Dream Engine: Beta Tester…. D.C. Comics

Chapter 25: Fog of War

Superman soon let go of Saurian inside a huge urban battle field straight out of a War movie. Saurian took a moment to set his glamour to his 'Wraith' persona. Which confused Superman, who they had learned couldn't see past glamour. Oddly. The battle field was barren of civilian's, but dozens of Amazon's were slowly filtering into the area. Metropolis Warden's and along with Society soldiers. All wearing UN soldier glamours.

“Wait, are you that 'Wraith' from the Narrows? Who destroyed the gangs and freed over a hundred woman in sex trafficking?” Althea said to him. Saurian nodded his head at her. This earned him another heartfelt smile from not just her but many people near by. Apparently Wraith had gotten out.

Saurian dropped to all fours and began to move slowly across the field. He moved back and forth seemingly moving in random patterns but he was trying to find a single scent from thousands. Superman excused himself but said if they find anything to just call. Then an hour passed, Saurian was still moving in a mile wide square back and forth. Then another hour past, it was midnight now. Saurian climbed on top of a destroyed parking structure, slipped through a tiny crack and rummaged around. Then....then.... He found something, a small bit of blood. To his eyes it shined with golden light, he inhaled, and licked it up. Salivating at the taste of it.... This was God Kin blood. He had it! He crashed through a wall, jumped up a ledge and found a perch. The moon was high and nearly full. Saurian let loose a howl.


Rallying Call! The roar echoed across for miles! Every Warden, Amazon, and Friendly Super-Natural with in four miles were invigorated. Then Saurian leaped from his perch and begin to sprint down the street, straight towards the water. The war horn call of Althea sounded across the city once more. Several Armored vehicles and motor bikes appeared and began chase after Saurian, who was now moving close to seventy five mph down the street. A helicopter soon appeared, The Amazons were sprinting after him, soon Pegasi were flying above holding up two warrior Amazons each. Soon they reached the bay and Saurian dove into the water then was up on the surface swimming as fast as he could as Adaptation began to take effect his body became sleek and flexible, fins from his hands and feet, long serpent tail. The armored vehicles didn't stop at the water they drove straight, be it magic or technology they soon surfaced and moved across the water like speed boats and wave runners. Any one on foot dove into the water, soon hundreds of people were in the bay.

Off the bay of Metropolis is a statue island. Much like the statue of liberty in New York. This one serves as both light house and emergency port during storms. Back during the old days, now its a museum, as well as bunker. Saurian was moving at about thirty miles per hour now, or thirty ish knots aquatic.

“Saurian! We already checked the island!” Althea screamed from a Pegasus. -But did you check under it? Saurians telepathic voice came to Althea. Who shouted in surprise on the horse....

“No! No we didn't!” Althea called. -The island as an underground bunker from the old human war days. One of the metals used was lead. Superman can't see through lead. Ares would know that. Saurian said mentally to her.

Soon another war horn was sound. This one had several different notes, then more horns rang across the city. Diana was seen flying with all do haste, and a blue blur sped towards the island. Trusting Saurian, Superman dove straight into the islands depths. The army was still moving towards their objective when...BOOM! Superman was forced skyward! Diana caught him in mid flight. When a man and woman wearing armor flew up into the air. No sign of Ares. But Saurian could see a golden light coming off of these two, the man was his goal. He was the scent he had. Then like bee hive the entire island came to life as Soldiers of Ares came swarming out from its depths. Not as large as the enemy that attacked Metropolis. But it was still big enough.

“TO BATTLE MY FELLOW WARRIORS!” Diana shouted, Saurian felt invigorated.

Seems Diana had her own Rallying Call. Soon all the armored vehicles sped up leaving Saurian behind. The Pegasi flew forward, as did the helicopters. Diana and Superman dove into combat with the two God Kins. Hundreds of Amazons and Super-natural Soldiers were swimming in the water neck and neck with Saurian. With in a few minutes they reached the beach. Saurian had to take a minute or two to adapt to land again. His bones, muscles and body shifted. Several Amazon's were guarding him during the change.

“I'm good to go! Let us finish this hunt!” Saurian said full of energy. The warriors called out and they raced into battle.

BOOM! BOOM! Shock waves exploded above the island as Superman and Diana fought against the God kin. The sound of metal on metal rang out, with bullets and RPG's flying across the field. Saurian was not a front line fighter. Especially in these situations and told the Amazons as much. He would fight on the flanks, but he would also help heal the wounded. Told them to go on, as he cast Chameleon, and Nature's Passage on himself. Still keeping his Wraith glamour on, why? Because news choppers were flying in the air recording the whole thing.

