Dreamland Guide

Chapter 17 - True hypnotism

   The car left the ring and drove to the provincial highway leading to Lu County.

   “Tell me about the case.” Aoki said.

“Yeah, you still have to listen to the case. I thought you were well-informed.” Hu Xing joked, “This case was reported by Lu County and has been filed in our bureau, but the Lu County Criminal Police Team has closed the case, just wait. The verdict of the City Intermediate Court came out.”

   “Man caught?”

   Hu Xing said: “Yes, but I checked the dossier and there are many doubts. With your reminder, I greeted the team and he agreed to go down and investigate.”

   “What is the doubt?” Aoki asked.

Hu Xing said: “The case happened two months ago. A headless female corpse was found in an abandoned fish pond in Lu County. It had the same characteristics as you told me. There was a mole on the left chest. The corpse had sperm spots. The DNA was compared, and the murderer was quickly caught. The case was finally closed with zero confession, and the suspect has never admitted that he killed.”

   “If you have DNA, don’t you admit it?”

“Yes, this is the biggest suspicious point in this case. Under normal circumstances, with conclusive evidence, the suspect will confess confession in order to strive for leniency. Otherwise, the judge will only give a heavier sentence if a confession is made. Apart from the spot, no other traces were found. When the suspect refused to explain, of course the tools of the crime and the head of the deceased were not found.”

   “Is the identity of the deceased confirmed?”

   “No, in the entire Wuzhong area, no eligible persons have disappeared in the past two months. If the head is not found, it is difficult to determine the identity. We have also further expanded the scope of the investigation through the provincial government. There is no news yet.”

   Aoki couldn’t help falling into thought. He is not an expert in criminal investigation, but using the most common logic, he can imagine that the murderer was either wronged, or he was carrying a bigger case, or even a gang case. Otherwise, he has no reason to say nothing.

   “Does this murderer know Ma Fuqing?” Aoki asked.

   Hu Xing shook his head and said, “The suspect is named Yang Baoguo, from Lu County. I checked Ma Fuqing, from Tong County. There is no contact between the two. As for whether they know each other, I don’t know.”

   “Then what are we going to do today?”

“The first instance of the Municipal Intermediate People’s Court has ended, and no judgment was pronounced in court. It is estimated that there are doubts. Although the DNA is iron evidence, it is only a solitary testimony and no evidence chain has been formed. However, because the suspect has a criminal record, the judge is highly likely to find guilty. I want to check if there are other clues before the verdict is written down. Since you can find out the characteristics of the female corpse through Ma Fuqing, you must be able to find out the identity of the female corpse. And…”

   Hu Xing said with a meaningful look at Aoki, “With your means, no matter how cunning criminals are, they can only be caught with their hands.”

   Aoki said alertly: “Do you want me to go to the detention center to interrogate the prisoner?”

   Hu Xing said: “It’s really smart! I just want you to repeat the same trick again, is that okay?”

   Aoki sighed and said, “I wanted to ask you for help, but I was asked to do it first. I will try it, but I declare in advance that my tactics are not always effective.”

   “What do you want me to help?” Hu Xing asked.

   Aoki said, “Forget it, I’ll talk about it later.”

   Hu Xing was a bit strange, but didn’t think much about it.

   “Oh by the way, how is the case of trafficking in human organs?” Aoki thought of Zhao Pengcheng, the hateful and pitiful doctor.

   He always feels that there is some secret or other story behind the removal of the vegetative brain. But he didn’t want to guess at random, anyway, when the case was over, everything would come to light.

“The hospital security guard Yu Jianguo has been arrested and brought to justice. Following his line, he caught several big fish at once. Our whole team is very busy. Otherwise, do you think that the Lu County case can leave me alone? People go!” Hu Xing said with interest, “Do you know what the people in our team say about you”

   “How do you say me?”

   “Hehe, some people say that you are Holmo Konanski, our history team is full of praise for you, ask me to do whatever it takes…”

   Hu Xing stopped when he said that, his face blushed inexplicably, and he glanced at it, and found that Aoki was taking a cigarette from his pocket. His expression was normal, and he asked casually: “What is it doing at all costs?”

   Hu Xing breathed a sigh of relief, coughed twice, cleared his throat, and said, “This case is done at all costs!”

   Aoki lighted a cigarette and took a sip, and said, “It doesn’t seem to say that.”

   The blush that had just faded from Hu Xing’s face instantly came up. Does this guy know something? It’s hard to say, he even knows the things in other people’s dreams!

She hurriedly changed the subject: “I went back and thought about it carefully, and probably understood your interrogation skills. When you entered the interrogation room, you did not let the lights turn on in order to relax Zhao Pengcheng. Zhao has been in a state of tension during the continuous interrogation. This is our strategy, but you do the opposite and let Zhao relax suddenly. This is not good for the regular interrogation, but it is good for you.”

“Because you want to hypnotize him. The core of hypnotism is to allow the subject to fully relax physically and mentally, and to give up the sense of resistance, so that the hypnotist can talk to the subject’s subconscious mind. Your method is similar, but obviously you have to be clever. Many. Zhao Pengcheng is a very smart person. He tried to resist immediately after he suddenly relaxed, but he was still hypnotized by you.”

   “You had a conversation with Zhao’s subconscious mind after being hypnotized, but it was a pity that I was interrupted by a phone call to Team Shi. Fortunately, your conversation has come to an end, otherwise I will have to be killed by Team Shi!”

“But I still don’t quite understand. Why do you want me to lower the air conditioner and buy popsicles? Also, you have been observing Zhao before questioning until his eyeballs move quickly. I know that most of people’s dreams happen when they move quickly. Right now, are you really waiting for Zhao to have a dream? Then you talk to him in the dream? Then everything he said has become a dream talk?”

   Aoki did not expect Hu Xing to think of so much, UU reading www. uukanshu.com couldn’t help but look at the policewoman who could easily send out Dupont lighters.

He said: “You are right, I am really waiting for him to dream. Because only in dreams can people be completely subconscious and can have real subconscious dialogue. Normal hypnosis requires the absolute cooperation of the recipient. As long as there is a little psychological resistance, hypnosis cannot be successful. In fact, hypnosis that cannot push people into dreams is not hypnosis, but at best a kind of relaxation guidance. Yoga, Tai Chi, and meditation can all be done. “

   “True hypnotism does not care whether the recipient is willing to cooperate or not. The operator can perform the operation forcibly. It is more powerful than who is mentally powerful, and the ingenious use of the power of the environment at that time.”

“I asked you to turn on the air conditioner temperature to simulate a low temperature environment, because the kidney extraction must be performed in a low temperature environment, and the bathtub at the crime scene was also full of ice cubes. When he was dreaming, I put The popsicles are placed on his waist to stimulate his kidneys and make him particularly feel the coldness of his waist.”

  ”Freud said that dreams are an amplifier of perception. A little stimulus while sleeping will be amplified ten million times in dreams, especially the fear of people. So…”

   Hu Xing said: “So you hypnotized Zhao Pengcheng, and gave him a little stimulation and an environment that fits the dream. Then Zhao had a dream. He was lying in the cold bathtub and his kidneys were gone.”

   Scenes from the interrogation reappeared before Hu Xing’s eyes, and all the plots were right. Is this the skill of this strange man? It doesn’t seem to be a big deal!

Is    worth it at all costs?

   Hu Xing wondered how she always thought about such strange questions, so she took a sip of herself, but her face turned red unconsciously.

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