Dream Evolution

Chapter 52

Chapter 52 Close To Desperation

Wang Ling’s heart froze. The lead bullet of the white iron musket really couldn’t cause any damage to Abobo. Although this man was a powerful boss, his mutant muscles were too strong, and his defensive power also became abnormal.

At this time, Cheng Fu had already walked over with drunken steps. He held the cup with both hands, and his body was swaying. His face was three-part naive, three-part stupid, three-part free and easy, and one-part joy. color smile.

“Where did the drunk come from!”

Apopo, whose fist was injured, was angry in his heart, and punched Chengfu’s head with a powerful punch. As long as this punch hits, it can make this guy’s head explode and shatter like a watermelon hit by an iron ball!

However, Cheng Fu stumbled under his feet and tilted his head, letting the fist with a violent wind pass through his ear, then arched his body, covered the front of his footsteps, rushed up with his left fist, followed with his right fist, and held a cup. The fist of his hand continuously hit the muscles of Apopo’s naked upper body, making a dense “crack” sound.

With a straight punch, Apopo immediately flexed his arm, exposing the tip of his elbow, and smashed it down at Chengfu, who was short in stature.

There is a saying in boxing that it is better to take ten punches than an elbow. Abobo is proficient in the killing black fist. This elbow strike is as violent as a cannonball. When he was at the headquarters of the Warrior of Darkness, he had tested the strength of the elbow strike. With one blow, the five-inch-thick steel plate collapsed and cracked from the middle, showing the strength of the elbow strike!

Chengfu was in front of and under Abobo. The moment he hit his elbow, he turned his body to the left, took a step forward with his right foot, and leaned on the black man’s side ribs with his back in the “Iron Mountain” posture. At the same time dodged the elbow. Then he turned around again, fell to the ground, pressed his arms down on the ground, and arched his feet.

At this time, Abobo’s downward elbow hit the empty space, and his body was driven by the force, and it inevitably sank. Chengfu’s bowed feet rose at this moment and kicked him on the chin.

“Flying feet!”

The one-hit nirvana in Drunken Fist was used by Chengfu. His heel pressed against the weak point of Abobo’s chin, and his body dashed into the sky, drawing a half-moon-shaped parabolic arc and flying straight out. After more than ten meters away, it fell to the ground.


Chengfu’s foot pressed against Abobo, and when it fell, it hit a broken wall. The wall was knocked down by the huge body of the black giant. The gravel and bricks rolled everywhere, and the gray smoke rose. , filled a large space!

After using his flying feet, he was lying flat the moment he fell. Chengfu tried to jump up with his arms on the ground, but found that his right leg was caught by a dark arm like a steel pillar.

Originally hit the nirvana in this drunken fist, and was hit on the weak point of the chin, at least a few seconds of abnormal head dizziness. However, Abobo’s physical fitness is too strong, he forcibly resisted the blow of the flying foot, and the impact of being smashed on the wall after being rushed more than ten meters away, there is no dizziness and slowness at all, just after Chengfu The moment he was lying on the ground, he stretched out a hand and grabbed his right leg.

Abobo let out a loud roar, raised his arms high, and slammed Chengfu to the ground like an object. This fall, the ground sank instantly, showing a circle of cobweb cracks. Chengfu, who was dropped, spat out a mouthful of blood, and curled up in the crater in pain.

In fact, Cheng Fu is a martial artist who cultivates “Qi” in his body. Of course, he is far from reaching the level of releasing his inner Qi to the outside. When he was thrown to the ground, he used “Qi” in his body to resist, otherwise, the stroke just now would not only be painful, but would crush a lot of bones in his body and become paralyzed!

Seeing Chengfu’s painful expression, Abobo showed a cruel smile on his face, raised one foot and stepped on his head, only to hear a “boom”, this foot, together with his calf, seemed to be stepping on tofu. Stepped deep into the concrete.

Cheng Fu flipped over several drunks on the ground in a row, dodged a step and jumped up. He gave birth to a tongue and licked the blood on the corner of his mouth, then spit out the blood foam in his mouth with a “bah”, and raised his cup holding hand again. On his wrist, a few tendons began to move slightly – he was about to use the inch strength that could pierce the flesh and blood in his drunken fist.

Cun Jin is actually a kind of dark energy that is driven by the double power of heart and spirit, and is driven by the fierce and wild courage after drunkenness. Abobo’s muscle defense is too strong, I am afraid that only with this kind of inch strength, which is equivalent to the dark strength, can pierce the muscles into the body and attack the internal organs, hurting this terrifying muscle Hercules.

This inch strength consumes a lot of mental and physical energy!

When Chengfu held up the cup holder, Wang Long had already rushed up and hit Abobo, whose calf was sunk into the ground, with a “head stick”. Abobo raised his arm to defend, and was struck by the Panlong stick on his arm bone, suffering in pain. With a roar, Wang Long quickly retracted his stick, pointed it out with the tip of the stick, and stabbed Apopo in the throat.

