Drama Training Camp

Chapter 54

Chapter 56: Jie Yuhua (14)

“You mean, the recipe for the glass has been leaked?” Ye Xijin asked Wang Wu, the general manager of the Special Manufacturing Office.

Wang Wu is not from the Ministry of Industry, but from Ye Xijin.

Ye Xijin raised her eyebrows, “Where else?”

He couldn’t understand, with the signs of the Ministry of Industry and Ruiwangfu, who would dare to break ground on Taisui?

It turns out that some people really dare.

“You said yes, Cheng’en Gongfu? Fang’s?” Ye Xijin asked.

Wang Wu responded with an embarrassed look on his face.

Only the Empress Dowager, who was born in an ordinary family, whose mother was noble, after the emperor ascended the throne, named the Empress Dowager’s younger brother as Duke Chengen. After all, this person was also Ye Xijin’s uncle.

The talents of Duke Chengen’s mansion are withering, and they have been supported by the Queen Mother for many years, and most of the cousins of Yexi’s present Fang’s family are not good enough, the poor become rich, and the family background of Cheng’en’s mansion is lacking. Learned, but learned to be extravagant.

The world is looking for profit, Ye Xijin doesn’t find it strange that the Fang family can buy formulas, the only thing he didn’t expect is that his relatives can do it so ugly, Ye Xijin’s special The establishment of the office is not to gather money for himself, but to gather money for the emperor and to attract money for the treasury, but the Fang family can ignore it like this.

From Ye Xijin’s natural disaster relief a few months ago, you can see that the treasury is empty, the emperor has no money, and it is inevitably inconvenient to do things. After the expansion of Ye Xijin’s special office, Divided into three modules, one department is in charge of research and development, another department is in charge of production, and another department is in charge of sales.

Although there is only one facade room for sale today, but within a month, relying on the exquisite glass craftsmanship, not only the nobles in the capital flock to it, but even the rich businessmen from other places have stepped into that room. The threshold of the small facade.

Sadness cannot be sold.

Compared with other things, the raw materials of glass are almost free. Ye Xijin remembered the formula of glass. After researching skills, we can only have glass products that are not inferior to those imported from overseas.

As soon as the excellent glass products were made by the manufacturing office, Ye Xijin sent someone to show them to the emperor. This was also a kind of acceptance. Immediately sent a special person to be responsible for expanding production and sales.

Ye Xijin did not participate in these two departments too much, but these two departments are jointly owned by the special construction office. Although the emperor’s people came by air, in theory, Ye Xijin subordinates.

“It’s hard to ask the Fang family for the time being. Have you found out who leaked it out?” Ye Xijin asked.

Wang Wu’s face was even more embarrassed, and said: “Master Shizi, our own craftsmen are all eating, drinking and doing things in the office. They haven’t returned home for two months. Even when their family members meet, there are people watching, and they only send money from house to house every month.”

Ye Xijin felt that this was inappropriate. It was not the case at first. After the glass was made, Wang Wu saw the huge benefits and took this measure. Ye Xijin had been busy with Wang Wu was in charge of the internal affairs of the palace, and Wang Wu seemed to have a low status as a craftsman. In addition to the imperial salaries, the construction office also issued subsidies. Wang Wu felt that this was already a very preferential treatment.

Since the person in charge of research and development did not leak the news, the leak should be the reason for the production side.

It has been two months since the glass was made, and the price has remained high. In fact, Ye Xijin thinks that the first batch of leeks is almost cut. Most of the first batch of glass products are handicrafts , all of which are ornaments.

Since the formula has been leaked, Ye Xijin went straight to the second step of the plan: the people-friendly route. These ornaments can only cut the first crop of leeks of the rich, and then the small wealthy class. Through affordable mercury mirrors and glass windows that replace paper-pasted windows, they will win in large quantities.

The leak of the glass formula was already within Ye Xijin’s calculation, but it was difficult to hold such a huge profit. It seems that it is impossible to make a final profit by auctioning the formula.

Ye Xijin didn’t take any measures after learning about the leak, but reported to the emperor, the emperor’s money bag who suffered the loss, the emperor’s cronies who leaked the secret, and the emperor’s uncle who made the money, Ye Xijin didn’t want to mix things up either.

