Dream of The Beginning

Ch. 43 Stormy Night (1)

*Warning! Explicit content ahead. Don’t blame me for not reminding you.*

The gathering had been over for a while, and each participant had also returned to their own room respectively. After Ryan had informed them about the identity of his Servant Rider, they had decided to hold the day of decisive battle on tomorrow night.

At this night, Kazuki was busy tinkering with his magic gun and sword. He decided to clean and to make sure that they were in tip-top condition in preparation for the decisive battle next night.

"Yosh~ that was great. Warm bath is really the best, Hahaha!" Nero laughed merrily as she finished her shower.

When she saw that Kei was immersed in his own matter, not even noticing her glamour, she felt a little dissatisfied. She wanted to tease him.

“Hmmm, what are you doing, Kei?"

Her hair dripping wet with warm water, her supple figure was wrapped tightly with the bath towel. As her breath slightly blew on Kazuki’s ear, Nero leaned her bountiful chest on his shoulder.

Kazuki jolted a little when he felt those soft, squishy sensation on his back. He quickly dashed away, and looked at Nero warily, “I’m cleaning my weapons. Don’t startle me like that, Nero!”

Kazuki had his face turned red. He looked embarrassed, yet it also seemed like he was eager for more as he shyly stole few more glances at Nero’s chest.

Looking at those ripe peaches wanting to jump out of the tight towel, Kazuki gulped down secretly as he felt a warm blood flowed in his system. He felt more heated than usual.

It was not the first time they did the deed, but honestly, he still felt a little shy about such matters…

“Oho! Are you finally aware of my beauty? Umu~ I will allow it; you can be captivated on my charm all you want. For I am the most gorgeous emperor after all!”

After taking a deep breath, Kazuki managed to calm his inner demon. His face turned serious, “Don’t lower your guard, Saber. We’d have a decisive battle next night, we can’t slack our focus now–!”

As he was speaking seriously like that, he suddenly felt a pair of soft lips had reached out to his lips. His chest was assaulted by those squishy flesh as he could feel Nero’s warm breath blowing on his ear again.

“Don’t dwell too much on it. Tomorrow’s matter will be done by tomorrow’s you. For now, let’s enjoy ourself! The night is still young, Kei~”


Kazuki looked like wanted to resist her temptation, but he also looked like wanting to jump on her right away. His face kept changing its expression fast as his thought alternated between his devil side and angelic side.

Devil Kei: ‘What’re you waiting for?! Jump on those knockers!’

Angelic Kei: ‘No, no, no! That’s an evil temptress! Banish her!’

Devil Kei: ‘This hypocrite…! Look at where your eyes are wandering before saying those words!’

Angelic Kei: ‘Wha- what are you talking about? I'm only appreciating God's beautiful creation! *glances at Nero’s cleavage*’

Devil Kei: ‘…’

“You have no guts? Meh, what a coward. I thought after doing it several times, you’d be able to be more manly, Kei. Haishh~ I pity your future spouse.” Nero spoke lightly as she shook her head. Her words were flowing right into his ear along with her warm breath, tickling Kazuki’s inner thought.

Devil and Angelic Kei: ‘This bitch... Show her who’s the boss! Bang her!!’

Kazuki seemed to see an image where his devil and angelic side shook their hand together as they quickly became brothers-in-arm.

Devil Kei: ‘Glad we’re on the same page now, buddy!’

Angelic Kei: ‘We’re of one mind, pals!’

At same time, it seemed a switch had been flipped inside Kazuki as his eyes turned slightly red and ferocious. He glared at Nero as his hand grabbed her waist closer to him.

“…you have managed to awaken the black dragon inside me, Nero. Until I can calm its raging spirit, don’t expect any rest soon. Expect a rough night instead, my dear.”

Red light flashed inside Kazuki’s eyes. As his switch had been flipped, his chuuni tendency had surfaced in absence of his normal persona.

“Umu~ it’s alright. Let yourself captivated by my beauty, lust for me, yearn for me;

"But, don’t fall too deep. Otherwise, you might be burnt, Kei~”

A small smile escaped Nero’s lips as she responded to his initiative. That night was bound to be hot and steamy for Saber and her Master…


Inside Arthur’s room.

“How is it, Caster? Can you lift the seal on Peter’s mind?” Arthur loosened his tie as he sat on the couch.

Medea Lily materialized beside him as she sat on his lap. Her soft and lithe figure leaned on his chest as she shook her head in dismay, “Unfortunately, I am unable to see through that seal. It doesn’t seem like a seal created by magecraft. It is an entirely new path.”

