Dream of The Beginning

Ch. 33 A Slight Ripple

Before the dawn of next day. 

The sun had yet to rise when Ryan, Artoria, Yu, and Illyasviel were already waiting on the Einzbern's private landing site. Located deep within the Einzbern forest, a private military-grade helicopter was parked neatly with its engine roaring like thunder. It was ready to take off. 

Artoria looked gorgeous in her navy blue blazer paired with matching blue pants. The light golden ornaments on her blazer enhanced her dignified and royal charisma. 

Yu Miaoyi was wearing her usual dark turtleneck sweater-dress underneath a light grey jacket. Her long brown hair was let loose. Her countenance had a slight blush, glowing lightly with pale reddish hue. She was looking refreshed and at better mood. 

Meanwhile, between Yu and Artoria, Ryan yawned a little. He appeared slightly tired, as it was only few moments ago that he was furiously galloping through the fertile plains and verdant hills with Yu Miaoyi in the dead of night. 

After he had cleaned himself before this time departure, his countenance was looking much better. He was dressed rather casually as he wore long sleeve black T-shirt with fitting grey vest and a black denim. If one took careful look, one might also notice that a lock of his hair had turned silvery white, contrary to his usual black hair. 

"Not that shabby, right? The letter came in too short of notice, so I could only buy this Black Hawk heli from local authorities ASAP." 

Ryan looked slightly surprised at the black hawk. Although he had often seen their images from internet and movies, this was the first time he actually laid eyes on one. Not to mention a military-grade one. 

'…but, they are really brittle.' His innate eyes were subconsciously activated as he then saw many weak points at the black hawk. 

Boarding on the front seat, there were two men in black wearing a black shade who were likely the pilot and his assistant. 

"Come in. We'll be using this until we reach nearby airport, then we will switch to our private jet. Everything's prepared already. We would arrive at Clock Tower around 6-7 hours later. 

"Those old bastards thought they could trip me up with their little trick? They can keep dreaming. Fufufu~" 

Illya chuckled like a mischievous villain as she boarded the chopper along with Artoria and Yu. 

Artoria glanced at Yu Miaoyi with a strange smile. She spoke with lower voice so only they could hear it, "You were quite sly, lady. Don't you know that he won't kill your original self?" 

There was no change of expression on her face when Yu heard Artoria's words. She merely scoffed, saying lightly in return, "I don't know what you mean, Lion King." 

Seeing that Yu appeared dismissive on that topic, Artoria smiled calmly, "It doesn't matter. As long as you don't guide him to path of ruins, you can do as you like. Just be moderate in anything you do, lady. You two were too loud just then." 

"..." Yu narrowed her eyes a little upon hearing Artoria's reminder. She then seated herself without saying another word. 

Ryan felt speechless for a moment when he saw Illya chuckled like a small-time villain. He looked at Einzbern castle beside the landing site, then at the chopper, feeling slightly amused at the reality. 

'It'll be faster if I just fly myself there. But, yeah, this is definitely cozier. And, well, it's not like I am alone like before.' 

"...guess the Einzbern is really loaded." 

He pondered about something else quietly as he boarded the chopper last. 


Though, a small frown soon surfaced on his face after he seated himself. He had just checked on his Status again, seeing if there had been any change to it. 

However, what he predicted before had come true instead; as he could no longer collect EP automatically now. 

As of this moment, after Ryan was waiting patiently for around a month, the amount of EP on his status remained the same without slightest increase. 

He might still be able to use his Status Panel just as fine as before, but the ability to "conveniently" upgrade his skills had been voided since the Goddess' Divinity was taken away from him. 

Although, in return for his current inability to use EP, he had been granted an overreaching Authority over life and death in this world. 

'It seems like EP isn't only about the essence of mana. There should be other crucial elements to it...' 

*Several hours later* 

At a certain office in the Clock Tower. 

"…Hmm, I see. Now this is intriguing." 

Marisbury was looking through the earliest report on his desk when he caught on a particular shot of image. In that report, it was stated that Ryan was accompanying the representative of the Einzberns in her impending trial at the Clock Tower. 

