jinjiang coins.”

Ye Xijin breathed a sigh of relief, no matter what, the mission of the drama was completed.

“The problems that the host found in the previous world have been reported to the Lord God, and the bugs have been fixed, and the original small world public evaluation has been changed to a system evaluation. Please make persistent efforts.” 149 said.

“In this way, aren’t you both an assistant and a supervisor?” Ye Xijin asked, he didn’t know whether such a change was good or bad.

“Di, Auxiliary Detection System 149 (2.0), greetings to you.” Suddenly a voice with a northeastern accent sounded in Ye Xijin’s mind.

Ye Xijin:…

“2.0?” Ye Xijin was full of doubts.

“The host called me? Please start your performance!”

“In view of the previously undisclosed and opaque way of judging the value of drama, the Lord God also felt that it was too difficult for the missionaries, so he changed to this open and transparent evaluation method.” 149 explained.

Ye Xijin didn’t have time to answer, 149 continued: “Di, the host is equipped with an auxiliary detection system, which consumes 200 Jinjiang coins, and the balance is 243 Jinjiang coins.”

“I didn’t buy it!” Ye Xijin was immediately upset.

“If the host is not equipped with an auxiliary detection system, then the mission cannot continue and will be immediately obliterated. Will the host return it?”

Ye Xijin:…

“No retreat, no retreat.” Ye Xijin was cowardly, and he still wanted to continue to be an immortal old monster.

“Does the host still have questions?” 149 asked.

“What’s so good about this auxiliary system?” Ye Xijin asked.

“Real-time communication of the progress of the drama value acquisition, old iron, it is worth having~” The Dadongbei accent assistant system suddenly said.

“Do I still need to pay the consultation fee for the progress of the drama?” Ye Xijin asked.

“No need, I can pay if I want~”

“No, I have no money.” Ye Xijin felt relieved, comforting himself that although he lost a lot of money, it was equivalent to buying a permanent evaluation machine, and it was not a loss. Instead, he said to 149 in the bottom of his heart: “Extract the essence of drama.”

“Does the host buy a lucky halo?” 149 asked.

“Buy, don’t upgrade.”

“Di, the host successfully purchased the lucky halo, and the balance is 213 Jinjiang coins.”

Ye Xijin stretched out his hand and drew a card from the lottery box, scratched it out with only one line: Jie Yuhua.

Ye Xijin: “Are you sure this word doesn’t describe a girl?”

“The host discriminates against women?” 149 asked.

“I’m not, I don’t, don’t talk nonsense.” Ye Xijin didn’t want to be detained with such a big hat.

“Except for a few words that have clear distinctions between men and women, most words can be shared by men and women.” 149 paused, and then said: “And how does the host determine that he has always been a man Woolen cloth?”

Ye Xijin was shocked, and hurriedly reached out and touched his body, and suddenly heaved a sigh of relief, “What do you mean, can I still dress as a man or woman?”

149 said meaningfully: “The world is impermanent, who can say for sure.”

Ye Xijin didn’t discriminate against women, but he was used to being a man. If he was suddenly given a woman’s body, it would be inconvenient to move around, and he would feel embarrassed.

“Host, start issuing memory cards.”

This is still an ancient world, and its development is about the same as that of the Song Dynasty in ancient China. Ye Xijin’s body is the only son of the younger brother of Emperor Jing Dynasty, the prince of Rui Wangfu.

The former emperor’s favor, even the current emperor also loves this little brother very much. In the early years, the brothers who fought for the throne were like black-eyed eyes. King Rui just turned eighteen, and the current emperor succeeded in winning the heirloom. King Rui did not do much The effort becomes the winner.

The original body is eighteen years old this year. He is the only son of King Rui and Princess Rui. Since he was a child, he was afraid of falling when he was holding it in his hand. The only son is also very fond of him. It stands to reason that the original body should grow into a tyrant in the Jing Dynasty, but the original body is not in good health when he hits the ground, and he is sick in the womb. He is recuperating for five out of ten days, and he has no time to go out. The murderer has been detained in the palace, so he has developed a gentle and easy-going temperament.

The original body is this little young master who grew up in gold and jade. He grew up in a honey pot in the first half of his life. What regrets, he asked: “What is the ending of the original body?”

“Wives and concubines in the backyard competed to take banned drugs, and the original owner finally died of horse wind three months later.” 149 said without any emotion.

Ye Xijin: You’re amazing, my son-in-law.

Reader “Fu Liangyan”, Irrigation Nutrient Solution+12018-09-0910:50:11

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