Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 21: The Narrows

Lash sat in a pizzeria pub. People were getting off of work, pub was filling up. Lash sat in a corner seat watching everyone come in. He had a smile on his face, remembering the simple life of days long past. Lash didn't have many of those so he always remembered them fondly. Boring days, filled with tedious none life threatening tasks. He had another slice of his plain pepperoni pizza slice and a sip of his green tea. He was surprised the pub served it. Even more surprised when he didn't have to pay for it. Apparently the owner of the bar had family that worked at the Shield Plaza. They recognized him and said his money was no good here. At least for today. Lash finished his meal and left a larger the average tip for the server. Finishing his green tea before he left the pub.

Walking out into the cold night of winter. Lash walked down the street. He had been walking since this morning. But he still had work to do, he was getting a feel for the city he lived in. Anyone who lives in a city their whole lives will tell you that a city has a 'feeling' a life of its own. He wasn't sure if it was the Nature domain he had or if it was its own senses. But he felt that the city was getting a feel for him just as much as he was for it. Lash found his way to one of Gotham City parks. One of the larger ones that you hold events in. Walking the pavement paths, then the dirt trails used by the runners. He came across several little holes or spaces in the tree's and bushes that would be used by an assortment of people ranging from kids skipping school, to drug addicts trying to get high. But one such hole had something else in it.

S...shut up! I'll fucking cut you up if you say another word!” A man's voice whispered to another whimpering individual. Lash walked through the brush and came upon a man holding a knife to a small little girl. The man was putrid with filth layered on top of layers wearing an old flannel coat. He turned around and stared at Lash, he pulled around the little girl and held the knife to her throat.

“Fuck off man this one is mine! Find your own!” The man called to Lash. However, Lash wasn't looking at him but the little girl. The girl was wide eyed but not with fear but surprise.

“Go on! I won't interrupt your meal. I'll even cover for you.” Lash raised his arm and a dome glamour effect covered the immediate area. Some one could scream bloody murder and no one would know.

“What the fu...GGEEEEHHHHH!” The man tried to say before his arm that was holding the girl was...no longer there.

The little girl's mouth opened incredibly wide and bit the mans arm off. He fell to the ground and screamed! Before the tiny girl grew, and grew. Her skin peeled away and a giant monstrosity creature spilled out. To many tentacles, eyes, and mouths for a natural creature to have. The thing whipped its tentacles around and began to rip the man apart piece by piece. Oddly enough despite the amount of blood he had lost, or how many pieces he was in he continued to scream as if something was keeping him alive to suffer. Finally his screaming head was all that remained, the creature saved that for last before it swallowed it. The face appeared along with many others that stretched the surface of the creatures skin screaming in agony. Then with a pop, and a flash of light that was bright enough to make Lash cover his eyes for a moment. There stood a 5 foot pale skinned beauty. Silver white hair to her shoulders, pure black eyes. Wearing a simple summer dress as if the cold didn't bother her.

“Warden, how may I help you?” The sherogoth said.

Now, whats a sherogoth? Imagine a multi limped creature to many mouths, eyes, and arms. That prioritizes eating humans, specifically bad humans. Rapist, cannibals, pedophiles, the worst of the worst of humanity. People who are ultimately doomed to go to hell or what ever counts for hell in this universe. Sherogoths take pride in hunting down these dregs of humanity, and they rip them apart, ensure that they linger on as they are slowly consumed and digested. Saurian, and Lash liked them. However, they were described as Super-Natural beasts. They can take the shape of humans, preferably the disguise of the victims that these scum bags like. They don't have a sentient language unless you are a Beast Talker.

“Are there any more you need to collect tonight or is that the only one?” Lash asked the Sherogoth.

“He is the last one inside the park. But this city is full of their kind. Alas I am the only one here in Gotham the rest of my kin have either been banished or killed. Are you here to do that?” The sherogoth didn't seem to mind.

