Dream Evolution

Chapter 984

Chapter 984 Here Comes The Killer

Wang Ling was a little speechless about these people’s comments, and he couldn’t help but feel a little lucky. Thanks to the Shenao area, not many people knew his appearance. Otherwise, like in the Hoenn area, you have to wear a large pair of sunglasses that catch half of your face when you go out.

On the luxury cruise ship, I watched the scenery every day, blew the sea breeze, and even used a fishing rod to catch cute girls in the sea. I used a positive electric pat on the boat to compete with other trainers. After a leisurely 4 days, the cruise ship arrived in the Hoenn area. The port city of : Shuijing City.

Wang Ling stood on top of a whale king caught from the sea, surfed to Green Ridge City, and returned to his home in this world.

Pluto Longniang, has left here and returned to the reverse world. Shining Shanai Duo Niang is like a hard-working wife, and the whole house is well organized. After the owner Wang Ling came back, this cute girl even cooked and cooked a table of delicious meals with mushrooms, green vegetables, tofu, etc.

After another day of rest here, Wang Ling finally saw the generation who returned here. It turned out that this guy traveled to the Hezhong area and found a fossil of the archaeopteryx.

For what happened in Alamos Town, the descendants expressed their gratitude, and said that in the Kanto region, the God of Creation and the two gods of space and time attacked Team Rocket under the leadership of a girl and rescued five divine beasts. Naturally, Wang Ling wouldn’t tell the details, and together with his descendants, he was amazed at this incident.

Wang Ling was very concerned about the colorful Phoenix King in the World Tree. Now that the mess is basically done, he is ready to go to the World Tree.

He was a little helpless in his heart, if Artius was here, take himself into the chaotic space, and then go out. In a blink of an eye, you can reach the World Tree. That is, there is no Artius, just one of Diaruga, Palukia, and Pluto Dragon. You can also go directly to the World Tree through the different space.

As a result, it’s all gone now. You can only fly over by a white dragon or a black dragon.

The last time I rode a white dragon, I knew that if I rode a white dragon again, Hei Longniang would definitely be angry and say that he favors one over the other. This time, Wang Ling summoned Xiao Hei, who rode on the girl, took off from the seaside of Luling City, and headed for the isolated continent of Eludoran.

The speed of Hei Longniang is extremely fast. After flying for about half a day, you can already see the outline of Eludoran Continent.

Wang Ling sat on Heilongniang and looked at the blue sky and white clouds. Sparkling clear water, my heart is very comfortable. At this time, in the distant void, a space-shifting aperture suddenly appeared, and several DNA spiral-like transparent light chains emerged from the aperture.

“Ah, Ashes is here?”

Seeing this scene, Wang Ling was a little surprised. This peculiar spiral light chain was created by the God of Creation entering the real world from the chaotic space. The breath of the source of life leaked, and the vision that appeared was similar to the time fluctuation of Diaruga and the space fluctuation vision of Palukia.

beyond his expectations. What appeared from the transparent fluctuations was not Ashes, but a man shrouded in black robes. Spooky with a clown mask on his face. I don’t know if it’s male or female.

Around this guy’s body, there are eleven Creation Stone Tablets with a halo flowing around. In the constant rotation, bursts of powerful life source fluctuations are emitted.

“This is…”

Wang Ling’s complexion changed drastically. This guy’s mask was tattooed with four patterns of hearts, plums, diamonds, and spades. He immediately thought that the identity of the person in front of him should be the adjudicator killer sent by the space. Actually in the Pokemon world, met this guy?

The creation stone tablet that Artius lost was actually on the arbiter killer!

This terrifying fluctuation is much more terrifying than Ai Xiusi who only has 4 slates, and seeing the slate spinning around the adjudicator killer, the source of life forms a complete cycle, obviously fully mastering the ability of the slate.

The arbiter killer appeared in the sky, and just like that, among the eleven rotating stone slabs, his feet hovered flat on the ground. He took off the hat of the black robe, and then took off the mask, revealing the masked face.


Wang Ling and Hei Longniang were all shocked. After taking off the mask, there was a beautiful and refined face behind her, her eyes were black and white, and she had the same appearance as Wang Ling! It’s just that the color of the skin is gray, similar to the shadow avatar of Deoxys, not like a real human.

“I am the adjudicator killer of the space, the test sent to the top dreamers, don’t wonder why I look the same as you, because the adjudicator killer is a copy of the space based on you, with your bloodline, occupation, Talent, and all skills.”

The boy with Wang Ling’s appearance changed rapidly when he spoke, from male to female, and then back again. When men and women are constantly changing, his voice is also male and female, which has a strange feeling.

“I also have the title X skill. The one I just showed was a fantasy-level transformation. This test is to see if you can surpass yourself.”

There was a smile on the face of the adjudicator killer, because the skin was gray, and the smile became very gloomy: “Of course, it is not enough to only defeat myself, because as the adjudicator killer, I also have the ability given by a space: plunder.”

“It can plunder the current world, the ability of the strongest SS, so my current strength is equivalent to the combination of you and the creator **** Artius.”

