Dreamland Guide

Chapter 146 - go home

Aoki could not learn more about the Alliance of the Awakened from Dewar, but the information he got so far was enough to shock him, and he became more and more curious about Situ.

After the poppy woke up, Aoki took her down the mountain. It was the afternoon at this time. If you hurry up, you can still rush back to China before dark. He doesn’t want to spend the night abroad.

Wu Sotun’s mansion was in ruins, and when Aoki returned there, he could still see the smoke and embers that hadn’t dissipated. He originally thought that Masuba would be under martial law in the whole area, and that Wu Suotun’s residence would be cordoned off, and the police would arrest people all over the street. However, I don’t know if the trees fell and the humiliation scattered, or the government was unwilling to take care of things here. Nothing happened. The streets were even quieter than in the morning, with almost no pedestrians visible.

Aoki rode off the motorcycle parked not far from the ruins, and took the beauty to the restaurant where the other three girls ate.

The shop owner is waiting anxiously. On the one hand, he heard the sound of guns and was a little afraid to want to close the door and go home. On the other hand, he took Aoki’s money and was embarrassed to ignore the three children. He was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot when he suddenly heard the sound of a motorcycle.

When he saw Aoki, it was like seeing his relatives, tears filled his eyes and said: “Oh, you are back, I am waiting to die!”

The madman saw the poppies coming in with Aoki and danced happily, shouting vaguely: “Beauty! Beauty!”

Poppies saw the lunatic and said, “Hey, isn’t this a beggar?”

The madman was a little embarrassed when she saw her recognizing herself, he laughed, showing a mouthful of yellow and black teeth.

Aoki asked Poppies to sit with a few girls, and asked the boss: “Is there anything to eat? Give them some more.”

The boss said embarrassingly: “Did you not hear the gunshots just now? Something must have happened, so let’s go home early!”

Aoki smiled and said, “It’s okay, don’t worry.” As he said, he took out a wad of dollars from his pocket and threw it over.

Where does the boss dare to answer: “You gave me too much just now. I will cook them for them. I really can’t ask for money.”

The girls quickly became acquainted, and when they finished eating, they had become good friends with each other.

Coming out of the hotel, Aoki got on his motorcycle and said, “Let’s go home!” The girls shouted excitedly.

The poppy sat in front of Aoki, and the lunatic helped to carry the other three girls to the back seat of the motorcycle. Then, Aoki said to the lunatic, “You sit at the back. Although it is a bit crowded, you have to believe that my car skills are not worse than those of Asanjia!”

The madman waved his hands repeatedly while shaking his head.

Aoki asked strangely: “Aren’t you leaving?”

The beauty also asked: “Beggar yeah, won’t you go?”

The madman shook his head, then smiled at the beauty again.

Aoki started the car, and the motorcycle drove off with a big or four small ones.

The madman chased a few steps behind, watching them turn the corner and disappear into the distance of the road. He has been waving his hand, screaming “beautiful” in his mouth.

In a village not far from the south bank of the Nangou River, a dark and thin man stood on the small road at the entrance of the village, looking forward to the distance.

A woman cursed behind him: “You are a fool! Only a fool like you will lend a motorcycle to a stranger!”

“Oh, they said that they will pay it back!” The man lacked confidence when he spoke.

“Your brain was kicked by a donkey? A stranger would return your car after riding away?” The woman became more and more angry. “You don’t know that this motorcycle is for your son’s marriage use?”

“Why don’t I know? I can’t bear to ride myself!” the man said.

“Reluctant! Reluctant! Why did you lend to a stranger even if you can’t bear it? How could I marry a stupid man like you! Without a motorcycle, what do you think you take to pick up the bride? You want my son to be embarrassed. what!”

“Wait a little longer! He said he would be back before getting married!” The man squatted on the ground, burying his head in his arms.

The woman kicked him fiercely: “Wait, wait, wait! You know to wait! What if you don’t come back? You just wait at this intersection every day until you die? Your son won’t get married?”

When the two people were arguing, a black spot appeared at the end of the far road.

The man raised his head, squinted his eyes, and said to himself: “Is it here?”

The woman said: “Come on to you! Dream about you!”