Slipping along the flanks he found several sniper teams and mortar's. He forgot to ask what the rules of engagement were but when he saw an amazon bisect a Cult of Ares with her sword that answered the question. He struck the team from the tree line, a soldier screamed in surprise as the 'tree' came alive and raked its claws through him. He dropped like a gutted fish. Then Saurian slipped back into the shadows. The sniper teams took out their side arms and went back to back. Until they noticed they were sinking into the ground!

  • Nature Domain Spell, Mud Marsh: Turn solid ground into a mud marsh! This only works with solid objects, so don't expect to turn water into a mud marsh. No Water to Mud for you! Wait, and see what happens when you take the magic back!

The men were shouting and trying to crawl out of the mash then to their horror the ground went back to being solid. They were stuck! Saurian slipped back into light and gutted each one! He turned each weapon he found and ammo into goop thanks to his shaping skills. However, some of the Swords were enchanted and took more time to break down. Soon he was moving on. He heard calls for help, he moved along the ground low and slow. Chameleon had ranked up allowing him to move quicker, but he needed to play it safe.

He came upon a few 'UN' Soldiers fighting off some Cult of Ares people. Most of the Cult of Ares were humans but a few were super-natural society members that had turned traitor. The UN soldiers were protecting a group of Amazons that were injured. But they were clearly loosing. Several of Cult members tripped suddenly, others yelled in surprise. The roots of grass and plant life under the snow had sprung up and wrapped around their legs! Saurian cast Entanglement then when they were distracted sprinted from his position! A red skinned gladiator armored man yelled in surprise as a Nazgul raced towards him. Then gurgled as his throat was ripped out. Saurian moved from Cultist to Cultist sticking behind them like an assassin. He may not attack like a warrior but results were evident.

“Warden! Thank you!” One of the 'UN' soldiers aid. Saurian moved over to the injured Amazons.

One was pale as death but was still alive. Another was practically keeping her insides from falling out. Saurian placed his hands on the pale one and cast his spells on her. Her pale skin restored to a semi better color but she was still in trouble. He then moved to the other, cast his magics on her as well. The soldiers began to wrap them up with bandages. Then Saurian moved to cover the soldiers who were surprised. Three arrows stuck straight into his back! He let out a scream of pain! Holy fuck that hurt! He turned and saw a single cultist with a bow. Who was just as surprised that Saurian didn't fall. The pissed of lizard then sprinted towards the archer with all do haste!

The archer took aim at him and shot, Saurian dodged the arrow with minute changes as he ran. He stuck close to the ground so he could dig his claws in to shift position. The archer shot again, and again. Starting to get nervous! Saurian saw that the Archer was in full armor, but had Satyr legs, or cloven hooves. Soon the archer started to back up, doing a lose jog as he shot. Then a single arrow hit Saurian, but it pinged off a single piece of armor luckily. Saurian would have to thank Sam later. The Satyr turn to run now, but flopped over in surprise as the ground around him was swamp like. He kicked and screamed for help before a pissed off hunter pounced on him! Claws rending flesh and bone! The archer flopped dead soon after. The ground became solid once more.

Saurian went back to the wounded group. Who sighed in relief when they saw him return. Saurian agreed to escort them back to the beach head where a triage camp was made. Shock waves continued to ring out above the battle field. Many times a God Kin was flung into the ground carving out huge canals of dirt and snow! At last the group reached the beach. Several Amazons saw them and sprinted to them and took their wounded sisters and 'UN' Soldiers to safety. Saurian bid them goodbye, after an Amazon pulled the arrows out of him.

“Hunter! Many more wounded are in the field if you see any more!” An Amazon in white cloth and armor said. A healer.

“We'll bring them here!” Saurian said and moved back to the battle field.

Saurian spent the next thirty or so minutes running across the battle field. He did emergency treatment on who he found and escorted, carried, and dragged back to the beach head. He focused on the minor Cultist's, not testing the major ones. He could feel the danger just oozing off of them. Statue island was soon a wreck! Superman being a boy scout was restraining himself from hurting the God Kin, but soon was lost to his own anger as he watched more and more of the allied army was hurt or dying. Because he was tip toeing around. Then an audible BREAK! Rang out on the island as the Man God Kin had his sword arm broken by Superman! This made the battle? Worse! The cultist were driven into a rage seeing their Gods son in pain. The woman God Kin screamed in fury and attacked Wonder Woman.