“On the contrary, me and my partner have nothing but respect for a fellow hunter. However, several Mundane police officers have seen eye witness reports of some one killing. They don't know your habits or why. All they see is a monster that needs arresting or to be put down. Now I know you won't hurt them, but if the mundanes get involved then the Warden's get invovled. Any interest in leaving Gotham for about a week or so? Or spreading out your hunting grounds? If you catch to much attention then the other Wardens will be required to take action.” Lash kept his voice even, and his body language suggested that he was not aggressive. He came to talk.

“Hmmmm, I think I can take a week or two of rest. Concentrate on making those I've captured suffer to their full extent. Yes” The Sherogoth accepted the offer. Lash took an item out of his pocket and tossed it to her. She looked up confused.

“Its a shield just like the one I just used. That way when you go hunting again, activate it so their screams don't attract unwanted attention. Do you know how to use a Glamour talisman?” Lash asked, honestly curious. She nodded her head in a yes.

“Thank you for the lovely gift, Warden Lash.” The Sherogoth walked up to him, when he didn't flinch away she smiled at him. Her smile was beautiful and captured the mind. “May I give you a gift in return?” She said softly, he gave her the briefest of nods. She wrapped her hands around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. He didn't fight it, he didn't 'feel' any danger from it.

The Sherogoth tasted sweet on his tongue, though he felt that her tongue was like wet sand paper or a lions tongue, full of barbs. Something slipped into his mouth, and into his body. It was spiritual as well as alive, then he got a prompt...

  • Congratulations User! You've obtain the Sherogoth's blessing. Benevolent monstrosities like you 10% more. You are now able to 'read' those that have done evil. Both a blessing and a curse. This will aid in your path of justice, as well as punishment. What is 'evil' Well if you have to ask?

“Thank you, rest well and good luck in future hunts sister.” Lash said softly, the sherogoth let go of him and smiled. She winked at him and left through the brush disappearing into the park.

Lash moved into the hide away hole and cleaned up the blood by using Decomposition instead of it being fresh it will look like its been here for months if some one checks here at all. Lash moved back to the 'public' area of the park and took out his phone. He called Warden HQ to tell them the Sherogoth agreed to stop for a few weeks. The talisman was handed off as well. Lash felt content that he was able to help save her. He personally felt that the world needed more Sherogoths to help clean out the trash. But they were rare.

Lash felt Saurian getting antsy, he smiled and found a secluded spot inside the park, cast a simple glamour to hide him for a bit. He took a deep breath then shifted. His skin peeled off and faded from sight as if it was leaves burning in a pyre. Claws came from his hands and feet, a long muscular tail came from the base of his spine. Spatial Item Shifting swallowed his cloths as his body elongated, his skull broke and grew. A snout extended as his skull crest grew. Saurian was now six feet tall when hunched over. Taller if he stood up, but would be twelve feet from nose to tail. Bone spikes had begun to grow from his elbows and knee's making natural weapons. Saurian wore basic kevlar shorts and a top. Mostly for modesty sake, given his scales were just as hard as kevlar if not stronger in the major area's. Sam had given it to him after the mansion assault of the Cult of Ares when he found out Saurian could absorb cloths. It was a trick that every were-breed in the city wanted Saurian to teach them how. When he figured out how Lash and Saurian did it they would tell them.

Saurian let out a monstrous roar that shattered the glamour around him. The sound rang through the entire park making everyone near by shudder in fear. But the Sherogoth that was leaving only had a smile on her face. Saurian used Glamour to cast a cloth wrappings around his body. So if any mundanes saw him all they would see is a ghostly wraith wrapped in dark and tattered cloth. Not subtle at all, but at least they wouldn't see a giant lizard. Saurian then sprinted through the park casting Chameleon, and Nature's Passage despite the clear advantage of the spells. Saurian still practiced proper stealth and movement. He didn't want to rely on the spell, but to use it to simply help him.

With in a few minutes he made it from the park to the city streets. He leaped over an intersection terrifying several drives and a few pedestrians who only saw something wrapped in cloth zip past them. Using his claws and hand holds on a building he climbed up a wall and was gone from sight! He sprinted across the rooftops leaping from roof to roof. If Gotham was anything? It was a parkour dream. Leaping from flag poles, to fire escapes, down rain gutters. Saurian stopped for a moment and looked up. It was a clear night with out a cloud in sight. The moon was a crescent, looked like a creature smiling or taking a bite out of the sky.

