Dream Evolution

Chapter 17

Chapter 17 3 Skills Left

He took a deep breath and suppressed the thoughts that had arisen in his heart. When he entered the water pipe, in the current position of the princess holding him, it would definitely not work, because the wall of the pipe was so wide. Wang Ling thought of the previous situation in the water, and hugged Bi Qi in his arms.

Not only that this action will take up the least space and is easy to slide down the pipe, but also has other purposes: Peach should not have the skills to breathe underwater, and at that time, it is likely that mouth-to-mouth breathing will be required…

Princess Peach’s body was soft, as if she had no bones. After she was embraced by Wang Ling, her body trembled a little – after all, the two of them were so close together that they could feel each other. The other’s body temperature and heartbeat.

Wang Ling hugged her and jumped into the water pipe. After entering it, the water in the water pipe swirled and slid down with the two of them. After about half a minute, they fell into a piece of water.

There were some painful groans in Peach’s throat. Under the situation of nervousness and violent heartbeat, the consumption of oxygen would increase. A girl who has never tried to hold her breath will naturally feel uncomfortable after holding her breath in the water until now.

Wang Ling looked at the surrounding waters and found that there were no monsters like the king squid. There was a water pipe hole above the distance, which should be the place to go out.

In front of his mouth and nose, there is a film that can filter the air, so his speech will not be affected, so he said in Princess Peach’s ear: “I’m afraid there will be a period of time underwater, I will use my mouth to help you breathe, you don’t want to Don’t panic, don’t let the water pour into your mouth!”

Seeing Princess Peach nodding slightly in pain, Wang Ling took a deep breath and put her mouth on her soft lips—the film of underwater breathing did not affect the contact, and the tentacles that used her teeth to bite the squid were not affected. hinder.

Every 30 seconds, Wang Ling gave her a breath. After more than 20 minutes, he finally took her out of the water and climbed out of a towering water pipe with difficulty.

“Cough cough cough…”

Princess Peach, who came outside, coughed violently, and her face turned from pink to pale. After being in the water for such a long time just now, even if Wang Ling took care of her, it made this delicate girl feel extremely uncomfortable.

Wang Ling saw that Biki’s pink dress was all wetly attached to her body, and she outlined the beautiful curves. The outline of her slender legs was also fully visible. She quickly shook her head and turned her eyes to the surroundings. Looking at where he is now.

He found that the place where the two came out was a tall green water pipe, and the surrounding scenery was very familiar, and his heart moved: “Isn’t this the place to start entering?”

After standing up and observing carefully, Wang Ling finally determined that this is the first castle, the first area (level 1-1), where the first water pipe is located. Unexpectedly, the pipe that swam into the water was actually connected to the water pipe at the beginning.

At this time, a reminder came from the Dream Badge: “Dreamer No. 10521, the main task of the novice world, completed by defeating the Demon King Kuba, and saving Princess Peach. The main task is over, you are taught by Mario, temporarily. The acquired skills are about to disappear.”

“According to the increasing difficulty of the main quest and your performance in the main quest, you can choose three skills to keep, and the remaining skill level will be converted to LV1.”

Hearing the reminder of the Dream Badge, Wang Ling let out a slight sigh of relief, but was not disappointed. The number of skills that can be retained is indeed related to his performance in the final area. He did not defeat Kuba with strength, but relying on the stone bridge mechanism to let this turtle fall into the magma river.

Mario’s four basic skills, six other skills, it is impossible to keep all of them. In any case, being able to retain three skills is already considered excellent, which is also what he expected.

Since basic skills are the prerequisites for other skills to learn and use. Wang Ling deduced that there should be other ways to obtain such skills. There are only three skills to choose from, so naturally they will not be considered.

However, the remaining six skills, if you want to choose three, it is not so easy to make a decision.

The first thing Wang Ling decided to stay was to run faster… No matter which world you are in, or what kind of situation you encounter, running fast will always have an advantage. Although accelerated running is an active skill, it will consume mental energy when running, but this skill will undoubtedly be extremely useful in any world.

“Acceleration running, super jumping, and Mario’s head-stomping technique can form a mutually reinforcing system… Do you want to keep these three?”

Wang Ling was quite moved in his heart, but after thinking about it carefully, he gave up the idea and ruled out Mario’s head-stomping technique, which was the most highly rated of all skills.

This is a C-level attack skill, and the conditions for launching it are very harsh. You must step on the enemy’s head to cause damage. Moreover, the higher the jump, the greater the damage – and, this skill also has a fatal weakness, that is, when jumping in the air, it will become a living target. This weakness was shown when he was hit by a throwing hammer during the battle with Demon King Kuba.

With this skill, if you want to cause huge damage to the enemy, you have to jump very high. If the enemy has a means of long-range attack, such as “magma beam”, or uses a gun to fire bullets, it is likely that they will be killed before they fall.

Moreover, purely offensive skills will definitely be available in the future.