Arthur lightly caressed Medea Lily’s silky hair as he quietly listened to her explanation. When she finished, Arthur pulled her closer. “I see. Thank you for your hard work, Medea.”

“Still, what a troublesome guy. I almost managed to get Peter’s on my palm, yet that newcomer just has to ruin it at the last moment.”

Medea Lily looked at Arthur, glancing lightly at his hands roaming her lithe figure. She felt a little jealous when she thought about Berserker. “Is Berserker that important?”

Arthur was quiet.

Originally, his merit and points were insufficient to summon a strong Servant. To maximize his advantage, Arthur then chose to summon Medea Lily which cost less than his saved points. It was better to keep an appropriate sum of points saved up so he would have more leeway later on.

With his mastery in gun-fist martial art, along with Medea Lily’s healing, he could ensure that he wouldn’t risk dying too much in this Holy Grail War.

Then, there came an idiot who was willing to bet all his points to summon a strong Servant – Peter Vandrick. Although his telepath ability possessed great potential, but that man was only a pervert whose head was filled with women and pleasure. He could not amount much even if he gained a strong ability.

To lower Peter’s guard around him, Medea Lily shielded Arthur’s mind and created an illusion that Peter already managed to control him whenever Arthur was around Peter. In truth, Arthur would occasionally ‘steer’ Peter’s thought to a certain direction to fulfill his own agenda instead.

The one who suggested for Peter to waste his Command Spell and used mind control on Berserker was also Arthur. Of course, it was a secret that only Arthur himself and Caster knew about.

After all, although he couldn’t get Berserker, it would be no different if Arthur managed to control Peter.

“She is a great asset for our combat strength. It is a shame that Peter can’t properly utilize her value. Anyway, can you cut her contract with Peter, Medea?”

Medea Lily shook her head. “I can’t. But, if it’s my older self in the enemy faction, then she would be able to do it.”

“It can’t be helped then. We should just change the plan. As it stands, it looks like Berserker feels indebted to the newcomer, so we will just ‘guide’ him to fill Peter’s role.”

After Medea Lily returned to her spiritual form, Arthur walked toward a black luggage case lying quietly on the corner of the room. Faint rotten stench could be smelled from that luggage case from time to time, though it was quickly washed away by the night breeze from the window.

However, Arthur didn’t care about the rotten stench at all. He gently opened that luggage case as he gazed lovingly at the ‘things’ contained within it.

Severed head of several little girls were placed neatly inside the luggage case. Some were already coated in wax, fixing their expression in place; there were a few which were still uncoated, and those were the ones which had begun rotting slightly.

“It was a pity that Medea couldn't wake you up... But, don’t worry, my little dearies. I heard there is an omnipotent wish-granting device in this world. Daddy will resurrect you all soon. Then, we can have more fun together, alright?”

An intoxicated look appeared on Arthur’s face as he caressed one of the waxed head. Her frightened look was fixed perfectly on her face, eliciting an irresistible pleasure inside him as he remembered the feeling of that yesteryear.

That moment when he had ‘spoiled’ her a lot; that face she made when she reached the first orgasm in her life… it was also at that exact moment that he severed her little head.

That pure expression of disbelief and fear, along with the trace of satisfied glow plastered on her face…

“Ahh... I can’t wait to have more fun with you all together again, my little dearest.”


"Woahhh~~ That's tiring as heck! Why'd you keep me out in the open for long, did you want to kill me, Mika-chan?"

Osakabehime quickly laid herself out on the bed as she complained. She looked like a salted fish which had just returned into water after drying herself on the sun for long...

"Ugyaa~ this comfy bed feels the best! I won't move for next few days, don't call me for trivial matters, Mika-chan~~"

"I thought I've told you not to call me like that, Assassin?" Mikaela popped a few veins on her forehead when she saw Osakabehime's sloppy self.

"Mikaela is too long... Mika-chan it is!"

Mikaela: "..."

"But, really, it's not like you not to snap at him. Are you sick, Mika-chan?" Osakabehime looked oddly at Mikaela. There was an imperceptible profound gaze hidden within her eyes as she looked at Mikaela.

Mikaela Graham frowned at Osakabehime's question.

It wasn't like she suddenly turned over a new leaf or anything of that sort. She still hated men.

However, that newcomer– That man bore much similarity to the one her higher-ups had warned her about. She couldn’t help but trying to be more careful around Ryan.

'The Saintess... Why would she put so much emphasis on that man?'

"Hello~~ Earth to Mika-chan?" Osakabehime poked at Mikaela.

"...just shut up. Have your familiar managed to tail him?" Mikaela sighed slightly as she asked Assassin with stern look.