Saurian then dipped his head to the side listening. The sounds of police and fire trucks were zipping near by. He sped up following the sound, soon discovering the reason. A building had caught fire and it was consuming not only it self but the near by buildings. Soon he came to the edge of the street looking over the fire department combating the raging inferno. He saw the police do their best to keep the gawking civilians from getting to close. Several people were trapped in the upper floors. The fire was spreading and taking floor after floor. Saurian looked around and saw several super-natural denizens were perched on the rooftop watching the blaze.

“Little ones? What started the fire?” Saurians gravely voice spooked many of them, they hadn't seen him approach.

“Ah! Warden is here! Hello! Nothing much, some one burned something. Faulty smoke detectors in the building. Before they could get it under control! Boom!” A creature with giant ears spoke up. Like a giant rabbit only the size of Great Dane.

“Thank you Little one.” Saurian gave some natural energy to the creature. It purred in happiness! The creatures nearby looked sad! Why didn't they speak up! Since when did Warden's give out rewards! Before they could speak Saurian leaped down to the street.

Saurian sprinted across the way, past the police line and fire department as they tried to combat the fire. An officer yelled out! 'Hay stop!' The officer must be sensitive to things to have seen him. Saurian raced into the building. He began choking on the smoke when his Damage Resistance, and Adaptation. Kicked on. Soon he was only coughing every once and a while and the fiery heat wasn't that bad. Then he did something he hadn't tried ever. He used is new evolved Telepathy and sent out a pulse, he wasn't sure it worked like this. He was suppose to know the people he spoke to. But maybe he could bend the rules.

'Any one here!' He did this on the first floor...No reply. He raced up to the second floor, skipping past the ruined stairs. Then did the same thing on the second, third, then fourth....

“Yes! Were here! Please help us!” They screamed out loud not realizing the voice came from their mind. So Saurian used Telepathy like a sonar pulse. They couldn't reply using the skill, but this was enough.

Saurian raced past the flames, and broke down a wall crashing through into a small bedroom. A man was cradling his daughter. They both screamed in horror as a wraith monster came through the wall. Then abruptly calmed down with Calm Emotions. Saurian had gotten better with the skill. Instead of a massive area of effect now he could to selective targets. This way he wouldn't receive the side effects later. Saurian went up to them checked them over and cast. Sooth, and Nature's Supplement. Picking them both up he raced through the building. The fire and smoke seem to make way for him, he had thought about using his domain to see if he could stop the fire. But the biggest thing he had succeed with was a candle flame. Maybe one day, but today just passing by with the people unharmed was enough. Soon Saurian was out front again carrying the man and his daughter. He stopped out front when several people screamed and pointed. His 'Shroud' was still active, but carrying the people must temporarily break his Chameleon spell, or maybe they freaked out cause a living flame creature was there? They didn't work well with others...For now. Saurian dropped the father and daughter off and sprinted back into the burning building.

Saurian checked the entire building and helped get twelve people safely out of the building. Before he raced up a nearby building. Perching in place watching the building fall to ruin, seeing if he could help any more. All twelve of the people were being helped, the effects of Calms Emotions had worn off. Now their raw emotions bubbled over. Many were sobbing, but a few kept asking about the wraith creature that helped them. Some were angry, why didn't the monster show up sooner. But, one...A little girl was talking excitedly about how not all monsters were bad! Sometimes small gifts were the best ones.

Saurian watched as the apartment complex fell to pieces. He reached up and 'into' himself pulling out Lash's cellphone. They had figured this one out a little while ago. Saurian carefully typed out a text. Sending a message of the building that had burned, about how the fire detectors were faulty to the Shield and Sword office. They would have a field day ripping the owner of the building apart. Saurian placed the phone back 'inside' then raced through the city once more.

