Dreamland Guide

Chapter 144 - Dewar

From Muka’s laboratory, Aoki walked all the way up the mountain.

He didn’t walk blindly, but followed a mysterious guide.

Around him, there was always something like a soap bubble covering him, a little bigger than a person and a little smaller than a house. If you take a step forward, it will roll forward, keeping you from touching its edges. But if you don’t go, it will automatically drift forward, guiding you where it wants you to go.

This is a dream bubble.

It does not appear in the air. It appears in human consciousness. You can’t touch it, you can’t see it, but it’s there, wrapping you around. Its edge is right in front of your eyes, but you can never reach it.

It creates a membrane in your consciousness that can allow you to enter a dream state at any time.

Of course Aoki is not afraid of being hypnotized, because he is a dreamless person. But this dream bubble did affect his consciousness, this technique is more clever than hypnosis, and more difficult to prevent.

However, Aoki was not in a hurry to remove the soap bubbles of this consciousness, because he felt that this dream bubble did not have much malice, but was just showing him the way.

It is indeed an expert to be able to influence his consciousness in this way at such a long distance. Aoki began to take a little interest in this woman called Dewar.

There is a temple on the mountain. The door and front hall of the temple were newly built, but it can still be seen a bit of quaintness. It can be seen that the repairs took a lot of effort.

The moment Aoki stepped into the gate of the temple, the soap bubble burst with a bang, rippling several layers of waves in the surrounding space.

The waves hit his brain in circles, like a ct scanner in a hospital, as if trying to scan something wrong in his brain.

“It turns out that you are a dreamless person.” Duwa’s voice came from the temple, still peaceful, but not as ethereal as before.

Aoki held the poppies, crossed the high threshold, and stepped in.

After passing through the courtyard, you enter the main hall of the temple. Of course, the so-called main hall is not as magnificent as those famous temples. It is just a large square room with a three-meter-high Buddha statue in the middle.

Sitting on the futon in front of the Buddha statue is a woman who is in her thirties, with beautiful eyes and smooth skin, just like a jade carving. Her hand also pinched an orchid finger, which was the same as the image in Yaowo’s dream, but it was a bit more elegant and noble than Yaowo.

“Are you Dewar?” Aoki walked in and asked.

Dewar nodded, **** the low couch in the corner of the temple and said, “Put the child there.”

Poppies fell asleep on Aoki’s shoulders, with a red face and a smile at the corners of her mouth. She could see that she was sleeping peacefully.

Aoki Yiyan put the beauty on the low couch, then came back and sat down on the futon beside Dewar.

“The small temple has no food or wine, only clear water. If you are thirsty, just drink it.” Duwa pointed to the water tank next to him and said.

Aoki is not thirsty, but he is a smoker, but he touched his pocket and found that the cigarette was gone. He came to Masuba in a hurry to save people, and he had not had time to buy it. He looked up at the Buddha statue, scratched his head, and gave up the idea of ​​asking Dewar if he had any smoke.

“You look like an expert, but the apprentices you take are really not so good!” Aoki said.

Duwa smiled slightly: “Yao Zi’s father is kind to me, so I handed over some things for her to be clear and awakened, but she was ignorant by nature. I was afraid that she would fall into the evil way, so I entrusted to the Dharma, but I didn’t expect her to leave. On the wrong road.”

“No wonder she talks about spells at every turn, it turns out that you lied to her!” Aoki smiled, “She went astray, and you, the master, won’t stop it?”

“Everyone has their own calamity. She is her calamity when she meets you. I don’t need to stop it.”

“What about Muka? Muka met me too, but you just wanted to save him.”

Duval sighed: “Muka is a naturally awakened material. If you are willing to study hard with me, your achievements will be limitless. I have lived for more than 70 years. It is rare to meet such an outstanding young man. Of course, I really want to accept him. Apprentice, to pass on my knowledge and accomplish the mission that I failed to complete. Unfortunately, he is devoted to his secular career and is not interested in spiritual practice. Otherwise, it may not be so easy for you to kill him today. I rescued him, just holding on to the hope that he can wake up after escaping from the dead, of course, this hope is mostly to be frustrated.”

Aoki said, “If he agrees to be your apprentice, will you save his life no matter how many crimes he has committed before?”

“Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot. Is this bad?”

“If you put down the butcher knife, can you really become a Buddha? Who will those who died under the butcher knife go to complain? Are they looking for you? Or are they looking for the Buddha?” Aoki retorted.

Dewar said: “All things that do things are like dreams and bubbles, like dew or electricity, so we should observe them like this.”

Aoki said disapprovingly, “Do you think that a verse of the Diamond Sutra can make all sins disappear? Even if a person sins in a dream, it is also a sin. The sin originates from the heart, and the heart is not good, and then the sin , Most of them are indulged in this way.”

Duwa smiled slightly and stopped arguing with Aoki. He said, “Speaking of which, my real apprentice is only a cuckoo. She is not bad in her heart, and she has no sense of fame and wealth in the world. Just after meeting Situ, she has attachments. Nian, you often do things regardless of good and evil, and do whatever you want. Meeting you is naturally her calamity, and I must not be able to return, right?”

Aoki carefully looked at the expression on Duwa’s face and found that she didn’t feel particularly angry or sad when she talked about Dujuan, but admired her calmness and freedom.

“Cuckoo really can’t come back, but I didn’t kill him, and I didn’t intend to kill him either.” Aoki said roughly what happened in the Japanese pig cage cave. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM

Duval listened quietly, sighed, and said again the verses of the Diamond Sutra: “Everything that works is like a dream bubble, like a dew or electricity, and you should observe it like this.”

“You have known the situation of the cave a long time ago. Why didn’t you destroy it earlier, and even remind your apprentice Dujuan?”

Duval shook his head and said, “The cave is just a broken old dream. It was preserved with the help of the geography of mountains and rivers. I didn’t know how Situ restarted it at the beginning. I went to see it later and found nothing. What’s special is that your strong mental power must have affected the stability of that space. Something triggered will activate the consciousness that remains in it decades ago. If this is not a natural coincidence, it is the designer’s intention. Therefore, the ability of Kitano Zhenwu is really incredible!”

Aoki couldn’t help asking, “Do you know Kitano Masu?”

Dewar closed his eyes slightly, as if thinking about something. After a while of silence, he said, “I know, my mother mentioned this person to me. He was the greatest awakened person in the world, and a respectable dream. Mentor. Unfortunately, the war broke out, and he lost his mind in that war that no one could escape.”


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