“Gaaah!” A cultist screamed as his back ripped open as Saurian tore through armor and flesh alike! He sprinted from lone attacker to the next. Killing archers, snipers, heavy ordnance teams. Soon he saw a few familiar faces. He raced to them because one of them was hurt.

“Yeeeaaaaa! Althea swung her sword to drive away a Minotaur guard.

She was trying her best to shield Elena who was in Cora's arms. Elena was deathly pale, as six broken arrow shafts were stuck in her. Ping! Another Arrow flew and Cora thankfully got it on her shield. Then the Archer screamed! The Minotaur didn't move from his attack position he was wielding a mace in one hand and a shield in the other. But he soon noticed the arrows were not being shot any more. Althea kept backing up with Cora and Elena behind her. Then a flash of surprise was caught on Althea's face, she soon smiled at the Minotaur. Which made him hesitant, when he went to take a step he noticed he was slow. The ground was....sticky. Sparing a glance he noticed the dirt and snow had become marsh like. Making his eyes go wide in panic before!

Saurian tackled the Minotaur from behind digging his claws in for all their worth. But he didn't stop there he dug, ripped, and tore flesh and bone from the Minotaur he had fought them before and knew they were hard to put down! The Minotaur went wild trying to shake him off, but was bogged down by the marsh. He was long legged and could take impressive steps. But the mud slowed him down and threw him off balance. The Minotaur in a fit of rage dropped his shield reached up and ripped Saurian from his back. Then like base ball player swung his mace straight into Saurian as he was falling to the ground. Saurians eyes went wide in shock. Oh crap! BOOM! Saurian went flying across the field. Crashing into snow and dirt, bones snapping with the kinetic force he soon came to a stop.

  • Congratulations User! You've earned an Achievement:'Tis but a flesh wound!' You took 99% of your total life in a single hit! You will now have a 10% increase to Damage Resistance. You will also heal 10% faster. Good luck!

“Thanks Dawn...” Saurian choked on his own blood and coughed.

Saurian watched in horror filled fascination as his body slowly began to put it self back together. He cast Sooth, and Nature's Supplement, but he didn't feel that was enough. He looked up at the sky, watching Wonder Woman and Superman fighting the good fight. Diana had chopped off the arm of the Woman God Kin, and was in the process of restraining her with the lasso. Superman had broken the other arm of the man God Kin. The Cultist continued to rage. Saurian felt his vision was growing dark. NO! He had to stay awake! Then he saw something, one of the tree's near by. A glowing wisp of green light fluttered down. It wasn't a pixie, or any other denizen. It was just pure natural energy. The wisp of light touched his head and he just...Knew what he needed.

  • Nature Domain Spell, Nature's Kiss: Your connection with nature allows you to cast a heal! Allowing you to heal up to 30% maximum health of one target! Please take note, this spell can only be cast once per person in a twenty four hour period. But can be cast repeatedly as long as you have energy. It must be cast one some one with at least 1% of their total health. So if they are dead, they are dead.

Several bones snapped back into place, internal organs regrew! But the pain! Oh shit the pain! The spell didn't come with anesthetize. Saurian couldn't help it as he screamed! Screamed for what seemed like hours on end. But it was actually only about thirty seconds. Soon he flopped out of his impact crater. Forced himself towards when the Amazons were. After a minute or two of crawling he saw them. Althea had cut limb and head from the Minotaur. But no shout for victory was heard as tears were falling down her face as she watched Cora hold Elena in her arms. Rocking back and forth Elena looked like she was on deaths door. Her eyes were fluttering open and closed, she was holding onto Cora's hand weakly.

“Althea! we can heal her! Help us up!” Saurian called, Making Althea jump in surprise! Then his words registered she bolted to him, picked him and raced back to Elena.

“Hay there Elena, Just give us a moment...You'll be up and about soon enough!” Saurian called.

“Y..You don't need to be nice....I... I'm, GaaaaahhhhhaaaaaAAAAA!” Elena said softly before she started to scream in pain. A green glow surrounded Saurian, then passed to Elena. Several broken arrow shafts were forcibly pushed out by the spells healing magic. Flesh regrew, bone reset. Saurian cast Sooth and Nature's Supplement for good measure. Then flopped to the ground on his side. He was just spent!