Moving through city block after city block he made his way to the low economy side of the city. Or rather the slums, or as Gotham calls them 'The Narrows'. Arkham Asylum was attached to the Narrows but stood apart. A towering monolith of stone and despair. Saurian slipped across the connecting bridges and found a perch to overlook the area. Saurian had two reasons for being here. Its a crime haven for Mundanes, and it was also a home to a lot of unwanted super-natural beings. A majority of them were not bad. Just like the humans in the world down on their luck and trying to get by. However, both Lash and Saurian were surprised. Not a single Warden was assigned to the Narrows. They use to be! But they kept getting killed.

His Dark Vision skill was still growing. He saw far better then a human would. But still not as good as say an owl would. But the more he used it the better it grew. Saurian slipped down from his perch balancing his weight on all fours. He had to be careful here. Because many of the roofs in the Narrows couldn't take his weight. Saurian weighed near five hundred pounds. Lash, and all his cloths may have been sucked into Cosmic Patron above knows where. But the overall weight didn't leave. So yes, Lash himself also weighs about five hundred pounds. When shifted to himself. BANG! BANG! Gun shots rang out across the Narrows not to surprising. But the screams that followed along with more gunfire maybe not so much.

Saurian moved through the narrows like a giant panther. Jumping and testing the ledges before he moved on. As he moved he cast Restoration on what he could to reinforce it for the future. He intended to spend time in the Narrows. Soon he came upon the disturbance. Several more gun shots rang out. He looked down to see what appeared to be five or more different gangs shooting each other up. Several people had been shot dead already, a majority of them civilians caught in the cross fire. The cold night had already frozen their blood, the bodies growing stiff. The gangs were using a collection of small arm fire, a few shotguns. Petty thug equipment. He saw a few have what looked like a 'red' aura around them. The blessing of Sherogoth was active. These men were not good people. Saurian moved to position just above them then. Dropped down on top of them.

“Die mother fuckers! This is our turf! I'll fuck you up! Then I'm going to find that bitch you call a sister and fucker till sh..GGAAAAHHHHH!” A gangsters insult was cut off, his companions all looked over to see that their friend hand been compressed into a fleshy heap. A Nazgul mother fucker was standing on top of him. Then the creature dove into them, ripping arms and legs off in its wake.

Saurian ripped and tore through the men. For every limb he removed he quickly used Burning to cauterize the wound. He wanted to kill them, but he knew that would look bad. Not just to Batman, but to the Wardens. He got the drop on this side of the gang fight and crippled them into submission. Bullets flew still, and pinged off the walls and homes nearby. Saurian found who seem to be the best dressed of the gangsters. He was missing an arm and was begging not to die. Saurian picked him up and took a Soul Bite out of him. Activating Dream Eater. For barely half a second Saurian was frozen in place. Then he knew this gangs base of operation. He digested the rest of the information for later. The gangster was having a fit as saliva frothed out his mouth, his eyes rolled back into his head. Saurian dropped him. Then sprinted to the other side of the intersection.

He slipped past the barricade of cars and began to 'dissemble' the other gangsters. Not all of them had the 'taint'. Those he just broke bones and rendered unconscious. Well he hoped, it was hard not killing a few. Accidents happen when you have super strength and claws designed to tear flesh and bone. Lets say one out of ten died accidentally. Saurian used his Material skills to turn the guns into goop. Soon three out of the five gangs having a shoot out were not firing anymore. The other gangs noticed this and began to worry. Saurian leaped from cover and sprinted straight towards the larger gang. He heard screams of surprise as small arms fire began to shoot towards him. He bolted left and right serpentine to get to his objective. He shoulder clipped into a car which sent it backwards making a few people fly back with broken bones. Then out of no where a man slammed his fist straight into Saurian making him impact a nearby wall!

“Aha! Fucker! Didn't I tell you boyz this shit was fuckin awesome! Venom is the shit!” A steroid ranging muscle brain had several patches on his arms. The patches were pumping some sort of drug into his body. -Venom! It was the drug that Bane used in the comics to obtain super strength. This thug must be on it. Erik said

Saurian clawed his hands into the concrete wall he had been thrown into. He felt several of his bones were broken. But his Damage Resistance sent him several prompts that it had gone up a few points. Yay for small victories! He threw a concrete stone at the thug, who idiotically bashed it, making dust and debris fly obscuring his vision. Before the thug could blink Saurian was as at his side cutting his Achilles tendon.