As far as he knew, the survivors of Holy Grail War were all exceptional people. Be that might be their luck, insights, or ability. 

Emiya Kiritsugu was equipped with suitable ability and determination to win the War. Waver Velvet had enough luck, and supported by his unordinary insights which led him to come out of the War safely. 

As for Emiya Ryan, according to his battle result with Hinako Akuta previously, Marisbury concluded that the ability he showed at that time was already beyond the range of most magi. Not to mention that Ryan also focused mostly on offensive moves, just like his foster father. If he also had enough either luck or insight, it was not surprising for him to survive the Fifth Holy Grail War. 

"But, considering his relation with Kiritsugu, I thought the Einzbern representative would be at odds with him. 

"Hm. Something must have occurred inside that War which resulted in them joined hands now." 

A thoughtful look appeared on Marisbury as he pieced the information on his hand. 

Some time ago, a mystical reverberation was recorded by the observatory of Clock Tower. It came from Far East, at the direction of Fuyuki City. 

Ordinary people might not have noticed it because that mystical ripple occured at higher layer of dimension. However, the observatory of Clock Tower managed to detect that phenomenon, and confirmed it was caused by a breach on the [Root]. 

There were two happenstances of such extraordinary feat at that night. There seemed to be a drastic, yet mysterious change in the rules of the World when the first breach happened. The second breach occured not long after the first, but it was of lesser magnitude. 

"Did the Einzbern manage to prove the Third Magic? Or, is it something else?" 

Marisbury already knew what was the true goal of Fuyuki Holy Grail War; which was to open a breach on the [Root] by sacrificing all seven Servants who should have returned to the Throne of Heroes. Upon the breach had occured, one could realize the Third Magic Heaven's Feel entrusted within the Greater Grail. 

However, Marisbury had his own pride as a magi of Animusphere family. 

'We, the Animusphere, will reach the [Root] through our own path. I won't deny that the Third Magic is an extraordinary miracle, yet that path isn't what I want to tread.' 

'More importantly, how should I rope him into Chaldea?' 

Talented individual was a precious resource to his organization. For someone like Emiya Ryan whose combat ability even outclassed an incarnated elemental like Hinako Akuta and had no real ties to the Mage's Association, the other magi organizations would like to rope him in had they knew of his existence. 

Either to put him as their combat asset, or as a source material in their research. Of course, he knew better not to tread on the latter part in respect to the Second Magician. However, if he had Ryan's own cooperation, then it was a different matter altogether... 

The old, antique clock hanging on the wall was ticking. Silence reigned within the room as Marisbury was absorbed inside his thought. 

Meanwhile, in a certain flat near the vicinity of Clock Tower. 

A man in his late twenties was busy tidying himself up in the mirror. He looked quite impatient as he quickly grabbed his favorite necktie from nearby chair and fixed his long red coat in one swift motion. 

"Ah, shit, shit, shit! Why didn't they tell me this any sooner?! And. Gray! Why did you not wake me up?" The man said with sour look plastered on his face. 

There were black bags under his eyes, and his hair was still in a mess. It was apparent that he had just woken up prior few minutes ago. 

A young girl whose face covered with a hood, wearing black jacket and grey dress, spoke softly from the side. 

"Many times, professor. I have tried to wake you up several times, but you returned to sleep soon after." 

"Kuahahahat! You're a dead meat, young man! Your devil little sister told us this is going to be an important trial, yet you're asleep here. Hilarious! Ahahaha!" A rough, coarse voice sounded from beside that young girl. To be precise it came from the odd-looking cube inside the cage she was holding. 

"Add. Silence!" That young girl, Gray, looked sternly to her Mystic Code as she shook the cage quite hard. 

"Oi, oi, oi. I was just joking…stop it, Gray. I am feeling dizzy…!" 


Gray kept shaking the cage until the cube, Add, stayed silent for good. 

The man had finished dressing himself up a bit. He did not have much time for it anyway. 

"Let's go, Gray. Don't mind Add, he's right in a sense. Being late would just bring more trouble to us. That damned trial. And the Einzbern. *sigh*…who knew that the Fifth Holy Grail War would just end quietly without anyone knowing… but my main priority is not the Holy Grail War at this moment." 