Even though it was dusk, the road in summer was still hot and steamy, and I couldn’t see what was in the distance.

The black spots gradually grew larger, passing through the twisted heat, and became real. It didn’t take long to hear the sound of the motorcycle taking off.

“It’s like a motorcycle!” The man stood up and looked at the arbor with his hands.

“It’s your motorcycle!” The woman still didn’t believe it.

It wasn’t until the brakes squeaked and Aoki steadily stopped the motorcycle in front of them that the man laughed wildly. He laughed very happily, even happier than when he bought a motorcycle.

He grinned and said to his mother-in-law: “Look! I’ll say he will come back! I’ll say I can’t misread the wrong person!”

The woman glared at him: “Look at what makes you happy, as if this motorcycle was given to you!”

Aoki returned the motorcycle to the man, fumbled through the pocket of the windbreaker, and found out a lot of dollars, neatly stacked on the motorcycle seat, and said, “Your son will get married next month. Right? The motorcycle is worn out. You can buy a new one.”

The man and the woman looked stunned. They have never seen so many dollars. In this small border village, getting married and buying a motorcycle for 500,000 kyats is already affordable. These dollars on motorcycles may be wealth that they will never earn in their lifetime.

The woman slapped a slap on the man’s ear: “You’re stupid! Don’t hurry, thank you!”

The man woke up from shock and turned his head together with the woman. The strange man was already holding the hands of the four little girls, standing in a row, clapping his hands and singing to the north border:

“Our motherland is a garden, and the flowers in the garden are so bright…Wahaha, Wahaha…Everyone is smiling…”

The afterglow of the setting sun sprinkled on the Nangou River, lighting up a shimmering red wave. Several waterbirds flew back and forth on the water, and the quiet and beautiful scenery of the southern Yunnan border was unobstructed at this time.

Shi Dazhuang stood by the river, but he was not in the mood to appreciate the scenery. He walked anxiously along the river bank, and from time to time he picked up his binoculars and looked at the other bank.

Peng Jiahu leaned on the river beach and fiddled with his gun, hitting the rocks on the river beach with the **** of his rifle.

A policeman ran over: “Team Shi, Team Peng, it’s almost time to go back, we just need to stay here.”

Peng Jiahu said angrily: “We are not allowed to cross the river, and we are not allowed to wait here!”

In fact, he had discussed with Shi Dazhuang. Tonight, he pretended to touch it in the dark, and went to Masuba to have a good time, and he was like a damsel! If the beauty cannot be saved, she will come back alive without this old face.

But Director Yan seemed to see through their minds a long time ago and sent special police to watch them.

The special police said helplessly: “Team Peng, we are also executing orders.”

Everyone was in the same company, and of course Peng Jiahu knew that they were embarrassed, so he snorted and stopped talking.

At this time, a helicopter flew over and stopped on the open space by the river beach.

Seeing Director Yan getting off the plane, Shi Dazhuang and Peng Jiahu hurried over to salute.

“I know you don’t give up.” Director Yan shook his head and said, “We just received the news that a large-scale armed conflict has occurred in Masuba. It is likely that Wu Suotun’s enemy is fighting with him. The above has agreed that we should go to rescue him. People, this is also a great opportunity to capture Wu Suotun and Muka.”

“Really?” Shi Dazhuang and Peng Jiahu looked at each other~www.mtlnovel.com~, their brows were overjoyed.

Director Yan nodded solemnly: “But one thing, you can’t bring any documents, nor any of our standard equipment. After crossing the river, someone will pick you up, and the time is only tonight.”


At this moment, someone suddenly shouted: “Serious situation, Team Shi, Team Peng, look!”

They followed the prestige and saw a bamboo raft on the other side slowly approaching here. A man stood on the bamboo raft, holding a penny in his hand, and his windbreaker fluttering in the wind like a flag.

In front of him, there were four little girls sitting in two rows, pointing, talking and laughing.

“Madam! It’s Mr. Aoki who is back! I saw the beauty!” Peng Jiahu shouted with the telescope.

Shi Dazhuang’s chest heaved violently, his throat suddenly sweetened, a mouthful of blood came up, and he spit out, but his tight face finally relaxed, showing a smile…


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