The matter of glass rang a bell for Ye Xijin, Ye Xijin put on the agenda to further improve the treatment of craftsmen, he signed an agreement with the craftsmen again, no longer restricting the craftsmen personal freedom, further improving the treatment of artisans, and promising to improve their social status, in addition, intensifying penalties for leaking secrets.

“Drama +20.”

Ye Xijin was stunned for a moment, looked at the grateful expressions on the faces of the simple craftsmen in front of him, and asked from the bottom of his heart, “One person contributes a play value?”

“No.” 2.0 explained: “The relationship is divided into relatives and distances, and the relationship is divided into the degree of importance.”

Ye Xijin understood, and felt that the value of buying 2.0 was really a permanent consulting service.

The matter of glass naturally made the emperor furious. According to the plan originally submitted by Ye Xijin, he could at least earn millions of silver taels from the merchants. Now he is so disturbed by the Fang family. Together, the emperor only felt that his heart was dripping blood, and immediately replaced the manager of the production department, cured a crime of ignorance, and was exiled to the southwest.

As for the real leaker, it was quickly found out through investigation. Even though this person took a lot of money, he could not escape the tragic end.

As for the Fang family, the emperor is also very tired of the mother family, who are greedy and provoke trouble, but the queen mother can’t do anything to protect the emperor. The grandmother has been worried, most of them are the descendants of the Fang family, if the descendants are successful, the imperial grandmother can also rest assured.”

Even if the emperor was angry, he was still kind to Ye Xijin, and said: “I also hope that the Fang family has two promising people, and the family has no skills at all, so I think of relying on women , and now they still want to go through your grandmother’s path and send concubines to the palaces of several princes.”

Ye Xijin also heard about this, and sighed that the Fang family was ridiculous. Send a side concubine, so in the end, no matter who succeeds the throne, the Fang family has no hidden danger of failure.

Ye Xijin laughed heartily, there is no hidden danger of failure in standing in line, just swaying and undecided, the Fang family takes themselves too seriously. For those who can stand up, the Fang family has also been rude over the years and has offended a large number of people. Nowadays, most people are willing to give face to the Queen Mother Fang. time.

“Since there are no promising ones, why not teach a few promising ones.”

The emperor saw that Ye Xijin seemed to have a good plan, so he asked, “You have a lot of ideas, why don’t you talk about it.”

The uncles started, I’m afraid that I can’t bear it, so you might as well throw the cousins away…” Ye Xijin made a surprise, and then said: “Send the cousins to the military camp, eat and live with the sergeants, and isolate them from the outside world. With time, the cousins of the Fang family will become talents.”

Ye Xijin thought about what she saw when she was a guest at Fang’s house a month ago, the girl’s words and actions were not in line with the rules, and she would be punished very severely. No one cares about the rogue, and he was deeply impressed by such a different treatment.

“Drama +2.”

Hearing this voice, Ye Xijin knew that this idea was exactly what the emperor meant.

The entire army was annihilated, and no matter how the Fang family went into the palace to cry to the queen mother, the emperor was unmoved.

The Empress Dowager originally persuaded two sentences, but was blocked by the emperor’s sentence “drowning it will harm it”, and the Empress Dowager thought that in a hundred years, there is no one who can stand in the Fang family, and she can’t make a decision Determined to control her, the emperor moved her hand. Although she couldn’t bear it, she also understood that the emperor had good intentions.

And the queen mother has been immersed in the palace for many years, and she also understands in her heart that the emperor is willing to control the Fang family, which means that the Fang family still has salvation in his heart. Let’s go to the Fang family.

The empress dowager simply dropped her hand. The women of the Fang family begged her to stop seeing her, and only accepted a few girls from the Fang family into the palace to accompany her.

The younger generation of the Fang family was wiped out, the elder generation did not end well, and the emperor did not dare to arrange any real errands for them, only the adult men of the Fang family must be guarded by one person every month Guo Temple fasted and prayed for the Queen Mother Fang.

For the pampered Fang family, it was a complete chore.

This errand is to pray for the queen mother, the Fang family can’t shirk at all, the emperor’s name is justifiable, even the courtiers can’t make mistakes, and in the end, every Fang family master who came out of Huguo Temple, all It was Bai Bai who went in and staggered out.

When glass is promoted on a large scale and ordinary wealthy families in Beijing have replaced glass windows, it has been six months. Ye Xijin was happy, but felt that another large sum of money had come into his account. As soon as he returned to the house, he saw that everyone was beaming with joy.

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