That man walked out from his room with firm gaze. His steps were steady as he went toward the direction of the hall where the trial was supposed to be held. 

The street around the Clock Tower at that noon was strangely sparse. Some pedestrians who passed by the area quickly scurried away, as though each had their own urgent matters to attend to. As such, it did not take a long time before the street was devoid of people. 

Yet, there was this one vehicle which gradually approached the Clock Tower amidst the growing silence. A man, two women, and a young girl walked out from that car soon after it reached the gate of the Clock Tower. 

"That was quite a long trip. We could have arrived faster if you let me drive that Private Jet, Illya." 

"No! Well, it isn't like I don't trust your piloting skill, sister Artoria. But isn't it better to let the professional do their job?" 

"That is an unnecessary worry, Illya. I have [Riding] skill. I can ride anything, be it machine or sacred beast." Artoria had a serious expression as she spoke. 

"Or you can also try piloting one later with my brother. An exclusive flight for both of you, Sis." Illyasviel smiled sweetly as she glanced toward Ryan. 

"Oh..." Artoria appeared to be interested in the idea as she stopped for a moment. She nodded, looking pleased, "Good. I will wait for another flight then." 

"Don't worry, I will drag him if he refuses to accompany you, Sis." 

Illyasviel and Artoria were talking animatedly. It was as if what they would attend was not an important trial, but just another insignificant episode. 

"...I have something else I want to do. Let's move separately for a time, Ryan." 

Yu spoke suddenly after being quiet most of time in their flight. Her gaze was set on a certain direction separate from the Clock Tower domain. 

Ryan was reminded of what Yu had said last time, which was her wish to kill her original self... 

Honestly, he still feels confused about it. Why would she even want to kill her past self? Her circumstance is different than Shirou. As such, she should not have that much regret and hatred toward her past self as far as he knows. 

Truthfully, he really doesn't want to see both Yu and her original self to kill each other. Even if it's her wish... 

"...don't be rash, lady." 

When Yu saw Ryan looking out of sort like that, she smiled strangely. 

"What. Do you have a feeling for her too? Even after you already have me?" 

"....." Ryan didn't reply to it. But his silence was enough of an answer to her. He realized that he was actually a greedy person. 

"...like I said before, what I wish is for you to kill her. I won't do anything to her, probably?" 

Her eyes flashed with a strange light as Yu left the group, she had turned into her spiritual form and went toward her own aim.  

Even after they had their body reconstructed with the Sixth Magic, both Yu Miaoyi and Artoria still kept their ability to transform into spiritual form whenever they wished to. Ryan didn't really know the reason behind it, but he guessed that it should have had a relation to their [Soul Contract] with him. 

Across the street, two people along with a special Mystic Code were dumbfounded seeing Ryan's group who were heading toward them.  

"Her face... is she really 'her'...?" Gray was at lost when she caught the sight of Artoria. 

"Oi, oi, oi... This magical energy signature, it is undoubtedly hers! And that eyes and face too! But, since when did she became such a bombshell?! Give me back my cute Artoria!!" Gray's Mystic Code, Add, was strangely excited due to other reason. 

"Those traits...they're unmistakably a Servant. Are they that Einzbern girl's Servant and that young man's? 

"Anyway, this trial has really turned to be a joke." 

With such powerful arsenal in their hand, what would the verdict of the Mage Association matters to them? If anything, it doesn't close the possibility that this trial may turn into a huge mess if fight break out between them and the Association... 

Lord El-Melloi II, Waver Velvet, pondered in silence as he saw the group coming toward him. 

Whether it was coincidence or not, that young man suddenly looked toward him, smiled silently. 

"Let's go inside, Gray. Be more cautious, if a fight break out, we should not interfere. Just try to get us out from that place, alright?" Lord El-Melloi II warned Gray severely. 

"I understand, professor." 

"Good." His countenance was tense, and his thought ruminated on various possibilities which might happen in this joke of trial as he then stepped into the trial venue, looking to find their seat. 

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