Elena soon stopped screaming. She looked better! But was clearly still fucked up. But was no longer dying. Cora cried tears of joy as she hugged her sister who whimpered in pain. Althea took a knee next to Saurian squeezing his shoulder

“Thank you!” She said to him.

“Oh! My Partner Lash said I forgot to ask if I could touch you, Elena. Please don't cut our head off later.” Saurian said weakly. This earned a laugh from all three of the Amazons. Elena especially as she held herself and cough up some blood.

“Its not a full heal as you can see. But it's enough.” Saurian said softly. Soon a war horn rang out! Althea raised her own and blew into it! Then another, and another victory was theirs!

“I thought you had died, the way you flew I was sure you were broken.” Cora said.

“We nearly did... Then Nature gave me and my partner its sweet kiss and we recovered...Well just enough to move. We can only cast that once per person with in a day. But, if you lovely woman can get us to the medical tent we think we can save a few more lives...” Saurian said in an exhausted voice. Althea leaned over and picked up the big lizard. Cora had Elena.

“That my friend! I think we can manage!” Althea said as they made their way to the beach.

Soon a tide of warriors from Amazons, to Warden, and Super-natural Society soldiers moved back to the beach. The Cultists were dead, those that were not killed directly in battle took their own lives. In some twisted sense of honor to their God. Storm clouds appeared above the island far quicker then natural. Soon lighting struck a part of the island...twice. Then the storm clouds left.

“Praise the gods. Zeus has taken Ares children to be imprisoned in Olympus.” Althea said as she dragged Saurian along. He was limping but getting better the more time that passed.

“It will be quicker next time. Though everyone smells different. Families share a similar scent. Find another battle and me and my partner will find another God Kin.” Saurian said.

“Her Highness will be happy to hear that.” Althea said with a grin.

By the time the medical tents came into view Saurian was walking on his own. Althea took Elena with Cora towards the tents to get checked out. Saurian not far behind them. Soon Saurian guzzled down some water and ate a several protein bars offered by some soldiers then went from person to person that was injured and began casting his magic. He worked with the other healers. They were able to save many lives. But not every one was lucky enough to come back wounded. Many had died. Ship barges arrived at the island, along with troop transport helicopters. They began to get everyone back to the main land. Saurian was perched on ledge over looking the water.

  • Congratulations User! You've obtained the skills, Combat Medicine: In the thick of it with bullets, missiles, energy blasts, and spells. You know how to triage, bandage, and heal when all the shit hits the fan. Works with...

    • Skill, Medical Care: You have learned to administer aid and healing to the sick, injured and dying. So that they can not be sick, injured, or dying.

“There you are...” Saurian turned around and saw Superman there. Saurian stood and bowed...Or tried to as Superman stopped him.

“Please don't do that. You look like you had it pretty rough your armor is destroyed.” Superman said.

“Yes, me and my partner nearly died. But thankfully we heal quicker then most.” Saurian said as he settled down again watching the water. Superman stood next to him.

“Do...Do you know when Kara will show up?” Superman asked... Saurian shook his head. “That's ok. Just knowing I'll see her again means a lot to me. Who is Zod?”

“All I know is he a warmonger that believes in racial superiority.” Saurian said softly.

“Hunter!” Wonder Woman called for him. She landed soon after with a wide smile.

“I heard you saved and healed many of our warriors! Not only that, but you believe it will be easier to track and find more God Kin as long as we have a place to start from?” Diana said.

“Yes, Saurian and Partner Lash believe we can. Families carry a similar scent. Maybe, one day we'll even be able to track Ares. But that will be along time to come.” Saurian said softly.

“Then when the next battle comes and we fight a God Kin we'll call for you!” Diana smiled wide at him.

“Fog of War.” Saurian said. Making Superman and Wonder Woman look at him confused.

“How they disappeared before, we are sure that frustrated you when they simply faded from sight? Its the spell domains of nature and war. Ares is the God of War. But nature...That is not something he has. We noticed it when we came to the island. In the future take measures to clear away fog. Be it wind, or spell. Even if you don't see fog. That doesn't mean the Fog of War isn't there.” Saurian said to Diana. This made her stop and think. Soon she knocked her own head with a hand.

“Of course! That is how they come and go! Fog that adheres to them, obscuring our sight of them! Thank you Hunter Saurian!” Diana raced off to tell the other Amazons. Saurian turned to Superman.

