Dream Evolution

Chapter 948

Chapter 948 Baby, Don’T Look

“What a pervert!”

Wang Ling scolded a little angrily, but he actually insulted his character. Would he be such a person? He sneered: “Since the blood is bleeding, let me work harder for you, let the blood come more violently, and give me blood collapse!”

Enough to perform once, the spiritual power of a 100-meter-diameter exploding star, transformed into gravitational force, was violently attracted by Wang Ling’s hands as the source point. Because of the size of Cain’s body, the blood gushing frantically in the crevice that lengthened several times, suddenly seemed like the giant * of the sea when the wind was blowing.

Super. Vientiane Tianyin!

Back then, in the Metal Slug World, Wang Ling used the skill combo of Nianghua + Bleeding + Super Vientiane Tianyin to kill the captain of the Silver Cross.

Because the ability to bleed only lasts for 5 seconds, even ordinary people can support it, so in order to increase the damage, Wang Ling must use gravity together. Inspired by the star-absorbing Dafa.


Under the gravitational force, Cain’s body became three times the size of a normal person, and the blood gushing out of the gap was a mess. Wang Ling hoped that he could defeat Cain through bloodshed within 5 seconds. However, a terrible accident happened in the second second.

When dealing with Patrick, there was also an accident. Using the Super Vientiane Sky Attraction, gravity not only **** blood, but the opponent’s body will also be attracted, so when Patrick sucked blood, the woman’s body slid down, and the gap engulfed Wang Ling the entire right arm.

Cain is a war witch who is more than 5 meters tall and three times larger than a normal person. The gap in his lower body is larger than that of Patrick. I saw that under the gravitational force caused by Super Vientiane Sky, Cain’s body suddenly slipped, and Wang Ling’s two arms all entered the gap.

This sudden change was something Wang Ling did not expect. The two arms that entered seemed to be resisting a thin but tough barrier.

Then there was a slight “pop” sound, the barrier seemed to be broken, and there was no barrier to stop it. I saw that under the huge suction force, Wang Ling’s whole body actually “slipped” along with him.


Both of Cain’s eyes rolled up, foaming at the corners of her mouth. She looked up with difficulty and almost fainted. It turned out that Wang Ling, who was there, disappeared, and almost all fell into the space in the gap. Only two feet were exposed, still shaking and kicking, and seemed to be struggling.

“Help… help…”

Wang Ling, who entered Cain’s body, felt that the flesh around him was squeezing his body violently, with such a force that even Iron Invincible couldn’t bear it.

When Cain transforms into a war witch, even if it becomes three times bigger, there is not enough space in the gap to accommodate a human being. Wang Ling was able to squeeze in, entirely because the suction force of Super Vientiane Sky Attraction was too strong. This was the suction force that could lift tens of thousands of tons of earth and rocks to form an asteroid suspended in the sky!

In such a narrow space, the squeezing force is of course great. Moreover, Cain’s own physical strength is very high, and the transformation of the war witch has increased his physical strength by 3 times. The inside of the body has not been injured after Wang Ling entered, but there will definitely be a strong countermeasure against the squeezing force.

Wang Ling struggled hard, but at this time, he entered Cain’s body and slid deeper again, seemingly breaking open a closed space. This time, his feet that were still exposed also entered. Among them…

Just as Wang Ling, when even his feet entered the space in the gap, slammed into the deepest part of his body, Cain, who was struggling to stand up, collapsed to the ground foaming at the mouth, trembling violently, and then A heat flow spewed out from the depths of the body.


Feeling that there was a flood of water around him, Wang Ling immediately released his energy, and a circle of transparent spiritual light layers appeared on the surface of his body.

Holding up the spiritual power layer undoubtedly brought strong stimulation to Cain again, and Wang Ling, who was inside, was in chaos before, and the sudden special situation made him a little confused. Now it has finally stabilized, and the white light of spiritual power , illuminating the surroundings, making him aware of the current situation.


Seeing the discordant environment separated by the light of spiritual power, Wang Ling was dumbfounded. He stretched out a finger in disbelief and poked the meat next to him. It can be seen that the piece of meat that was poked by the finger trembled violently a few times, and some liquid was also secreted, and Cain outside rolled his eyes again.

“I did not do it on purpose.”

Wang Ling’s heart was full of apology. He used Super Vientiane Tianyin to make Cain bleed violently and defeat this opponent without consuming his trump cards. Under the action of gravity, the gap actually engulfed itself…

“Actually, it actually entered my body, unforgivable… woo… What should I do, it’s so painful.”

Cain, who accommodated Wang Ling, felt extreme pain in his lower body, as if he was about to be split open, but the pain was not only in his body, but also in his mind.

