Dream Evolution

Chapter 203

Chapter 203 The Still Mighty Lu Bu

>Wang Ling glanced at the open mouth in the distance, and suddenly showed great power to General “Pan Feng”, which shocked the sluggish generals, and then turned his attention to Zhang He on the other side.

Being blown away by the previous flame shock wave, Zhang He was undoubtedly severely injured, but no matter his life or fighting spirit, he still had more than half of it remaining, and he did not lose his combat effectiveness.

Although he successfully escaped Lu Bu’s Wushuang dance, this guy was obviously frightened, so that just now Wang Ling unleashed his immortal energy, Wu Tian cast a high-altitude stone thrust, and Lan Yue sent plum blossom darts to attack at the same time, but Zhang He did not join in.

However, Wang Ling can also understand this. Zhang He is not a summoning character after all. The Kung Fu master is willing to die for his master. The Dark Warrior has no self-awareness, and is not afraid of death when he is controlled. Zhang He is just a bodyguard drawn by him. Impossible to do the same as summoning characters.

In any case, now that Lu Bu’s strength has lost more than half, Zhang He’s role has basically played a role.

“Zhang He, don’t take action, take a break to recover your strength, and prevent Zhang Liao from coming to rescue Lu Bu.”

Wang Ling said indifferently, Lu Bu’s life is not very much at present, if Zhang He kills him and someone else kills Lu Bu, I don’t know if the main quest will fail, at least the things that Lu Bu dropped will be over! You know, the dreamer must kill at least 1/3 of the life of the plot SS before dropping the weapon.

Moreover, Diaochan may not have nostalgic feelings, and it is possible to release Zhang Liao – of course, this possibility is not high, after all, Diaochan is not a fool, but a smart woman, otherwise she will not be able to perform successfully Chain meter.

in this situation. If Zhang Liao was released and Lü Bu was rescued, he would not only lose Zhang He who could rely on him, but would also become the enemy of the entire coalition army, and would not be able to face Wang Yun again in the future.


Zhang He said with shame on his face, he was the only one who didn’t attack just now, and he felt somewhat ashamed in his heart. Wang Ling has the grace to promote him. With the love of being a matchmaker, he introduced the woman Diaochan to him, to the “Pan Feng” adult. He was still really grateful.

“Why did Zhang Liao come to save me? Do you think that the overall situation is settled now that you can solve my life and death at will?”

Lu Bu looked up to the sky and laughed: “Pan Feng. I didn’t expect you to hide such a powerful secret technique, but after I learned a lesson, I will naturally be vigilant in my heart. The strength of the halberd can take me a few halberds, and when approaching, don’t die under the halberds.”

Wang Ling’s face was solemn. He knew that what Lu Bu said was not false, but with the martial skills of this fierce general. For the current fighter of darkness, there is only a fat hippie man left to die. If he wants to launch a sneak attack, it will probably be extremely difficult.

“Unfortunately, there are no Frost Mushrooms anymore. The props that bring the slowing and freezing effect are really useful. If I had known, the Zen Garden Card should not cultivate corn cannons, but Frozen Mushrooms!” Thinking of dealing with tigers After using the Frost Mushroom in the Face Fighter. Turning the tide in one fell swoop, Wang Ling secretly thought that it was a pity.

Looking at Lu Bu, Wang Ling said in a deep voice, “You are indeed an admirable general, but today is your day of death. All your actions are just futile struggles!”

In the voice, the fat hippie man beside him started to charge. This was not an ordinary run, but a skill, like a car crashing into a violent impact: “Cannonball!”

I have to say that although this move is only an E-level skill, the crazy impact, combined with the weight of the hippie fat man, is still very amazing. For example, a five-pound wooden stick and a fifty-pound wooden stick will have different destructive powers when struck with the same force.

With a body weight of 200 kilograms, he launched a “cannonball” sprint, like a **** pig. He was put on a can of stimulants and ran wildly, even if it was a wall, it was enough to knock down!

Unfortunately, he was not facing a wall, but a halberd.


As a person with strong physical strength, a fat hippie man with a fat body has undoubtedly a very high defense. The thick fat layer can defend against very ferocious attacks. But when the halberd stabbed, there was no obstacle at all, and it penetrated the past like this.

Fang Tianji pierced a straight line, just like when he pierced Taoxian, pierced through the fat man’s front chest and pierced through his back, revealing the ferocious tip of the halberd that was stained with blood.

But after all, the fat hippie man has a strong vitality, far more than shorties and strong men. Even after Taoxian was pierced, he had time to breathe out a sip of yoga fire before he died, not to mention him. Holding both hands forward, he grabbed onto the halberd pole, and used his chest and hands to restrain this terrifying weapon.

Lu Bu shook, picked, and pressed the painted halberd, and there was an agonizing sound of cutting flesh and blood. The hippie fat man’s body was broken from the middle and turned into two pieces.

