Dreamland Guide

Chapter 120 - Real dream

   All common sense does not hold in dreams, because dreams are another dimension of space.

   For example, common sense believes that people will suffocate to death in water. But in a dream, people will not drown, because the consciousness does not need to breathe.

   But when you treat this kind of anti-common sense knowledge as common sense, you sometimes make mistakes.

   Aoki has made such a mistake now.

   He thought that he would not be drowned, so he let the river water he felt flooded his nose.

   But, in a relaxed situation, he actually took a sip of water.

   The cold water entered the nose and lungs, causing him to cough all at once.

   He immediately raised his head, exposed his nose and mouth to the surface of the water, coughed a few times, coughed up the water in his lungs, and felt better.

   Like the mad beggar, Aoki hung himself from the top of the cage, waiting for the water level to fall.

   It seems that this is no longer a dream!

   But he can be sure that when he entered the cave just now, he did enter a group dream. All the people in this cave are dreaming. They have built a dream together, and this dream has lasted for a long time. After many people’s cooperation, the dream space is very huge, and its rules restrict power. Very big.

  The question is, when did you quit the dream again?

   Aoki carefully recalled everything that happened when Dujuan quit. There seemed to be no suspicious signs that the space had changed.

   The feeling of being really soaked in the cold groundwater was not good, and the muscles of the bent arms began to feel a little sore.

   Something in the water in the distance stirred the splash and swam over. In the darkness, I couldn’t tell what it was, only the sound of rushing water.

Suddenly Han Laizi’s curses came from the cage next to him: “I fuck…I fuck…what?…Bah…I can’t… …Poof…help…”

  Han Laizi seemed to be dragged into the water by something, and there was no sound after blistering for a while.

   Then, everything fell silent.

   I don’t know how long it has been in the darkness, and the water level slowly recedes again.

   Aoki rubbed his arms, and then touched every iron bar of the cage with his hands. The iron cage was welded and it was very strong, except for opening the lock on the cage door, it was impossible to escape with the power of ordinary people.

   Of course, Aoki is no ordinary person. So he tried to make the gap between the iron bars bigger.

   But he suddenly found that he couldn’t use any of his strength, and there was a viscous force surrounding his body, just like an ordinary person was suppressed by something during a nightmare.

   Still in a dream?

   This is so strange.

   Aoki took a deep breath, tried to calm himself down, and carefully recalled the details of entering the cave from beginning to end.

   The first time he felt unwell was in the rotten leaf ravine behind Xiaomulou, where there was an unpleasant smell. At that time, his consciousness had already been affected. The smell is the same as the fragrance on the cuckoo. It affects the subconscious mind by stimulating the olfactory center of the human brain.

   There should be an extension of this group dream, which is equivalent to a guide for the outsiders to enter here.

   Next, Aoki felt a trance at the entrance of the cave. At that time, it should have touched the edge of this dream. He had realized that he was about to enter a very huge dream, and thought it was made by Dewar.

   After entering the cave, he met the cuckoo, and later found that Han Laizi and others were in a dream, and he was sure that it was a group dream.

   Dujuan didn’t say it clearly, but he admitted that this was not her and her master’s dream. Situ helped her activate this place. In other words, this dream already existed before Dujuan.

Was    made by Situ? It’s not easy to draw conclusions now.

After   , Aoki was put in a cage, and Cuckoo left. There was no problem. The question is, why does the consciousness choke?

   It would be fine if he was an ordinary person. Because the consciousness of ordinary people does not know that they are in a dream, they believe that they will be drowned. After they are flooded in their dreams, their subconscious mind will directly retrieve memory from their brains such as chest pain and suffocation. Normally, people will wake up at that time.

   But in group dreams, individual dreams are connected to other people’s dreams, and the spaces overlap each other, making it difficult to collapse. Just like building a house, ordinary dreams are like independent houses in the country, while group dreams are like apartments in the city. There are dozens of hundreds of families in one building. Unless the entire building is spanned, your home will not Collapse alone.

   Dreams do not collapse, and it is difficult for the consciousness to leave the dream space and return to reality.

   That’s why Aoki thinks he has left the dream state, and the performance of Han Laizi next to him also confirms his thoughts.

   But when he tried to open the iron door of the cage, his physical feelings clearly told him that he was still in a dream.

  In other words, he is now in a state of being both a dream and reality.

   In his dream, he was trapped in an iron cage by the underground river where the water level would change, and his body in the real world was in the same condition at this time.

   This is a kind of real dream, that is, dream and reality are synchronized, what you do in the dream, and what you are doing in reality.

   The sleepwalking of ordinary people is a kind of real dream.

   But it is incredible to build a huge group dream, and turning a group dream into a real dream sounds even more incredible.

   The dreams that most people have will imitate the real environment in terms of space rules. Only in this way can ~www.mtlnovel.com~ be able to calmly call out many things in the memory and put them in. Therefore, ordinary dreams have universal gravitation, and the person in the dream can’t fly.

   It is not easy to break through such rules, but it is not difficult, because the rules of the real world are also changing with our exploration and cognition.

  Sometimes, a person who has no knowledge and no understanding of science is more likely to achieve a breakthrough in dreams because he does not know the law of universal gravitation. Therefore, children are more likely to have strange dreams such as flying and diving.

   It is easiest to construct a dream that conforms to the rules of the real universe, you just need to follow common sense. Usually, we don’t need to do anything deliberately. At the beginning of the dream, the subconscious mind has already determined the rules of the dream.

   But the “easy” mentioned here is only relative. Even the greatest scientist in the world has very limited knowledge of the world so far. How can it be possible to construct a world exactly like reality in a dream?

   Just like 3D printing technology can be fake in the similarity of shapes and materials, but it cannot replicate something at the molecular level, let alone quantum level. So don’t expect 3D printing to replicate a person.

  Similarly, it is almost impossible to replicate a dream that is exactly the same as the real world. This requires the dreamer to understand all the rules of the universe and the details of its operation.

   So most of the reality dreams are coincidences that rely on physical perception.

   Aoki remembered Mo Yu’s sleepwalking state at the time. Those mirrors were put down by Situ Bu, and he was very confused at the time. Why did Situ do this?

   now seems to understand a little bit-Situ is probably doing an experiment. He is trying to create a formation that can allow people to enter the real-world dream of the group-if it can be called that.

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