“AAAAAHHHHH!” The man flopped to the ground, no longer capable of keeping his balance.

Saurian used Sooth and pulled the Venom from his bodies system. Thanks to the spell he didn't go into automatic withdrawals but he also didn't have super-strength anymore. The man didn't have the taint so Saurian took a Soul Bite out of him, and used Dream Eater. Though it was stupid to do this in a fight he wanted to know where he got the drug. BAM! BAM! Saurian took two shots in the back with a shot gun. He buckled over, whipping his head around he snarled at his attacker. His eyes under the shroud lite up in anger. He got the info he wanted, he began to take the gang apart. Then moved to the last gang who had all but left in terror. He found at least one and 'fed' on him. Learning of their hang out.

All in all the battle took about twenty or so minutes. But... no cops, no swat. Saurian would be surprised if any cops showed up by morning. Saurian then dragged all the bodies of the different gangs out into the open. He used Nature's Supplement on them all and used his partners phone. He sent a text to audio message to Gotham PD. His phone had a mystical auto block so they couldn't trace it back to him. Several heads were peeking around the corner. Watching a wraith creature that flickered in and out sight even if it was standing in the middle of the street. Saurian counted...Shit he did kill at least four of them. He then disappeared up a wall and onto the roofs out of sight. He watched in horrifying fascination as The Narrows came to life. People rushed to the area and began to scrap the cars, steal the cloths and money from the gangsters. Some even bashed the living gang members heads in with rocks. Ouch.

Saurian found a new perch, recasting Chameleon, and Nature's Passage. He'd have to see if he could extend the time on it. Practice makes better. His Glamour was different, as long as he had magic it would remain. Even if he fell asleep it would remain. He meditated for a moment and looked through his 'new' memories. As he was shifting through them several of his broken bones snapped back into place. Which made him groan. His Minor Regeneration at work. The more he used it the stronger it would become. A gang base was near, apparently it was a cheap brothel. He prowled the rooftops of the Narrows on his way to the base. After a few minutes he saw what looked like a cheap motel, only about about fifteen rooms total. All of them housing women, most of them would be called girls. They were scrawny, dirty, and a majority of them were high as a kite, or in withdrawals.

He saw several Motophagus denizens. These things come in a variety of shapes and sizes, but looked like giant coi fish with tentacles. They are 'neutral' super-natural creatures. They feed on emotions, generally negative ones. If used correctly they can be great help. They suck up the bad, and stay away from the good. But in large quantities they put out as much as they take in. Creating a whirlpool of despair that grows with time. Saurian clicked his tongue at a few. They took notice and swam through the air to him.

“Small ones, is this the only place these human girls are kept in such a manner?” Saurian said this, but he also used 'imagery' most super-natural beasts didn't truly understand language.

He got several locations spread through out the narrows. They were owned by different gangs. He thanked them by using a bit of his Natural Domain to feed them. The Nature Domain was odd like that. Negative, Positive, Neutral or Null Energy. The creatures were excited for a bit. Then flew off to feed once more. Despite feeding denizens of the world he was never swarmed by them. Like they knew not to press their luck. Saurians eyes narrowed, he recognized someone from the memories. This was the gang leader he was pacing back and forth in front of the hotel. He kept looking towards where the fight took place. Then the man took out his phone, he spoke a few moments then screamed into it. He hung up and raged! Several nearby girls ran from him, knowing being around him was suicide right now. Saurian climbed his way over so he could listen to him talk.

“Fucking bastards! I'm fucking kill them! My brother was there! Robby! No no! Robby was at the meet...Smith? Smiths gone....M....Oh no! I'm the only one left. Oh shit! Shit! Shit! S...geeehhhaaa!” The boss chocked, as a long scaled tail wrapped around his neck and pulled him up off the street. Soon he was face to face with the thing that killed his brother.

