Dreamland Guide

Chapter 112 - This incense is not the other incense

  The closer you are to Xiaomulou, the stronger the fragrance.

   Aoki couldn’t help but sniffed again, and put the phone that hadn’t been hung up on the branch next to the wooden building.

   This phone looks so thick, the battery should be very durable, right? He thought that before the battery runs out, Shi Dazhuang and the others can always locate here.

   What he didn’t know was that the efficiency of the anti-drug team was far higher than he had imagined. At this time, it had already split into several routes.

   Pushing open the door of Xiaomulou, Aoki stepped in.

   The building was damp and gloomy, exuding a musty smell, but it couldn’t conceal the fragrance from the building.

   The back door was ajar, as if someone had just gone out, letting in some fresh air.

   An unsturdy wooden ladder leads to the second floor.

   “If you refuse to come down, then I can come up!” Aoki raised his head and shouted.

   He stepped up the wooden ladder, and the wooden ladder made a crunching sound, and the whole small building shook a little, as if it would fall down at any time.

   The room on the second floor is completely different from the first floor. The windows on all sides make the room transparent and bright. You can see the sturdy branches of the big tree on both sides, and the window behind is facing a smooth mountain wall, and the sun is reflected on the mountain wall, which is bright and bright.

   A woman is lying on the front window sill looking at the scenery. Outside the window is the open space where Aoki comes in.

   She leaned forward, slightly tilted her hips, tight casual shorts wrapped her buttocks extremely full, crossed her two long legs, stepped on the wooden floor with one foot and hung on the small wooden bench behind her. His thin waist collapsed, and his upper body wore a floral vest, revealing his white shoulders. A slightly curly black hair slipped off his shoulders and fluttered gently with the breeze coming in from the window.

   I have to say that from behind, this woman’s figure is impeccable.

   The madman outside the window was still beating and biting Yaowo, and Yaowo’s miserable howling seemed a bit weak.

   Such a beautiful scene did not affect the woman at the window. She was intoxicated, as if a blockbuster movie was being shown outside the window.

   The strong scent floated from the woman, and the whole room was full of strange fragrance.

   Aoki remembered that night in the bar, before the woman drew the symbol, it was so fragrant. The scent of that day made him even ignore the woman’s appearance.

   He hopes that the woman he met today is that day.

   But he was disappointed.

  The human olfactory system is very complex and sensitive, able to distinguish tens of thousands of different tastes, but we are often divided into two general categories: fragrance and smell.

Molecular substances travel through the air, enter our nasal cavity, trigger a series of enzyme cascade reactions in the olfactory receptors, stimulate the nasal trigeminal nervous system, and then transmit to the nerve center of the brain to form our “olfactory”, which is what we usually call The smell and smell.

   However, few people will ask, why this kind of thing is fragrant and that kind of thing is smelly?

   In fact, whether something is fragrant or smelly is a kind of conscious judgment formed by humans in the long-term evolution.

   When our body needs this kind of thing, and the consciousness judges that this kind of thing is beneficial to the human body, it stimulates the corresponding cortical cells of the brain to produce a refreshing feeling, which we call “scent”.

   On the contrary, if the consciousness judges that this kind of thing is harmful to the human body, what we smell is “stinky”.

   This kind of conscious judgment memory is stored in human genes, which is what people often call innate memory, or genetic memory. For example, most fruits are naturally fragrant, while feces are smelly. These are the things that have been recorded in the genetic information, and you don’t need to taste them to distinguish them.

   But the living environment changes all the time, and genetic memory sometimes goes wrong and needs constant adjustment. So there are some things you have to try before they will slowly form an acquired memory. This memory is stored in the brain and can be recalled by consciousness.

For example, stinky tofu, genetic memory judges it to be rotten and spoiled, so the first time you smell it, it must be smelly, but after you eat it, it tastes good, and it seems harmless to your body. Later, when you smell it again, it may be Feel very fragrant.

  Some things vary from person to person. If you think it smells good, I might smell it smelly. What you can accept, I may not accept it. Because people of different physiques have different material needs, such as durian and garlic, such as alcohol and cigarettes.

   This is from the material point of view, the human consciousness uses the sense of smell and the olfactory nervous system to judge the quality of a thing.

  The premise that the nose can smell is that this substance must be volatile and must form a molecular substance, which enters the human nasal cavity with the air.

   However, there is one exception.

   That is, through some special means, directly stimulate your cerebral cortex, let your consciousness smell “scent”.

   sounds very mysterious, but the principle is very simple to put it bluntly, that is, let the consciousness take the initiative to retrieve certain olfactory memories in the brain.

   Some human scientific and technological means have been able to realize this kind of technology, using electric wave stimulation to make people feel real. This is likely to be the case for VR in the future.

We can sometimes do it unconsciously. For example, if you keep thinking about a certain food, you may smell the taste of that food, that is, your consciousness has called up the relevant memory of the food in your brain. .

   Aoki was very convinced that when she was in the bar, the woman used this method~www.mtlnovel.com~ At that time, he was the only one who smelled the insufferable fragrance in the entire bar. He couldn’t say clearly what kind of incense it was, maybe all the memories of incense in his brain had been tuned out.

   He remembered that the woman said a word-Xiangmian-should be a kind of hypnotic technique.

   The woman seemed to be very disappointed when she left. Her scented sleep didn’t work, at least it didn’t achieve the effect she wanted. But she might not have thought that Aoki is a person who can’t dream at all!

   Now the fragrance in the small wooden building is too strong to dissolve, the closer you get to the woman by the window, the more intense it becomes.

   However, Aoki knows that this fragrance is not the other fragrance.

   The fragrance of this woman in front of her is really coming from her.

   If Shi Dazhuang or Peng Jiahu were here, he would surely be able to smell it.

   One is to directly hit the brain consciousness, the other is to use the body’s scent, these two methods, which one is clever, it is self-evident.

   So, Aoki was slightly disappointed.

  趿 The sound of the pull board stepping on the floor of the small wooden building is very loud, kicking…

   The woman finally turned around and looked at Aoki with a thick smile between her eyebrows. This smile, matched with the fragrance of her body, with endless temptations, makes people confused…

   If you change another person, you might have been addicted to it and couldn’t extricate yourself.

   “You are the third man who can stay awake so close to me.” The woman winked like silk, twisted her waist and walked over, the flesh on her chest trembled, with all kinds of amorous feelings.

Her two slender and plump legs alternately took catwalks, and walked to Aoki’s body, with her soft arms resting on Aoki’s shoulders: “Last man, stayed with me for twenty minutes, and I became his. Queen, I want to know, how long can you hold on?”

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