"Oh. I only saw him coming out of this hotel soon after he summoned Rider. He destroyed my cute familiars as soon as he went outside. My poor familiars..."

Hearing that, Mikaela was quiet. She paced around the room as she lightly bit her finger while thinking.

"Anyway, just try to keep an eye on his movements. I don't believe he won't make any noise or leave no tracks. The kind of a man like him would definitely cause an uproar; he won't lay low for long."

Osakabehime nodded lazily, "Fine. I'll try my best..."


Raiha was meditating in silence.

Her grey cloak was taken off on the side, and her mask was put off for a moment.

If one had the luck to see her at this moment, they would be able to see her tantalizing and curvaceous figure was only covered by thin clothing. Moreover, as she was slightly sweating from training, her clothing had become more transparent than usual.

That sight of her curves faintly shown through her thin clothing would definitely make many men’s imagination soar through the skies. Though, fortunately, no one had the luck to see it yet.

From time to time, purple fire would flare up around Raiha in accordance to her breath.

The purple fire would often rise up fiercely, threatening to burn everything; but they would also become gentle like a flowing water at certain interval.

When Raiha finally opened her eyes, those purple fire quickly returned into her body like receding waves.

Tomoe who was silently guarding Raiha broke the silence inside the room, "You were quite agitated, Raiha. If you keep having distracting thoughts during training like this, you won't be able to control that bloodline any sooner."

Tomoe Gozen knew just how hard it was to contain one's own inhuman bloodline.

She herself was the possessor of an Oni blood; the blood with more violent and killing tendency.

It was hard for her to contain herself had she not met with her dear husband back there. Even then, at his untimely death, the fact that she was unable to accompany him properly at his last moment kept gnawing like a piercing nail on her heart.

As she thought of her husband, Tomoe couldn’t help remembering the Rider Servant which had been summoned recently…

‘Not only Lord Yorimitsu, but even THAT person has also been summoned here. That wretched Yoshitsune…!!!’

Silent rage filled Tomoe’s heart at the mere thought that Ushiwakamaru (Minamoto no Yoshitsune) was summoned alongside her in this Holy Grail War. The person who was responsible for her husband’s death was to be her comrade-in-arms in this War… What a poor twist of fate it was.

Unknowingly, two demonic horns had grown on Tomoe’s forehead. As her thought was filled with anger toward Ushiwakamaru, she didn’t realize that scarlet flame was burning silently around her.

“As I thought, her summoning really has quite an impact on you, Archer. It’s you who is more agitated than me…” Raiha sighed.

She tapped on Tomoe’s shoulder, “Wake up, Archer. Please bear it a little longer, I won’t hold you back later after we have finished the enemy faction.”

At same time, Raiha’s purple fire rapidly devoured the scarlet flame that Tomoe had released. Despite they were the similar kind of fire, Raiha’s purple fire was like a nemesis to Tomoe’s scarlet flame. It only took few seconds before all the scarlet flame was extinguished, devoured cleanly by Raiha’s purple fire.

Tomoe Gozen quickly returned to her senses after Raiha’s reminder.

Looking at the traces of burnt floor and burning smell inside the room, she couldn’t help feeling apologetic toward Raiha. “I am sorry, my rage got the better of me. And here I have criticized you for your feelings… what a fool I am.”

Raiha nodded slightly, “It’s fine. I take no offence at your reminder. It’s just… please hold your resentment for a little while, Archer. When the time comes, even if her Master wants to prevent your revenge, I won’t let him.”

“Are you sure? Isn’t he…”

“Hmph. That man has surely got a better life now, so he probably forgets about the past already. I’ll use this chance to remind him how scary I am.”

‘He always has bad luck with women before, how come he already got a woman around him now after dying once? I am jealous– no, I am furious! Hehehe… wait a bit, Ryan. I will surely pummel your face to the ground for cheating on me… ehehe…’

Now, it was Raiha’s purple fire which slowly filled the room.

The poor hotel room was about to be burnt twice at same night if not for Tomoe who quickly reacted and woke Raiha from her anger.

Poor girl… if she also knew about Yu Miaoyi’s existence…


It was supposed to be a quiet and starless night, with some clouds hiding the moon faintly behind their shade.

However, contrary to some people’s expectation, a blinding and towering light suddenly tore the veil of night apart.

It reached out from the sky to earth; violently shredding the night above Fuyuki City as though the sun had risen from East horizon in the middle of night.

“Sacred Lance; remove thine restraints. Light, may you be released from the ends of the World. Rhongomyniad Alter!”

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