Dream Evolution

Chapter 8

Chapter 8 Jumping Mushroom Turtle Shell Star

With Mario’s refusal, Wang Ling insisted on sending him away from the castle. The reason he used to persuade was: “There may be another enemy here, and it won’t take much time to return through the secret water pipe.”

The real purpose is to scavenge the treasures of the first level.

After all, such an FC Yuanzu game has been played for too long now, and it is impossible for Wang Ling to remember the locations of all the treasures clearly. On the parchment map given by the Minister of Mushrooms, there are secret passages and the location of the treasure bricks, but it does not indicate whether the bricks are copper coins or mushrooms.

Wang Ling wants to jump through the level and rush to the final boss. On the main quest, the cost of the process will at least double! It must be ensured that the time limit of the day will not be exceeded, so you must hurry up. In the later levels, it is impossible to see the bricks and go to the top to see what is inside, or look around for treasure bricks.

And with the improvement of the level, the types of monsters will increase, and the difficulty will also increase accordingly. At that time, it is not a wise behavior to take risks to find treasures – so, the simple and familiar area of the first castle, and even the following areas In the second area, Wang Ling had to make sure that he got all the treasures, so he could sprint with all his strength in the future.

Send Mario to the outside of Kuba Castle and let him wait there, and then Wang Ling stepped into the castle again. His mood is excited and excited. After getting so many skills, he feels that his whole person has changed.

Changes are inevitable. You must know that only in terms of speed and jumping power, the basic footwork LV5 increases the speed and jumping power by 50%, and the accelerated running LV7 brings the additional effect of a permanent increase of 20% of the basic speed. Super Jump LV8 also brings the effect of 4 meters jump height and jump distance.

The two legs jumped vigorously, like the Qinggong hero in the novel, and jumped up to 5 meters high, but when he fell, Wang Ling was in a hurry, far less handsome than Mario – after all, this ability was acquired suddenly, I’m not familiar with it. Falling from 5 meters in the air, it’s a bit difficult to control the balance. He is now using super jump and head-stomping, so it is estimated that it will be difficult to step on the enemy.

Fortunately, compared to jumping, running is not difficult, as long as you run with all your strength, you can activate skills at any time to enter the state of accelerated running. The disadvantage of this skill is that when running at an accelerated pace, it will consume 1 point of mental energy per second, and the flexibility will decrease – in layman’s terms, it can be seen as the brain is oxygen-depleted and exhausted when running hard, and the faster the speed, the greater the inertia. Good turn.

In order not to step on his head after encountering a monster, Wang Ling kept jumping forward, consciously controlling his balance in the air, and trying to become familiar with the ability to jump.

In the first area, the first mushroom that has grown bigger has been eaten by Mario, and then moved forward, the bricks were knocked off, and even the monsters were trampled to death. Wang Ling jumped to the fourth green water pipe, and his mood became excited. In the area in front of this water pipe, there were bricks hiding life-enhancing mushrooms!

What is the effect of life-enhancing mushrooms? Wang Ling didn’t know, but he knew that this treasure was absolutely extraordinary!

After all, this is not a horizontal screen in the game. Facing a large area like a football field, Wang Ling had to carry out a carpet search, and exercise at ease to familiarize himself with jumping… Anyway, as long as his head hits a brick, he cannot determine the position. Below, it can only do so, killing two birds with one stone.

Jump up, down, jump up, down, jump up, down…

In the area of the open space, Wang Ling kept jumping and gradually found a sense of balance. When he fell, he could control where he landed, and there would be no more panicked movements. This was because the nervous system and body muscles were exercising. self-adjusted results.

At this moment, he suddenly felt his head hit a hard object and made a “dong” sound.

Wang Ling, who was immersed in the jump, almost didn’t react. When he saw a mushroom with blue spots, it fell from the sky, stuck to the ground and slid away quickly, hurriedly chasing after him. But what makes him crazy is that the speed of this mushroom is actually faster than his running speed!

“Accelerate, start!”

Under the effect of LV7 accelerated running, Wang Ling’s speed increased by 70%, and the distance between him and the mushroom was rapidly shortening, but he did not have a happy expression, because there was a big cliff not far ahead.

In fact, it is not appropriate to call it a cliff. It should only be regarded as a section of a road. It is more than three meters wide and more than 30 meters deep. It is a trap set by the monsters of Kuba Castle to prevent the enemy from invading. If you can’t jump over it, even if you don’t fall to your death, you won’t be able to get up again – the section is smoother than a cliff.

“Damn, you can’t let the life-enhancing mushrooms fall!”

Wang Ling’s eyes were burning with flames, and he threw himself up viciously. His body rose in the air and then fell to the ground. Under the action of inertia, he slid forward along the masonry ground. Finally, the two extended palms successfully grabbed the life-enhancing mushroom in their hands.