Hearing this sentence, Wang Ling showed a look of astonishment. Now he finally understands that the original sentence in Tang Dynasty “The strength of the adjudicator is uncertain. It is the first time to meet the adjudicator, and the experience of confrontation is the most dangerous; your The stronger the strength, the more dangerous the adjudicator; the more dangerous the world you enter, the more dangerous the SS is, the more dangerous the adjudicator is”, what does it mean.

The dragon **** bloodline and the light and dark dragon envoys add up to how powerful it is. Wang Ling knows very well that the adjudicator killer has all his abilities, so it is very terrifying, and he actually has the ability of Artius.

You must know that in the animation, Artius, who has eleven slates, fights the Pluto Dragon, the God of Time, and the God of Space alone, and beats the three gods all over the floor to find teeth!

“Okay, the space regulations, the tips that must be given are finished, now, let me start giving sanctions, are you ready?”

The adjudicator put on the mask again. He opened his hands, and violent lightning and fiery flames erupted around him. Wang Ling couldn’t help but want to curse. What appeared in the lightning and flames was the super beast Zekrom. , Reshiram.

Even the summoning technique of the Light and Dark Dragon Envoy can be used!

Like the adjudicator killer, the colors of the two divine beasts are not the same as before. They are not pure white or black, but dark, which looks extremely strange.

The two dragons that appeared, their eyes were full of evil spirits, and they screamed in the sky. The surrounding sky and clouds were all swept away by the roaring sound waves. These two dragons seemed very violent, as if they had no reason.

Heilongniang, who was riding by Wang Ling, was very angry when she saw her copycat, and threw Wang Ling on her body and turned it into the real body of a divine beast. A lightning breath, dazzling electric light, sprayed from the mouth to the opponent’s black dragon. The black dragon also exhaled the same breath, the two breaths collided, and a lightning field exploded in the roar of thunder!

Judge killer, only one plot world can enter at a time. If you enter Pokemon normally, the space will replicate the strongest person in the hot-blooded team. It will be much easier for Wang Ling to have Tomoyo and Su as helpers. The Dream Team has several cards, and they also rely on siege to kill the adjudicator killer.

Now Wang Ling, coming to this world alone, is undoubtedly in a very unfavorable situation!

The other party summoned the clones of Zekrom and Reshiram, and Wang Ling also summoned Bai Longniang. Xiao Bai, who appeared, was shocked when he saw this scene. After knowing the truth of the matter in his consciousness, he rushed towards the other party’s Bai Longniang extremely angrily. dragon.

The black dragon is to copy the black dragon, and the white dragon is to the copy of the white dragon. Fortunately, the adjudicator has occupation, bloodline, talent, and skills, but there is no familiar, and he failed to summon Tentacle Loli and Hatsune.

Otherwise, one is a cow shield with recovery ability, and Hatsune transforms into Guanyin pusa, which is not easy to deal with.

Wang Lingjing calmed down. He understood that this time he was facing the most terrifying opponent in history. The replica plus eleven pieces of Creation Stone Tablets might be stronger than the original God Orochi. Facing such an opponent, he was careless and flustered. It means death!

Opening the mouth, a pillar of the storm condensed by the air-splitting wind spewed out of the mouth in a tornado shape.

A violent storm swept through, and there were countless tiny wind blades inside, and even rocks could be cut into powder. In the face of this storm breath, the adjudicator killer did not dodge or evade, the flying slate was retracted into the body, the light flashed, and the body was covered with a faint halo.

The energy of the wind attribute is attributed to the flying type in the Pokemon world. Among the eleven slates owned by the arbiter killer, there are flying slates. Invoking the origin of the flying slate, this powerful storm breath not only cannot cause damage, but is also equivalent to supplementing the origin of the slate.

“Sure enough, I can use the power of the slate.”

Wang Ling’s face was ugly, and when he saw the adjudicator killer open his mouth, he also spit out a stormy breath, UU reading www. uukanshu.com hurriedly dodged, but he had no slate to resist the attack.

The wind column of lǜsè swept across the sky, extending all the way to the distance, twisting the white clouds on the path into fine particles, and the adjudicator’s figure suddenly burst, and under the acceleration of the repulsive force, it instantly arrived in front of Wang Ling.

Raising his right arm, Wang Ling was about to use the Fire Dragon Explosion Fist, relying on the special effect of knocking the adjudicator to fly, but he felt something was wrong. Looking at his chest, he found that the flat chest had swelled, obviously becoming a woman.

“Damn, it’s the **** of the troublemaker!”

Wang Ling cursed inwardly, and then immediately felt that something was flowing down between his legs, and as far as he could see, the jeans were flushed red.

The judge killer waved his right hand and slashed out with a hand knife. Wang Ling’s steel was invincible and resisted the physical damage, but the jeans instantly shattered into butterfly-like pieces of cloth, revealing two long white legs.

An unimaginably huge suction force emanated from the left hand of the adjudicator killer.

Super. Vientiane Tianyin! (To be continued…)

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