“Shall we get back to the main land? We said we would help once we were done here.” Saurian said. Superman smiled at him and nodded. Saurian recast his Wraith glamour and they flew back to Metropolis.

Soon Saurian was dropped off in some of the more major destroyed area's of the city. Superman would fly off and help find people, especially critical injured people. Fly to Saurian, he'd cast his magic. More then once Superman had to explain to the people that Saurian was not Death himself. It was just his disguise. Superman came up with on the spot partial lie and said Saurian-Wraith was a fellow Alien hear to help. After they cleared an area they would move. Two days this went on. Saurian soon shifted back to Lash but they never stopped to sleep, they did stop to eat and drink. He discovered a trick with Mud Marsh he could turn rubble into goop and pull people out. As long as they held their breath.

  • Congratulations User! You've obtained a spell and skill fusion, Natural Energy Absorption: Because of your spell Domain from Nature, and your racial trait of Adaptation. You now passively absorb ambient energy found around you. This skill grows with time. 'So I guess you could say you are plant like?'

Lash's Wraith shroud continued to dance around him as he sat on a city bench exhausted, but was slowly refilling his tank just by sitting. He was waiting for his pick up. The Wardens were sending a car for him to go back to Metropolis HQ. Lash spoke to Superman before the boy scout took off again. At this point several people recognized the Wraith and waved at him and said thank you. He'd been on television, more then a few times Superman even called him a friend. The story was that Wraith was a fellow Alien, that the nazgul get up was just a disguise. Some people started calling him the Angel of life and death. Since we was clearly a talented healer. Then a CR-V pulled up. Lash stood up and got into the car. It took off.

“The windows are magical tinted sir you can remove that if you want.” The driver said. Lash took him on the offer. Now he was back to looking ragged, with blood, sweat, and mud on him. Some one else was in the passenger seat with him. She wore a neat and tidy business suit and smiled at him.

“I probably don't smell good, sorry.” Lash apologized.

“That is perfectly fine Warden Lash! As far as I am concerned its the smell of hard work!” She took out a bottle of water and protein bar that Lash destroyed in under a minute.

“The Warden's as well as the Societies are very pleased with your hard work. Especially how you have deflected the suspicion from the Super-Natural world to Alien life. Its a band aid for a gaping wound. But it will buy us time.” She said and had a hand on what looked like a file.

“Despite my exhausted appearance I'm actually awake enough to talk. Is that file for me?” Lash asked, as she handed if over.

“Yes, The Warden's thought it prudent that you return home and rest for at least a day before you are deployed again. There are several small to large conflicts happening across the globe with the Cult of Ares but only a few involve his children. As soon as we spot one, we'll contact you and have you teleport or flown over at all due haste.” The woman said, Lash read over the file and looked through several locations. Across the whole globe.

“Do we have any information on if the Cultist know who I am? Or do they know how their God Kin were tracked?” Lash asked softly.

“We don't know, and we don't know. However, The Societies share your suspicion and have posted extra security around your home, as well as your friends. Several Amazon's even volunteered for it. However, a bit of good news. Your Fog of War idea has born fruit. Several times when The Cultist thought to disappear we used a gust spell and sure enough the Fog was lifted! Much to their surprise!” The woman took back the file as Lash was done with it.

“How is the United Nations dealing with Ares? Or is that above my pay grade?” Lash asked.

“Not at all Warden Lash! In fact you are quick to becoming a nation wide commodity especially if the reports about you being an Oracle are true! Many leaders of the United Nations know about the Super-Natural world. Or at least on a need to know basis. To create plausible deniability for their governments. But China, Russia, United Kingdom, America just to name a few all have Liaison to The Warden's and Societies. They are doing damage control and trying to assure the public that the new island in the Atlantic Ocean is actually an ally. But of course that's hard to do since Themyscira is half the size of Australia and no one has ever found it? By satellite let alone by boat.” The women spoke clearly and efficiently. Lash appreciated it.

Soon they came back to the HQ, Lash said his goodbyes and was led to the Portal room with a flash and a pop! He was home. A guide led him to a car which took him home. The driver handed him a newspaper which he took with curiosity only to groan...On the page was a clear picture of him as a Wraith working side by side with Superman in Metropolis.