However, when he accelerated down and sprinted, his inertia was too strong! The body slides all the way to the cross-section, and even the front half of the body is stretched out!

When he stopped, his body, with the navel as the fulcrum, stopped on the ridgeline of the 90° angle of the section…

A layer of refreshing breeze blew past, Wang Ling swayed up and down in the wind, facing down, he saw the trap more than 30 meters deep below, and the smooth wall of the trap, and his heart also swayed up and down…

wiggle, wiggle…

Wang Ling, whose whole body was stiff, used his lower abdomen, which was attached to the edge of the cross-section, to shrink back hard. After finally breaking away from the cross-section, the forehead was full of cold sweat, and the muscles were cramping a little – if it fell, then it would definitely be trapped in it!

“so close!”

After wiping his sweat, Wang Ling raised the mushroom in front of him:

“Life-enhancing Mushroom: After eating it, in the current world, when you fail the main quest, you can resist an obliteration and return directly to the dream space. As a punishment, all the benefits you have obtained in your current world will disappear, and you are in The completed evaluation of the current world will be directly judged as the lowest level E. This is a special product of the Mushroom Kingdom and cannot be brought out of Super Mario World.”

“Resist the obliteration of a failure of the main mission? Good thing! Unfortunately, if the effect really occurs, even if you are busy in that world, no matter how many tasks you do and how many benefits you get, they will be taken back… But The benefits can be earned again, and life is only once, the value of this treasure is definitely not low!”

Wang Ling put the life-enhancing mushroom in his pocket, and then put the pocket into the badge’s own space.

Continue to move forward, after jumping over the trap, it is another brick. Wang Ling pushed against the treasure brick with a question mark in the middle, and immediately a mushroom that grew bigger popped out. With the lesson of life-enhancing mushrooms, he was quick-witted and grabbed the mushroom in his hand.

“Enlarge Mushroom: Eat it, your height and size will increase to 2 times the original size, and the strength value will also increase to 2 times the original value. When you take damage, the enlargement effect disappears, but the damage will be offset, and Invincible for 1 second. This is a specialty of the Mushroom Kingdom and cannot be brought out of Super Mario World.”

“It’s really good stuff!”

Wang Ling noticed that after getting bigger, it can not only offset one damage, but also gain 1 second of invincibility. It should be the light that appeared on Mario before, and the chestnut bullets opened.

Filling the mushrooms into his mouth, chewing and swallowing hard, Wang Ling felt a violent airflow burst out of his body, and then his body grew rapidly in a ray of light, becoming a little giant more than three meters tall!

“It’s amazing!”

Wang Ling pinched his body and felt that after it became bigger, the feel of the flesh was no different from the original. He raised his head and looked at the remaining bricks.

“The power is doubled, I’ll give it a try.”

He jumped up abruptly and hit a floating brick with his head. Under the action of the Iron Head LV7, he didn’t feel any pain at all. He only heard a “dong” sound, and the floating brick became Small gravel exploded on all sides.

“Haha, much better than before!”

Wang Ling still broke the remaining floating bricks into pieces, and moved forward along the road. Due to the secret passage that he walked earlier, this passage has not been cleared, so there are also chestnut boy and wind turtle.

Facing these monsters, Wang Ling, who became bigger, jumped high, launched the Mario head stomping technique, and stomped down from the air. Because of the familiarity with jumping now, and the size of the monster is not small after all, so under his feet, the chestnut boys turned into meat patties one by one.

As for the damage reflected from stepping on the enemy, it is automatically absorbed by the additional ability of Iron Legs LV7.

Mario’s head-stomping technique can only explode with real power when he steps on the head. To deal with the hurricane turtle, it is a hard tortoise shell. According to the previous method, Wang Ling turned the turtle over, chopped off its head and limbs with a large kitchen knife, and created a turtle shell, which was placed in the space of the badge for use.

There are currently only two grids left in the badge space. Fortunately, turtle shells can be stacked like gold coins. Wang Ling stepped on the chestnut boy’s body while processing the turtle shells. After harvesting seven turtle shells, he came to a large floating brick.

Looking at a seemingly ordinary floating brick, Wang Ling’s eyes were solemn. He knew that there should be a secret treasure hidden in this floating brick: the invincible star.

Invincible star, in the game, after obtaining this item, you can get up to 30 seconds of invincibility!

With a super jump, Wang Ling slammed his head on the floating brick. The brick did not break, but a golden-yellow five-pointed star popped out of it.

“got it!”

Wang Ling grabbed the invincible star that was about to escape. However, the moment he held the star in his hand, the gleaming star actually shattered into bits of golden light dust and melted into the skin of his palm.

Then a reminder came from the Dream Badge: “You have obtained an invincible star. The invincible star cannot be held and saved. It will be effective at the moment of contact. You have obtained an invincible state for 30 seconds. In the invincible state, you will not receive Any damage, any ordinary monster that touches you, will die directly.”

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