Dreamland Guide

Chapter 138 - The man sent by the prince

Aoki snapped his fingers in front of the three little girls and said, “You can wake up!”

The girls opened their eyes and were surprised to find that the bad guys who had caught them were already lying on them. Although there was a lot of blood on the ground and it looked a little horrible, they knew that they were saved—the cute uncle with messy hair in front of them saved them.

A girl suddenly couldn’t help crying: “Uncle, I want to go home!”

Aoki said, “Okay, Uncle will take you home.”

Another girl said: “Uncle, I’m hungry!”

“Um…These guys are too inhumane, don’t you even have to eat?” Aoki touched his head for a moment, touched the dead fat man’s body, and found out some money.

He touched a few other people who looked like the bosses, then raised the money in his hand and said, “Okay, uncle has money, let’s go to dinner! Go home after dinner!”

The girls burst into laughter and cheered.

Aoki took the three little girls out of the yard and returned to the street. He saw the madman standing by the motorcycle, as if he was facing an enemy, like a miser guarding a pile of treasures.

Aoki laughed loudly, pointed to a restaurant not far away, and said to the lunatic, “Let’s go there to eat.”

The lunatic saw him come out, relaxed, and nodded with a smile. He glanced at the three little girls, and suddenly became nervous again, pointing to them and screaming vaguely: “Beauty? Beauty?”

Aoki said: “The beauty is not there, I’m going to find her now, you go to eat first.”

Aoki took the girl and the lunatic into the restaurant, ordered a chicken curry rice for each of them, and said to the girls: “You guys eat here, don’t run around until I come back.”

“Uncle, aren’t you going to take us home?” The girl thought Aoki left them alone, and tears were about to shed again.

Aoki comforted: “Uncle now save a girl like you. When we take her over, we will go home together.”

The girls nodded all together and said, “Okay.”

Aoki gave all the money to the shop owner again, confessing: “You help me watch them, and you must not let them leave until I come back. You can see if the money here is enough to pay for the meal, if there is more Give them more food, if not enough, wait until I come back.”

The shop owner looked at the large amount of money on the table and was shocked: “Oh, why do you need so much? You have enough money to sell my small shop.”

Aoki said, “Oh, then treat it as your tip for looking after them!”

After he finished speaking, he ignored the boss’s inexplicable expression, and went straight out of the restaurant, hurriedly got on his motorcycle and left.

Poppies don’t know where she is at this moment.

The room was full of flowers, like a bride’s wedding room. The two old mothers came in to take off her clothes. She fought desperately, but the two old mothers with more wrinkles on their faces than old Nkun had a lot of strength. They stripped her clothes forcibly and threw her into the bathtub. .

“Girl, you are so blessed, I was attracted by the general, as long as you accompany the general well, you will be blessed every day!”

“Don’t be dissatisfied. Those who are not favored by the general are sold to prostitutes! You are like heaven and **** compared to them!”

They babbled in bad Chinese while rubbing her.

After the shower, they put on a new dress for her. The dress looked beautiful, like the princess in the picture. But Poppies didn’t like it at all. She knew that she could not become a princess, but was about to become someone else’s slave.

The old mother took a lot of bottles and jars and wanted to make up the beauty. Beauty is very resistant to these pungent cosmetics, and does not cooperate with them.

Make-up is a delicate job, no matter how strong the two mothers are, there is nothing that poppies can do if they don’t cooperate. An old mother was about to reach out and beat her, but was stopped by another old mother: “Oh, you are silly again. She is going to serve the general tonight. You hurt her and swollen. What should the general blame for?”

The old woman withdrew her hand and asked angrily, “What should I do if she is not obedient? Don’t give her medicine, she will be obedient.”

Another old lady said: “The general likes the real, and it won’t be real after taking the medicine. With this—” she took out a long needle to scare the beauty, “If you move around, you will poke you!”

The beauty still doesn’t cooperate. The two old mothers lifted up the beauty’s skirt and poked her **** with a needle. The beauty gritted her teeth in pain, but did not hum.

They pierced her arms and back again, and said as they pierced: “It’s really a strong temper, no wonder the general likes it.”

Seeing that there was no effect, and they couldn’t really pierce her, the two old mothers stopped their hands out of breath. One of them yelled: “Shoot drugs and fight drugs. If you don’t fight drugs, you won’t be able to do it. You are forcing us.”

She talked and went out. After a while, a younger woman walked in with her, holding a tray in her hand. There were syringes and small medicine bottles on the tray.

The two old mothers held the poppy, and the young woman gave her an injection. Poppies struggled, so they had to let them do what they did.

An old mother said: “Less management, just give half an hour to put on make-up. If you fight too much, the general doesn’t like it.”

The woman who gave the injection said, “Don’t worry, this dose is about the same as a sedative.”

The white lotion in the syringe was injected little by little into the beauty’s arm. The beauty suddenly felt her heart beating violently, and then something hot began to impact her brain, just like someone poured a bowl of oil into her brain. Then, her consciousness began to be confused, and she was flying lightly, feeling that she was flying.

She flew into the forest, where there was a very big garden castle, and many small animals played with her in the castle. She is their princess.

On this day, the father-in-law got married. The prince in the distance is riding a white horse eagerly waiting for the arrival of her float.

She is wearing the most beautiful clothes in the room full of flowers. The servants stood by and the two old women were putting makeup on her.

“Well, that’s good, add a little more red here.”

“Come on, UU reads www.uukanshu.com and smiles. It’s only when you smile!”

The poppy laughed. They all said she had a good smile. The prince from afar must think so too! she thinks.

She always felt that the person the prince sent to pick her up was about to arrive, and her heart was pounding, for fear that they would not like her now.

The door creaked and was pushed open.

Poppy turned her head to look, and saw a man with messy hair coming in, with his hands in his trouser pockets, looking cool. She always felt that this person was familiar. When she heard the kicking footsteps, it sounded like a bell from a distant temple rang in her mind.

Her consciousness flashed with clarity, but the hot power in her blood was still impacting her heart and brain, colliding with the kicking footsteps, like two encountering armies. The battle started in her body, and with a loud noise in her mind, she fell down.

Before fainting, she murmured: “Aoki!”


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