The stabbing technique in this twenty-four stick technique is not as severe as splitting and smashing sticks. It is an attack on the “point” and causes great damage. It must be performed quickly, otherwise it is easy to be dodged. Wang Long’s original red-lacquered wooden stick was naturally as fast as lightning with the stabbing method, but now he is holding a fifty-five-pound iron stick, which is a bit slower.

Apopo is a fighting talent honed in the killing, and his reaction is as sensitive as a beast. One side of his head avoids the thorn stick, and his thick and large left hand fishes forward, and he actually catches it on the Panlong stick. .

If it is an ordinary stick, the surface is smooth and can be easily pulled out. Unfortunately, the surface of the Panlong stick is rubbed by iron powder. In addition, Abobo is extremely powerful. When Wang Long pulls it, he finds that he cannot pull it out. holding a stick.

“Death to me!”

Bloodshots burst from Apopo’s eyes, and he let out a fierce roar. With his empty right hand, he clenched a fist the size of a child’s head, and slammed forward, with a violent wind, blasting an explosive blast. Hi, a punch to Wang Lung’s stomach!

“not good!”

Wang Ling was shocked, he lifted the white iron musket, and with a “bang”, he fired a red bullet.

“Flame bomb!”

When the flame bomb flew towards Apopo, the fist had already hit Wang Long. At this moment, time seemed to stop. The clothes hit by the fist were directly blown into swirling rags by the force. The skin and flesh of his body, under the diffusion of fierce and incomparable strength, instantly swayed a circle of water-like lines on the surface!

Wang Long didn’t even let out a scream, and he was beaten and flew out like a cloud of fog. During the flight, a large number of dark red plasma raindrops were scattered in the air, and it flew straight for more than 20 meters before falling to the ground.


Apopo threw the Panlong stick he grabbed violently, flew out of the air, and with a strong sonic boom, walked directly to the place where Wang Long fell, and inserted it into his body.

The iron rod, which was seven meters long, was thrown out by a terrifying force. It pierced the abdomen of Wang Long and then submerged into the concrete floor. Only the tail of less than half a meter was exposed outside. A fountain-like arrow of blood shot out.

Wang Ling saw that Wang Long, who was silent on the ground, had not died yet, but the blood bar above his head was almost completely empty. Unexpectedly, in less than a few rounds of fighting, this important summoned beast was beaten to the brink of death!

This is also the sadness of martial arts masters. It is not that Kung Fu is bad, but that martial arts masters are human after all, and have no superpowers and special functions. The opponent is a mutated and strengthened muscle monster. The defense of the body is incredible and its strength is unparalleled. It can pierce the steel plate with one punch. Even if the attack hits the opponent multiple times, it will not cause much damage. Hit the street immediately.

Another martial artist, Cheng Fu, can be as powerful as Abobo in the future of double dragon fighting. At that time, his inner qi was very strong, and he could use nirvana such as Drunk Tiger Fighting, Huanglong Foot, etc., to increase his power with his qi, and he could also use qi to strengthen his defense. Now he is still very young, far from the grow up.

The flame bullet fired by the white iron musket precisely hit Apopo’s head. After the violent explosion, a fireball spread out, covering an area with a diameter of five meters. In the next second, Abobo stepped out from the fireball with a huge two-meter-high figure. There was a pit and black marks on his forehead where he was hit by the flame bullet.

This is Wang Ling’s most powerful attack, and now he is facing a situation that is almost desperate!

Abobo walked towards Wang Ling with a grin on his face. After all, his first hunting target was the boy who killed Linda. In the previous rounds of battles, whether it was colliding with the dragon stick and getting injured, or being attacked by flying feet, or being hit by a flame bomb on the head, the high-level boss of this dark warrior, the total loss of life value was less than 10%. One is that his fist is slightly injured, and his strength is almost not lost.

Now is undoubtedly a good opportunity for Cheng Fu to escape, but this guy is swaying, blocking Wang Ling’s front. He untied the empty wine gourd and dripped the last few remaining drops of wine. After swallowing the wine greedily, he licked the mouth of the wine gourd a few times, then raised his hand, With a sudden fall, the wine gourd, which had been with my uncle since his death, was smashed into pieces!


Cheng Fu let out a long sigh of relief, his body swayed even more, he hooked his fingers at the black man who came over, and he said in a low voice, “Wine is strong enough to make a drunk fist, come on!”

“Little thing, in such a hurry to find death, I will send you to see God immediately! Oh, I forgot, you Orientals don’t believe in God, how can you see God after death? You can only go to hell, hahahaha… ”

Apopo is approaching with a mad laugh. He is more than a head taller than Chengfu. With a strong body and black and shiny muscles, he is like a terrifying human-shaped beast, a devil! When approaching Chengfu, the black giant curled his arms and punched him.

Cheng Fu looked at the huge fist approaching rapidly in front of him, listening to the whistling sonic boom in his ears, his face seemed to be swaying a little dull. His drinking taste is completely in line with his spirit. This is a preparation for his energy and his dark energy in the attack!

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