NEW ALIEN FROM THE STARS? It read. FRIEND OR FOE? Reports say that this Creature? Or Alien wearing a disguise was seen in The Narrows where it helped a FBI sting operation help take down several gangs and rescue over a hundred woman from a sex trafficking ring. Then two weeks later it was found on statue island in Metropolis helping UN soldiers and 'allies' of Themyscira fight and take down the unknown military force that attacked the city. Then the 'Wraith' As the People in the Narrows call it spent the next two days helping citizens of Metropolis! It had amazing healing capabilities almost as if by magic! The Health Department states that over two thousand lives were saved alone by this alien. That the City is now referring to as The Angle of Life and Death. But is this thing an Alien? Or maybe its been here all along?

“Fuuuuck me!” Lash threw the paper aside, all that was left was few eye witness reports from The Narrows, and Metropolis.

Lash thanked the driver and stepped into his home building. Walking past the security guard at the front door who waved at him with a smile. He took an elevator up, unlocked his front door and stopped. The shutters were up, and he heard footsteps coming towards him. Uh oh! He saw Lizzy at the hall way with Isabella behind her. Lash had just closed the door but considered bolting for it.

“I VOLUNTERED TO GO TO METROPOLIS AND HELP WITH THE RESCUE OPERATIONS!” Lash screamed! That was the cover story The Wardens / Neighborhood Community Watch made for him.

Lizzy's anger was about to explode, but then evaporated. She was still angry but couldn't be that angry at him for doing something so nice. She so desperately wanted to scream at him but just shook a pointed jagged finger at him. Her teeth grinding so hard it was audible in the hallway. Isabella looked like she was about to laugh or cry but feared making a single sound.

“GO WASH UP! YOU STINK! WE HAVE LUNCH READY!” Lizzy yelled then stomped off.

“Welcome home, Lash!” Isabella said before she chased after Lizzy.

Lash let out breath he didn't know he was holding. Then slowly moved through his home, nice and slow. Her vision is based on movement! Slipped into his bedroom and slowly, and softly closed the door. Peeled off his clothing and tossed them into the hamper. Then went to take a well deserved shower. He washed up removing layers of sweat, blood, and mud. As he was scrubbing he was surprised to find new tribal marks on his left and right shoulders. Both looked like a crescent moon next to a star. Great! It looked nice, but hard to explain. Soon coming out of the shower he slipped on a nice set of cotton shirt, pants, and ankle socks. He walked to his bedroom door only to hear not only Lizzy, and Isabella's voice but also...Althea's? He slowly opened it up and looked out.

Now that he had a chance to look, Lizzy was in a long umbrella skirt with tennis shoes. The skirt was a floral blue. She had a lose peasant top on, white. Then showed off her neck line, as her hair was tied back in a lose tail. She was having an animated conversation with Althea.

Isabella was a few feet behind Lizzy clearly nervous. She wore form fitting blue jeans, with a long sleeved red blouse highlighting her skin. She had on black tennis shoes. Her hair was one up, with curls in her hair. The kind you have to go to a salon for or, spend hours at home with a curler. Isabella was breathing faster and faster. Then her emotions calmed down suddenly, she whirled around to see Lash walking towards her. She nodded a thanks as Althea and Lizzy stopped talking.

Althea was wearing the same gear she was in last time, heavy armor Hoplite. Though her shield, sword, and helmet where not present. She smiled brightly at Lash who gently gave Isabella a re assuring squeeze of her hand before he moved to Lizzy.

“Althea hello! This is Elizabeth Shaw my sister in everything but blood. This is Isabella Elizabeth's girlfriend. I'm happy to see you, but from the discussion I take it this is urgent?” Lash said, Lizzy had a satisfied smiled on her face when he introduced her as his sister. Lizzy took Isabella's hand and smiled at her to re assure her.

“Oh! Is that who that is? I...I'm sorry, I assumed the wrong thing.” Althea said to Lash, she then apologized to Lizzy and Isabella. Althea was confused why a kindred was in Lash's home she knew the Kindred and Lash did not have a good relationship.

“Despite my experiences with certain groups of people. I try to not judge everyone the same. A person by person basis!” Lash turned to smile at Isabella who nodded in return. This made Lizzy confused. What did Lash mean.

“Ah! Yes I've heard that about you, Mr. Lash. I'm sorry but we need your talents once again. We had hoped that you could rest more but...” Althea looked at Lizzy. Lash held up his hand.

“Alright, let me get changed. This is not really good attire for working.” Lash turned around, he was close to running on empty but the more of Ares children they caught the better it would be.