Saurian grinned at him, letting the shroud drop for a moment. This man had a thick red taint around him. He was a hell bound soul. Saurian took a 'bite' of him. Then snapped his neck. He couldn't make them suffer like the Sherogoth's. But where they were headed would not be pleasant. At least he hoped. Replacing his shroud he slipped down to the street and walked into the main office. The women behind the counter barely registered that a wraith creature walked into the office holding her boss by the neck.

“Two people are extra, d....Jimmy? Boss why are you like that?” The women seem to connect the face of the broken necked man in Saurians claws.

Saurian dropped the man then walked past the women. He ripped through a concrete wall and tore out a locked safe. He dialed the combination and took out nearly hundred grand in bills. Then he walked up to the women who was starting to get scared now. But instead of running she just froze. Trained to believe if she runs she would be punished. Saurian cast Sooth to remove the crap, gunk, and drugs in her system, the magic removing the need for withdrawals. Then he used Nature's Supplement to help refill her bodies drastically needed nutrition. With in two minutes the scrawny strung out girl turned into a bright eyed, healthy looking woman who was now both terrified and mystified.

“Whats your name?” Saurian's gravely and in-human voice made her jump.

“F..F...Freddy.” The women wanted to run, but felt that if she did she wouldn't make it to the door.

“Do you know the woman here? Are they here by choice? Kidnapped victims? Do they have a home?”Saurian kept his eyes on her. All she could see was darkness but she felt he was looking at her.

“N...No one is here by choice. W..We are the unwanted. Most of us are run a ways. I...I have a family. God I haven't seen them in years! I ran off before graduation, The Narrows...I came here on a dare! I hav...haaaa...” The women was about to break down until Saurian used Calm Emotions. Focus came back to her eyes.

“Come with me, we are going to free the other women. Then I'm going to help you all leave the Narrows. Understood?” Saurian waited for her to reply. He then handed her a bag and told her to fill it up with the money. It will be important later.

Saurian moved from room to room. Cleaning out the drugs in the woman's system, and helping them recover. Broke a few bones of the men inside. Unfortunately Saurian didn't have a spell to remove disease. At least not yet. He could smell that even after his magic many of these woman were not healthy. He bundled up the women in coats and blankets. Grabbed the money bag and cast a wide area effect glamour on the group then they 'walked' out of the narrows. The crowds of people just seem to move around them. Like they were swimming through a current of water. Soon they reached a bridge connecting the Narrows and Gotham. The women were all confused but calm. Saurian took out his phone and contacted Shield and Sword response team. Told them where to meet him and to bring transportation for thirty two women.

“Why are you doing this? Who are you?” Freddy said to Saurian.

“Because its the right thing to do.” Saurian replied. Freddy about burst into tears, even with the skill in place. Soon transport vans showed up, out of the first Vehicle came Booraku who walked over in a hurry.

“Sir! Are you alright?” Booraku asked, with genuine concern for him. Saurian handed him the bag of money. He looked at it confused.

“Legal fee's. Take the women to a safe place, help them find their families if they have reasonably good families to go back to. If they don't have families help them find a place in the world. If this isn't enough money contact my partner we'll arrange for money.” Saurian waited for Booraku to understand.

The troll waved for the soldiers of the transports to come over. All the women were still in shock in what was going on and moved with out a fuss. Freddy stopped and looked at the wraith that was Saurian. Before she got into the transport van. Booraku took the bag of money and was about to leave.

“Booraku, I may call later. There are a few more places I have to check tonight.” Saurian said to him. The troll looked back at him then at the women who were starting to cry. They realized they had been rescued. The troll nodded and smiled back at him.

“Good hunting sir! We'll be waiting.” Booraku jumped into the lead vehicle and drove the convoy back to a Shield and Sword run hospital.

Saurian collapsed his mass movement glamour bubble. Ensured that the 'shroud' was in place. Recast his movement spells then slipped back across the bridge into the Narrows. It was only 10:00 pm. He had a long night ahead of him. Four more gang hide outs, three more brothels, and a venom drug ring to collapse. Going to be a long night...

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