The transformation of the war witch brings extremely powerful fighting ability, but it also brings some restrictions, otherwise it should be enough to display the invincibility of mirror space, or use the bloodline ability to disperse into blood bats and fly away and then reorganize the body. Cope with the current situation.

However, if you want to use those abilities, you must first release the War Witch’s transformation. Wang Ling is still in her gap space. Once the body shape is more than 5 meters tall, it changes back to a normal person’s body, and if there is a person in the gap…

Cain, who was lying on the ground, felt cold all over and dismissed the idea.

“Damn…Wang Ling, come out for me!” Because of the pain and strong stimulation, Cain’s delicate voice had a trembling tone.

Before entering this place, Wang Ling’s first thought was “let me go out”, but now he is reluctant to go out. This is not because he likes to stay here, but once he goes out, it is conceivable that Cain must be furious, and there must be any means to use it.

“Let me go out, I’ll go out, wouldn’t it be shameful? Unless you admit defeat.” Wang Ling’s voice came out of Cain’s body.

“Using such despicable means, I will never admit defeat!”

The lower body was in severe pain and numbness. Cain, who was so angry that he lost his mind, took out a high-explosive grenade from the space bag, pulled the lead and stuffed it into his lower body, trying to make a violent air wave when the grenade exploded. , rushed Wang Ling out.


The grenade exploded, and Wang Ling inside was shaken, and the layer of spiritual light released from the outside shattered, and was suddenly squeezed in the middle by the layers of flesh.

He wanted to blast Wang Ling out with the grenade, but the exploding grenade not only failed to blow up Wang Ling, but made himself even more stimulated. .

“I wipe…”

Wang Ling once again built a layer of spiritual power to separate the surroundings. In fact, if the consumption of spiritual power was not too great, he would not be able to amplify his moves. He even wanted to put a superhero Luo Tianzheng. That kind of repulsion would definitely make the Hidden directly on the verge of death failed!

Ordinary Shen Luo Tianzheng, he did not dare to use it, afraid that under the force of rejection, he would be expelled like a cannonball.

He lost his mind in anger before, but now he is finally awake under the shock of the grenade explosion. With trembling hands, Cain took out the Langinus gun from the space bag. This gun is about 3 meters long. There are two forks.

The destructive power of the Langinus spear when it erupts is definitely stronger than that of the Super Shinra Tianzheng that destroyed Castlevania. Taking out this weapon is not for use, but as a tool, put it in through the gap, and use the front The forked head of the gun pierced Wang Ling and forked him out.

With a tragic look on Cain’s face, he inserted the 3-meter-long tool that once killed God and became a holy spear with God’s blood, and inserted it into his lower body tremblingly.


Wang Ling felt that something was stabbed on the sole of his foot, but Cain’s current mental state was so bad that he forgot one thing. , it’s just a physical attack.

As a long spear as a tool, since it couldn’t pierce Wang Ling’s body, it was impossible to fork him out.

It seems to have a kind of self-defeating mentality. Cain used the Langinus spear to keep pushing and thrusting in the lower body, trying to fork Wang Ling out. Under the force of continuous thrusting and stabbing Wang Ling, her voice was transmitted. In the middle of the game, he let out a moan like “Ah… um… woo…”~www.mtlnovel.com~ I found that this practice was useless at all, but made my body become so strange that it seemed to be on fire. In anger, Cain almost wanted to liberate the destructive power in this gun, but she finally suppressed the thought with a little rationality.

Putting away the Langinus gun, Cain suddenly shook his body, scolding himself for being stupid before, didn’t he have hands? Grab Wang Ling’s feet with your hands and pull him out!

“Admit defeat!” From inside the body, Wang Ling’s voice came out again.

“I will never fail in such a shame! Mmm~ I’m not reconciled…”

There was a “huchihuchi” in her mouth, which seemed to be a very painful gasp. Cain tried to bend down her **** waist that seemed to explode. It could be seen that she just bent her body slightly, and a clear humanoid outline was raised on her lower abdomen. .

Wang Ling was trying to convince Cain to admit defeat through his mouth, when suddenly he felt a hand grab his right foot and pull him down hard. Knowing that once he went out, he would definitely face the crazy attack of Cain’s rage, and in panic, he immediately struggled hard.

But the power of the war witch was too great. The panicked Wang Ling saw that there was a strange raised lump of flesh at the top of this space, which was different from other parts. It seemed that it could be used as a handle. up, and compete with the force of pulling the body below.

“Ah ah ah ah ah…”

At this moment, Cain’s shrill scream was even more violent than the death scream of the twisted skeleton before. [To be continued “This text is provided by piaoxu@z1872530384” If you like this work, you are welcome to subscribe and give a reward, your support is my biggest motivation]

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