“What? Excuse me!” Lizzy said to Althea then dragged Isabella along into Lash's room. This earned a raised brow from Althea as the door closed behind them.

Lash, Lizzy, and Isabella were in the bedroom together. Lash opened his closet and found a set of durable cloths. He peeled off his shirt and turned to see Lizzy and Isabella gawking at him. Lash was super athletic now. Nearly no body fat. So his muscles were clearly defined. With out missing a beat Lash took off his socks and pants so he was standing in nothing but a pair of boxers. Lizzy and Isabella's faces both turned bright red before Isabella seem to snap out of it and pulled Lizzy around so they were not looking at him.

“Gah! Ri...What is wrong with you, undressing in front of Isabella like that!?” Lizzy screamed, not turning around.

“Ya I noticed you didn't include yourself in that statement. We are in my bedroom!” Lash said as he slipped into a pair of durable cargo pants zipped and buttoned up, and looped his belt. Grabbed some socks and boots. Before Lizzy glanced around then sighed.

“Oh please! Your nothing special to look at!” Lizzy said stubbornly but a blush was still evident. Isabella shook her head.

“Oh no! He's definitely something special!” Isabella said, which earned her a glare from Lizzy.

“Lash you just got back! And why is that woman dressed like that? Are you doing security for some LARP event or something?” Lizzy said, completely clueless. Isabella looked at her shocked.

“Babe, she is not playing. She's an Amazon from that new island in the Atlantic. They did an entire special on the news remember. You said it was to unreal to know about an entire society of Warrior Woman. You even wondered if we could vacation there.” Isabella said.

“WHAT?!” Lizzy stomped over to the door peeked out. “Ar..Are you an Amazon?” Lizzy softly asked to Althea.

“Yes I am, I've worked with your 'Brother' in Metropolis.” Althea said softly, amusement in her voice. She could clearly hear the entire conversation in the room but was trying to be polite. Lizzy softly closed the door then skipped back to Isabella.

“There's an Amazon in Lash's house! Wait...Why is there an Amazon in Lash's home! Lash why are you working with the Amazons?!” Lizzy went from excitement to confusion, to clear anger? Isabella rolled her eyes at Lizzy.

Lash was dressed now, he went to his bathroom and brushed his teeth real quick. Being bald came in handy he didn't need to gel or fashion his scalp! He put on unscented deodorant, then went back into his bed room.

“It has to do with the Community Watch. I volunteered to help with any further issues be it Metropolis or other cities. So, they need my help? A....” Lizzy was standing in front of his door not letting him out.

“THAT'S FUCKING BULLSHIT!” Lizzy screamed.

“Babe,” Isabella tried to calm her down.

“No! I've kept my peace, I've seen you disappear for days at a time. I didn't say anything when you joined the watch.” Lizzy said.

“You did say something actually you were against it.” Lash said before he was shushed by her.

“I've kept my peace, I've been supportive! I held my tongue...” Lizzy started

“Lizzy you don't ever hold your tongue, for any move that was dangerous, or life risking or just plain stupid you would give me an ear full every single time. Then remind me about it every chance you got! But that's what family is for, I love you for it! I love you like a sister! But this is important! I can help, I can save lives!” Lash was yelling now.

“Oh fucking really!? What can you do! Ah! You make statues! Sculptors! Works of Art! You don't run off with Amazons! To what save the fucking....w....world?” Lizzy screamed at the start then was lost by the end. As Lash was not Lash any more. There stood the 'Wraith' That Lizzy had seen on the news stations.

Lash took out his phone and contacted Warden HQ who picked up with in the first ring. He told them he needed a mundane brief for Elizabeth Shaw, and Isabella Kuldr. Who were both in his home. That with all the stuff going on they had learned he was not the same anymore. The Warden team understood the under lying meaning with Isabella. Said they would send a team to his home in a few minutes. Isabella gently pulled Lizzy away from the door and shot a grateful look at Lash. This was going to fuck Lizzy and Lash's relationship up. No need to screw Isabella's life up too. Lash moved past the door removing his shroud.

“I love you Lizzy, I hope when this is over you'll still love me too.” Lash left the still shocked Lizzy behind. He went into the central room where Althea had a sorry expression.

“I'm sorry, I thought she....” Althea stopped talking has Lash waved her off. He snagged some sandwiches that Lizzy had made for lunch they went to the door and left the house. Heading to the car that was waiting for them...

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