As for the super jump, Wang Ling couldn’t decide for a while, whether to keep it or not. He concentrated on the other three skills: head of steel, legs of steel, and underwater breathing. Next, he ruled out underwater breathing.

There is no doubt that in certain terrains, underwater breathing will come in handy, but not all worlds will require this skill. Moreover, the use of oxygen cylinders and goggles can also achieve the effect of lurking underwater. When only three skills can be selected, this unnecessary skill has to be abandoned.

In this way, Wang Ling only needs to exclude one more skill. After reading the skill descriptions of Super Jump, Head of Steel, and Leg of Steel, he ruled out Super Jump.

Increasing jump height and distance is not as useful as damage reduction skills – especially when you’re not strong. Iron Head and Iron Legs are both passive skills, and they reduce damage proportionally. Such skills are more precious and more practical!

After Wang Ling determined the skills left behind, the Dream Badge lowered the LV level of the skills to 1, and then gave the data:

“Acceleration running: When running at full speed, you can enter the acceleration state. Current level: LV1, in the acceleration state, your speed increases by 10%, consumes 1 spirit per second, and in acceleration, your jumping power increases by 10% , the flexibility is reduced by 10%.

Learning and use conditions: Basic footwork LV2.

Skill Type: Active, Skill Evaluation: E. ”

“Head of Steel: You have a head of steel. Current level: LV1. Your head is more resistant to blows, and this part is not easily injured and enters an abnormal state. When receiving physical attacks, the damage is reduced by 10%.

Learning and use conditions: basic parry LV2, basic endurance LV2.

Skill Type: Passive, Skill Rating: D. ”

“Steel Legs: You have steel-like legs and feet. Current level: LV1. Your legs and feet are more resistant to blows, and this part is not easy to be injured and enter an abnormal state. When receiving physical attacks, the damage is reduced. 10%.

Learning and use conditions: basic parry LV2, basic endurance LV2.

Skill Type: Passive, Skill Rating: D. ”

After Wang Ling checked the skill data, he immediately understood: “At level 7, the value brought is 70%, and at level 1, the value is only 10%. Now it looks like E-level and D-level skills. There should be some values… It seems that compared with the low LV level of the skill level and the high LV level, it is simply the same!”

“However, the potential of these three skills is huge. For example, Head of Steel, at level 7, the physical damage will be reduced by 70%, and the skills can be upgraded to level 10. What kind of data is that? The physical damage is reduced by 100%. It shouldn’t be so perverted…but how powerful it will become at that time, I really look forward to it!”

Wang Ling’s heart was filled with excitement and anticipation.

“Skill selection is complete. After 30 minutes, you will end your journey in this world and return to your dream space.”

Hearing the reminder from the Dream Badge, Wang Ling was shocked. Although he had only spent less than a day in the world of Super Mario, after a lot of hard work and challenges, he was fully absorbed in it. After a long time – what’s more, he also had a good impression of the rescued Princess Peach, but he was about to leave after 30 minutes, and suddenly a feeling of reluctance came to his heart.

Pinkie is now recovering from the discomfort in the water, and her face is pink again. Wang Ling looked at her, and there was a hint of pain in his eyes: “Since you have been rescued successfully, I think Minister Mushroom and the others should be relieved.”

“Yeah.” Princess Peach seemed reluctant to talk, so she answered in a low voice.

“My mission is complete, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.com is leaving…”

Hearing Wang Ling’s words, Bi Qi’s face turned pale. She felt a sense of dependence on the hero who saved her from the terrifying Kuba Demon King. Moreover, Wang Ling’s frivolity towards her just now made her both shy and fond of her. Now she suddenly said she wanted to leave, making her feel like she was being held down by a big rock for a while, and she could hardly breathe.

“You…why are you leaving? Go to my castle, the palace is huge, you can stay there…”

Wang Ling shook his head, and his tone was also filled with disappointment: “I have something I have to do, I have to leave, and I can’t accompany you.”

“Then you… will you come back?”

“I don’t know.” Wang Ling smiled bitterly. Although there are many games in the Mario series, he can’t guarantee that he will come to the world of the Mario series when he performs tasks in the future. Moreover, even after entering the relevant world, he didn’t know whether the Princess Peach, or the one in front of him, would know him. ”

Princess Peach lowered her head and fell silent. Pearl-like tears rolled from her eyes and fell to the ground. She shed tears silently for a while, then raised her head again, summoned up her courage and said, “If you come back, you must come to the palace to see me… I, I don’t hate you coming to see me…”

Seeing Wang Ling nodding and agreeing, even though there were tears in her eyes, Bi Qi also showed a smile on her face. She plunged her head into Wang Ling’s arms, hugging like she had just been in the water. And Wang Ling also put one arm around her back and stroked the soft blonde hair with the other.

The two embraced each other for ten minutes. Wang Ling released the girl in his arms and said to her, “After all, this is still in Kuba’s castle, let’s get out of here first.”

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