It turned out that his wrist was shaking, causing the halberd to bounce, and the fat man’s hands that grabbed the halberd rod were bounced away, and then the halberd blade that pierced into the fat man’s body lifted up, cut from the chest up, and lowered it when it reached the top of the forehead. pressure.

In this way, the body of the fat hippie man was cut in half by Fang Tianji along a central axis. After being split, each half of the body has an eye, half a nose, an arm, and a leg, which fall to both sides. The viscera and intestines fell to the ground along with the flowing blood!

This is not like when killing Tao Xian, swinging the Fang Tianji, the vindictive energy explodes, and the opponent is smashed into pieces. It is a skill that can be displayed purely by waving the wrist, driving the weapon to cut up and down, and perfectly matching the power and movement techniques with the sharp double-edged weapon.

It can be said that even if Lu Bu has no fighting spirit or unparalleled skills, he is still a master of halberd art with just this one hand! And his personal attributes are obviously far more than Wang Long, Chen Heng and others, and also more than the great commander Wu Tian, and Wang Ling, who has balanced development of all attributes!

When the halberd without both sides cut through the hippie fat man along the middle section, a figure appeared from behind the fat man. Manipulating the fat man to charge with cannonballs, Wang Ling didn’t intend to use this skill to pose any threat to Lu Bu, just to create an opportunity for him to attack.

“Knowing that you would appear!”

Lu Bu shouted loudly, Fang Tianji changed pressure into slashing, the halberd did not cooperate with the fighting spirit, but it still brought a fierce sound of breaking through the air, like a dragon flying through the clouds! This move is not an ordinary slashing, but the first style of “five-party random slashing”. After hitting, it is a ferocious combo.

The pink hood lights up again, this equipment skill on Peach Heart is very useful in battle. ~~shushuwang-updated starting~~ Ordinary attacks will be absorbed, and a master like Lu Bu will stab him with a halberd, and the halberd will be hindered by breaking the energy shield.

And the skill of Pink Heart is also very practical, because this move is not made with the hands like the wave fist, but with the mouth. When he opened his mouth, a red energy bomb flew past, very concealed and fast. Especially in close combat, if a pink heart is suddenly sprayed out, even if it doesn’t cause much damage, it can still play a disruptive role.

The only thing regrettable about Pinkie Heart’s equipment skills is that if you are too close to the enemy, you will not be able to activate the pink hood, and you must be a little farther than the distance you can cast throwing skills.

The halberd stabbed the pink hood, and immediately turned the pink energy layer into a light and shadow. Wang Ling’s head swung abruptly, avoiding the danger of being swept by the halberd and connecting to a set, and his body continued to lean forward, ready to stick it on. , let the fairy energy start.

Lu Bu retreated. With his character, he should not have retreated, and it is impossible to retreat under the attack of the opponent. You must know that he is the mighty and invincible Lu Bu! But he just retreated. After trying to activate the immortal energy twice, he was deeply afraid and didn’t want to feel it again.

If you can’t use Dou Qi and don’t have the defense bonus in the awakened state, it is really deadly to be hit by that kind of blasting skill from the inside out.

Lu Bu, who will retreat, is undoubtedly dangerous, because he will not be reckless!

Such a retreat immediately disrupted Wang Ling’s attack rhythm and the expected damage, because he did not expect that Lu Bu would retreat! A pink heart immediately spewed out of his mouth, and flew over, his hands folded in front of him, and the rays of spiritual power gathered, launching an energy bomb.

His moves are not unpleasant, but Lu Bu is faster! As he retreated, Fang Tianji turned into a thorn, and the tip of the spear-like halberd stabbed into his head. This thorn carried an aura that destroyed everything: the halberd headshot!

The pink heart flying in the air~www.mtlnovel.com~ was cut by the halberd blade of Fang Tianji when it stabbed straight, and it was split into two halves. And the spiritual power group flying in the middle was smashed by Lu Bu’s empty left hand, and white light spots splashed around.

Watching a cold light rapidly advancing towards his forehead, a deadly sense of danger surged in Wang Ling’s heart. At this time, he could no longer summon the pink hood. His right hand suddenly rose up, and he opened his palm to block the front of his forehead.


A little spark sputtered, and the right hand was stuck to the forehead between the millimeters, and the piercing Fang Tianji was stabbing the palm of the palm.

Wang Ling’s right hand is equipped with a survival glove, with a layer of green particles on the surface of the glove. This is a vegetable ore, the particles of Rega ore, even harder than ordinary metal! So that when Fang Tianji was stabbed, the flame star that should have appeared when the metal was stabbed exploded.

Then at the tip of the halberd, some particles instantly cracked and shattered into powder.

The particles of Leijia Mine are not hard, but unfortunately Lu Bu’s spurge has only a little force on the tip of the halberd. With his strength, the penetrating power is too strong! The tip of the halberd shattered into pieces, pierced into the palm, and continued to penetrate, “ka”, another crisp sound!

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